Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter “Ohio Chapter of the Year!” General Body Meeting December 20, 2008 CACDST Goals: • Impactful social action programming that mobilizes the chapter • Contributing $30,000 over the next 5 years to our chapter scholarships and programs • Reclaiming at least 50 sorors over the next 5 years • Enhancing our internal policies and procedures for better chapter effectiveness • Increasing chapter visibility within the community and the sorority. Regional Goals: • 200 delegates at DDNC • 100% Chapter Compliance • 7000 Members by June 30, 2009 • 200 DIDs (Delta Internal Development workshops) • 8 State Meetings (e.g., Delta Days, Statewide Founders Day, Training Clusters, etc.) • Launch a State Program Initiative for all 8 states • Submit 4 articles from the Midwest for the Delta Journal • 100% attendance by chapters at the Regional Conference • Full slate of candidates for 2009 Regional Conference DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC. CINCINNATI ALUMNAE Ohio Chapter of the Year!” General Body Meeting December 20, 2008 ORDER OF BUSINESS Δ Meeting Call to Order Δ Committee Reports – Adopt-A-Family Δ Adoption of the Agenda – Ways & Means /Golf Outing Δ House Keeping Reminder – Membership Intake Δ Minutes of Previous General Body Meeting – Read Silently – Delta GEMS – Delta Academy Δ Correspondence Δ Officer’s Reports – President – 1st Vice President – 2nd Vice President – 3rd Vice President – Financial Secretary – Treasurer – Scholarship – Physical & Mental Health Δ New Business Δ Announcements Δ Ritualistic Closing Note: Italic and shadowed items are reports containing recommendations and will require action 2008 - 2009 2 DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC. CINCINNATI ALUMNAE General Body Meeting Minutes November 16, 2008 The November 15, 2008 meeting was called to order at 10:17am, College Hill Presbyterian Church. A quorum was present with financial members and non-financial/ visiting sorors. Motion to adopt the agenda by Sor. Shawnda DeRamus. Seconded. Motion Carries. The October General Body minutes were read silently. Sor. Krystal Hardy moved to accept the October minutes. Seconded. Motion Carries. Correspondence Sor. Charlotte McKenzie gave her report. Received invitation several thank you cards from sorors and community organizations. President Sor. Veronica Chapman gave her report. Reaffirming chapter goals. Local, State, Regional and National updates. Violets to committee chairs for EFF, Scholarship and Social Action. 1st Vice President Sor. Tina Welch gave the report. Updates on program committees under 1st VP office. Looking for a chair for financial fortitude. 2nd Vice President Sor. Danelle Carter gave her report. Sor. Carmen Jett updated chapter on Kwanzaa program for December. Assistance needed with the Kwanzaa ceremony. Sor. Integration will also be sending out further information regarding upcoming events for the chapter. 3rd Vice President Sor. Vickie Fairley gave her report. Informational Report. Will be asking committees to document their processes to utilize as a transition document for the chapter. Financial Secretary Sor. Ligaya West gave her report. Up to 125 members. Treasurer Sor. Gayle DeBrossard gave her report 2008 - 2009 3 DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC. CINCINNATI ALUMNAE General Body Meeting Minutes November 2008 ….continued . Appointed Officers • None Committees • Ebony Fashion Fair: Sor. Charlotte McKenzie gave her report. Excellent event and thanks to all who supported, volunteered and attended. Violets to all sub-committee chairs. • Ways & Means: Sor. Lisa Rowell gave her final report on the 08 Golf Outing. Next outing May 16, 2009. Violets to committee members. Motion to accept the final report by Sor. Shawnda DeRamus. Seconded. Discussion. Motion Carries. • Delta Academy: Sor. Candice Higgins moved to forgo her report in the interest of time. • Delta G.E.M.S: Sor. Krystal Hardy gave the report. Violets to sorors who donated tickets to EFF, Sor. Ligaya West, Stacey Fulgham and Mika Marshall. Community Service event on 12/6 10-1. • Cotillion: Sor. Shawnda DeRamus gave her final report on the 08 Cotillion. Applications available until 11/21. Tea on 12/7 at Mason Community Center. Violets to the committee for their hard work. Motion to accept the final report by Sor. Tina Welch. Seconded. Motion Carries. • Scholarship: Sor. Kim Hull gave her report. Applications available, due 1/31. Violets to the committee and day of volunteers. Over 150 participants. Observations and recommendations for next year. Committee meeting on 11/16 3-5. • Nominating Committee: Sor. Veronica Chapman gave the report. Results of election • Membership Intake: Sor. Gail McCullom gave her report. Review of proposed calendar. Motion to accept the calendar by JenniferLewis Thornton. Seconded. Motion Carries. • Physical & Mental Health: Sor. Stephanie Morton gave her report. on Strokes, will have monthly activities. 2008 - 2009 Focus 4 DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC. CINCINNATI ALUMNAE General Body Meeting Minutes November 2008 ….continued Unfinished Business • None New Business •None Announcements •Reminder to drop off check or contributions for adopt a family. Motion to adjourn by Sor. Tina Welch, Seconded. Motion Carries. Meeting adjourned at 11:55 pm followed by the Ritualistic Closing. Stacey Fulgham Recording Secretary 2008 - 2009 Veronica Chapman President 5 DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC. CINCINNATI ALUMNAE Correspondence Report December 20, 2008 Happy Holidays, Sorors. Please review the guidelines listed below that will help in our correspondence process. •All committee meetings, updates, announcements, etc. that you would like included in the upcoming CAC Weekly Update should be submitted each week, no later than Sunday, 5:00pm to You must write your own submission in its’ entirety. This will insure inclusion of any early week meetings, as the Update will be emailed during the early part of each week. If you have an exception/emergency, feel free to call 513-2583799. •Please submit your info in the format as you would like for it to appear in the update. Your info should be inclusive but brief, in STANDARD TYPE AND FONT. Include pertinent info such as date, time, location, contact person, email, phone number, etc. Only minor editing will be done. •Keep in mind that NOT EVERY FLYER/ATTACHMENT CAN BE INCLUDED. Therefore, submit your info as bullet points that can be included in the body of the update or send an attachment that is small in capacity. •Please UPDATE YOUR CURRENT ADDRESS, EMAIL, PHONE NUMBERS, ETC. with our Sergeant at Arms as you sign in for the Chapter Meeting. Also, if you have information that is currently not on file for another Soror, please provide it to us. We need correct information so that we can keep you in the communication loop of CAC. •Your suggestions and comments are welcome. Remember, ALL SUBMISSIONS SHOULD ONLY BE SENT TO THE CHAPTER EMAIL ADDRESS: Thank you Sorors! Correspondence: • Thank you card from Soror Tina Welch in recognition of the recent loss of her father in law. •Thank you card from Soror Camille Woods, Soror Krystal Hardy, and the Delta GEMS for their sponsorship to attend the Ebony Fashion Fair. •Thank you from Soror Betty Fultz. •Invitation for the Dream Is Real Stomp Fest on May 24, 2009. 2008 - 2009 6 DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC. CINCINNATI ALUMNAE Correspondence Report continued….. Request/Ads/Donations: • The Beta Iota Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. will host its 53rd annual Mardi Gras on Saturday, February 28 and is requesting sponsorship of levels $2000, $1000, $500, or $250. • The American Cancer Society is requesting a $100 donation for their annual drive. • CYC (Cincinnati Youth Collaborative) is requesting a financial gift of either $50, $125, $250, $500, or $1000 to support their student success program. Submitted in the spirit of Delta, Charlotte McKenzie Corresponding Secretary 2008 - 2009 7 DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC. CINCINNATI ALUMNAE Presidents Report December 20, 2008 Happy Holidays Sorors! Thank you for your generosity of time and treasure this holiday season, particularly given these tough economic conditions. Local Updates ▲ Soror Paula Giddings, was unable to attend the National Black Storytellers Festival and Conference due to her mother’s illness. Violets to Sorors Nancy Moody and Charlotte McKenzie who showed up to the panel discussion. ▲ Volunteers are needed to assist with the Midwest Regional Leadership Team Meeting, April 3-5. Violets to Soror Monetta Pennington who has agreed to chair the Ad-hoc committee. State Updates ▲ Statewide Founders Day Weekend: March 6 – 8, Dayton, Ohio. Weekend activities include: President’s Meeting, Friday, March 6, 2009, 7 PM; Keynote Speaker: Soror Octavia Matthews; Workshops: Fiscal Management, Program Planning & Development; and Chapter History. Midwest Region Updates ▲ Soror Octavia Matthews, MW Regional Director, is requesting the Chapter support again as she runs for re-election. She is requesting the following support: ▲ Approval for Pres. to write a letter of support ▲ At the appropriate time, Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter sorors volunteer to work on the campaign committee. ▲ Give the appropriate approval for the voting delegate to vote for me at the 2009 Midwest Regional Conference ▲ Advisors Certification Training which will be held April 18, 2009 in Southfield, Michigan. Please let me know ASAP if you would like to attend. 2008 - 2009 8 DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC. CINCINNATI ALUMNAE President’s Report…. continued National Update ▲ On-line Registration is open for Delta Days at the National’s Capital – Feb 29 through March 3, Washington D.C. Registration will close on January 26. ▲ The National Commission on Arts and Letters present its major initiative for the 2008–2010 Biennium, Project ART: Actively Redefining Together. It’s three-part thrust is: 1) Together promoting positive image; 2) Together supporting works that uplift our world; 3) Together challenging today’s standards. Project ART is a collective effort to support, nurture and uplift positive programming while rejecting demeaning and harmful images in all forms of entertainment and media: music, film, radio, television and print. The first program rolled out under Project ART will be Delta Red Carpet. Under this program chapters are asked to support T.D. Jakes’ upcoming film “Not Easily Broken.” The film, produced by Bill Duke, will release nationally on January 9, 2009. The initial target markets have not yet been determined, but as a part of Project ART you have the opportunity to affect this determination. The program will have three components: ▲ Requesting the movie to be shown in your area ▲ Hosting a local Delta Red Carpet event ▲ Providing objective evidence of our impact ▲ Other programs under Project ART will include The Delta Bookmark, a national book club and recommended reading list; Delta Speaks Out, a public communication initiative and Delta Authors on Tour, a chapter fundraising activity in support of Delta authors. Look to receive further information on these programs soon. Yours in Delta, Veronica L. Chapman President 2008 - 2009 9 DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC. CINCINNATI ALUMNAE First Vice President Report Sorors the program committees teamwork has resulted in some great programming activities over the past month: ∆ Delta Academy kick of educational component two, Bridge Building ∆ Cotillion Acceptance Tea, 19 potential Debs participated ∆ Kick-off of the chapter’s Stroke Awareness program ∆ Kick-off of the Adopt-A-Family program We have some great things planned for 2009. Below is some key information regarding each program and upcoming activities: 2008 - 2009 – Dr. Betty Shabazz Delta Academy - Young ladies grades 5th through 8th, focus on math/science, meets 1st Saturday of each month at Corryville Recreation Center, 12pm – 3pm. Next meeting January 10th, Bridge Building Part-2, a bridge building contest. – Delta Academy II: Delta G.E.M.S. (Growing and Empowering Myself Successfully) – Young ladies grades 9th through 12th, focus on self esteem and leadership, meets 1st Tuesday of each month at Xavier University Gallagher Student Center (Room 214), 6:30pm – 8:30pm. Next meeting January 6th, Financial Fortitude/Life Skills/Credit. – Scholarship Committee - Scholarship applications are now available and can be obtained from committee members or at our website, deadline is January 31st . – Debutante Cotillion - Young ladies that are High school Juniors and Seniors, focus on developing and enhancing the debutante’s personal, educational, cultural, spiritual, and social lives. Rehearsals are held at Xavier University Armory on Sundays, starting at 3PM. Next activity Sunday, January 11th, first rehearsal and parents meeting. 10 DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC. CINCINNATI ALUMNAE First Vice President Report – Social Action committee - Collaboration with community partners to enhance the political and social awareness of the Cincinnati community residents. – Physical and Mental Health Committee – will be focused on Stroke and Stroke prevention in addition to Breast Cancer Awareness, and Heart Disease. – Financial Fortitude Committee – We are confirming our new chairpersons for this committee and they will be sharing the committee’s focus areas regarding personal finances for a target group of under served Cincinnati residence with the chapter in January. – Adopt-a-Family – provide Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets for a deserving family as well as collect and distribute personal care items for our sick-n-shut-in sorors during Christmas. Donations are being accepted at the December 20th sorority meetings. The chapter calendar was distributed at the September meeting and is also posted on the website, Please take a moment to review and add key dates to your personal calendar. Sorors thanks for your support to date. We are excited about our programs and we invite you to participate. Yours in Delta Tina A. Welch First Vice President 2008 - 2009 11 DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC. CINCINNATI ALUMNAE Second Vice Presidents Report Please remember to stay and fellowship with your Sorors for our annual Kwanzaa celebration. The ceremony and fellowship will be held in the Great Hall which is located in the basement of the church. We will begin as soon as everyone is assembled immediately following our chapter meeting. Mark your calendar for our 2009 Statewide Founder’s Day. The Dayton Alumnae Chapter has agreed to host this celebration. Our own Midwest Regional Director Soror Octavia Matthews will be the keynote speaker for this event. The dates for the event are March 6-8, 2009. Stay tuned for more details! Other Founder’s Day celebrations: •January 17, 2009 – Gary Alumnae Chapter in Gary, IN; Keynote speaker: Soror Gwendolyn Boyd, 22nd National President. •January 31, 2009- Detroit Alumnae Chapter in Detroit, MI; Keynote speaker: Soror Octavia Matthews, Midwest Regional Director •March 15, 2009- Schaumburg-Hoffman Estates Alumnae Chapter in Schaumburg, IL (Illinois Statewide Founder’s Day celebration) Keynote speaker: Soror Cynthia Butler-McIntyre, 24th National President •March 21, 2009- Battle Creek Alumnae Chapter in Battlecreek, MI; Keynote speaker: Soror Paulette Walker, 1st National Vice President. •March 21, 2009- Eastern Panhandle Alumnae Chapter in Martinsburg, WV; Keynote speaker: Soror Gwendolyn Boyd, 22nd National President. •March 21, 2009- Collegiate Chapters in Wisconsin; Keynote Speaker, Soror Cynthia Butler-McIntyre, 24th National President •March 28, 2009- Bowling Green Alumnae Chapter in Bowling Green, KY; Keynote speaker Soror Pamela E. Smith, Immediate Past National Secretary Reclamation……Have you invited an inactive Soror to attend a chapter meeting? Please make a commitment to bring at least one inactive Soror to a chapter meeting during the sorority year. Yours in Delta, Danelle Danelle A. Carter 2nd Vice President 2008 - 2009 12 DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC. CINCINNATI ALUMNAE Monthly Report October 2008 Disbursements Expenses Amount Website , Telephone Listing - August & September Cincinnati Bell Meeting Location - October College Hill Presbyterian 100.00 Membership Dues 2008-2009 DST HQ 255.00 Finance Team: supplies Ligaya P. West Sisterhood: flowers Peachy's Blossom Sisterhood: gift for Julia Purdue Veronica Chapman Adopt-a-Family: gifts Tina Bowen 582.00 Delta Academy: food Candice Higgins 392.89 Delta Academy: rocket activity iSpace, Inc 450.00 Delta GEMS: Communications Krystal Hardy 10.98 Delta GEMS: food Tikica Benjamin 43.89 Delta GEMS: meeting supplies Camille Woods 99.54 Membership Intake: accommodations Aundrea Locke 419.75 Membership Intake: DID space College Hill Presbyterian 50.00 Membership Intake: food for DID Veronica Chapman 41.88 Scholarship: College Prep Workshop Kim Hull 113.36 Scholarship: College Prep Workshop facility Mayerson Academy 345.16 Scholarship: postage Gayle DeBrossard 2008 - 2009 46.84 31.18 172.52 25.00 26.60 13 DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC. CINCINNATI ALUMNAE Monthly Report November 2008 Disbursements Expenses Amount Ebony Fashion Fair: decorations Veronica Chapman 33.65 Ebony Fashion Fair: decorations Shawnda DeRamus 29.12 Ebony Fashion Fair: decorations, stagehands Charlotte McKenzie 380.62 Ebony Fashion Fair: final payment for Facility Duke Energy Convention Center 2093.38 Ebony Fashion Fair: flowers Tina Welch Ebony Fashion Fair: labels for chairs Danelle Carter Ebony Fashion Fair: per diem (cash) Ebony Fashion Fair Ebony Fashion Fair: returned item Melton Photography Ebony Fashion Fair: signage Ad Pro Signs GRAND Total Expenses 2008 - 2009 159.59 25.54 660.60 75.00 154.81 6743.30 14 DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC. CINCINNATI ALUMNAE Financial Roster A Adams-Davis, Sherri Allen, Maurine Archable, Victoria Austin, Terricka B Barnes, Donnia Benjamin, Tikica Berry, Sallie Black, Monica Bowen, Tina Boyce-Mathis, Angela Brooks-Higgins, Candice Brown, Elsie Brown, Marena Burton, Kyndal Byndon, Ebonie C Cargile, Lori Carter, Danelle Cash-Mills, Esther Chapman, Sheryl Chapman, Veronica Cole, L’Tanya Coleman, Mary Collins, Ashani Collins, Tamia Cook, Angela Coursey, Yvonne D Dale, Marviette Davis, Betty DeBrossard, Gayle DeRamus, Shawnda Dixon, Sheree E Ellington, Evelyn Elliott, Deloris Everett, Minnie 2008 - 2009 F Fairley, Vickie Fears, Kristal Ferguson-Booker, Sheila Foree, Marthella Frazier, Josephine Frazier, Reynell Fulgham, Stacey Fultz, Betty Fuqua, Jaekeia G Gayle-Rucker, Gracie Glaspie, Geraldine Glover, Frances Goodloe, Celestine Graham, Scharleen Green, Tamara H Handy, Ronnise Hardy, Krystal Heard, Danyelle Henry, Martha Hollinger, April Horton, Margaret Howard, Carla Hudson, Lucia Hull, Kimberly J Johnson, Ruth Jones, Nikita Joseph, Lynadius K Kearney, Rose Kendrick, Crystal L Leonard-Wilkinson, Glenda Lewis-Thornton, Jennifer Love, Melinda M Mackey-Moore, LaCosta Madry, Trina Marshall, Mikaela Matthews, Keianna McCray, Adrienne McCray, Jacquelyn McCullom, Gail McDonald-Gordon, Robyn McKenzie, Charlotte Meadows, Cheryl Merrida, Chemere Montgomery, Olivia Moody, Nancy Moore, April Morgan, Melba Morton, Stephanie Murphy, Eunice N Newberry, Lillie O Owens, Vera Owens, Wanda P Paddio, Lillie Pankey, Danielle Pennington, Monetta Potter, LeQuita R Reed, Allene Reed-Jett, Carmen Rogers, Michelle Rogers, Shawana Rowell, Lisa T Taylor, Nikki Thomas, Nikki Tillery, Irma Toliver, Ernestine Toney, Michelle Turner, Jacqueline Twitty, Rhonda V Veals-Pierre, Bennette W Walker, Beulah Walker, Deatria Walters, Lottie Ward, Gloria Watson-El, Jasmin Weber-Lashore, Akiliah Welch, Tina Wesley, Florence West, Ligaya Wheeler, Tisha White, Dorothy White, Marie Wiggins, Sandra Winston, Tiffani Woods, Camille Y Young, Sylvia TOTAL 126 S Sams, Vanessa Shirley, Virginia Faye Singletary, Pearline Stallworth-Lett, Cheryl Stewart-Tyson, Karla Story-Stewart, Michelle Strudwick, Casandra 15 DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC. CINCINNATI ALUMNAE Treasurers Report General Body Account Beginning Balance November 1, 2008 Income Generated: $ 2008-09 Membership Dues MIT - Training Booklets Adopt a Family $ 5,704.81 455.00 657.50 582.00 Total Income $1,694.50 Expenses Generated: Cincinnati Bell - Telephone Listing $9.56, Website $37.28 DST HQ - Membership Dues 2008-09 Mayerson Academy - Scholarship - College Prep Workshop Kim Hull - Scholarship - College Prep Workshop - Supplies Peachy's Blossoms - Sisterhood - Flowers College Hill Presbyterian - October Meeting Space $100, MIT $50 Ligaya West - Finance - Supplies Krystal Hardy - Delta GEMS - Copies/postcards Tikica Benjamin - Delta GEMS - Food Camille Woods - Delta GEMS - Postage,Supplies, Food Veronica Chapman - MIT - Food Candice Higgins - Delta Academy - Food iSpace, Inc - Delta Academy - Robots Veronica Chapman - Sisterhood - Gift for Soror Julia Purdue Gayle DeBrossard - Postage for Scholarships Aundrea Locke - MIT - Expenses for Trainer Tina Bowen - Adopt a Family- Gifts $ 46.84 255.00 345.16 113.36 172.52 150.00 31.18 10.98 43.89 99.54 41.88 392.89 450.00 25.00 26.60 419.75 582.00 Total Expenses Ending Balance November 30, 2008 2008 - 2009 $ 3,206.59 $ 4,192.72 16 DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC. CINCINNATI ALUMNAE Treasurers Report ….continued Ways and Means Account Beginning Balance November 1, 2008 Income Generated: Ebony Fashion Fair - tickets Ebony Fashion Fair - Return Coat Check Seed Money Ebony Fashion Fair - Coat Check Seed Proceeds Ebony Fashion Fair - Melson Photography Ebony Fashion Fair - Johnson Publishing Co. $ $ 6,808.76 $ 6,388.33 $ 3,613.71 $ 9,583.38 $ 2,158.66 $ 0.18 3,825.00 300.00 43.00 60.00 2,160.33 Total Income Expenses Generated: Returned Item $ 75.00 Tina Welch - EFF - Flowers for Chairperson, MC & Hostess 159.59 Veronica Chapman - EFF - Decorations 33.65 Shawnda DeRamus - EFF - Decorations 29.12 Danelle Carter - EFF - Labels for Chairs 25.54 Charlotte McKenzie - EFF - Decorations, Stagehands 380.62 Duke Energy Center - EFF - Location final payment 2,093.38 Ad - Pro Signs - EFF- Signage 154.81 EFF - Per Diem for Models 660.00 5/3 Service Charge 2.00 Total Expenses Ending Balance November 30, 2008 Sisterhood Account Beginning Balance November 1, 2008 Income Generated: Interest $ 0.18 Total Income Expenses Generated: Total Expenses $ Ending Balance November 30, 2008 2008 - 2009 $ 2,158.84 17 DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC. CINCINNATI ALUMNAE Treasurers Report ….continued Scholarship Account Beginning Balance November 1, 2008 Income Generated: Interest from CD Interest $ $ 5,857.57 $ 73.14 $ - 72.66 0.48 Total Income Expenses Generated: No Activity Total Expenses Ending Balance Before Restricted Funds $ Restricted Funds: Scholarship Funds Reserved 5,000.00 Total Restricted Expenses Ending Balance November 30, 2008 Certificate of Deposit Account Beginning Balance November 1, 2008 Income Generated: 5,930.71 $ 5,000.00 $ 930.71 $ 10,000.00 No Activity - Maturity 12/2009 Ending Balance November 30, 2008 $ 10,000.00 2008 - 2009 18 DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC. CINCINNATI ALUMNAE Treasurers Report ….continued Cotillion Account Beginning Balance November 1, 2008 Income Generated: No Activity $ 8,915.77 $ - $ - Expenses Generated: No Activity Total Expenses Ending Balance Before Restricted Funds Restricted Funds: 2007-08 Cotillion Scholarships $7,000 Total Restricted Expenses Ending Balance November 30, 2008 2008 - 2009 $ 7,000.00 $ 1,915.77 19 DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC. CINCINNATI ALUMNAE Treasurers Report ….continued GRAND TOTAL Ads / Contribution Year-to-date $1,200 Jul-08 $1,200 $0.00 Aug-08 $0.00 Sep-08 ($100.00) Oct-08 Nov-08 Dec-08 Jan-09 Feb-09 Mar-09 Apr-09 May-09 Jun-09 Currently Available ($100.00) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 2008 - 2009 $ 28,781.42 Delta Research & ED Foundation Donation Queen City Chapter Walkathon Delta Sigma Theta Rho Xi Contributio nScholarship Luncheon 20 DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC. CINCINNATI ALUMNAE Membership Intake Hello & Happy Holidays Sorors! • Violets to the Minerva Circle for all of their hard work in planning upcoming membership intake activities! • Your presence is requested at Rush on Sunday January 4, 2009. The location for Rush is the Columbia Center located at 3500 Columbia Parkway. Rush will begin promptly at 5:00 p.m. We are requesting that all Sorors arrive no later than 4:30 p.m. in Red/ and or White Business Attire. We have mailed out 72 invitations! We look forward to you coming out to meet women that are interested in joining our illustrious Sisterhood! • Interviews are tentatively scheduled for Friday January 23, 2009 from 6-8 p.m. and Saturday January 24, 2009 from 12- 6p.m. at the College Hill Presbyterian Church. The chapter vote is tentatively scheduled for Sunday, January 25, 2009 at 3:00 p.m. at the College Hill Presbyterian Church. • As a sisterly reminder, Rush, Interviews, and the Chapter vote are open to financial members of Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter only. Please keep all information regarding membership activities confidential. Respectfully Submitted, Soror Gail McCullom 2008 - 2009 21 DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC. CINCINNATI ALUMNAE Delta G.E.M.S. December Report Mid November- The GEMS sent a thank you card to the chapter expressing their gratitude for the opportunity to attend EFF. Nov 25, 2008- G.E.M.S. Committee Meeting via conference call to discuss Dec programs. Beginning of December- The GEMS sent individual thank you cards to the Sorors that purchased tickets for EFF. Also, our newly elected GEMS representatives wrote articles on the 4 programs we’ve had thus far and these articles will be featured in the next addition of Minerva’s Pen. December 2, 2008- GEMS Parents Meeting at Xavier University. We provided the parents with an opportunity to meet the committee and we also provided top line information about Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and how our national focus ties into the GEMS program. We also reviewed the calendar/programs we have conducted thus far and opened up the floor for questions/answers. 100% of parents in attendance described the meeting as beneficial/value add and were thankful that we made ourselves and the information available. 80% of parents that attended expressed a personal concern/issue they are having with their teenage daughter that they would like us to cover in our program. 100% of the concerns that were expressed were added to the calendar and will be covered in 2009. Dec 6, 2008- SERVE IT UP LADIES! We had two community service events scheduled for the GEMS. We were scheduled to participate in a Toy Drive at St. Vincent De Paul and a Coat Drive at Elder High School. Inclement weather caused us to cancel the events and we stayed at Xavier University and had a discussion on the importance of community service and the GEMS formed sisterly bonds with each other. Dec 17, 2008- G.E.M.S. Committee Meeting via conference call to discuss Jan programs. 2008 - 2009 22 DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC. CINCINNATI ALUMNAE Delta Academy Report December 2008 The 2008-2009 Delta Academy program year has been off to a great start. Here are the highlights. Enrollment: 42 girls, ages 10-14, grades 5-8 Average attendance: 26 participants; 3 to 7 Sorors To kick off the program year right and establish relationships, on Oct. 4 participants were invited to an Orientation and Social to get to know the committee and each other through several team building and ice breaker activities. One memorable activity was the Balloon Bounce, which challenged teams to be the first to cross a distance while connected and simultaneously bouncing the most balloons. Participants and parents were also treated to a feast prepared by A Taste of Julia’s Catering. In the “iSPACE Blast Off” Learning Module on Oct. 11 and Nov. 8, participants were introduced to the basic principals of rocketry and space travel. They built a model rocket and the activity culminated with participants launching their rocket outdoors. Most rockets climbed to nearly 100 feet in the air! This module was conducted in collaboration with Participants were also addressed on Oct. 11 by Bev Ketron, iSPACE educator, and on Nov. 8 by DeJuan McGuire, a civil engineer. 2008 - 2009 23 DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC. CINCINNATI ALUMNAE Delta Academy Report ….continued The “Bridge Building” Learning Module launched on Dec. 13. Guest Speaker Soror L’Tanya Cole, director of Global Process Development and Engineering for P&G’s Feminine Care products division, engaged participants in a thought-provoking presentation on how to find their path to success, as well as sharing her experiences as a civil engineer and the first Black female to graduate with a master’s in engineering from Princeton University. Participants were also introduced to the principles of sound bridge design through videos, diagrams, a software demo, and a peer education activity. As assigned teams, participants began to develop designs for their bridges. The exciting conclusion of the module is a competition among team participants for the strongest, most efficient bridge and a Bridge Trivia Challenge. Also, on Dec. 13, Delta Academy began its Water Challenge community service project to support the efforts of the Water Project, Inc. and Water for Children Africa to build the infrastructure, like water pumps and dams, needed to establish and sustain a clean water supply in impoverished areas of Africa. Participants have been encouraged to make a personal sacrifice for two weeks, such as drinking only water or requesting donations rather than Christmas presents, and divert the funds saved as a donation to this noble cause. Bracelets and information packets are available for Sorors interested in supporting this effort. Tax deductible donations can also be made payable to the Water Project, Inc. and mailed to Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter, P.O. Box 37285 Cincinnati, Ohio 45222. Collection Day is Feb. 14, 2009. In addition to all this activity, 12 participants are competing for the 6 coveted spots on the Delta Academy African-American History Bowl team. The 4th Annual Alpha Esquire Black History Month Quiz Bowl will be held from 11 to 4 p.m. Feb. 7 at the University of Cincinnati – Richard Linder Center Varsity Village Auditorium 450-550. Please save the date Feb. 28, 2009 for the Delta Academy/Delta GEMS Mind, Body and Soul Winter Retreat! 2008 - 2009 24 DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC. CINCINNATI ALUMNAE Delta Academy Report ….continued Needs: •Delta Academy is need of dedicated committee members! •Delta Academy also needs speakers who work in or have worked in TV broadcasting, filmmaking, or video production for the Lights! Camera! Action! Learning Module in the spring. For more information contact Soror Candice Higgins at (513) 829-1085 home, (740) 707-0682 cell, or with questions or for more information. Humbly Submitted, Soror Candice C. Higgins Program Chair Soror Tamia Collins-McGuire Program Co-chair 2008 - 2009 25