
Sociolinguistics ③
Xiao Long-Fu
School of
Foreign Languages
Chapter 3 The Development of
Sociolinguistics as a discipline
started in the 1960s, which was
symbolized by the first conference held
in America and the conference
collection, Sociolinguistics, in 1966
3.1 The development of
sociolinguistics in the West
The 20th century is a century during which
linguistic research has developed very quickly.
During the first half, various disciplines in
linguistics have been established, such as
Historical Comparative Linguistics, descriptive
linguistics, dialectology, geolinguistics.
According to Oxford English Dictionary
Supplement, the term ”sociolinguistics” was first
used by Eugene Nida in 1949 in the second edition of
his Book Morphology. In fact, ten years earlier in
1939 T.C. Hodson had used this terminology in his
article “Sociolinguistics in India”.
Western Development
In 1952, Haver. C. Currie, an American
scholar, wrote an article entitled
“Projection of sociolinguistics: the
relationship of speech to social status.
The first draft of this article came
into being in 1949. In1953, Martinent
wrote the preface for Weinreich’s
article “Language in contact”, in
which Martinent also used this
terminology, ”sociolinguistics”.
Western Development
In the 1950s, the research work carried out by the
sociolinguists and linguists in both Britain and the USA
advanced very quickly. Malinowski, B., and J. R. Firth, two
British anthropological linguists, Boas, F., and Sapir, E.,
two American anthropological linguists, have made great
achievements in describing the linguistic structures of the
foreign languages. In 1959, Perguson wrote the article,
“Diglossia”, having analyzed the functions of the language
use in the same community in terms of register. At the same
time, Labov carried out some research work about the changes
of languages in different regions and different social
contexts, which broadened the vision of the sociolinguists,
and think this may be the “scientific” analytical method.
Western Development
In the summer of 1964, the Committee
of Sociolinguistics attached to the
Society of American Scientific Research
Council hold a conference which lasted
for eight weeks. The attendants were
linguists, and sociolinguists. The
British Society for Social scientific
Research Council also brought
linguistic study into the orbit of
their work.
Western Development
In 1968, Hymes and DeCamp in the Mona City of
Jamaica organized a second international conference,
which focused on the issues about Pigeon and Creole.
At the conference, many scholars read their papers:
for instance, Lobov’s “The notion of system in
Creole languages(克里奥尔化语言混合语)”; DeCamp’s
“Analysis of a post-creole speech continuum”;
Gumperz and Wilson’s “Convergence and
Croelization”, which is about the Aryan雅利安语and
Dravidian达罗毗茶语of the Southern India; 萨马林
Samarin’s ”Salient and substantive pidginization”
and 楚扎基 Tsizaki’s ”Co-existent systems in
Hawaiian English”, etc.
Western Development
They all think that it is very difficult
for English variety agree with Chomsky’s
idea about grammar. The research work about
Creole, Pigeon and the Black English
presented at the Mona Conference were very
fruitful, Scholars think that there exist
the code-switching, code-mixing and the use
of mixed codes between standard and nonstandard variety; between two or more
language varieties.
Western Development
In 1972, Blom and Gumperz investigated the
issue of code-switching between standard
Norwegian and Norwegian dialect in the City
of Hemnes赫姆内斯基市of Norway. They found
that the social networks of the Lower Class
people were more localized, more closely
integrated, and more populised in dialect.
In that same year, Trudgill identifies that
the non-standard variety is of covert
prestigious, which is opposite to overt
Western Development
In 1974, Trudgill had his book,
Sociolinguistics: An Introduction,
published, which discusses the issues
about language and society, language
and the nation, language and gender,
language and contexts, language and
social communication, language and the
country, language and geography,
language and humanity.
Western Development
In 1978, Bernstein talked in an article
about the issue of the related social
factors causing linguistic differences,
which variy from culture to culture, whether
they are geographical, national, economical,
or of social classes. Many sociolinguists
used the social networks as research tools,
for instance, Russel拉塞尔(1981)、 Schmidt
施密特(1985)、 Lippi-Green 利皮-格林(1989)、
Salami 萨拉米(1991)、 Edwards 爱德华兹
(1992), etc.
Western Development
However, Romaine voiced against social network
attitude, arguing that this kind of research can
only help people to understand the way the society
operates, nothing else. Fishman and Le Page once
argued in Quebec that the social problems there can
not be solved by requesting everyone to speak French.
Language issue in this area is a sign of district
problem. Coulmas (库尔马斯) says, A language is
best thought of as a game in which all the speakers
can covertly propose and try out rules, and all the
listeners are umpires
Western Development
From the above, we can see that
Sociolinguistics is a much younger and
interdisciplinary science. It has been a bit
over ten years from the moment that the term,
sociolinguistics, first appeared to the time
when it was accepted. It was until the 1960s
that Sociolinguistics has become a
recognized branch of Social Sciences, with
her own academic publications, professional
conferences, monographs and the readers.
Western Development
When Sociolinguistics was born, the
participants in research and
discussions were divided into two
groups: one is concerned with the
social factors that influence language
use; the other put their emphasis on
the language features in society. This
is the commonly recognized micro-and
Western Development
The micro-sociolinguistic issues are the
concern of linguists, dialectalogists, and
the scholars studying languages, while the
macro-sociolinguistic issues are dealt with
by sociologists, and social psychologists.
This is the source of the story about
sociolinguistics (社会语言学) and sociology
of language (语言社会学)。To be sure, both
are needed to better understand language as
a social phenomenon.
Western Development
Whether it is micro-sociolinguistic
issues or macro-sociolinguistic ones,
it seems that both are gradually
classified into the research targets of
sociolinguistics. It is only the two
aspects of it, i.e. microsociolinguistics and macrosociolinguistics. Then what is the
difference between the two?
Western Development
Florian Coulmas (弗洛里安.库尔马斯),a sociolinguist,
argues clearly in the Preface of his The Handbook of
Sociolinguistics that:…micro-sociolinguistics
investigates how social structure influences the way
people talk and how language varieties and patterns
of use correlate with social attributes such as
class, sex, and age. Macro-sociolinguistics, on the
other hand, studies what societies do with their
languages, that is, attitudes that account for the
functional distribution of speech forms in society,
language shift, maintenance, and replacement, the
delimitation and interaction of speech communities.
3.2 The development of
sociolinguistics in China
There is no definite idea in the
profession about the starting point of
Sociolinguistics in China. Three
arguments are in existence:
Development in China
① The beginning period (1979-1987)
As is commonly held, Chinese
Sociolinguistics is an importation,
originated in the 1960s in the USA, while
Chen Yuan, one of the earliest Chinese
scholars to discuss sociolinguistics,
arguing that Sociolinguistics came into
being much much earlier. For many Chinese
and foreign philologists in the past had
already discussed the differences between
classical language and modern language;
written language and spoken language;
standard language and dialect.
The investigation of various varieties within one’s
own national language conducted by the
dialectologists of the early 19th century is in fact
the sociolinguistic work. The birth of
sociolinguistics and the existence of
sociolinguistic research are two different matters.
The existence of the research work in certain area
does not mean the establishment of the discipline.
Conversely, the birth of a discipline is not all of
a sunden from no where. It must be the result of the
constant accumulation of the discipline.
The many language reforms in Chinese history, such
as the national language (普通话的前身)reform of
the early 19th century(国语运动, the reform of the
writings in the venacular (白话文运动。白话文,指的
对) of the 1920s, the discussion of popular
language for the mass (大众语讨论)of the 1930s, the
popularization of Putonghua and the normalization of
Chinese modern language in the 1950s, etc. can be
considered as the work of sociolinguistics. Yet,
these reforms or work were of spontaneity, rather
than consciousness. In the later 1970s, with the
advent of the term sociolinguistics, the
sociolinguistic research work was moving from
spontaneity to consciousness.
The major research products during
this period of time are books of
general discussion of the issues in
sociolinguistics and introduction of
the foreign ones.
The former examples are: 《语言与社会生活——社会语
1985年第5期(中文版)以 “语言与交往:社会语言学研究
A brief calculation tells us that the publication
on sociolinguistics during this time (monographs,
textbooks, and collections) added up to over 60.
Apart from this, quite a few universities began
to offer courses in Sociolinguistics, some others
also started to enroll M.A. and Ph.D students in
sociolinguistics. The National Department of
Academic Degrees also lists Sociolinguistics as a
third-grade discipline.
There are obviously some weakness
during this period in sociolinguistic
research. Lacking theoretical
generalization and gathered materials
is one, the methodological defect, such
as the technique of data collection and
data analysis; qualitative research
outweighs quantitative one, etc.) is
(1994 - )
In fact, the Chinese sociolinguistics during this
period was not on the decline, on the contrary, it
became mature. On the one hand, the profession
started to card all the research results achieved
since its birth, pointing out the weakness when
summarizing it. For instance, Gao Yihong (1996)
offers very insightful opinions concerning the
Chinese sociolinguistic research methodology. On the
other, the publications during this period all very
much closely integrated with the Chinese realities.
The range of quality of the questions discussed
excelled the former. Some of the research
achievements are shown as follows:
(1994 - )
陈保亚《论语言接触与语言联盟 -汉越(侗台)语源关系的解释》(语文
汤志祥《当代汉语词语的共时状况及其嬗变 -90年代中国大陆、香港、台
The nature of sociolinguistics
(the major arguments)
The following discussion are based on topics
presented at the first sociolinguistics
conference held in 1987
① “a branch of linguistics” (分支说). This
is a very popular attitude, which argues
that sociolinguistics is “society +
②“a marginal discipline” (边缘说). This
attitude argues that sociolinguistics is a
marginal discipline (Chen Yuan, 1983);
The nature of sociolinguistics
(the major argument)
③“an applied discipline” (应用说). This idea holds
that sociolinguistics is an applied discipline
studying the co-variation of language and society,
the co-existence of language and culture (Chen
Jianmin, Chen Zhangtai, 1991);
④”an elementary discipline” (基础学科说). This
argument is put forth against the idea of “applied”
statement. It holds that the applied aspects of
sociolinguistics are demonstrated in the area of its
social engineering, and its other aspects might be
of more
3.3 社会语言学主要代表人物
Currie, Haver C. 美国语言学家。在他的一篇论
个广阔的研究领域 . . .这个领域就叫社会语言
Currie, Haver C. 1949. “The relationship of
Language to Social Status: An academic paper
projecting socio-linguistics”. Paper
presented at Conference of University
English Teachers, Huston. (Publ. as Currie
William Labov(US)
William Labov born
December 4, 1927) is
an American
linguist, widely
regarded as the
founder of the
discipline of
William Labov
He has been described as "an enormously
original and influential figure who has
created much of the methodology" of
sociolinguistics. He is employed as a
professor in the linguistics department
of the University of Pennsylvania, and
pursues research in sociolinguistics,
language change, and dialectology.
William Labov
Born in Rutherford, New Jersey, he studied at
Harvard (1948) and worked as an industrial chemist
(1949–61) before turning to linguistics. For his MA
thesis (1963) he completed a study of change in the
dialect of Matha’s Vineyard, which was presented
before the Linguistic Society of America . Labov
took his PhD (1964) at Columbia University studying
under Uriel Weinreich. He taught at Columbia (1964–
70) before becoming a professor of linguistics at
the University of Pennsylvania (1971), and then
became director of the university's Linguistics
Laboratory (1977).
 He has been married to fellow sociolinguist since
1993. Prior to his marriage to Sankoff, he was
married to sociologist Teresa Gnasso Labov.
William Labov
Professor, Departments of Linguistics, University of
Office: Linguistics Laboratory 3550 Market St., #250,
Philadelphia PA 19104,
Residence: 2048 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia PA 19103.
Telephone: (Office) 215: 898-4912; (Home) 215: 732-3003.
Born: Dec 4, 1927, Rutherford, NJ
Harvard College, B.A., 1948
Columbia University, M.A., 1963; Ph.D. 1964
Industrial chemist, Union Ink Co., Ridgefield, NJ, 1949-1960
Assistant Professor, Columbia University, 1964-1970
Associate Professor, Professor, University of Pennsylvania,
1971Director, Linguistics Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania,
William Labov
The Social Stratification of English in New
York City.,1966
The Study of Non-Standard English., 1969
Sociolinguistic Patterns, 1972
Language in the Inner City, 1972
② Uriel Weinreich (US)
Uriel Weinreich (23 May 1926 – 30 March
1967) was a linguist at Columbia University.
Born in Vilnius, Lithuania to a family of
Litvaks (Lithuanian Jews) he earned his Ph.D.
from Columbia, and went on to teach there,
specializing in Yiddish studies,
sociolinguistics, and dialectology. He
advocated the increased acceptance of
semantics, and edited one of the most
influential Yiddish-English dictionaries.
Uriel Weinreich
Weinreich was the son of the linguist Max Weinriech, and the
mentor of both Marvin Herzog, with whom he laid the groundwork
for the Language and Cultural Atlas of Ashkenazic Jewry , and
William Labov. Weinreich is also credited with being the first
linguist to recognize the phenomenon of interlanguage 19 years
before Larry Selinker coined the term in his 1972 article
"Interlanguage". In his benchmark book Languages in Contact,
Weinreich first noted that learners of second languages
consider linguistic forms from their first language equal to
forms in the target language. However, the essential
inequality of these forms leads to speech which the native
speakers of the target language consider unequal. He died in
New York of cancer prior to the publication of his YiddishEnglish dictionary.
③J. Fishman(US)
Joshua Aaron Fishman,
born July 18, 1926)
is an American
linguist who
specializes in the
sociology of
language, language
planning, bilingual
education, and
language and
J. Fishman
Fishman has written over 1000 articles
and monographs on multilingualism,
bilingual education and , the sociology
and history of the Yiddish language,
language planning, reversing language
shift, language revival, 'language and
nationalism', 'language and religion',
and 'language and ethnicity'. Fishman
is also the founder and editor of the
(Mouton de Gruyter) book series.
④ William Bright (US)
William Bright (August 13, 1928 Oxnard, California
– October 15, 2006 Louisville, Colorado) was an
American linguist who specialized in Native American
and South Asian languages and descriptive
Bright earned a bachelor's degree in linguistics in
1949 and a doctorate in the same field in 1955, both
from the University of California, Berkeley. He was
a professor of linguistics and anthropology at UCLA
from 1959 to 1988. He then moved to the University
of Colorado at Boulder, where he remained on the
faculty until his death.
Bright was an authority on the native languages and
cultures of California, and was especially known for
his work on Karuk, a Native American language from
northwestern California.
William Bright
Bright was editor of Language, the journal
of the Linguistic Society of America, from
1966 to 1988 and of Language in Society from
1993 to 1999. He was the founding editor of
Written Language and Literacy, which he
edited from 1997 until 2003. He served as
President of the Linguistic Society of
America in 1989.
In his later life, he was married to Lise
Menn. He died of a brain tumor.
⑤Lakoff R. (US)
Robin Tolmach Lakoff (November 27, 1942)
is a professor of linguistics at the
University of California, Berkeley. Her
1975 book Language and Woman's Place is
often credited with establishing
language and gender as an object of
study in linguistics and other
Lakoff was born in 1942 in Brooklyn, NY. She earned
a B.A. at Radcliffe College, a M.A. from Indiana
University, and a Ph.D. from Harvard University. She
was married to linguist George Lakoff. She has
taught at University of California, Berkeley, since
While an undergraduate at Radcliffe (in Cambridge,
MA), Lakoff audited Noam Chomsky's classes at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and
became connected to the MIT Linguistics Department.
During this time, as Chomsky and students were
creating Transformational Generative Grammar, Lakoff
and others explored ways in which outside context
entered the structure of language
⑥Charles Albert Ferguson
Charles Albert Ferguson (July 6, 1921 – September
2, 1998) was a U.S. linguist who taught at Standford
University. He was one the founders of
sociolinguistics and is best known for his work on
diglossia. The TOEFL test was created under his
leadership at the Center for Applied Linguistics in
Washington, DC. Ferguson was also the leader of a
team of linguists in Ethiopia under the Ford
Foundation's Survey of Language Use and Language
Teaching. One of the many publications that came out
of this was his article proposing the Ethiopian
Language Area (Ferguson 1976), an article that has
become widely cited and an important milestone in
the study of contact linguistics.
Charles Albert Ferguson
Ferguson is also widely noted for his
seminal article on diglossia, published
in 1959 and (reprinted since then in
other publications) and frequently
cited by others.
He was honored with a two-volume
collection of papers in a 1986
festschrift, edited by Joshua A.
Fishman and others.
Charles Albert Ferguson
Charles Albert Ferguson was born in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1921. He
had an early curiosity for language,
system, and order which led him to
explore foreign languages through
Oriental Studies at the University of
Pennsylvania (BA 1942, MA 1943 with a
thesis on the Moroccan Arabic Verb; PhD
1945 with a dissertation on Standard
Colloquial Bengali).
⑦Basil Bernstein (UK)
Basil Bernstein (1 November 1924 - 24 September
2000) was a British sociologist known for his work
in the sociology of education.
He was born into a Jewish immigrant family, in the
East End of London. He was late in coming to an
academic career, gaining a doctorate aged nearly 40,
after work including teaching and social work. In
1960, Bernstein began graduate work at University
College of London, where he completed his Ph.D. in
linguistics. He then moved to the Institute of
Education, where he stayed for his entire career. He
became Karl Mannheim Chair of the Sociology of
Education, Institute of Education, University of
In June 1983 Bernstein was awarded an honorary
degree by the Open University as Doctor of the
Basil Bernstein’s Theory of
Language Code
Basil Bernstein made a significant contribution to
the study of communication with his sociolinguistic
theory of language codes. Within the broader
category of language codes are elaborated and
restricted codes. The term code, as defined by in
Theories of Human Communication (2002), “refers to
a set of organizing principles behind the language
employed by members of a social group” (p. 178).
Littlejohn (2002) suggests that Bernstein’s theory
shows how the language people use in everyday
conversation both reflects and shapes the
assumptions of a certain social group. Furthermore,
relationships established within the social group
affect the way that group uses language, and the
type of speech that is used.
Elaborated code and restricted code
The two types of language codes are
the elaborated code and the
restricted code.
Bernstein, B.B. (1964). Elaborated and
Restricted Codes: Their Social Origins
and Some Consequences. American
Anthropology 1966:55-65.
⑧Peter Trudgill (UK)
Peter Trudgill (born 7 November 1943) is a
sociolinguist. He was born Norwich, England, where
he attended the City of Norwich School from 1955.
Trudgill studied modern languages at King’s College,
Cambridge and obtained a Ph. D from the University
of Edinburgh in 1971. Before becoming professor of
sociolinguistics at the University of Essex he
taught in the Department of linguistic science at
the University of Reading from 1970 to 1986. He was
professor of English language and linguistics at the
University of Lausanne, Switzerland, from 1993 to
1998, and then at the University of Fribourg, also
in Switzerland, from which he retired in September
Peter Trudgill
He has been part time professor of
sociolinguistics at the University of
Agder in Kristiansand, Norway, and
adjunct professor at the Research
centre for linguistic typology at La
Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia,
as well as honorary professor at the
University of east Anglia, in Norwich,
Peter Trudgill
He has carried out linguistic fieldwork in Britain,
Greece and Norway, and has lectured in most European
countries, Canada, the United States, Colombia,
Australia, New Zealand, India, Thailand, Hong Kong,
Fiji, Malawi and Japan. Peter Trudgill is the
honorary president of the Friends of Norfolk dialect
society, and a fellow of the British Academy.
Trudgill is a well-known authority on dialect, as
well as being one of the first to apply Labovian
sociolinguistic methodology in the UK, and to
provide a framework for studying dialect contact
⑨Richard Hudson (UK)
Richard “Dick” Hudson (born 18
September 1939) is a British linguist.
He has lived in England for most of his
life (with three years in New Zealand,
1945–1948). He turned into a linguist
via Loughborough in Leicestershire
(1948–1958),Corpus Christi College,
Cambridge (1958–1961) and the School
of Oriental and African Studies (PhD,
Richard Hudson
He worked with Michael Halliday as research
assistant on two projects at University College of
London: on the grammar of scientific English with
Rodney Huddleston (1964–1967), and on Linguistics
and English Teaching (1967–1970). In 1970, he was
appointed lecturer at UCL, where he spent the rest
of his working life, mostly in the Department of
Phonetics and Linguistics, retiring in 2004. His
main research achievement is a general theory of
language structure called word grammar, but he has
also worked hard to build bridges between academic
linguistics and teaching of (and about) language in
UK schools.
祝畹瑾 她将研究内容细分为五个方面:(1)一个
语言接触引起的语言变化的方式和规律等。 她的
内在机制问题。 语言结构是传统语言学关注
游汝杰、邹嘉彦 指出社会语言学
内容包括两个方面,一是Social Linguistics,基
变。二是Sociology of Language,基本涵义是:
现象及其演变和发展的过程。 从研究方向来界定