Welcome to The Right Stuff Team World Cultures! I

Welcome to AP World History
I am Mr. Gronich
Come In And Find Your Seat… alphabetically.
Name & Date (Always)
Directions: Write a comprehensive paragraph about yourself. Include this
1. My name is….
2. What school did you come from if you are new?
3. What is your favorite subject & Why?
4. What do you want to be? explain?
5. What are your hobbies?
6. Do you have pets?
7. Favorite memory this summer/ever
8. What do you want to accomplish most this year?
9. Something that people would not expect of me.
A Very Basic Overview!!!
1. The Weekly Agenda : Every Monday
your weekly agenda is copied.
Agenda is online but must be copied in class
2. Come in & sit quietly. In your seat at the
3. Bathroom Passes – limit and track
You MUST have YOUR Planner with YOUR
name to leave the room!!. Wait until
directions are given and class is started
Notebook (3-ring)
Black or blue pens for essay assignments
Pencils for scantron tests
Colored pencils /Markers/crayons
Pocket dictionary
Four Section tabs with (Pockets) Sections to
1) Notes 2) Handouts 3) Journal/Vocab 4) Work
handed back (i.e. tests HW)
Extra: Sharpener, personal three hole punch,
Due By Monday!!!
5. Things to Know: The Behaviors!!!!
Animal Sounds
& Toodles “Intergalactic
Flying Space Pig”
A) Tardy Policy Is School Policy
In Seat AT Bell
1. Warning
2. Before School Detention
3. Before School Detention (Phone Home)
4. Dean Referral
B) ID Badges Worn at All Times
C) Phone Calls/Guests/Intercom
Continue Working… No Noise
unless requested or (Detention)
•Each student will come to class on time.
Students are to be in their seat when the bell
(Be Here)
•Students must come to class with all necessary materials
(pen/pencil, social studies notebook, plan book, any
assigned work each day. (Be Ready)
•Each student will listen to and follow directions the first time
•Each student will demonstrate behavior that promotes learning
for the entire class
Be Great!!!
• All work is due on the date assigned!!!
• All work must be of 10th grade quality to be accepted
1. Warning (yellow card)
2. Before School Detention
3. Before School Detention (Phone
4. Dean Referral (Parent Conference)
***Immediate Referral: Lack of respect, profanity, major disruption,
unsafe behavior
• Home Work Pass
• “Study Time”
• Team with friend
6.Proceedures (i.e. Expectation Packet)
Each student gets two copies. One to be signed by parent
and turned in for a full Homework Grade by Friday. One to
keep in folder for reference.
7. In/Out Box
All work is collected
& goes in the in box Never to me!!!
• All completed work turned in on time is
stamped. Keep All work for study and
accountability. is to be kept (edline problems)
Your work is your responsibility!!!!
Webpage and edline
•All assignments, notes Handouts, agendas,
rubrics, writing and study tips, everything you
need!!! Email for school and my home email is
•If you loose a hand out it is your responsibility to
print it out your self!!!
•Edline: Check grades for accuracy. Keep all
work for verification and study material!!!!
Webpage and edline
Have parent email me by Friday 8/19
saying they have viewed edline and the
web page.
AP Contract signed by both you and your
parent. Collected by on Monday 8/15
My Dog!!!!
I am a musician in my other life!!!