
Constitutional Law II

Fall 2006

Wealth Discrimination

Con Law II 1

Forms of Wealth Discrimination

Differential Wealth Transfers

Progressive & Regressive Taxes

Benefits programs

Uniform Transfers w/ Disparate Impact

Fees charged for exercise of fund. rights

 Poll taxes, abortions, criminal defense, marriage

Fees charged for exercise of non-fund rights

 Education, other health care

Fall 2006 Con Law II 2

Wealth Affecting DP Fund. Rights

General Rule: No positive DP rights

Failure to fund exercise of DP FR

Exceptions - Specific const’l guarantees

Right to Trial Counsel – Griffin v. Illinois (1963)

 6 th Am: “In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy … Assistance of Counsel for his defense”

Right to Appel. Counsel –

Discretionary Appeals –

Douglas v. Cal (1963)

Ross v. Moffitt (1974)

 Unnecessary to protect constitutional integrity of criminal process

Fall 2006 Con Law II 3

Wealth Affecting DP Fund. Rights

Access to Civil Proceedings

Boddie v. Conn (1971)

 Filing fee in divorce case (constitutes deprivation)

 Would state also have to provide free counsel?

 Combination of wealth discrim and FR to marriage

US v. Kras (1973)

 Refuses to extend Boddie

 Bankruptcy does not stand in same shoes as divorce

Not a fundamental right

State doesn’t have monopoly in this area

Orttwein v. Schwab (1973)

 Same as Kras

Fall 2006 Con Law II 4

Dandridge v. Williams



Differential amount of AFDC (welfare) per child


No DP right to welfare (positive right)

Can’t discriminate in welfare grants:

 Along suspect class lines (e.g., race, but not wealth)

 If welfare is an EP fund. right

 If burdens some other DP or EP fund. right


Burdens the fund. right to procreate

Fall 2006 Con Law II 5

San Antonio v. Rodriguez


Disparate Impact

Different per pupil school expenditures

Edgewood ISD Alamo Heights

96% minority 19% minority

Avg property value


Avg property value


Local exp.= $26/pupil Local exp.= $333/pupil

Total = $356/pupil Total = $594/pupil

Fall 2006 Con Law II 6

San Antonio v. Rodriguez


Disparate Impact

Different per pupil school expenditures

Falls along wealth and race grounds

 Wealth Discrimination

Purposeful but not suspect class

 Race Discrimination

Suspect class but not purposeful

Fundamental right

Intentionally discriminatory in exercise of education

Is this an EP fundamental right?

Fall 2006 Con Law II 7

San Antonio v. Rodriguez


Free Education as fundamental right

Textualist arguments?

 Broad textualism (penumbralism) – essential to exercise of all other constitutional rights


 Not provided historicalliy

Dynamic (evolving constitution)

 Although a fundamental right in most other countries (and states), Court rejects approach


 Essential to a system of ordered liberty?

Fall 2006 Con Law II 8

Plyler v. Doe


Standard of Review

Fall 2006

Suspect Class?

 Their status is not a “constitutional irrelevancy”

 Undocumented children are “special members of this underclass”

 Not suspect, or even quasi-suspect, but almost

Fundamental right to an education

 Not fundamental (for EP purposes), but supremely important

 Education plays a “fundamental role”

 Nature of the burden imposed (means employed)

 total denial, not just diminished quality

Con Law II 9

Plyler v. Doe


Standard of Review

Introducing “rational basis with bite”


Conservation of scarce resources ($$)



Undocumented aliens denied public education


(how well does this classification serve state interest)

Relegating members of work force to illiteracy can hardly be in the state’s economic interest

 Poor fit

Fall 2006 Con Law II 10

Plyler v. Doe


Standard of Review

Introducing “rational basis with bite”


Deterring Illegal Immigration

Is this a permissible state objective?



Undocumented aliens denied public education


(how well does this classification serve state interest)

Illegal immigration is in pursuit of economic opportunity, not education, health care, etc.

 Poor fit.

Fall 2006 Con Law II 11
