Ψ Psychology Ψ Ms. Rust SENSATION & PERCEPTION UNIT MONDAY 25 TUESDAY 26 WEDNESDAY 26 THURSDAY 28 FRIDAY March 1 Sensation – Processing & Attention Due: None HW: “The Eye” sheet for Wednesday (See p.138-142) 4 NO SCHOOL – CASMIR PULASKI DAY 5 Sensation – Thresholds & Subliminal Perception 6 7 8 Sensation - Vision Sensation – Hearing Sensation – Other Senses & ExtraSensory Perception Due: None Due: “The Eye” sheet Due: “The Ear and Hearing” sheet Due: None HW: “The Ear and Hearing” sheet (p.145-148) 13 HW: None HW: Read/notes p.159-161 14 15 Motion Perception, Perceptual Constancies & Perceptual Set Due: p.170-174 “Brain Games” Due: None HW: Study for Test HW: Study for Test HW: “The Eye” sheet (p.138-142) 11 12 Perception – Gestalt Perception – Depth Perception Due: p.159-161 Due: None HW: None HW: Read/notes p.170-174 Sensation & Perception Test TERMS TO KNOW (Follow as you read the book) Module 8: Sensation Processing and Attention (p.134-138) Sensation Bottom-up processing Perception Top-down processing Absolute threshold *Subliminal messages Difference threshold Signal detection theory Sensory adaptation Selective attention *Inattentional blindness *Change blindness The Visual System (p.138-144) Hue, brightness Cornea Iris Pupil Lens Retina Receptor cells (photoreceptors) Rods & cones Fovea Blind spot Optic nerve Color Vision Trichromatic (three-color) theory Opponent process theory *Afterimage The Ear & Hearing (p.145-148) Pitch (hertz) Loudness (dB) Auditory canal Eardrum (tympanic membrane) Ossicles ( hammer, anvil, stirrup) Cochlea & hair cells *=in-class Auditory nerve Sound localization Our Other Senses – Taste, Touch Smell (p.149-153) Sweet, salty, bitter, sour, umami Taste receptor cells Supertasters or non-tasters Olfactory receptors Taste/smell interaction Gate-control theory Kinesthetic sense Vestibular sense *Synaesthesia Module 9: Perception Gestalt Organizational Principles (p.159161) Gestalt Figure-ground relationships Grouping: similarity, proximity, closure, continuity Depth Perception (p.162-169) Depth perception Visual cliff Binocular cues: retinal disparity, convergence Monocular cues: relative size, relative motion, interposition, relative height, texture gradient, relative clarity, linear perspective Motion perception: stroboscopic motion, phi phenomenon Perceptual Constancy & Perceptual Set (p.170-174) Perceptual constancies: shape, size, lightness Perceptual set *Perceptual adaptation *Extrasensory perception: precognition, telepathy, telekinesis, clairvoyance