U.S. History Syllabus (Level)

SYLLABUS: United States History Since 1877
Ms. Mullarkey-Cashion, B.A., History & Political
Science; M.A., U.S. History
The Woodlands High School
Tel: 936-709-1200; Room 237
In United States History Since 1877, which is the second part of a two-year study that begins in Grade 8,
students study the history of the United States from 1877 to the present. The course content is based
on the founding documents of the U.S. government, which provide a framework for its heritage.
Historical content focuses on the political, economic, and social events and issues related to
industrialization and urbanization, major wars, domestic and foreign policies, and reform movements,
including civil rights. Students examine the impact of geographic factors on major events and eras and
analyze their causes and effects. Furthermore students survey the impact of constitutional issues on
American society, evaluate the dynamic relationship of the three branches of the federal government,
and analyze efforts to expand the democratic process. Students describe the relationship between the
arts and popular culture and the times during which they were created. In addition, Students analyze
the impact of technological innovations on American life. Students use critical-thinking skills and a
variety of primary and secondary source material. Each course unit includes enduring understandings
and essential TEKS questions, which stem from the concepts and expectations of the TEKS (Texas
Essential Knowledge and Skills which are state mandated standards.) At the end of the school year,
students will need to pass the STAAR End-of-the-Course (EOC) Test in U.S. History in order to graduate.
STAAR stands for “State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness.”
Appleby, et al. United States History Since 1877. New York: McGraw Hill Education: Columbus, Ohio. 2016.
(Students will use an E-book addition at home and a hard copy text in the classroom.)
Students are expected to:
-be prepared. (Please complete reading and homework assignments.)
-be on time. (I abide by the school tardy policy.)
-use the restroom during passing periods and lunch. (I will discuss restroom passes the first week.)
-provide supplies, and not depend on peers or the teachers for pens, pencils, paper, etc.
-come to class well rested.
-readily participate in a positive manner.
-take notes, read, study, engage in pair or group activities when asked.
-abide by the TWHS RESPECT POLICY (posted in the classroom), and all rules and regulations
within the Student handbook.
- keep themselves up-to-date on grades through Student Access and keep parents informed
about academic progress. (Parent Access)
-take responsibility for make-up work when absent.
-take care of classroom textbooks.
-turn cell phones OFF and place your cell phone (s) in the assigned pocket at the front of the
room when you enter the room. If you fail to or refuse to place your phone in cell phone
pockets during an assessment (quiz or test), you will earn a zero on that assessment. Also,
stating that you do not have a phone when discovered to actually have a phone on your person,
belongings or in my room, you are in effect cheating and will be dealt with accordingly. TWHS
administration will enforce an individual teacher’s cell phone policy. In my classroom, you will
not access technology unless given permission.
-pencils, blue or black pen (No other colors for worked turned in for a grade.)
-one subject spiral to take US history notes
-either a spiral or pocket folder for hand-outs
-occasionally you may need some loose-leaf paper
-optional: colored pencils or highlighters to highlight notes as you write
I am available most days after school for tutorials and make-up work. We begin school too early
in the morning to make-up work or have tutorials of any substance. Nevertheless at times, you
may be assigned a 6:30 a.m. appointment to make up a test. If you do not make-up work by the
assigned deadline date you will earn a zero.
Percent Value
Minimum Number of Assignments
3 total each 9 week MP, 2 in 1st 6 weeks of MP1 (EXAMPLE: TESTS)
3 total each 9 week MP (EXAMPLES: Cool Down Quizzes, Reading Quizzes)
At least 7 total per MP (EXAMPLES: Participation, Reading Guides,
Activities, Film Guides, etc.)
Retest Policy
Remediation and a re-assessment activity will be provided when the grade falls below a 75 on a major test. A
maximum value of 75 will be received on the re-assessment. A minimum of one re-assessment per nine weeks will
be offered. It is up to team discretion to offer more than one re-assessment. If a student is caught cheating on a
test, they will receive a 0 on the test and a re-assessment for that test is not permitted.
Late Policy
Daily & Quiz – Daily or quiz work that is assigned as homework will not be accepted late for full credit. Daily or
quiz work that is assigned as homework will be accepted late for a maximum grade of 50% by the next class
meeting. It is a team decision whether it can be accepted up until the next unit assessment.
Major – Major long term assignments will be accepted late for a 10% penalty per school day for a maximum of five
school days.