Master Course Syllabus

MGT560: Leadership Development
Credit Hours:
Contact Hours:
This is a 3-credit course, offered in accelerated format. This means that 16 weeks of
material is covered in 14 weeks. The exact number of hours per week that you can
expect to spend on each course will vary based upon the weekly coursework, as
well as your study style and preferences. You should plan to spend 10-25 hours per
week in each course reading material, interacting on the discussion boards, writing
papers, completing projects, and doing research.
Faculty Information
CSU-GC Email:
Virtual Office Hours:
Course Description and Outcomes
This course starts out with an introduction to leadership. Some of the topics include the definition and
description of leadership, the meaning of leadership, processes involved in leadership, and contemporary issues
in leadership.
The different theories and approaches to leadership are explored, as well. These include the Traits, Skills, and
Styles approaches to leadership, as well as situational and contingency approaches. From there, different
leadership theories are explored, including Path-Goal, LMX, Charismatic, Transformational, and Team leadership
theories. Each is looked at from multiple perspectives.
From there, the course moves on to the topics of gender and culture in leadership, and looks at the part gender
and culture play in leadership style and organizational effectiveness. Multiple cultures are compared in
relationship to leadership styles and approaches.
Finally, the learner will examine ethical issues in leadership. Fairness, trust, and ethical behavior are explored,
and multiple perspectives on ethical leadership are discussed. Finally, the principles of ethical leadership are
presented and examined.
Course Learning Outcomes:
1. Learners will analyze multiple leadership approaches and theories to determine the learner’s strengths,
weaknesses, and tendencies as a leader.
2. Learners will analyze the role that leaders play in critical thinking, decision making, innovation, and
change within an organization.
3. Learners will evaluate the role that culture and gender play on leadership practices and styles in an
Participation & Attendance
Prompt and consistent attendance in your online courses is essential for your success at CSU-Global Campus.
Failure to verify your attendance within the first 7 days of this course may result in your withdrawal. If for some
reason you would like to drop a course, please contact your advisor.
Online classes have deadlines, assignments, and participation requirements just like on-campus classes. Budget
your time carefully and keep an open line of communication with your instructor. If you are having technical
problems, problems with your assignments, or other problems that are impeding your progress, let your
instructor know as soon as possible.
Course Materials
Pierce, J. L., & Newstrom, J.W. (2011). Leaders and the Leadership Process. (6th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
ISBN: 9780078137105
Northouse, P.G. (2010). Leadership: Theory and Practice. (6th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. ISBN:
Course Schedule
Due Dates
The Academic Week begins on Saturday and ends the following Friday.
Discussion Activities: Application of knowledge is an important step in the learning experience and
every course has key discussions wherein students can apply and analyze content as well as move
toward synthesis. This course has Discussion Forums that provide learners an extended opportunity to
interact with one another in an instructor-facilitated dialogue that focuses on key course themes.
Students will apply and synthesize knowledge learned to case studies simulating real-world decisionmaking.
Mastery Exercises: These exercises will assess learner knowledge in each topic area.
Critical Thinking Application Assignments: each assignment will require students to apply their
knowledge learned in the module to real-world scenarios.
Final Exam: The exam will assess learner knowledge.
Week #
Chapter 1 in Leadership: Theory and Practice
Chapter 1 in Leaders and the Leadership Process
Discussion Board (25)
Chapters 2, 3 & 4 in Leadership: Theory and Practice
Discussion Board (25)
Critical Thinking (50)
Chapters 3 & 10 in Leaders and the Leadership Process
Discussion Board (25)
Mastery Exercise (0)
Chapters 5 & 6 in Leadership: Theory and Practice
Discussion Board (25)
Critical Thinking (50)
Chapters 7 & 8 in Leadership: Theory and Practice
Chapter 8 in Leaders and the Leadership Process
Discussion Board (25)
Mastery Exercise (0)
Chapters 9 & 10 in Leadership: Theory and Practice
Chapter 11 in Leaders and the Leadership Process Chapter
Discussion Board (25)
Critical Thinking (50)
Chapters 13, & 14 in Leaders and the Leadership Process
Chapter 12 in Leadership: Theory and Practice
Chapter 4 in Leaders and the Leadership Process
Discussion Board (25)
Mastery Exercise (0)
Discussion Board (25)
Critical Thinking (50)
Mastery Exercise (0)
Chapter 13 in Leadership: Theory and Practice
Chapter 9 in Leaders and the Leadership Process
Discussion Board (25)
Mastery Exercise (0)
Chapters 6 & 7 in Leaders and the Leadership Process
Discussion Board (25)
Critical Thinking (50)
Chapter 14 in Leadership: Theory and Practice
Chapters 2 & 16 in Leaders and the Leadership Process
Discussion Board (25)
Mastery Exercise (0)
Chapter 12 in Leadership: Theory and Practice
Chapter 5 in Leaders and the Leadership Process
Discussion Board (25)
Critical Thinking (50)
Chapter 13 in Leadership: Theory and Practice
Epilogue in Leaders and the Leadership Process
Discussion Board (25)
Review all chapters from both texts
Portfolio Project (350)
Assignment Details
This course includes the following assignments/projects:
Week 2
Critical Thinking: Leadership (50 points)
Describe a situation that you as a leader experienced or one where a leader you knew or read about had a team
with three distinct followers who each had a different style or approach to the work at hand. Based on the job
description or the task to be completed, which follower was able to achieve the goals easily and which one
struggled? What strategies did the said leader use to help the followers grow as employees?
Submit a Word document with your answers written as an essay in CSU-Global APA format.
Portfolio Milestone:
Review the portfolio project and the grading rubric, and ask your instructor if you have any questions about the
portfolio project.
Week 4
Critical Thinking: Case Study 3.3 (50 points)
Read Case Study 3.3 - Andy's Recipe in Leadership Theory and Practice
Answer the three questions at the end of the case study. Provide research from two sources other than our
course textbooks that either supports or contradicts your analysis. Your response should be two-three pages in
addition to your cover page and your reference page, submitted as a Word document.
Note: Work to incorporate your questions and answers into a fluid essay rather than merely writing the
questions and adding the answers which follow. Make this a fluid document that weaves a story of the
protagonist's situation!
Week 6
Critical Thinking: Transformational Leaders (50 points)
In a two page paper, discuss a leader who you would consider to be transformational. What are the
characteristics and qualities that leader possesses that makes you think he/she is transformational? How does
this person make decisions? Has the leader led a group through change? Do you believe culture plays a role in
his/her leadership characteristics? Are you a transformational leader? Do you believe you have the potential to
be a transformational leader? What would need to happen in order for you to become a transformational
Week 8
Critical Thinking: Glass Ceiling (50 points)
Numerous examples show women succeeding in traditionally male-dominated professions. But if success is
defined as actually running a company, a corporation, or even a country, we count 19 female CEO’s running
Fortune 500 companies. This sounds solid until realizing this is a small 3.8%.
Over 70 women serve in the US Congress. This, too, seems applause-worthy, unless you count all 535 seats in
both the House and Senate. That means women hold seats in only 13.8% of Congress despite being 52% of the
voting population of America.
Women have certainly come a long way but still have a very long way to go before they have an equal share of
the real power in this country.
Condoleezza Rice, Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin, and Nancy Pelosi are four American women leaders who have
broken the glass ceiling in the world of politics and leadership.
Please describe one specific, predominant, and common characteristic that three of these superwomen possess
that might account for their breaking the glass ceiling.
Use the following questions to guide your supportive writing:
 How specifically is this characteristic demonstrated?
 How do these women apply this characteristic in their decision making, strategic planning, or problem
 Are these characteristics an offshoot of a traditionally male-oriented style?
 If so, which male leader do they most resemble?
 Based on this predominant characteristic, which leadership theory would they utilize most effectively?
This assignment should range between three and five pages in length and include a cover page and a reference
page and utilize full and accurate APA documentation. At least two additional sources beyond the textbook
should be used. Please thoroughly review the grading rubric to assist you with the formation of your essay.
Week 10
Critical Thinking: Stress (50 points)
Stress in the workplace, especially during times of organizational change, is common. As more organizations find
themselves in a “Change or Die” situation, the levels of stress are on the rise (Deutschman, 2007).
Describe a time when you experienced a significant change in your life (preferably at your current place of
work). Be sure to explain the following:
 What were the reasons for the change?
 Who were the players manipulating, involved in, and/or affected by this change?
 What (if any) were the leadership strategies/theories used to assist with the change? If none were used,
what might have been applied as a means of smoothing the transition?
 How long did the complete transition take and why?
 What were the positive and negative results of this change?
Then, review the document titled “Survival Guide for Basic Mistakes” and describe three basic mistakes made by
you, a supervisor, a coworker, or a combination of the three during the described time of change. Offer
suggestions from the survival guide as well as theory from the Northouse text for how the change might have
gone more smoothly.
This assignment should range between 3 and 5 pages in length and include a cover page and a reference page
and utilize full and accurate APA documentation. At least two additional sources beyond the textbook and the
survival guide should be used. Please thoroughly review the grading rubric to assist you with the formation of
your essay.
Week 12
Critical Thinking: Leadership (50 points)
Review the Leadership Model adapted from Montgomery, Copley, and Associates (1996). Using this model as a
framework, select any Northouse (2010) case study that has not been assigned as a Critical Thinking Activity and
offer the model as a potential solution for the issue(s) outlined in the case. Then select a thematically similar
personal or professional situation that you have experienced and, again, use the model to provide perspective
on how you did or could have applied the bull’s-eye rings to assist in navigating through the issue. Be sure to pull
in a culmination of applicable theory discussed this semester as you work through the leadership model. APA
documentation is required in this 4 - 5 page paper.
Week 14
Portfolio Assignment (300 points)
For this portfolio assignment, you will need to have completed the self-assessments required in the Check Your
Understanding Activities. You will be analyzing and evaluating your own leadership development in multiple
areas. The purpose of this project is to provide you the tools to create a self-awareness of your own strengths
and weaknesses as a leader, as well as to help you improve overall in your leadership abilities. The portfolio
should be in the form of an CSU-Global APA formatted essay.
It is essential that throughout the project you are using outside scholarly references, and you are analyzing,
synthesizing, and evaluating the research on each of the topics listed in the project. Additionally, you should be
synthesizing the information from the required course readings and the discussion postings to provide another
perspective on the paper.
The entire portfolio project is worth 30% of your overall grade for this course. The paper should be a minimum
of 10 double-spaced pages. You will need to address each of the following as they relate to your leadership
development. Each question is worth equal value. Reference the Portfolio Project rubric as you complete your
1. Please provide a background of yourself, including where you live, what you do for a living, and your
previous leadership experience – either formal or informal. This will provide a good foundation for the
rest of the project.
2. Self-Confidence is a large portion of developing as a leader. Where are you currently in regard to selfconfidence based on the self-assessments? What does this mean for you as a leader? What steps can
you take to improve your self-confidence score?
3. Leadership traits, skills and styles are all relevant in leaders today. Where are you currently in regard to
traits, skills and styles as they relate to leadership based on the self-assessments? What does this mean
for you as a leader? What steps can you take to improve these scores to become a more effective
4. Some approaches to leadership include situational, Path-Goal, and Leader Member Exchange. Where
are you currently in regard to these three approaches based on the self-assessments? What does this
mean for you as a leader? What steps can you take to improve upon these areas?
5. Other approaches to leadership include Team Leadership, Collaborative Leadership, Participatory
Leadership and Transformational Leadership. Where are you currently in regard to these approaches
based on the self-assessments? What does this mean for you as a leader? What steps can you take to
improve upon these areas?
6. It is important to understand what type of leader you are. In regard to gender, the Gender-Leader
Implicit Association Test and Masculinity-Femininity Self-Assessments can provide further insight into
your leadership styles. Where are you in regard to these assessments? What does this mean for you as a
leader? What steps can you take to improve in these areas?
7. Culture plays an important role in leadership today. The Culture Questionnaire and the IndividualismCollectivism Self-Assessments can provide insight into the dimension of culture and leadership. Where
are you currently in regard to cultural aspects of leadership? What does this mean for you as a leader?
What steps can you take to improve in these areas?
8. Integrity and Trust are essential to successful leadership. Where are you currently in regard to trust and
integrity as shown in the self-assessments? What does this mean for you as a leader? What steps can
you take to improve in these areas?
9. How do you compare your current leadership based on the previous assessments to where you want to
be as a leader? Are you close to where you want to be? Are you better off than you thought? Would
other people agree with your self-assessments, or do you think that answers would be different if they
came from your coworkers, superiors, or subordinates? How would they differ?
10. How do you feel you compare in your current leadership as compared to your best examples of great
leadership? This could be people at work, people in your personal life, etc. What qualities do you have
that they don’t? What qualities do they have that you don’t? How do you achieve that level of
Course Policies
Course Grading
20% Discussion Participation
45% Critical Thinking Activities
35% Final Portfolio Paper
Grading Scale and Policies
95.0 – 100
90.0 – 94.9
86.7 – 89.9
83.3 – 86.6
80.0 – 83.2
75.0 – 79.9
70.0 – 74.9
60.0 – 69.9
59.9 or below
Failure for Nonparticipation