Osteocytes - tayloekrhs

• Mature bone cells
• Main cells that perform metabolism
• Do not undergo cell division
-clast= to break
Huge cells
Formed from monocytes (WBC)
Contain lysosomal enzymes
Destroy bone tissue
Destruction is called resorption
Why would bone tissue be destroyed?
Compact Bone Tissue
Few spaces
Forms external layer of all bones
Forms bulk of the body of long bones
Provides protection and support
Takes stress
Bone Micro-anatomy (compact)
• Perforating canals (Volkmann’s canals) – a miniature
passageway by means of which blood vessels and
nerves penetrate the bone
Central (Haversian) canals – a microscopic tube
running the length of the spinal cord containing blood
and lymphatic vessels and nerves.
• Concentric lamellae – rings of hard, calcified matrix
found in compact bone.
• Lacunae –a small, hallow space, such as that found in
bones in which the osteocytes lie
• Canaliculi (KA-li-sEz)– small channels in bone, where
they connect lacunae
• Osteon – bone tissue
Spongy Bone Tissue
• Does not contain true osteons
• Trabeculae
– = little beams
• Spaces between trabeculae are filled
with red bone marrow
– Red bone marrow produces blood cells
• Makes up most of short, flat, and
irregular bones
• Makes up most of the epiphyses on
long bones
• Skull, hip, ribs, sternum, vertebrae,
ends of long bones are typical
hemopoetic sites
Ossification: Bone Formation
• This is the process of forming bone
• Embryonic skeleton is formed of
hyaline cartilage which must turn to
• Osteogenic cells form
• Become osteoblasts—secrete
• Ossification starts at 6-7th week of
embryonic life
• Continues throughout adulthood
Homeostasis of Bone
Bone must continually renew itself
Old bone is constantly being destroyed
New bone is formed in its place
This is called remodeling
– The on going replacement of old bone
with new bone
• Osteoclasts
– Responsible for resorption of bone tissue
• Balance must be maintained between
removing minerals and depositing
minerals (such as calcium)
– Osteoclasts and osteoblasts
– Too much= spurs, bumps
– Too little= weakens bones, fractures
Nutrients for Bones
• Adequate minerals
– Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium
• Vitamins A, C, and D
• Several hormones
– Human growth hormone (hGH)
– Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)
– Giantism vs dwarfism
• Weight-bearing exercise