Syllabus - my Classroom!

Mrs. Carolyn Enevoldsen
Room 305
Your success is important to me. The best time to reach me is immediately after school in my classroom. I will make every
attempt to check my email and voicemail every day. If you need to reach me after hours, you may call my cell at (402) 499-6378.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is valuable for those students interested in higher education or in careers in
law, business, entertainment, or politics. It prepares students for interscholastic competition speech
tournaments. The course will require considerable research in school, public, and possibly college libraries. It
will also require written composition of all speeches, whether in expository or expanded outline form. Students
will be required to develop and maintain a personal speech competition file. Tournament competition is a
requirement of this course. Each student will be required to compete at Millard North Novice, Lincoln East
Novice, and then at a choice of either Lincoln Southeast varsity meet or UNL varsity meet. Students may
compete at as many competitions as they’d like, but the ones previously listed are class requirements.
a. Demonstrate ability to take notes effectively
b. Demonstrate effective listening skills
c. Demonstrate the ability to plan, prepare, and deliver various types of speeches competitively
d. Critique speeches of various types
e. Demonstrate effective one-to-one communication skills
f. Develop self-confidence to express ideas fluently
g. Demonstrate ability to use technology effectively
h. Verbalize thoughts clearly and dynamically
i. Analyze audience in selecting, developing, and presenting a topic
COURSE CONTENT: Emphasis will be on development and understanding of public speaking. Students
participate in group discussions, do listening exercises, learn to write and deliver manuscript, impromptu, and
extemporaneous speeches, and learn constructive criticism. Students will perform speeches to entertain, to
inform, and to persuade, as well as special occasion speeches including brown bag speeches, celebrity speeches,
and interpretive speeches.
EVALUATION AND GRADING: A comprehensive written exam is administered at the end of the semester. In
addition to teacher-selected assessment techniques, other techniques will include:
a. Written tests
b. Classroom participation is worth 15% of the total grade (Listed as Progress Checks on grades)
c. Group dynamics and participation
d. Oral presentations
e. Research
f. Constructive criticism (both giving and receiving)
g. Written critiques of self and others
h. Periodic quizzes may be given over lecture notes
i. Tests are worth 5% of the total grade
j. Competition scores are worth 80% of the total grade (points are given for tournament preparedness,
tournament participation, use of in-class prep time, completion of required assignments, involvement,
and quality performance)
k. The season consists of 17 competitions, seven of which are during the first semester. Students will not
pass without attending tournaments. Students are expected to compete at least at 3 tournaments
during the semester.
GRADING SCALE: 94-100 A; 93-91 B+; 90-88 B; 87-86 B-; 85-83 C+; 82-80 C; 79-78 C-; 77-75 D+; 74-73 D; 72-70
D-; 69 and below F
a. College-ruled notebook paper for journal writing and notes
b. 3-ring binder for graded assignments
c. Writing utensils—including a blue or black pen, pencil, and yellow highlighter
d. 3 X 5 note cards WITH lines
e. Imagination and creativity, as well as a GOOD attitude
a. Attendance in class is very important. Vital instructional material and classroom discussion is difficult if
not impossible to recreate. Absences disrupt the educational atmosphere. Absences also deny the
student the benefit of observing the performances of peers and deny valuable work time with classroom
b. Students are advised to review the attendance policies printed in the Raymond Central High School
c. Make-up work is permitted and is graded for full credit for APPROVED absences only.
d. It is the student’s responsibility to check with the teacher as to work missed during the absence and the
procedure to follow.
e. When absences are anticipated the student is to contact the teacher to make prior arrangements. In
addition to being a requirement, this is a courtesy to both the instructor and other classmates.
MULTICULTURAL CONCEPTS: Students will hear and study some famous examples of speeches from speakers of
both genders and from various cultural backgrounds. In addition, students will be encouraged to pursue multicultural topics and/or issues for presentation in various speeches.
TECHNOLOGICAL CONCEPTS: Students will be required to learn and practice the usage of the internet as well as
the library when researching speech topics.
a. Arrive on time to class and be prepared to learn.
b. When you come into class, take out your speech or visuals and begin to work. Do not disrupt the other
students. A lot of this class revolves around your competition piece and will be focused as such.
c. No gum, candy, or pop unless otherwise specified. The teacher has the right to hand out candy or
snacks upon occasion.
d. Bring all materials to class. You will not be allowed to leave the class and retrieve anything from your
e. One person speaks at a time and all ideas are respected.
f. You are NOT dismissed by the bell. You must remain in your seat AND working on task until the teacher
says that you are dismissed. This means that you do NOT have your stuff packed up and ready to go five
minutes before the bell or you will owe me the extra time you are taking away from my instruction.
g. Straighten your area before you leave and take all your things with you.
h. Come to class with a positive attitude.
i. Follow all the rules that are posted throughout the room and which have been communicated to you
and you will experience a terrific class this semester!
j. BE RESPECTFUL!! If you show respect, you are guaranteed to receive it. If you don’t, then you suffer the
consequences of no one respecting you. FOLLOW ALL DIRECTIONS!!
PARENTAL SIGNATURE: If you have read and understand this syllabus, please sign below and have student return this
form to class.
Thank you!—Mrs. Enevoldsen