The Great Gatsby Test Review

The Great Gatsby Test Review
I. Characters: identify the following- list as many details as possible.
A. Jay Gatsby
B. Tom Buchanan
C. Dan Cody
D. Nick Carraway
E. George Wilson
F. Jordan Baker
G. Daisy Buchanan
H. Myrtle Wilson
I. Klipspringer
J. Meyer Wolfsheim
K. The Owl-Eyed Man L. Michaelis
II. Symbols: Be able to explain the literal and symbolic meaning—what does it signify or suggest
in relation to a character or theme?
The Green Light
Eyes of T. J. Eckleburg
East Egg
West Egg
Valley of Ashes
Gatsby’s shirts
Human Molars
Gatsby’s boyhood schedule
Nick’s clock
Gatsby’s dream
Owl Eyes (books and wreck)
Autumn- end of summer
III. Themes
a. Old money vs. new money
c. The American Dream
b. West vs. East values
D. Recklessness
E. Friendship
IV. 20s and Fitzgerald’s life: Go over movie questions from Fitzgerald documentary.
1920s--- Period of time after World War _____ - started in the _____  spread to
In Europe, the time after the war was marked by a deep recession. Unlike with WW2, after WWI
the U.S. did little to try and rebuild Europe. It took an ____________ stance.
However, by the middle of the decade, economic development started to soar in Europe –dubbed
The spirit of the Roaring Twenties was marked by a feeling associated with a break with
tradition. The idea of _______________ spread rapidly. _____________--- break w/
Everything seemed to be feasible through modern _____________. Economic boom--- lots of
______________  surge in technology
Ex: cars, trains, ________________, telephones, mass communication
For the first time there was such a thing as mass communication and it brought the idea of
modernity to the American public. _______________ enabled mass marketing for the first
time—its economic importance led to the mass culture that continues to dominate society. The
20s have also been dubbed _____________________.
The economic boom of the 20s set the stage for the _______________________ that would
dominate the 30s.
During the 20s mass production developed which allowed for cheaper prices of technology
products. This made the automobile affordable, as well as movies and radios. By 1927, Henry
Ford had sold 15 million _____________________.
20s--- “The Jazz Age”--- radios began broadcasting ______________ music, which became
extremely popular and was associated with all things modern, sophisticated, and decadent.
_________________: one of the most notable jazz musicians of the time. Known for
improvisations and endless variations on a single melody. Other notable jazz musicians: Ella
Fitzgerald and Duke Ellington.
______________: as the role of women began to change and more women entered the work
force, there was a style move towards ________________. Corsets went out of style, the bob
became the preferred hair style, and some women even taped their breasts to make them look
flatter. This style was dubbed ______________ –and was marked by women who wore short
dresses with a straight, loose silhouette.
___________ Amendment--- enacted ____________ through the Volstead Act- the manufacture,
sale, import, and export of alcohol in the U.S. was prohibited. This amendment gave rise to
organized crime---mob as illegal smuggling became big business for criminal organizations.
________________: became popular and numerous as the Prohibition years progressed, and lead
to the rise of gangsters such as ______________________.
Place to get alcohol
Speak the password to get in
Corruption- speakeasy operators would bribe police; tipped off operators
________________: young people who came out of WWI very cynical and disillusioned; the
term usually refers to American ___________ _____________ that lived in Paris at the time;
examples, Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Gertrude Stein.
Oct. 29, 1929: Stock Market crashed which contributed to the start of the Great Depression--called ________________________.
_________ Amendment--- repealed the 18th Amendment---up to the states to legalized alcohol;
Feb. 20 1933
_____________________: originally about discovery individualism, and the pursuit of
happiness. Implies successful and satisfying life, financial security and material comforts.
Many authors criticized and satirized the hypocrisy and greed they observed in America’s
empty pursuit of wealth and luxury. Thus, the idea that the American dream had become
corrupt by the empty pursuit of wealth is a theme that runs through many novels from this
time period.
V. Plot: Be sure to review ALL class notes and study questions.
A. review important quotes that I’ve highlighted during our note sessions.