Chapter 9 Attitudes and Emotions at Work 1. What are the three components of an attitude and give an example using job satisfaction? 2. Which is more enduring? Mood or emotion? 3. What’s the difference between self esteem, self-efficacy and LOC? Give an example of each. 4. Which is most important for work motivation, affective, continuance, or normative commitment? Why? 5. How would you use what is known about the dispositional and situational (job characteristics) approaches to design an effective employee selection process? 4. Why has job satisfaction not been shown to be highly related to absenteeism and turnover? Chapter 11 Fairness and Diversity in the Workplace module 1.1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. How did Cropanzano get interested in studying “justice”? Give an example of a situation where justice was a problem at work Is it better to ‘distance’ oneself from the negative outcome? Or not? Equity, need, equality; what’s the difference? How does a defined comp package (e.g. for Dick Grasso), differ from traditional retirement and what are implications for the effects of each on the employer/employee “contract”? Chapter 12 Leadership 1. What is leadership? How does it differ from management? 2. How has trait theory evolved over the past half century and where does it stand now? 3. What duties (dimensions) distinguish leadership duties from those of a manager (Borman & Brush, '93)? 4. In what way does House/Mitchell's Path-Goal Theory rely on Expectancy theory notions? 5. How are LMX (Dansereau, Graen, & Haga, '75) and Path -Goal (House, '71) similar and dissimilar? 6. What is the difference between transactional and transformational leadership style? 7. What are the relationships between the transformational characteristics and French and Raven's Bases of Power? 8. How are transformational leadership characteristics related to intrinsic motivation constructs? Chapter 13 Teams in Organizations 1. What do groups have in common with teams? 2. What are some reasons why it is so difficult to conduct good experimental research with teams? (creative thought question) 3. Describe, in terms of autonomy, how self-managed teams differs from a self-directed team. 4. what are the primary distinctions between quality circles, project teams and product teams? 5. What are the most important KSAs and personality attributes for successful team composition? (Guzzo & Dickson, '96; Barrick et al., '98) 6. How can group level rewards be used to reduce social loafing? 7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using individual reward systems for team performance? 8. Most experts believe that for groups to be effective they must be rewarded. But how would you reward them? 9. Does intrinsic motivation theory apply to groups, and if so, how?