Why choose goodGround Real Estate?

Prepared by goodGround Real
Estate Ltd
3 The Centre Waipu
+64 (09) 432 1077
022 360 4444
Shane Samtani
Comparative Market Appraisal
14 Lowburn Ave, Waipu
Especially prepared for Stephen McAulay and Natal’ya
"All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, altered, edited, disposed of or distributed without
the prior written consent of goodGround Real Estate Ltd."
Shane Samtani
goodGround Real estate
3 The Centre
Waipu 0510
22nd March 2015
Re: MARKET APPRAISAL – 14 Lowburn Ave, Waipu
Dear Stephen and Natal’ya,
Firstly, very many thanks for the opportunity to appraise your property.
The value of a property is ultimately determined by how much the market is prepared to pay. A
buyer will determine this by comparing your property with other similar properties in the area. The
fairest way to establish an accurate asking price is to compare similar properties that have sold.
Property Description
Please note that this description has been done without the benefit of an
internal inspection.
The property is situated on Lowburn Ave and consists of 3 bedrooms with a kitchen/diner, 2
bathrooms and a lounge. Outside there is a generous patio area and a double garage. Well laid out
gardens complete the package.
The property should sell well as the area is popular and property generally can sell relatively quickly
given the right price and marketing.
Suggested Target Market
Overseas investors looking for a rural property in Northland.
Second/third time buyers.
Investors looking for a rental property.
Auckland market searching for a change in lifestyle
Assessment of Property Value
(Our assessment of value is based on our own research of the property)
Recent sales date from area
The specific quality of the buildings, the underlying value of the land.
Current market conditions
Rating valuation information
Discussions with valuers
Our expertise and understanding of local supply & demand in the area
3 The Centre, Waipu, Northland 0510, New Zealand
tel: 09 432 1077 | fax: 09 432 1078 | info@goodground.com| www.goodground.com
Licensed REAA 2008 | MREINZ
Please see following the research undertaken by me to arrive at a market appraisal value of:
$430,000 to $450,000 (RV:$375,000)
Listing price $469,000 (already listed
with Waipu Real Estate)
N.B. This appraisal above is given in good faith, but it is not a registered valuation report, and should
not be relied upon or treated as such.
You will see from the attached report that I have based the following table on properties sold in
the last year rather currently on the market. However I have also included some information on
the latter for comparison.
Sale prices look to be creeping up recently against R.V. and I would assess that bearing in mind the
desirability and location, we could anticipate a sale range in the band of $430,000 to $450,000,
representing 114% to 120% of current RV.
3 The Centre, Waipu, Northland 0510, New Zealand
tel: 09 432 1077 | fax: 09 432 1078 | info@goodground.com| www.goodground.com
Licensed REAA 2008 | MREINZ
Why choose goodGround Real Estate?
Busy corner site office located in central Waipu,
open 7 days a week and representation in
Twice the market share of achieved sales than
competitors in the area.
Powerful, easy to find website. Scores 95% on
“Webgrader” for marketing effectiveness. In
traffic ranking, goodGround ranks in the top 10%.
Skilled negotiators; trained using techniques and framework endorsed by the United Nations and
follow the Best Practice guidelines.
Promotion of your property through other agencies. We maintain good relationships with other
Real Estate Agencies.
Accredited for Best Practice - this makes us top 10% for service in Australasia.
Commission Rate Payable
To sell the property, land, buildings and chattels, the fees are as follows; first a basic administration
fee of $500.00 and 4% on the sale price, plus GST. If the property sold at $469,000 the commission
payable would be $18760 plus the $500.00 administration fee plus $2,889(GST). The total
commission including GST would be $22,149.
Complementary Advertising with Exclusive Listing
goodGround provides marketing to the value of $500.00 FREE* which includes:
For Sale signage
Trade me website listing
Realestate.co.nz website listing
GoodGround.com website listing
E-newsletter new listing post
Database marketing
Window advertising with photograph and feature bullet points
Team “caravan” to provide all company sales specialists the opportunity to market to their
databases and new buyers
3 The Centre, Waipu, Northland 0510, New Zealand
tel: 09 432 1077 | fax: 09 432 1078 | info@goodground.com| www.goodground.com
Licensed REAA 2008 | MREINZ
Flyers produced for the immediate neighbourhood
Northland Country Newsletter feature if appropriate
Listing booklets available from the office
Property flyers available from the office
Buyer enquiry information pack
Exclusive Agency or General Agency?
When selling your property through a real estate agent you can choose to either list your property
with as many agents as you wish (known as a general agency listing) or with just one agent (a sole or
exclusive agency listing).
Under a Sole Agency a property cannot be sold during the sole agency period by any other company,
or by the owner, without the sole agent being entitled to a fee. However, goodGround Real Estate
will pursue conjunctional sales with other companies to protect the interests of the vendor.
The length of an exclusive listing is completely at the home owners’ discretion.
An exclusive agency is a vital part of goodGround's marketing strategy for the sale of most
properties. It is proven fact that a greater number of exclusive listings result in successful sales as
opposed to a general listing.
Benefits of a Sole Agency:
Closer working relationship between vendor and agent.
100% focus from the agent, to ensure the vendor’s objectives are met. It is natural for most
agents to spend the majority of their time maximising the potential of an exclusive listing as
opposed to a general listing. General listings can be sold at any time by other parties including
the vendor, regardless of how much work an agent may put into the property.
Continuity with advertising. Greater control of your marketing campaign. One agency may
portray photographs which do not maximise the view of a fabulous property, while another
may take outstanding pictures which depict its true likeness. Poor advertising can dilute the
property’s value.
Release of a vibrant, new, fresh product into the market. This applies especially to those
properties which have not sold under a general agency. Properties can become stale if a sale
has not been achieved over a certain period of time. Numerous real estate signs littering the
front door step can create thoughts such as, “That property still hasn’t sold. I wonder what is
Under a General Agency there is no time limit. With a limited time frame the exclusive agent
has limited time to sell/gain commission so will naturally work harder.
Ultimately it is proven through collected statistics that exclusive listings have a higher
conversion to SOLD than generals.
3 The Centre, Waipu, Northland 0510, New Zealand
tel: 09 432 1077 | fax: 09 432 1078 | info@goodground.com| www.goodground.com
Licensed REAA 2008 | MREINZ
For exclusive listings we offer a “goodGround Vendor Warranty” guaranteeing quality service
and commitment. If the agent is not working to your satisfaction, the agent can be fired and
the agency agreement terminated.
As part of our service and commitment to diligence we are happy to physically show you the
properties we have included in this appraisal. This will clearly demonstrate first hand exactly
where your property is positioned in the current market.
goodGround Guarantee:
At goodGround real estate we guarantee our work. No excuses, no buts, no excuses. We ask only 48
hours to remedy any problem you have with us. If we cannot fix the problem to your satisfaction we
agree to cancel our agency on the spot.
Thanks again for this opportunity. The team at goodGround Real Estate look forward to working with
you to sell your property.
Kind regards,
Shane Samtani
Sales Specialist
Licensed under the REAA (2008)
Mob: 022 360 4444
Email: shane@goodground.com
3 The Centre, Waipu, Northland 0510, New Zealand
tel: 09 432 1077 | fax: 09 432 1078 | info@goodground.com| www.goodground.com
Licensed REAA 2008 | MREINZ