Welcome to Open House!!! - Mr. Johnson's Fifth Grade Classroom

Welcome to
NIGHT 2015
Welcome to Room 2006!
 Wow, we have had an amazing start to a significant school
year! First, here is a little bit about myself…
 My Interests: exercising, reading, coaching, cooking (and
eating!), The White Sox, UNC Tar Heels, sports, teaching, and
most of all – learning 
 My wife is a teacher…
…of fifth grade…
…in this district!!
 Our beautiful boy, Wesley,
is already 2 years old…
…and he’ll be a big brother
in just a few weeks!!
 Common Core alignment & TenMarks.com
 Focused assignments and study guide for each unit
 Students will be accommodated or given challenge work as a result
 Mastery assessments (Exit Quizzes) along the way
 Connection to “real world” concepts and examples
 Trying to perfect our basic math facts
 Topics we will cover this year:
 number theory, estimation and computation, geometry, division,
fractions, decimals, percents, addition and subtraction of fractions,
exponents, negative numbers, area, volume, capacity, probability
Language Arts & Reading
 6 Writing Traits writing process (ideas, organization, voice,
sentence fluency, word choice, conventions)
 Expository, persuasive, and narrative writing pieces
Typically as part of our end-of-unit reflection week
 New reading curriculum, focusing on integrating topics and
subject areas, along with skill-based mini lessons
Expanding vocabulary, increasing reading fluency/overall
comprehension, and using reading as a tool for writing
 Leveled novel studies – typically with a true
focus on nonfiction text
Spelling and Vocabulary
 Weekly-created lists based on Words On The Vine
10 words/2 weeks
Greek or Latin roots
Vocabulary contract
 Students will have in-class time every day, but can also take
home for extra help
 Quiz on 2nd Friday (20 pts), with front and back of work page
due, also on 2nd Friday (10 pts for that…so 30 pts total)
 Students can begin looking up definitions the first day!
The overall purpose is for an understanding of how to use
these words in a sentence – not just memorize definitions.
Social Studies
 An integrated focus with each unit, using small reading
groups to study related nonfiction text
 Topics covered this year, in order:
 Native Americans
 Exploration and American settlement
 Thirteen colonies
 Revolutionary War
 Constitution
 We will take a problem/project-based approach to our
historical learning this year!!! Critical thinking is a must!!
 Similar integrated system as with our Social Studies time
 Topics covered this year, in order:
 Animal Classification
 Ecosystems
 Plants
 Science Fair…Mid-April
 Solar System
 For every fact found, there should be at least two more
questions/fascinations to be had!
Again, critical thinking is a must this year!!
 Students are expected to turn in their
homework the day it is due
 Written on monthly and weekly calendar
 Recess time can be used, but I would rather avoid that
(they’re kids, they need that run-around time each day!!!)
 Parent note or email for late work/early homework if needed
 “Remind” texts from me as well as their assignment notebook
 Only ONE rule: “Don’t talk while someone else is.”
 The higher they are set, the higher the level of achievement.
 What should be done, and not what shouldn’t be done
 Student centered and created
 Stay posted all year, with frequent reminders
 Yorkville School District policies
(review expectations in student handbook)
 Open door policy/safe environment
Staying Updated!!
 Class website – home page and subject areas
 http://mrjohnsonsfifthgradeclass.weebly.com/
 “Remind” app/texts
 Text ‘@gres5th’ to (517) 618-0581
 Assignment notebook
 Filled out and stamped every day – write notes back if needed
 Calendar on class website homepage
 Bottom of the homepage, updated all throughout the year!!!
 My contact information
 Email: ajohnson@y115.org
Phone: (630) 553-5513, ext. 3426
Thank You!