Chemistry of Carbohydrates Worksheet


Date ______

Chemistry of Carbohydrates

Name __________________

Introduction: Today, scientists use a combination of biology and chemistry for their understanding of life and life processes. Thus, an understanding of some chemistry of living things is necessary. Carbohydrates make up a large group of chemical compounds found in cells. Carbohydrates are an energy source or are used in making cell structures.


What is the molecular formula for water? What information can you learn from this molecular formula?




Draw the structure of a water molecule with the correct charges.


What do the lines between O and H in the structural diagram of water represent (remember to be as specific as possible)? ______________


Which diagram below would best represent a model for water? Explain why.


Monosaccharides (single molecule sugars)

A single molecule sugar is called a monosaccharide. The prefix “mono” means one. However, one molecule can have different molecular structures due to a different arrangement of atoms. Three common monosaccharides are glucose, fructose, and galactose.


What three elements are present in the three monosaccharides found below?



Give the molecular formula each of the following monosaccharides:

Glucose: _______________________________



Galactose: ______________________________

Date ______

Chemistry of Carbohydrates

Name __________________


What is the relationship between the number of hydrogen atoms and the number of oxygen atoms in each of the monosaccharides? ______________________________________________



How is the structure (shape) of a glucose molecule different then the structure of a fructose molecule?



Disaccharides (double molecule sugars)

Two monosaccharide sugar molecules can join chemically to form a larger carbohydrate molecule called a double sugar, or disaccharide. The prefix “di-“means two. By chemically joining a glucose molecule with a fructose molecule, a double sugar called sucrose is produced.

Use the paper models supplied in this lab to complete the following steps.

• Cut out models of one glucose and one fructose molecule. Cut along solid lines only.

• In order to join the molecules, remove an –OH end from one molecule and an –H end from another.

Cut along the dotted lines.

• After the glucose and the fructose have been joined together tape them on the spot provided on the third sheet. Also tape down the water molecule that was produced.

• Repeat the procedure above but this time join together two glucose molecules to make a disaccharide called maltose. Do not tape down the maltose as you will continue to add to this to create glycogen.


Explain why you must remove the –H and –OH ends before the molecules can be connected?




The –H and –OH ends that were removed can also fit together with each other to form a molecule. What is this new molecule that is formed?



Write the molecular formula for sucrose by adding together the molecular formulas for glucose and fructose and then subtracting the formula for water, H2O. (Use molecular formulas for finding this).



Write the molecular formula for maltose? (Use molecular formulas for finding this)



How does the molecular formula for sucrose compare to maltose?



Date ______

Chemistry of Carbohydrates

Name __________________

Polysaccharides (many sugar molecules)

Just as double sugars were formed from two single sugar molecules, polysaccharides are formed when many single sugars are joined chemically. The prefix “poly-” means many. Starch, glycogen, and cellulose are the

three most common polysaccharides in biology. They consist of long chains of glucose molecules joined.

Add the remaining glucose molecules to the molecule of maltose that you created. This is the beginning of a polysaccharide called starch, which is made from many repeating glucose molecules.

Do forget to attach each of the water molecules that are given produced from this process.

14. If a chain of 5 monosaccharides are to be linked together, how many water molecules must be removed (hint if you created the polysaccharide correctly you have the answer)?


Tape your paper models in the space below


