HISTORY 202: American History Since 1877 Dr

HISTORY 122: American History since 1877
California Lutheran University
email: reaves@clunet.edu
Dr. Michaela Reaves
Hum 221 493-3381
Nygreen 1 9:15-10:20 MWF
Office Hours by Appointment. Sign-up Sheet at my office.
Class Website is available at:
To make an appointment to see me, please stop by my office and sign up for one.
DESCRIPTION: This course will expose the student to the geography of the United States and
events in American history including Reconstruction, the Gilded Age, American imperialism,
Populism and Progressivism. World War I, The Depression and the New Deal, World War II, the
Cold War, the Great Society, Vietnam, and into the 21st century using the texts, current
historiography, class lectures, DVD’s and class participation.
1. Students will demonstrate an understanding and familiarity with American history from
Reconstruction to the present.
2. Students will evaluate and understand current issues in the light of the history preceding them
through historiography and analysis.
3. Student will issues of gender and ethnicity in American history.
4. Students will achieve better awareness of twentieth century geography.
5. Students will experience using the internet for assignments/research.
6. Students will learn to analyze, evaluate, and interpret historical evidence/primary sources.
7. Students will develop speaking/ppt skills by presenting their topic to the class.
8. Students will improve their writing skills in peer reviewed assignments.
The following CLU Educational Objectives are addressed in this course:
 Development of Critical thinking skills in Objectives 2, 3, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
 Information literacy in Objective 6
 Written communication skills as reflected in the two analysis papers
 Historical, cultural and global perspectives on diversity
As outlined in the CLU History Departmental Goals, students who successfully complete this
course will:
 Analyze and comprehend primary source texts
 Use periodization and chronology as organizing principles
 Demonstrate knowledge of major historical events and their significance
The History Department uses a 12 point grading scale on written assignments: 12=A,
11=A-, 10=B+, 9=B, 8=B-, 7=C+, 6=C, 5=C-, 4=D+, 3=D, 2=D-, 1=F, No paper or
plagiarism = 0
Objective tests will be graded on a percentage basis and converted to the 12 point scale
by letter grade. A=94-100%, A-=90-93%, B+=87-89%, B= 84-86%, B-=80-83%, C+=7779%, C=74-76%, C-=70-73%, D+=67-69%, D=64-66%, D-=60-63%. 59% and below
fails the test. Do not plan on “curved” grades!
12 point scale
1. Midterm Exam March 9
and 11
2. Final Exam May 11
8:00 am – 10:00 pm
20% scantron/essay
SLO’s 1, 2, 3
20% scantron/essay
SLO’s 1, 2, 3
3. Quiz I to 1914 Feb. 19
10% Multiple modalities
Percentage grading
4. Quiz II 1930-1963 Apr. 10
Please note: ALL test
days are as stated. Any makeups are strictly at my
discretion and will utilize a
different test instrument. I
strongly suggest you come for
the tests!!!
10% Multiple modalities
Percentage grading
5. Newspaper Essay
Peer review February 26
DUE March 4
10% attached to syllabus
12 point scale
10% attached to syllabus
12 point scale
10% attached to syllabus
12 point scale
12 point scale
SLO’s 1, 3, 4
6. Oral Presentation
Due: varies by sign-up
7. Paper on presentation topic
DUE April 29
SLO’s 2, 5, 6,7, 8
Due at 9:15 when I collect
them. After that, they are late
and the grade drops one grade
a day.
9. Attendance and Participation SLO 7
10% On the third missed class the grade drops
Required Speaker on March 3
to a "B", 4th=C, 6th= D, 8th=F
Participation includes courtesy and group work. ANY electronic devices (except laptop
computers) will impact this grade negatively. I do not want to see any cells phones, ipods, etc.,
used in class. On the third absence your participation grade drops an entire grade, e.g. from and
A to a B, six absences equals a C, etc.
NOTE: As always, an "A" requires the student go "above and beyond" the assignments in terms
of research and sources.
In addition, students will receive two extra points on their quizzes for attending one of
the campus events listed below and handing in a two page synopsis and response. The twopage synopsis must be handed in BEFORE the quiz on the quiz dates. The options are listed
with appropriate information in the weeks in which they will be held.
1) Attendance and participation (no cell phones, etc, in class)
( 10% of grade).
2) Do the assignments. These include readings (see list below), and two
papers. There are NO extensions.
4) Primary source paper based on class assigned topic. Prompts at end of paper. Due for
peer review February 27.
Final draft due March 4
*PAPER TWO: On oral report topic. Further information at the end of the syllabus-- 7
pages. DUE April 29
(10% of grade)
RUBRIC: All papers are strictly graded on several criteria.
1) English grammar, usage, and spelling
2) Research and documentation (Chicago style with footnotes or endnotes)
3) Reasoning and presentation of argument
To earn an “A” a paper must have few, if any, errors in category one. In addition, each paper
must have a minimum of five reputable sources (not the web/internet!). Finally, the clarity,
assumptions, and critical thinking displayed in the paper are the final level of the grade. In other
words, a flawless paper that does not fulfill the assignment or present a thorough and competent
argument will not earn an “A”.
Each assignment must be submitted on Turnitin. Our class number is 11361216
password is reaves2016. Please submit BEFORE it is due. If the “originality” percentage is
over 22% I will not grade it and the paper will receive a zero. So, PLEASE, be honest and
fix it before you submit it!
California Lutheran University is committed to providing reasonable accommodations in
compliance with ADA of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 to students with
documented disabilities. If you are a student requesting accommodations for this course, please
contact your professor at the beginning of the semester and register with the Accessibility
Resource Coordinator for the facilitation and verification of need. The Accessibility Resource
Coordinator is located in the Center for Academic and Accessibility Resources (CAAR) Office in
Peterson Administration Building, and can be contacted by calling 805.493.3878 or emailing
4. TEXTS: The American Journey, David Goldfield (can be rented)
Class Reader: On Blackboard
The educational programs of California Lutheran University are designed and dedicated to
achieve academic excellence, honesty and integrity at every level of student life. Part of CLU’s
dedication to academic excellence is our commitment to academic honesty. Students, faculty,
staff and administration share the responsibility for maintaining high levels of scholarship on
campus. Any behavior or act which might be defined as “deceitful” or “dishonest” will meet with
appropriate disciplinary sanctions, including dismissal from the University, suspension, grade F
in a course or various forms of academic probation. Policies and procedures regarding academic
honesty are contained in the faculty and student handbooks.
Plagiarism, cheating, unethical computer use and facilitation of academic dishonest are examples
of behavior which will result in disciplinary sanctions. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to:
 word for word copying without using quotation marks or presenting the work as
 using the ideas or work of others without acknowledgement
 not citing quoted material. Students must cite sources for any information that is not
either the result of original research or common knowledge.
For assistance with Blackboard, email, or Web Advisor, please contact the help desk at (805)
493-3698 or helpdesk@callutheran.edu. For Blackboard tutorials, please go to the following
link: http://ondemand.blackboard.com/students.htm. For personal assistance with Blackboard
only, please contact Eileen Leese at (805) 493-3927 or eleese@callutheran.edu.
7. TOPICS AND ASSIGNMENTS: All directed learning is accompanied by in-class power
point presentations. The assignments are DUE on the date below.
There are NO extensions!
Introduction and Reconstruction
Jan. 20
Jan. 22
Intro and Pre-Test
American Journey, chap. 16
To Think About:
1. To think about: Explain the three major plans for reconstruction: Lincoln’s “10
percent plan,” Congressional Reconstruction, and Andrew Johnson’s plan. Compare
the political, social, and economic goals of presidential Reconstruction with those of
congressional Reconstruction. Compare the methods and accomplishments of both.
2. Who were the Radical Republicans and what were their goals? What actions did they
take to try to achieve their goals? Were they successful? Could they have been more
“radical?” In what way?
3. Discuss family, jobs, educations, politics, and religious and social institutions. What
was the impact of emancipation on the freedman (and woman)? Did emancipation
affect all freedmen in the same way? How did black females fare as free citizens?
The Gilded Age
Jan. 25
Jan. 27
Jan. 29
American Journey, chap. 17
Changing America (film)
To Think About:
1. How did the growth in the size and diversity of late nineteenth century cities
cause alarm over the loss of traditional values regarding community life and
social stability? How did middle class reformers respond to these changes
in urban life?
2. Describe America’s immigrant patterns in the late 19th century? Why did immigrants
leave their homeland, and what did they find when they came to America? How did
the customs and values if immigrants clash with native-born Americans?
3. Discuss the effects of industrialization and the growth of big corporations on the
quality of American work life, the American standard of living, class structure and
class distinctions from 1860-1900.
Feb. 1
Populists to Progressives
American Journey, chap. 18.
February 2 Last Day to Drop or Add
Feb. 3
Feb. 5
Catherine Crier: The Supreme Court and You
Artists and Speakers Series
Date & Time: Thursday, Feb. 4, 2016 at 7:30 pm
Location: Samuelson Chapel
To Think About:
1. What difficulties did the American farmer confront in the late 19th century? How did
the farmers react to these difficulties? What organizations did they form? What
were their goals and demands? How successful were they in achieving them? Be
very specific.
2. What were the major social problems facing the United States in the late 19th
century? How did society and the American government attempt to rectify these ills?
What were the solutions of the Progressives? How did they reflect Populist goals?
3. In the late 19th century the American money supply was a very tangled web. Try to
untangle it. What was the purpose of contrasting or expanding the supply? What
difference did gold, silver or greenbacks really make? Who supported each? Why
was the “money question” both a political and economic complication?
Building an Empire
Feb. 8
Feb. 10
Imperialism (film) American Journey, chap. 19.
Building an Empire
Reading and Conversation with Parnaz Foroutan
Guest Writer Series
“The Girl from the Garden.”
Date & Time: Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2016 at 4:00 pm
Location:William Rolland Gallery of Fine Art
Feb. 12
The Last Emperor' (China)
International Film Festival
Date & Time:Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2016 at 7:00 pm
Location: Carmike Cinema Thousand Oaks 14
Admission is free. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Some Chinese with English subtitles.
Carmike Thousand Oaks 14 is located at 166 W. Hillcrest Drive.
Nordic Spirit Symposium
Kings, Nobles and Bishops: Reform in Denmark, Norway and IcelandFriday, Feb. 12,
2016 at 5:30 pm
Friday, Feb. 12, 2016 at 7:00 pm
Saturday, Feb. 13, 2016 at 9:00 am
Saturday, Feb. 13, 2016 at 7:00 pm
Scandinavian Center, Samuelson Chapel, Lundring Events Center
To Think About:
1. America took its place on the world stage in the latter half of the 19th century.
Describe this growth. What were the underlying motives and objectives?
2. What were the causes of the causes of the Spanish-American War? What
were the main events of the war? What were the consequences? Who
opposed American involvement in the war? Why?
3. Who is Alfred Thayer Mahan and what role did he play in American Foreign policy?
What did he argue and what is the significance of that argument? What was his
large scale impact?
Feb. 15
Uneasy Alignments
Presidents’ Day, HOLIDAY American Journey, chap. 20
Harold Stoner Clark Lectures
Corporate Realities and Democratic Ideals,
Philip Pettit
Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2016 at 11:00 am
Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2016 at 4:00 pm
Samuelson Chapel
Feb. 17
World War I and EDUCUE,
A Century Ago, 1910-1920
Thursday, Feb. 18, 2016 at 7:00 pm
“Radical Reds: Looking Backward” by historian Michaela Reaves
Grant R. Brimhall Library, Community Room
Feb. 20
QUIZ to 1865-1914
To Think About:
If Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy was a “balance of power chess game,”
William Howard Taft’s a “concentration on business opportunities”, and
Woodrow Wilson’s a policy of “moralism,” discuss how these world views
impacted their relationships with Japan, China, Latin America and the Caribbean.
What were the experiences of American soldiers during World War I? How did
army life and raining change the outlook of hundreds of thousands of Americans?
Why were these experiences important?
Explain how the U.S. government exercised unprecedented control over the
American economy during World War I. Give examples. Why were these
controls accepted and what precedent did they establish?
World War I and the League of Nations
Feb. 22
Feb. 24
Feb. 28
Making the World Safe for Democracy. American Journey, chap. 21
Roaring Twenties
Newspaper peer review , mandatory
To Think About:
1. World War One was ostensibly fought as the “war to end all wars”. What
were the objectives and results of the war? How can it be said that the
seeds of the next war lay in the peace of this one?
Why did Woodrow Wilson view the League of Nations as the cornerstone of the
new liberal world order? What actions did he take to get it approved? Why was it
rejected? Who was to blame? What was the significance of the “Lodge
Reservations”, Wilson’s battle for approval and the fate of the world in the 1920’s?
How did the war further the goals of progressivism and yet also undermine its best
side? Account for the race riots and the Red Scare that followed the war.
Roaring into Depression
Feb. 29
March 2
Depression, American Journey, chap. 22
A New Deal.
An Evening with the Author: Katrina Karkazis
“Fixing Sex: Intersex, Medical Authority and Lived Experience.”
Date & Time:Wednesday, Mar. 2, 2016 at 7:00 pm
Lundring Events Center
'Why Ordinary People Lynched,'
William D. Carrigan, Ph.D.
Artists and Speakers Series
Thursday, Mar. 3, 2016 at 7:00 pm
Ullman Commons 100/101
March 4
Newspaper final paper DUE
To Think About:
1. What accounts for the economic growth and prosperity of the 1920’s? Who
benefited most from the prosperity? Who did not share in it and why?
2. How was the conservative tenor of the 1920’s expressed in the resurgence of
the KKK, the Scopes Trial, and the rebirth of fundamentalism, the SaccoVanzetti Case, and prohibition? How did liberals react to the conservative
mood of the time?
3. What was the predominant attitude in the 1920’s toward business? How did
Henry Ford epitomize the business spirit of the era? Discuss the more
critical attitudes of intellectuals who did not share these business values.
A New World Order
March 7
Review and EDUCUE, American Journey, chap 23
March 10
March 11
MIDTERM 1865-1940
MIDTERM 1865-1940
To Think About:
1. What were the underlying causes of the Depression and what steps were
taken by the American government to respond? Be very specific and
2. Who were the New Deal’s opponents? Why did they object to New Deal programs,
and what alternatives did they offer? How much popular support did these opponents
3. How did the New Deal change attitudes about the role of government in the
economy, and the government’s responsibility for the social welfare of ordinary
Americans? What economic and social-welfare programs today trace their origins to
New Deal legislation?
WEEK 9 Globalism
March 14
March 16
World War Two begins, American Journey, chap. 24
Truman to Ike
Film Screening: 'Wretches & Jabberers'
Part of Spectrum of Opportunity: Autism, Inclusion, and Communication
Date & Time:Thursday, Mar. 17, 2016 at 6:30 pm
Location:Preus-Brandt Forum
March 18
Cold War beginnings , Cooperative learning assignment
To Think About:
1. Historians have asserted that the Cold War began in the conferences
and activities of the Big Three during World War II. What is this
assertion based on? Outline the major battles of the Cold War up to
2. What economic interests did the United States have in Latin America and
China? What was Roosevelt’s Good Neighbor Policy? What was the Open
Door policy, and how did the United States react/or not react to Japanese
aggression in China?
3. Chart the gradual movement of the United States to war from the late 1930’s
to late 1941. How did public opinion impact this movement? When and
why was non-intervention abandoned?
SPRING BREAK From Monday March 21 to March 28 Read, chap. 25
WEEK 11 Cold War Heats Up
March 28
No Class until after 4 pm
March 30
Ike, American Journey, chap 26
Cultivating the Sky: How the Ethics of Food Matters to the Politics of Climate Change
Willis Jenkins
Thursday, Mar. 31, 2016 at 7:00 pm
Lundring Events Center
April 1
Cold War
To Think About:
1. What was the “containment policy”? How did the Truman administration implement
it in Europe and Asia? How did the Eisenhower administration implement it?
Kennedy’s administration?
2. What were the causes of the Korean War? How did it effect American foreign
policy? What precedents did it set? What was the significance of the conflict
between President Truman and General MacArthur?
3. Describe the United States’ involvement in Vietnam and the Middle East in the
1950’s and 1960’s.
April 4
April 6
April 8
Conflict: At home and abroad
A New Frontier
Sixties, Educue , chap. 27
A Century Ago
Thursday, Apr. 7, 2016 at 7:00 pm
Poetry of the World War One Era
Grant R. Brimhall Library, Community Room
April 10
QUIZ 1930-1963
To Think About:
1. How did McCarthyism reflect the conservative tenor of the 1950’s? Did the Warren
Court re-enforce or counter this conservatism? Specifically how?
2. Boyer comments that a “Sense of new beginnings prevailed in the early sixties.”
What were the major accomplishments of that period?
3. Discuss the Civil Rights Movement after the Second World War. In what ways was
the “double V” campaign a success? In what ways was it a failure?
April 11
April 13
April 15
American Journey, chap. 28
Great Society
Nixon and Watergate
To Think About:
1. In what ways did LBJ’s Great Society hark back to the New Deal? Organize an
argument drawing several specific correlations.
2. 1968 has been called the “year it all came apart.” What does this statement
mean? What, in particular, was the connection between domestic politics and
foreign policy
3. What were the accomplishments of the Nixon administration in foreign policy?
How did Watergate overshadow those accomplishments?
America Turns Right
April 18
April 20
April 22
American Journey, chap. 29
Ford and Carter
Carter to Reagan,
To Think About:
1. In the late 1960’s a new electoral majority began to evolve. What were the
components of this majority and how did it differ from the New Deal coalition? How
did it demonstrate its impact in the elections from 1968 to 1980?
2. How and why did a more conservative mood evolve in the nation in the late 60’s and
early 70’s? What happened to the New Left and where did the Moral Majority come
3. What economic problems confronted the United States during the late 1970’s to the
late 1980’s? Discuss specifically the impact of oil on the economy? How did
Presidents Ford, Carter and Reagan deal with these problems and with what success?
America’s Hard Drive
April 25
April 27
April 29
American Journey, chap 30
To Think About:
1. What were the “Reagan Revolution’s” social, ideological and political foundations?
What was the basis of Reagan’s personal popularity?
2. What policies did the Reagan administration follow regarding the Soviet Union, the
Caribbean and Central America, and the Middle East? Analyze the results of these
3. Analyze the Civil Rights movements of the 1980’s and early 1990’s. What role did
African-Americans, Native Americans, gays and Hispanics play?
WEEK 16 Into the Millennium
May 2
1990’s, film, American Journey, chap. 31.
May 4
Into the new millennium, Bush 43 and Obama
May 6
Review, EDUCUE
To Think About:
1. Name and develop five very specific ways that globalism impacted the world of the
last decade of the 20th century. In what ways was the economic interchange good?
Bad? Why?
2. Despite the “victory” in the Cold War, the US did not ride a wave of economic gain.
What specific acts, events and policies impacted the economy between 1980 and
3. Terrorism as a modern technique began in the 1970’s at the Munich Olympics. The
statement is often made that “One man’s terrorist, is another man’s revolutionary.”
Do you think this is true? What impact did terrorism ultimately have on the domestic
policies of Clinton,George W. Bush, and Obama?
Wednesday, May 11, 8:00 am-10:00 pm
The essay questions will be taken from the “To think about questions”
on the syllabus. If there are conflicts with the scheduled final exam
time, contact the Office of the Provost.
Each student is responsible for presenting one of the topics in the reader that is linked into
Blackboard to the class in a presentation. The presenters will be grouped in pairs depending on
class numbers. This can be a power point (to be posted on Blackboard), and a skit, a debate, or
other creative methods that thoroughly present the main ideas to the class and enhance the
learning of other students. Each presentation will be 15 “ long with 5” for questions. The
presentations must be so good that your fellow students do NOT have to reread the lesson.
1. Race Relations
2. Westward Expansion
3. Opportunity and the Industrial City
4. Immigration: Putting Down Roots
5. The Age of Violence
6. Farmer Discontent
7. Annexing the Philippines
8. Clash of Cultures
9. The First Sexual Revolution
10. The Great Depression
11. Mobilizing Women for War
12. The CIA in the 1950’s
13. American Life in the Fifties
14. The Civil Rights Movement
15. The Kennedy Crises
16. Dissent in the 1960’s
17. Television as a Social Force
18. Reagan’s Policies
19. The Environmental Movement
20. Middle Class Nation?
21. Clinton’s Hard Drive
22. Deindustrialization
Due Week 2
Due Week 3
Due Week 3
Due Week 4
Due Week 4
Due Week 5
Due Week 6
Due Week 6
Due Week 7
Due Week 7
Due Week 8
Due Week 9
Due Week 9
Due Week 11
Due Week 12
Due Week 12
Due Week 13
Due Week 14
Due Week 14
Due Week 15
Due Week 15
Due Week 16
PAPER 1: This paper will be exclusively primary source based using the newspaper archives in
the library with the support of the History Librarian, Lala Badal: lbadal@clunet.edu
These sources are the key: Early American Newspapers, Series 2 (1758-1900)
In the First Person and Los Angeles Times: Historical Issues (ProQuest)
and Wall Street Journal (ProQuest)
Available here: http://www.callutheran.edu/iss/research/history.php and
For example: Obviously, Columbus has no contemporary newspaper but there are early
celebrations in the old newspapers. You need to use the newspaper archives to find sources to
frame an argumentative paper, e.g. Columbus Day engendered significant excitement in early
America as shown in ….. Then the first paper would help provide sources for the second paper,
which would be a bit broader, e.g. Columbus is unfairly portrayed as a villain...
PAPER 2: The paper due on April 29 must deal with your assigned chapter also. It must build
on the first essay, which was all primary source based. This one will be an argumentative essay
with an additional five SECONDARY sources that are post-1950 historians’ views of the same
topic. You will be saying “in XXX the newspapers viewed it this way, but historians in the late
20th century argu it is Xm y, and Z”, citing sources in Chicago style and including a bibliography!
Standards of Student Conduct Statements:
The following are excerpts from the CLU’s student handbook, which can be found on the
following link: http://www.callutheran.edu/student_life/student_handbook/
University Harassment Policy:
For information on the University’s student harassment policy and rights, please go to the
following link:
Pearson Library:
Pearson Library provides access to scholarly books, journals, ebooks, and databases of full text
articles from scholarly journals. To begin using these materials, visit the library web page
http://www.callutheran.edu/iss/research/ . Librarians are available to assist you at the Thousand
Oaks campus or via Meebo chat on the Library’s home page or emailing
CLULibrary@callutheran.edu. You may contact the library at (805) 493-3250. If you attend
classes at one of CLU’s satellite locations, see
http://www.callutheran.edu/iss/research/satellite.php for the full range of services provided.
CLU Writing Center:
All enrolled CLU students are invited to make use of our services. For additional information,
please visit http://www.callutheran.edu/writing_center/ , call 805-493-3257, book online at
GenBook, or stop by the Writing Center (The Darling Collaboration Suite in the library) to
schedule an appointment.
4 unit course, 11
week semester
Readings of
required texts
Weekly Classes
W Course Weekly Course
Over fifteen weeks, uneven
Includes exams
Preparing oral
presentation and
Primary source
Writing two
Midterm Exam
Final Exam
Average, varies by student
Minimum, varies by student
Minimum, varies by student
over fifteen weeks
Average, varies by student
Average, varies by student
What is a Carnegie Hour?
Strictly time-based reference for measuring educational attainment used by
American universities and colleges.
Credit hour in this context is defined as an academic hour or 50 min.
Credit unit equals one hour of instructor-led activities and two hours of
independent work per week over 15 weeks.
The Calculation: 1 unit = 1 instructor-led hour + 2 independent work hours per week
based on 15 week semester so…
4 units= 4 instructor-led hours + 8 independent work hours per week on 15 week
semester = 60 instructor-led hours + 120 independent work hours per