Anatomy Terms Orientation and Direction Superior – towards head Inferior (caudal) – towards the lower part of a body part Anterior (ventral) – front Posterior (dorsal) – back Medial – toward the midline of the body Lateral – Away from the midline Intermediate – between a more medial and lateral position (center) Proximal – Closer to the origin of the body part Distal – closer to the end of the body part Superficial – Toward the body surface Deep – Away from the body surface Body Planes, Sections, and Cavitites Body planes Body is 3D Can be split into three planes Sagittal Coronal Transverse Sagittal Plane Plane splitting the body into two parts (left and right) Sagittal section is a cut made longitudinally along the body If it splits into two equal parts = midsagittal Coronal Plane Plane which splits body into anterior and posterior section Transverse Plane Separates body along horizontal plane Also called a cross section Will divide an organism into superior and inferior parts Body Cavities Cavities Opening within body which protects internal organs, and allows transfer of materials/information 2 Divisions Dorsal Ventral Dorsal Cavities Made up of two smaller cavities 1) Cranial Cavity – holds and protects brain 2) Spinal Cavity – column which runs through vertebra and protects spinal chord Ventral Cavities Divided into two smaller cavities 1) Thoracic – chest area (holds heart, lungs, and diaphragm) 2) Abdominopelvic – lower torso (holds digestive and reproductive organs) Subdivided into abdominal and pelvic cavity.