Elements, Compounds, Mixtures.

Ms Bologna
 1. Brainstorm,
what do you think that
the difference between a compound
and a mixture is?
 2. Create
a word web for compounds.
 3. Set
a goal for yourself this week
 1. Answer
the assessment reflection
• What was your initial reaction to your score?
• What did you do to get this score?
• What actions are you going to take next time to
improve this score?
• What is all the numbers that you got wrong.
 Use
your graphs to track your data
 We Will…
• Work Hard NOT because we have to but
because we WANT to for our own success
and future.
 We Can…
 Achieve excellence through hard work and
 We All…
• Work together to reach our greatest
 Our Future…
• Is college bound!!!
SWBAT differentiate
between elements
and molecules.
 SPI 0807.9.3 Classify
common substances
as elements or
compounds based on
their symbols or
 Find Your
Match!!!..You will each get a word
or a definition you will have 5 minutes to
find your MATCH.
 Expectations:
• You have to walk only.
• Must only be at a whisper
• Spread your self around the room.
• Sit with partner when you think you have found your
• The room should have a BUZZ!! No louder
• Best class will get 3 links on Tuesday.
• 1. Two or more different elements are chemically
• 2. When they are chemically combined, new
chemical bonds form between them.
• The characteristics (properties) of a compound
are different than the characteristics (properties)
of their component parts (of the elements that
make them up)
• Compounds have a definite ratio. If I change the
ratio, I completely change the properties of a
• CO2-Carbon Dioxide CO-Carbon monoxide
 Di=
 Mo=1
 Carbohydrate
 Carbon dioxide
 Sodium fluoride
 Carbon monoxide
 Molecules
are different than compounds.
They are composed of 2 elements but
they are the SAME element.
 Ex
02, C5,
 You
have 20 Blanks on your board. You
can use your book or notes. Using 8 of
those squares I want you to provide 4
examples of molecules and 4 examples
of compounds. Leave the rest of the
space blank.
 Travel around the room and give and get
examples of elements and compounds
from your classmates.
 Create
an interview or a Movie skit that
explains to your audience the difference
between elements, compounds, and
• Groups of 3
• Must write down the script
• 10 minutes total to complete and practice.
• Must provide an example of each.
• Record some people at the end.
 1. Out
of all
the families
which are the
most reactive?
Noble Gasses
Alkai earth
Alkali Metals.
 Answer
of the 15. Which of the
materials is
represents a
composed of
only one kind of
 2. Which
A. H2
B. NH3
C. O3
D. N2
A. Water
B. Helium
C. Air
D. Sugar
each of the questions and explain
why each answer choice (a,b,c,d) is correct
or false.
 We Will…
• Work Hard NOT because we have to but
because we WANT to for our own success
and future.
 We Can…
 Achieve excellence through hard work and
 We All…
• Work together to reach our greatest
 Our Future…
• Is college bound!!!
compounds and
 SPI 0807.9.3
Classify common
substances as
elements or
compounds based
on their symbols or
• Two or more
substances are
physically combined
• The substances in a
mixture retain (keep)
the properties that
they originally had
• Physical properties can
change, but there is no
new substance that is
• No new chemical bonds
are formed
• Can be easily separated
into distinct parts
• Salt water
• Trail mix
• Granite
• Sand
• Soil
• Concrete
• Salad dressing
• Koolaid
 Step
1: Ask Yourself:
Can you do it yourself?
 Step
2: Was it formed
by a chemical change?
 Step
3: Could I get the
original parts back?
• Guided Practice. Grab a card… and
stand by the section of the ROOM
silently if your card is an example of a
mixture, element, or compound.
You decide!!
Element, Mixture, or
• You must decide if the following are
elements, compounds, or mixtures
• Ms. Bologna is the judge and you are
all the defendants.
• Your lead attorney (speaker) will rotate
every case!
• This means that you must provide
explanation and defense for your
choice!—there may be one right
• You will have 3 minutes to discuss
among your jury and 30 seconds to
defend your case!
• Be prepared to be called on at any
Acid rain: which is
formed from sulfur
dioxide and water
Bad defense:
Compound that has
been chemically
• Good defense:
Acid rain is a compound
because the rain is a new
substance with new
properties. This is evident by
the fact that the acid rain is
acid, but the sulfur dioxide
and water that chemically
combine to make it up are
not. When acid rain is
created, chemical bonds are
• Our atmosphere is made up of mainly nitrogen (N2)
and oxygen (O2) gases
• The water in this swimming pool
• Stainless steel: contains iron, carbon, chromium,
and nickel. Carbon gives it its hardness. Chromium
and nickel it give a silvery look.
Which of the Following is a Mixture.
2. Give one
example of a
Justify why it is a
1. Create
a Tri-Venn Diagram
comparing Elements,
compounds, and mixtures. Be
sure to provide examples of each
 We Will…
• Work Hard NOT because we have to but
because we WANT to for our own success
and future.
 We Can…
 Achieve excellence through hard work and
 We All…
• Work together to reach our greatest
 Our Future…
• Is college bound!!!
compounds and
 SPI 0807.9.3
Classify common
substances as
elements or
compounds based
on their symbols or
 Write
an example of an element on one
sticky note, compound on the next,
mixture on the third.
 Check
your examples with a partner and
make sure they are correct.
 Place
on the correct posters!
 Heterogeneous
• Heterogeneous
o A mixture that does
not appear the
same throughout
o Hetero=different
o Examples:
 Granite
 Chex mix
 Oil and water
• Homogenous
o A mixture that
appears the same
o Homo=same
o Examples:
 Salt water
 Koolaid
• Solution
• Suspension
• Colloid
• A solution is a mixture that appears to be a single
In a solution, the solute is the substance that is
dissolved. The solvent is the substance in which the
solute is dissolved.
• Liquid solutions: soft drinks, gasoline, and tap water.
• A suspension is a mixture in which particles of a
material are dispersed throughout a liquid or a gas
but are large enough that they settle out.
Brainpop Quiz!!
• Peanut butter and jelly sandwich
• Fructose, a fruit sugar found in many plants
• Sulfur dioxide combines with water to form acid rain
• Oil and water
 Each
of you will have a card decide if you
think that it is a compound or not and be
prepared to explain why!