DSPS Weights and Allocation Study July Webinar July 2015 1 Goals of the Allocations and Weights Study 1) Revisit funding formula components such as college effort and the 95% guarantee and simulate changes suggested by the Advisory Group and CCCCO 2) Capture the relative cost of serving students in different disability categories 3) Identify costs of serving students in potentially new disability categories (Autism, ADHD) and redefined categories (LD to include some students currently reported Other) 2 Timeline Outreach Webinars Spring 2014 Data Analysis Fall 2014 Data Collection Summer 2014 Simulations Presented to Advisory Group Winter 2015 Draft Weights Created Winter 2015 Development of Proposed Allocation Formula Winter – Spring 2015 Feedback from Advisory Group and Stakeholders 2015 Consultation Counsel and Board of Governors– after review of advisory groups and internal approval Winter – Spring 2015 LD Subcommittee Spring 2015 – Summer 2015 Revisit in three years Implementation — see next steps slide! 3 Outreach 1. Informational Webinars about Study, June 2014 2. DHH Committee Meeting, September 2014 3. CAPED, October 2014 4. Regional Coordinator Meeting, October 2014 5. Regional Coordinator Meeting, February 2015 6. Region 1 Call, February 2015 7. Regional Coordinator Meeting, June 2015 4 Current Formula Overview Current Formula Total Funds Step 1 Baseline Baseline Each college receives approximately $72,000 to provide a baseline amount that can fund a Coordinator. College Effort Step 2 10% of the post-baseline funds are allocated to college effort. College effort is calculated based upon the total amount of general funds that the college contributes to DSPS, relative to the total amount contributed statewide. Weighted Student Count 90% of the post-baseline funds are distributed based on colleges’ weighted student counts, determined by student counts of different disability categories and their corresponding weights, relative to the total WSC statewide. 95% Guarantee Step 3 Colleges receive no less than 95% of their previous years’ allocation, funds permitted. Establish a Maximum Step 4 Based upon the amount needed to fund the 95% Guarantee, a maximum is established that limits funding increases relative to the previous year’s allocation Implications of Current Formula Cumulative DSPS Funding Gained Due to 95% Guarantee Over Three Years $786,268 $800,000 $746,479 Dollars Gained $700,000 $623,636 $600,000 $500,000 $492,155 $430,552 $400,000 $300,000 $255,707 $219,394 $200,000 $123,697 $113,369 $90,236 $70,835 $20,830 Year 1+ 2+ 3 $100,000 $Year 1 Year 1 + 2 Difference Between Formula Allocations and Actual Amounts Received Due to 95% Guarantee Year 1 = 2011-12 Year 2 = 2012-13 Year 3 = 2013-14 College College 1 College 2 College 3 College 4 College 5 College 6 College 7 College 8 College 9 College 10 College 11 College 12 Year 1 $272,200 $328,380 $159,638 $217,467 $241,234 $115,923 $121,399 $63,934 $52,286 $27,039 $24,530 $9,554 Year 1 + 2 $630,586 $637,705 $453,032 $418,440 $406,839 $245,218 $197,100 $112,180 $105,737 $56,473 $49,457 $15,884 Year 1+ 2+ 3 $786,268 $746,479 $623,636 $492,155 $430,552 $255,707 $219,394 $123,697 $113,369 $90,236 $70,835 $20,830 6 Implications of Current Formula Cumulative DSPS Funding Lost Due to Reaching Maximum Level Over Three Years $800,000 $716,347 Dollars Lost $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 $482,447 $428,784 $395,797 $400,000 $300,000 $277,082 $200,000 $194,641 $152,043 $107,999 $100,000 $- Year 1 Year 1 + 2 Year 1+ 2+ 3 Amount of formula-allocated funds lost due to maximum Year 1 = 2011-12 Year 2 = 2012-13 Year 3 = 2013-14 College College 1 College 2 College 3 College 4 College 5 College 6 College 7 College 8 Year 1 $275,091 $138,590 $139,831 $198,391 $90,292 $63,302 $64,813 $48,424 Year 1 + 2 $610,966 $305,686 $292,036 $327,892 $213,772 $150,899 $140,684 $107,220 Year 1+ 2+ 3 $716,347 $482,447 $428,784 $395,797 $277,082 $194,641 $152,043 $107,999 7 Proposed Formula Current Formula Total Funds Total Funds College Effort Step 1 Step 2 Baseline Baseline Each college receives approximately $72,000 to provide a baseline amount that can fund a Coordinator. College Effort 10% of the post-baseline funds are allocated to college effort. College effort is calculated based upon the total amount of general funds that the college contributes to DSPS, relative to the total amount contributed statewide. Step 1 Weighted Student Count Step 3 90% of the post-baseline funds are distributed based on colleges’ weighted student counts, determined by student counts of different disability categories and their corresponding weights, relative to the total WSC statewide. Step 4 80% of funds are distributed based on weighted student counts of students’ primary disability only from two years prior, determined by student counts of different disability categories and their corresponding weights. Secondary disabilities will no longer be used in funding allocations. Weighted student counts and college effort amounts from two years prior will be used in the allocation calculation. 95% Guarantee Colleges receive no less than 95% of their previous years’ allocation, funds permitted. Weighted Student Count Prior-Prior Step 2 Step 3 20% of the total allocation is distributed based upon college effort. College effort is calculated as a proportion of the total amount of general funds that the college contributes to DSPS, divided by their DSPS budget. Each proportion is ranked across the state and given a decile with corresponding weight. The assigned weight is multiplied by the original college effort amount. This weighted college effort amount is then compared to the total amount of weighted college effort for the state. 90% Guarantee Colleges receive no less than 90% of their previous years’ budget, funds Colleges receive no less than 90% of their previous years’ budget, permitted. funds permitted. Establish a Maximum Step 3 Based upon the amount needed to fund the 90% Guarantee, a maximum is established that limits funding increases relative to the previous year’s allocation Establish a Maximum Step 4 Based upon the amount needed to fund the 95% Guarantee, a maximum is established that limits funding increases relative to the previous year’s allocation Coordinator Funding Guarantee (CFG) Step 4 The CFG applies after the allocation has been calculated, and brings any college that receives less than $150,000 up to that amount. Proposed College Effort Calculations 9 Weights Weights 10 Current Study: Methodological Considerations Options for Methodology: Challenges 1) Current Data (real-time capture or a modified experience sampling) a. Logistics of data collection (staff burden, representation of services provided across term) b. Build an online platform for data collection customized for each college c. Current practice affected by budget cuts 2) End of Year Financial Information a. Missing length of time b. Cannot determine who provided services 3) Standards of Practice a. Not based on cost data b. Stronger advocates may introduce bias c. Consensus on standards of practice 4) Historical Data Collection a. Not all costs are captured (only direct service time is captured) b. Not all colleges will have the data necessary from years prior 11 College Sample Colleges in our Sample Region 1– Butte Region 2– American River College Region 2– Sierra (counseling) Region 4– Evergreen Region 5– Fresno Region 5– Porterville Region 6– Santa Barbara Region 7– West LA (counseling) Region 8– Mt. SAC Region 9– Chaffey Region 10– San Diego Mesa Region 10– Southwestern [08-09] [08-09] [08-09] [08-09] [08-09] [09-10] [08-09] [13-14] [11-12] [08-09] [08-09] [09-10] 12 College Sample Representativeness of Disabilities DHH ABI LD Vision Mobility OTHER DDL Speech PSYCH State Distribution in 13-14 4% 4% 16% 3% 11% 39% 7% 1% 16% College Sample Distribution 4% 4% 20% 2% 10% 42% 5% 1% 13% 13 Number of Student-level Records ABI DHH DDL LD Mob Psych Speech Vision Other Autism Other ADHD Other LD Unassessed Other Others Total American River 41 70 16 180 56 195 5 28 15 63 34 429 1132 Butte 40 22 51 49 49 50 0 20 X X X 50 331 Chaffey 34 32 49 50 43 43 1 35 6 56 67 71 487 Evergreen 20 9 31 51 51 24 7 12 8 18 51 25 307 Fresno 37 23 36 33 23 42 2 21 1 2 4 43 267 Mt. SAC 50 172 50 50 53 51 26 29 45 59 62 647 Porterville 6 3 0 36 0 15 0 4 0 4 1 18 87 San Diego Mesa 80 50 17 177 98 132 10 6 X X X 250 820 Santa Barbara 29 28 27 54 50 49 6 19 2 24 39 208 535 Sierra 24 24 28 51 81 50 15 13 11 32 53 31 413 Southweste rn 19 31 31 353 91 161 41 21 X X X 240 988 West LA 5 10 23 118 32 69 0 12 25 27 18 50 389 Total 385 474 359 1202 627 881 113 220 113 285 267 1477 6,403 X 14 Methodological Decisions 1. Initial Intake 2. Speech and Other were be combined into one category 3. Proctoring Data 4. DHH Line Item Adjustments 5. Sierra and West LA Data 6. Other LD 7. LD Assessment Time 15 Weights Calculating Weights 16 Calculation of Costs Formula Cost of each Service Contact = Who provided the service and how long was the service contact Cost of Service Contact = Staff Salary/Benefits Rate * Length of time Staffing Survey – College Responses Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Region 5 American River Cosumnes Feather River River Butte Lassen Redwoods Folsom Lake Region 6 Region 7 Region 8 Region 9 Region 10 Alameda Cabrillo Bakersfield Allan Hancock Compton Cerritos Barstow Cuyamaca Berkeley (peralta) Chabot Columbia Antelope Valley East LA Citrus Cerro Coso Grossmont Canada DeAnza Fresno College of the Canyons El Camino Coastline Chaffey Imperial Valley Evergreen Reedley Cuesta Glendale Cypress Crafton Hills Mira Costa Lake Tahoe Contra Costa College of the Palomar Desert Laney Copper Siskiyous Napa Valley Gavilan Modesto Oxnard LA Harbor Golden West San Diego City (peralta) Mountain Sacramento San Diego Los Medanos Hartnell Porterville Santa Barbara LA Mission Irvine Valley Moreno City Mesa San Joaquin San Dieo Sierra Marin Los Positas Taft LA Pierce Long Beach Mt San Jacinto Delta Miramar Merrit Mt San Solano Mission Sequoias Ventura LA Southwest Norco Southwestern (peralta) Antonio Monterey West Hills North Orange Woodland San Francisco LA Trade Palo Verde Peninsula Coalinga District West Hills Yuba San Mateo Ohlone LA Valley Orange Coast Riverside Lemoore San Santa Rosa San Jose Pasadena Santa Ana Bernardino Blue Box = we Shasta Mendocino Diablo Valley received a survey Total Surveys Received = 60 Skyline Vista Foothill West Valley Merced Moorpark LA City Fullerton Santa Monica Rio Hondo West LA Saddleback Victor Valley 18 Cost Calculation Step 1: Calculate the cost for an individual student Each documented service has a cost calculated for it by looking at who provided the service, their hourly cost, and the length of a service. All service cost calculations are then combined to create a total cost for that individual student. Step 2: Calculate the average cost for a disability group Average all total costs for each student to create an average for the disability, and then average the disability average with other colleges (colleges with over 50 students were capped in their weighting at 50 for most categories). This creates an average cost for each disability category. Step 3: Calculate the weights using the average cost for a disability Divide every disability group’s average cost by the cost of the disability group with the lowest average cost, creating the weights. 19 History of Weights Established in 1991 The weights in effect today were established from a study conducted in 1991. The study developed weights by forming an Allocations Task Force composed of CCCCO staff and DSPS representatives. This group identified services different disabilities received and then estimated how many services an average student could expect to receive. Using hourly, salary, and benefit data, weights were calculated by using staffing data to estimate how much it cost to serve students who received different kinds of services. Issues, prepared for the Chancellor’s Office California Community Colleges and the Allocations Task Force, June 1991. * Proposed in 2000 To the right we provide the recommend weights proposed by a study conducted by MPR Associates in 2000. This study collected data from 9 colleges in 4 regions and established new weight recommendations from those data. The weights were not adopted. We provide this information to add more context to the current study and its findings. * In May of 2013, MPR Associates was acquired by RTI International S. Choy, Allocating Funds for Disabled Student Programs and Services: Disability Group Weights and Other Funding 20 Weights Proposed Weights 21 Category Weights Disability Weights MPR Proposed Current Weights ABI 1.19 ABI DDL 0.93 11 1.21 0.59 0.64 1.79 1.00 0.72 DDL DHH LD Mobility Psych Vision Speech Other DHH LD Mobility Psych Vision Speech Other 3.34 1.29 4.87 3.15 1.32 0.38 2.25 1.00 1.32 Allocation and Weights Study Informed Weights ABI 2.6 DDL DHH LD Mobility Psych Vision 2 23.7 3.5 1.9 2.5 2.9 Other (with Speech) 2.6 ADHD 1.0 Autism 3.8 22 Recommended Weights Adjustments Three Changes to Presentation of Weights 1) Using one decimal point 2) Simplified weights across similar weight categories (Average costs were collapsed across all categories within a group and recalculated) 3) The lowest weight should always equate to a value of 1.0 Allocation and Weights Study Informed Weights DHH 23.7 Allocation and Weights Study Informed Weights DHH 23.7 Autism 3.8 Autism 3.8 LD 3.5 LD 3.5 Vision 2.9 Vision 2.9 ABI 2.6 ABI 2.6 Other (with Speech) 2.6 Others (with Speech) 2.6 Psych 2.5 Psych 2.6 DDL 2.0 DDL 2.0 Mobility 1.9 Mobility 2.0 ADHD 1.0 ADHD 1.0 23 Disability Category Weights Calculating ‘relative’ weights To try to compare between the current and the informed weights, we first added up the value of all the weights (18.92 for the current weights; 41.7 for the informed weights), as seen below. We then calculated the percent of each weight relative to that total (for example, for the current weights, for ABI that calculation would be 3.34/18.92=18%). Making comparisons like this is difficult, so we provide this calculation—and the graphs on the next page--for discussion. Allocation and Weights Study Informed Weights Current Weights ABI DDL DHH LD Mobility Psych Vision Speech Other Sum 3.34 1.29 4.87 3.15 1.32 0.38 2.25 1.00 1.32 18.92 18% ABI 2.6 6% 7% DDL 2 5% 26% DHH 23.7 57% 17% LD 3.5 8% 7% Mobility 1.9 5% 2% Psych 2.5 6% Vision 7% Other 2.9 2.6 Sum 41.7 12% 5% 7% 6% 24 Disability Weights Percentage Distribution of Weights (without ADHD and Autism) 60% 57% 50% 40% 30% 26% 18% 20% 17% 12% 10% 6% 6% 8% 6% 12% 7% 5% 7% 2% 5% 7% 0% DHH Psych ABI LD proposed Other and Speech Vision DDL Mobility current 25 Next Steps 1. Build new allocation spreadsheet, in order to run 15-16 P1 simulated allocations, using all components of proposed changes, with actual / current data. → How will you handle Autism / ADHD? 2. “Real time” simulations for side-by-side comparison (current/actual P1 vs proposed vs proposed with LD’s rec weight). 3. Review with Workgroup to finalize recommendations. 4. Internal vetting and review by CCCO, Consultation (earliest Dec.) and eventually BOG. →Earliest implementation would allow for 2017-18 allocations being run with new formula. 5. Revisit in three years 26 Discussion Discussion 27