SOL Review 1. List structure AND function of the following cell

SOL Review
1. List structure AND function of the following cell organelles and indicate if it is animal, plant or both :
a. cell membrane
b. cell wall
c. centriole
d. chloroplast
e. chromosome
f. cytoplasm
g. cytoskeleton
h. smooth endoplasmic reticulum
i. rough endoplasmic reticulum
j. Golgi apparatus
k. Leukoplast
l. Lysosome
m. Mitochondrion (a)
n. Nuclear envelope
o. Nucleous
p. Nucleolus
q. Ribosome
r. Vacuole
2. Compare AND contrast the prokaryotic cell to the eukaryotic cell.
3. List and explain the different ways a cell exchanges material with the environment (hint: there are four).
4. List and explain the three states of tonicity in terms of cells and the amount of water inside or outside the
5. What is the chemical equation for photosynthesis?
6. What is the chemical equation for cellular respiration?
7. Diagram and label all stages of photosynthesis. Explain what is occurring at each stage.
8. Diagram and label all stages of cellular respiration. Explain what is occurring at each stage.
9. Compare and contrast photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Include in your explanation all raw materials
involved, where cycles or pathways occur.
10. What is occurring during anaerobic respiration? Why do we perform cellular respiration?
11. Explain meiosis using ALL of the following terms:
a. centromere
b. chromosome
c. chromatid
d. diploid
e. fertilization
f. fraternal twins
g. gamete
h. gonads
i. haploid
j. identical twins
k. zygote
12. Compare the stages of mitosis to the stage of meiosis.
13. Define the following words:
a. codominance
b. complete dominance
c. monohybrid cross
d. dihybrid cross
incomplete dominance
multiple allelic
sex linkage
Punnett Square
14. Using a Punnett Square determine the phenotypic and genotypic ratio of a monohybrid cross between two
heterozygous tall pea plants.
15. Describe what happens in the following mutations:
a. deletion
b. duplication
c. insertion
d. inversion
e. substitution
f. translocation
16. What type of bond holds nucleotides together? Which nitrogen bases are the purines? Which are the
pyrimidines? What are the subunits of a nucleotide?
17. Compare and contrast RNA to DNA.
18. List and explain the function of the three types of RNA molecules.
19. Explain in detail protein synthesis. Include in your an explanation of transcription and translation.
20. Explain the process of DNA replication.
21. How does the process of protein synthesis effect inheritance?
22. What is the importance of DNA technology? Include in your answer explanations of genetic engineering,
recombinant DNA and medical advances using bacteria.
23. What are Darwin's contributions to modern Evolutionary Theory? Include in your answer the concept of
Natural Selection.
24. Compare and contrast the following items that may be used as evidence of evolution, include in your
answer how each is used and compare it in terms of efficiency to the other three. Fossil Record,
Embryology, Body Structure (homologous/analogous) and Amino Acid Sequences.
25. What are the contributions of Redi and Pasteur? What is the concept of spontaneous generation? What is
the concept of biogenesis?
26. Explain each kingdom Archaebacteria and Eubacteria (the Monerans), Protista, Fungi, Plants, Animals in
the following terms:
a. cellular level
b. food source (autotroph, heterotroph ingestion, heterotroph decomposer)
c. metabolic activities (cellular respiration, photosynthesis, etc.)
d. nervous system (process by which they respond to the environment)
e. physical structures
f. homeostasis techniques
27. Why is the six-kingdom system the most generally accepted theory?
28. Is a virus living? Support your answer with scientific facts.
29. Of the following groups, list the distinguishing characteristics, life function and economic importance. The
groups are the viruses, bacteria, algae, protozoa and fungi.
30. List and explain all levels of ecological organization (hint: start with individual, species, population…)
31. Draw and label the four nutrient cycles. Explain, in words, what is happening in each cycle.
32. Construct a realistic food chain through a tertiary consumer. Construct a realistic food web through tertiary
consumer. Which way does the energy flow? What level requires the most energy to function?
33. Explain how the following terms are related to each other: autotroph, heterotroph, carnivore, consumer,
decomposer, ecosystem, herbivore, omnivore, scavenger, producer.
34. Describe the three types of symbiotic relationships and give examples of each.
35. Define the following words:
a. abiotic factor
b. biotic factor
c. biome
d. climax community
e. ecology
f. ecological pyramid
g. habitat
h. niche
36. Compare and contrast primary succession to secondary succession.
37. Explain how the following terms relate to one another: initial growth, exponential growth, steady state,
carrying capacity, limiting factor, density dependent factor, density independent factor, competition,
38. Draw and label a trophic pyramid.
39. Define or describe the following terms:
a. acoelomate
b. anterior
c. bilateral symmetry
d. binary fission
e. ectoderm
f. blastula
g. budding
h. coelomate
i. conjugation
j. deuterostome
k. dorsal
l. endoderm
m. gastrula
n. hermaphrodite
o. medusa
p. mesoderm
q. metamorphosis
r. parasite
s. polyp
t. posterior
u. protostome
v. pseudocoelomate
radial symmetry
40. Name the phylum of the following organisms
a. sponge
b. hydra
c. jellyfish
d. coral
e. planaria
f. tapeworm
g. Ascaris
h. Pinworm
i. Hookworm
j. Earthworm
k. Leech
l. Clam
m. Snail
n. Octopus
o. Spider
p. Grasshopper
q. Crayfish
r. Starfish
41. Name the class of the following examples of vertebrates, describe the characteristics of each class and list
one specific example of an organism in the class.
a. jawless fishes
b. shark and rays
c. bony fishes
d. amphibians
e. reptiles
f. birds
g. mammals
42. Describe the characteristics necessary to be considered a nonvascular plant. Give three specific examples of
nonvascular plants.
43. Describe the characteristics necessary to be considered a vascular plant. Give three specific examples of
vascular plants.
44. Diagram and label all the parts of a plant (from flower tip to root tip). Explain the function of the following
parts: roots, stems, leaves, flowers and seeds.
45. Explain the following terms about plants:
a. annual
b. biennial
c. cotyledon
d. fruit
e. germination
f. gravitropism
g. herbaceous
h. hydrotropism
i. perennial
j. phloem