Chapter 2 Guided Notes

Name: ___________________
Chapter 2: Matter and Change Guided Notes
Section 2.1 Properties of Matter
1. Properties used to describe matter can be classified as _______________ or _______________.
A. Extensive Properties:
Extensive property – a property that depends on the _____________________________________
Examples: ______________ , __________________
a. mass – a measure of the ________________________________ the object contains.
b. volume –a measure of the ___________________________ by the object.
B. Intensive Properties:
Intensive property – a property that depends on the _____________________________________
Examples: ________________________________________________________________
Physical Properties
Physical property - a quality or condition of a substance that can be observed or measured without
changing the substance’s ____________________.
Examples: ________________________________________________________________
States of Matter
What are three states of matter?
a. _________________ b. _________________ c. _________________
Definite mass
Definite shape
Molecular Drawing
States of Matter continued:
- Solid
 fixed shape and volume, incompressible
 fixed volume, takes the shape of its container
 takes the volume and shape of its container
Phase Changes
*Boiling: Evaporation occurring beneath the liquid’s surface.
Physical vs Chemical
Physical Change - some properties of a material change, but the ______________________________
Examples: ____________________________________________________________________
Section 2.2 Mixtures
Substance - matter that has ____________________________________________________
Examples (Pure substances): ____________________________________________________
Mixture - a physical ____________________________________________________
What is the difference between a substance and a mixture?
Mixtures can be classified as
 _______________________________________________
 _______________________________________________
A _______________________________ mixture is a mixture in which the ____________________________________
Examples: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Heterogeneous mixture: a mixture that is _____________________________________ in composition;
components are not evenly distributed throughout the mixture
Examples: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
*Note: Mixtures can be physically separated
Separation Methods for Mixtures
_________________ - separates a ____________ from a _____________ in a heterogeneous mixture
Distillation - separate dissolved solids from a liquid by using ____________ and _______________.
What is chromatography? Give an example of how it is used.
Section 2.3 Elements and Compounds
 The ___________________________.
 Cannot be ____________________ into simpler substances.
 Building blocks of all matter.
 More than 100 known elements.
 Represented by chemical symbols.
 A substance that contains ____________________________________________________.
 Can be ______________________ into simpler substances
 Compounds have different properties from the individual substances.
(Ex: H2O -> liquid O2 -> gas H2 -> gas)
Section 2.4 Chemical Properties and Chemical Changes
Chemical property - a quality or condition of a substance that can be observed with _____________
____________________of the substance
Chemical change - a change that produces matter with a ____________________________ than the
original matter.
 Atoms _________________ themselves into new combinations.
Examples of chemical changes: _______________________________________________________
What is the difference between a physical change and a chemical change?
Recognizing a Chemical Change
 ____________________________________
 ____________________________________
 ____________________________________
 ____________________________________
The Law of Conservation of Mass
 In any chemical or physical change, mass is ________________________________________
 Mass is CONSTANT