UNC Tomorrow Overview and UNCW’s Phase I Priority Initiatives Open Forums April 2008 UNC Tomorrow Overview Purpose “…to determine how the University of North Carolina can respond more directly and proactively to the 21st century challenges facing North Carolina now and in the future…” • • • • • What challenges face our state? How can UNC best respond to those challenges? How can UNC sustain this focus over the long term? Become more demand-driven and more responsive to the needs of the state Serve as the UNC System new long-range planning process Timeframe Preparation Listening Response Phase I Phase II Implementation Feb. – Jul. 2007 Aug. 2007 – Jan. 2008 Feb. 2008 – May 2008 Jun. – Dec. 2008 Jun. 2008 – Jan. 2012 Response Phase I: Respond to 30 recommendations in these areas Global Readiness (21st Century Skills, Global Competitiveness) Increasing Access to Higher Education Improving Public Education Economic Transformation and Community Development Health Environment Outreach and Engagement Changes to Internal Policies and Procedures Ten-Year Enrollment Plan Capital Facilities Plan Alignment with UNCW Strategic Plan UNCW Strategic Goal UNC Tomorrow Recommendation Area I. Create a powerful learning experience 21st Century Skills II. Develop quality faculty and staff Phase II III. Enhance diversity Increasing Access to Higher Education IV. Prepare students to be global citizens Global Competitiveness V. Improving Public Education; Economic Strengthen engagement Transformation and Community Development; and outreach Health; Outreach and Engagement VI. Enhance environment and safety Environment VII. Ensure adequate resources Changes to Internal Policies and Procedures; Phase II UNCW Response Phase I Committee Structure Global Readiness (21st Century Skills, Global Competitiveness) Basic Studies Task Force; Intl. Programs Advisory Board Increasing Access to Higher Education Diversity Committee; Office of Admissions Improving Public Education WSE Admin. Team; teacher Education Council Economic Transformation and Community Development Committee on Economic Development Health Health Affairs Task Force; Health Center Environment Sustainability Committee Outreach and Engagement Carnegie Community Engagement Classification Committee Changes to Internal Policies and Procedures Chancellor’s Cabinet Ten-Year Enrollment Plan Enrollment Plan Review Committee Capital Facilities Plan Faculty Senate Buildings and Grounds Committee D. Cordle B. Roer / T. Curran C. Barlow L. Clark N. Reid S. Boyd S. Demski / L. Hossfeld P. Hosier T. Curran D. Girardot Ten-Year Enrollment Plan 15000 2017 Total 14551 14000 13000 2007 Total 12180 12000 11000 2000 Total 10100 10000 Actual Total Actual Resident Planned Total Planned Resident 17 20 16 20 15 20 14 20 13 20 12 20 11 20 10 20 09 20 08 20 07 20 06 20 05 20 04 20 03 20 02 20 01 20 20 00 9000 Capital Facilities Plan Allied Health and Human Sciences Building Infrastructure Improvements Academic Center at Coastal Carolina College Trask Coliseum, Hanover Hall, Natatorium Renovation Science Building Randall Library Renovation and Expansion Hardened Strategic and Emergency Operations Center Social and Behavioral Science Modernization Morton Hall Modernization Bear Hall Modernization DeLoach Hall Modernization Cameron School of Business Modernization Arts & Sciences Building 2009-10 2009-10 2010-11 $43.20 M $11.26M $24.60M 2010-12 2010-11 2011-13 $60.28M $25.71M $70.21M 2011-12 2011-12 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 $10.66M $9.28M $8.37M $8.72M $10.14M $12.07M $25.71M UNCW’s 16 UNC Tomorrow Priorities—not in priority order • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Complete general education revision Implement university-wide program of experiential/applied learning Nurture global citizenship Expand distance (e.g. BSW, CRJ, teacher licensure) and online courses (e.g. MSBCR) Enhance outreach and partnership programs with the seven community colleges in our region Achieve campaign goal for student excellence for underrepresented population scholarships Increase targeted recruitment efforts to address the shortage of math and science teachers Provide leadership in Marine Sciences and Marine Biotechnology in North Carolina Develop partnerships & services, including Campus for Research, Entrepreneurship Service and Teaching (CREST) Develop entrepreneurship & leadership, including Center for Entrepreneurship and Emerging Ventures (CEEV) Implement College of Health and Human Services Educate more health professionals Expand external partnerships for Clinical Training Strengthen UNCW’s curriculum and research in environmentally related areas, including coastal and marine sustainability Combine green buildings and operations and student led initiatives to increase campus sustainability Encourage formation of academic community engagement centers; share administrative support A. Global Readiness UNC Tomorrow Recommendation 4.1.1 UNC should prepare its students for successful professional and personal lives in the 21st century, equipping them with the tools they will need to adapt to the ever-changing world. UNCW Initiative (Improvement of existing program) Complete general education revision Actions Hire 20 new faculty Hire a General Education Director Decrease reliance on part-time faculty Increase foreign-language requirement Require 3-credit FY Seminar Reduce class sizes for writing courses Expected Outcomes Increased retention Increased engagement in curricular choices Improved proficiency in written communication Increased proficiency in foreign language Improved quantitative literacy Improved understanding of human diversity and global citizenship Improved first year engagement with the university community Increased emphasis on interdisciplinary connections Timeline and Accountability • January 2004: Task Force began revision work. • Spring 2006: TF reported to Senate. • Spring 2007: Basic Studies Committee convened. • Spring 2008: Committee reports to Senate. • Fall 2009: Implementation Accountability: Faculty Senate and Academic Affairs Cost(s) and Funding Sources $ 1.731 M salary & benefits Funding Source: Academic Affairs A. Global Readiness UNC Tomorrow Recommendation 4.1.1 UNC should prepare its students for successful professional and personal lives in the 21st century, equipping them with the tools they will need to adapt to the ever-changing world. UNCW Initiative (Improvement of existing program) Implement university-wide program of experiential/applied learning Actions • Implement an experiential/applied learning requirement (e.g., internship, research project, service learning project, applied capstone course) in each CAS major, effective Fall 2008 • Commit $50,000 annually to offset departmental expenses associated with experiential learning in CAS (e.g., supplies & materials, travel to conferences, faculty reassignments for project supervision) • Maximize experiential/applied learning opportunities in the professional schools Expected Outcomes Timeline and Accountability • The primary outcome in all majors is the integration and application of the skills and knowledge acquired in the major Begin Fall 2008 in CAS • Specific outcomes will vary by department and school Accountability: Academic deans Cost(s) and Funding Sources $50,000 annually (already allocated) College of Arts and Sciences Excellence Fund (CAS) A. Global Readiness UNC Tomorrow Recommendation 4.1.3 UNC should promote increased partnerships between its own campuses and international universities and enhance global awareness of its faculty and students. UNCW Initiative (Improvement of existing program) Nurture global citizenship Actions Expand the role of the Office of International Programs to become a Center for Global Programs Hire: • Study Abroad Coordinator • International Admissions Officer Fund travel for International Admissions Officer Building Global Citizens Grants Two two-way global video technology packages (high def monitor, microphones, rear display, additional display) Expected Outcomes • Increase the population of, and interaction with, international students, faculty, and staff • Increase the number of, and access to, global experiences for all UNCW students, faculty, staff, and the community • Foster departmental global curriculum initiatives by offering curriculum development grants and providing workshops and enrichment seminars Timeline and Accountability Timeline: Begin Fall 2008 Accountability: Academic Affairs/Office of International Programs Cost(s) and Funding Sources Academic Affairs: $91,070 (salary and benefits) $80,000 (permanent) Academic Affairs and ITSD: $200,000 (one-time) B. Increasing Access to Higher Education UNC Tomorrow Recommendation 4.2.1 UNC should increase access to its educational programs— including academic courses, degree programs at all levels, and certificate programs—for traditional students, non-traditional students, and lifelong learners. UNCW Initiative (Improvement of existing programs and new program) Expand distance (e.g. BSW, CRJ, teacher licensure) and online courses (e.g. MSBCR) Actions Expected Outcomes Timeline and Accountability Cost(s) and Funding Sources Begin Fall 2009 Implement the on-line M.S. in Biopharmaceutical Clinical Research – 3 faculty lines required Place education clinical faculty (1 to start) at CC’s, implement 5 additional distance education courses, and provide travel expenses Implement B.S.W. program at CCCC – 2 faculty lines required Increase enrollments in elementary education and teacher licensure programs at BCC, JSCC and SCC sites Increase distance enrollment at CCCC site in the B.S.W. program Increase online enrollment in the M.S. in Biopharmaceutical Clinical Research program Dean of Graduate School & Research, Dean of the Watson School of Education, Dean of the School of Nursing, Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences Cumulative annual ~$500K Increased tuition and enrollment increase funds B. Increasing Access to Higher Education UNC Tomorrow Recommendation 4.2.2 UNC should continue ongoing efforts with the North Carolina Community College System to strengthen and streamline articulation between the two systems to develop a more seamless relationship. UNCW Initiative (Improvement of existing programs and new program) Enhance outreach and partnership programs with the seven community colleges in our region Actions Establish on-site advising Provide travel costs for 2+2 program discussions Construction of a joint UNCW/CCCC shared facility at Coastal Carolina Community College Expected Outcomes More effective UNCW on-site advising at CC campuses Increase in transfer student participation, transfer application numbers, course registration, and satisfaction of participants and applicants Increased number of 2+2 programs with CC’s Timeline and Accountability Fall 2008 – Fall 2010 Office of Admissions; Deans of CAS, WSE, SON and CSB; Chancellor Cost(s) and Funding Sources $281,250 for Onslow County Partnership (BOG budget request) & $25M in capital expansion B. Increasing Access to Higher Education UNC Tomorrow Recommendation 4.2.5 UNC should increase the educational attainment of all underrepresented populations, especially African-American male and Hispanic students. UNCW Initiative (New program) Achieve campaign goal for student excellence for underrepresented population scholarships Actions Establish an endowment to fund diversity scholarships Expected Outcomes Increased recruitment, enrollment and retention of students from underrepresented populations Timeline and Accountability Cost(s) and Funding Sources Fall 2012 $27.5 million VC for University Advancement, Chancellor Comprehensive campaign; state and federal financial aid C. Improving Public Education UNC Tomorrow Recommendation 4.3.2 UNC should help address the shortage of science and math teachers, especially in rural areas. UNCW Initiative (Improvement of existing programs and new programs) Increase targeted recruitment efforts to address the shortage of math and science teachers Timeline and Accountability Cost(s) and Funding Sources Actions Expected Outcomes Expand Junior Seahawk program by adding four days during school year to one week summer session Bring more middle school students to campus to focus on math-related activities (Increase student cohort from 70 to 100) Fall 2008 6 teachers x $500 = $3,000 Sponsor Science Olympiad for middle and secondary school students Promote increased interest in science Begin fall 2009 for 2010 Olympiad $9,000 in externally raised funds Expand the NC-MSEN Pre-College Program to UNCW Expand Summer Ventures by adding an additional cohort Conduct workshops and presentations Expand online offerings in math and science, and designated methods courses of other shortage areas Seek grant funding Recruit & prepare students in math and science; provide quality year-round enrichment; enroll an additional 100 students Encourage increased interest in science WSE/SMEC/CAS Summer 2008 Encourage “undecided” majors and math and science majors to consider teaching as a career option Fall 2009 Increase access to students in rural areas 2009 Provide student tuition stipends for individuals planning to teach math or science Summer 2009 $200,000 suppl. Budget request 30 students @ $3,200 @ for a total of $96,000 (no funding Identified) $13,000 (combined external and trust funds) Distance education funds (UNCW and WSE) External funds D. Economic Transformation and Community Development UNC Tomorrow Recommendation 4.4.1 UNC should increase its capacity and commitment to respond to and lead economic transformation and community development. UNCW Initiative (Improvement of existing programs) Provide leadership in Marine Sciences and Marine Biotechnology in North Carolina Actions Strategically focus on innovation in and development of biotech dependent industries Enhance commercialization of research in those areas through 1. Public-private partnerships 2. Alliances among multiple educational institutions 3. Commercial and economic development 4. Innovation pipelines 5. Alignment of new resources Expected Outcomes MARBIONC development into economic engine in research training and education in the coastal ribbon on NC; State-wide Center of Innovation in Marine Biotechnology with MARBIONC taking a lead role; Training of new entrepreneurs through the Business Marine Biotechnology post-doc program; Enhanced undergraduate and cc student engagement in biotechnology processes; Increased patent, licensing, and IP transfer; Cluster facility development for industry/university interactions; Joint ventures and spin-out companies; Enhancing commercialization of research and consulting activities Timeline and Accountability Begin Fall 2009 Director, CMS Cost(s) and Funding Sources $50,000 annually for training of CC and undergrads from tuition & fee; $2.5 M from NCBC for COI in marine biotechnology (state-wide); $250,000 patenting of IP using first-look arrangements with funders; $100,000 per year from program income revenues; $25,000 for marketing from MARBIONC D. Economic Transformation and Community Development UNC Tomorrow Recommendation 4.4.1 UNC should increase its capacity and commitment to respond to and lead economic transformation and community development. UNCW Initiative (Improvement of existing programs) Develop partnerships & services, including Campus for Research, Entrepreneurship Service and Teaching (CREST) Actions 1. Hire UNCW Economic Development Director 2. Develop the three designated CREST sites 3. UNCW students, faculty and organizations will collaborate with and support external businesses and organizations associated with millennial campuses Expected Outcomes 1. Expand the academic and research capacity of the university 2. Foster creative research and entrepreneurial thinking 3. Develop new processes and products that will benefit the region, the state and the global community 4. Create opportunities for students to interact with business partners in a realworld environment 5. Provide opportunities to develop new and creative funding sources 6. Identify economic development and workforce initiatives Timeline and Accountability Cost(s) and Funding Sources $50,000 Start-up $100,000/year Begun New and reprioritized funding Dean of the Graduate School and Research Public-private investment Industryspecific investment D. Economic Transformation and Community Development UNC Tomorrow Recommendation 4.4.1 UNC should increase its capacity and commitment to respond to and lead economic transformation and community development. UNCW Initiative (New program) Develop entrepreneurship & leadership, including Center for Entrepreneurship and Emerging Ventures (CEEV) Actions 1. Be leader for entrepreneurship & emerging ventures forums, networking & programs for Southeast North Carolina 2. Further expand Business of Marine Biotechnology program 3. Expand CBES focuses to entrepreneurs/venture funding 4. Provide support to CREST and other UNCW 4.4.1 initiatives 5. With CBES & SBTDC, provide lead support for entrepreneurs and emerging venture needs 6. Help establish entrepreneurship across the curriculum 7. Expand Youth Entrepreneurship Program across region Expected Outcomes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Significant faculty & faculty /student research and work Entrepreneurship forums & programs for Southeast N.C. National recognition for Business of Marine Biotech Successful entrepreneurial businesses with CREST Critical needs of entrepreneurs, “angels,” and venture capitalists met from CEEV research & support Innovative entrepreneurship across the curriculum program in place at UNCW Youth Entrepreneurship Program beyond Cape Fear Timeline and Accountability Cost(s) and Funding Sources Existing CMS/CBES faculty line. Start up Begin Fall 2008 $50,000 annually Dean, CSB CBES seed funds Grants Fees E. Health UNC Tomorrow Recommendation 4.5.1 UNC should lead in improving health and wellness in North Carolina. UNCW Initiative (New program) Implement College of Health and Human Services Actions Fund the new College of Health and Human Services Appropriate funds for the Allied Health and Human Sciences Building Includes personnel, operational monies and “catalyst” funds to create visible and focused intellectual capability in health area Expected Outcomes • Increased visibility and identity for UNCW as center of health related education, research, and application • Increased ability to meet health care professional shortages • Organized and ongoing translational research in health professional clinical practice in partnership with regional providers • Focused research, dissemination and application on regional health disparities • Expanded community and regional partnerships for currency in student preparation and creation of community based practice training • Instructional and clinical training efficiencies as a result of common administrative structure for multiple health profession programs • Innovation in coursework and instructional process • Interdisciplinary and collaborative knowledge development Timeline and Accountability Cost(s) and Funding Sources Admin budget yr. 1=$1.2 M College opening Fall 2009 Accountability: Provost, new college transition team $43.2 million (BOG capital list); $500,000 operating funds (BOG budget request) Source: new enrollment monies ’09/10 /AA/ redirection E. Health UNC Tomorrow Recommendation 4.5.2 UNC should educate more health professionals. UNCW Initiative (Improvement of existing programs and new programs) Educate more health professionals Actions • Address UNC Tomorrow identified shortages in Nursing and Social Work ( details in Phase 2) • Expand MSN programs to Jacksonville and on-line • Expand BSW program to Jacksonville to meet social work shortages and develop Lejuene partnership • Initiate MS in Clinical Research (new) • Initiate PhD in Psychology (new) • Initiate BS in Community Health (new) • Initiate MS in Nutrition (new) Expected Outcomes Increase graduates in shortage areas of nursing, social work, clinical research, psychology, community health and nutrition Most new degree programs pending approval Timeline and Accountability Existing degree programs expansion to meet shortages in Phase 2 Dec 2008 MSN and BSW extensions to Jacksonville in process for 08/09 Accountability; Directors of professional degree programs Cost(s) and Funding Sources MSN expansion and MCR online $200K Source: Congressionally directed grant BSW expansion $94K. Source: AA MS in clinical research $200K(3yrs) PhD in Psych; BS Community Health and MS Nutrition unspecified $ Source: enrollment E. Health UNC Tomorrow Recommendation 4.5.3 UNC should lead in utilizing health information to improve health and wellness in North Carolina. UNCW Initiative (Improvement of existing programs and new programs) Expand external partnerships for Clinical Training Actions Expected Outcomes Identify and select community and regional health and education service providers (example AIHF) on basis of cost and noted expected outcomes • Expanded sites for “best practice” context for practice of Nursing, Social Work, Education and other clinical professions • Predictable context for translational research • Source of innovation and curriculum renewal from practice community • Predictable cost for clinical supervision and training • Context for innovative grant funded community based training • Synergistic relationship between academic programs and real world of health service delivery • Possible link to UNCW CREST Campus Timeline and Accountability Cost(s) and Funding Sources Identify partner(s) by Jan ’10 Accountability: Dean, College of Health and Human Services Dean, Watson School of Education Unspecified F. Environment UNC Tomorrow Recommendations 4.6.1 and 4.6.2 UNC should embrace environmental sustainability as a core value among its institutions. UNC should leverage its existing research expertise to address critical environmental and energy issues. UNCW Initiative (Improvement of existing programs and new programs) Strengthen UNCW’s curriculum and research in environmentally related areas, including coastal and marine sustainability Actions Expected Outcomes Start an approved master’s program in environmental studies Fall 2008 Develop a joint degree program in conservation biology and environmental conservation Develop a master’s program in coastal and ocean policy Develop new coursework in energy, sustainability, field methods, geographic information systems and remote sensing of the environment Include sustainability in new student orientation Increase faculty and student research on key coastal issues; faculty outreach to management, conservation and commercial interests; and training of students to wisely manage future resources Further strengthen the reputation of UNCW in environmentally related degrees and education Enhance students’ awareness and engagement in the state’s energy and environmental challenges Increase number of students signed on to the Sustainability Pledge Increase regional services with teacher training at master’s level to teach environmental studies and environmental issues Further strengthen the historical reputation and strength of UNCW in coastal and marine environmental issues Provide hands on experience and training for students in research and initiatives, including undergraduates Timeline and Accountability Cost(s) and Funding Sources Begin Fall 2008 5 faculty members $470,000 + support Academic Affairs Dean, College of Arts and Sciences Dean, Graduate School Director, Center for Marine Science VCSA (for new student orientation) Grants for course development $50,000 in supply, travel and equipment support, especially for student involvement F. Environment UNC Tomorrow Recommendation 4.6.1 UNC should embrace environmental sustainability as a core value among its institutions. UNCW Initiative (New programs) Combine green buildings and operations and student led initiatives to increase campus sustainability Actions • Energy and Water Conservation – building to LEED standards. Retrofit existing buildings (performance contracting) • Metering projects and centralized energy monitoring • Procurement and recycling initiatives • Shuttles, Ped / Bike infrastructure, and fuel efficient vehicles • More student housing to reduce commuting Expected Outcomes • Increased percent of new buildings LEED eligible • Data management capabilities: energy and water consumption (Student applied projects) • Increased materials recycled; reduced solid waste • Increased population for whom alternative transportation or alternative fuel vehicles is made available • Environmentally friendly procurement • Student led initiatives; competitions, LEED management of existing buildings, rain gardens, peer educators • Increased student community service hours • Best management practices (BMPs) for site sustainability and storm water control • Natural areas on campus upgraded to maximize educational benefits. Plant and animal biodiversity is increased • Enhanced behavioral conservation and reduced cost Timeline and Accountability LEED and performance contracting– VCBA Start 2009 Data mgmt – VCBA and CAS Applied Learning 2008-2012 Site initiatives, procurement & transportation VCBA ongoing Student initiatives – VCSA ongoing Cost(s) and Funding Sources Future energy savings (funds performance contracting) Transportation and energy grants University, R&R, auxiliary, and student fee allocations $.3M/year G. Outreach and Engagement UNC Tomorrow Recommendation 4.7.2 UNC should develop a strategic plan for scholarly public service on each campus that is detailed and specific in definition and scope. UNCW Initiative (New program) Encourage formation of academic community engagement centers and other campus communication and coordinating structures; share administrative support Actions • Launch Center for Civic Engagement and Policy Studies • Launch Center for Violence Studies • Organize the UNCW Community Engagement Coordinating Council • Organize pooled administrative, financial, promotional, IT support for CCEPS; CVS; non-credit professional and executive education activities; youth programs Expected Outcomes Timeline and Accountability Cost(s) and Funding Sources $150,000/year • Easier access to UNCW resources resulting in more engagement activities and more UNCW-community relationships • Greater coordination and collaboration resulting in improved outcomes • More efficient use of resources $40,000/year Begin FY ‘09 Ongoing VCs AA,PSCS,BA $1,000/year Cost savings and avoidance Administrative and Policy Changes UNC Tomorrow Recommendation: What administrative and policy changes are needed to successfully implement response plans in ways that ensure UNC’s efficiency, effectiveness, and relevance to both current and future challenges? Examples: Rewards and incentives for faculty, removal of administrative barriers, more flexible personnel policies Actions • Sponsor a series of disciplinespecific seminars to discuss the definition of scholarship and artistic achievement • Develop a definition of scholarly community engagement • Develop a definition of nonscholarly community engagement (i.e. public service) • Engage with the academic governance process to modify RTP documents • Articulate faculty public service expectations and consider workload implications Other initiatives to be determined Expected Outcomes Greater faculty involvement in scholarly community engagement through teaching, research, and artistic achievement Greater faculty involvement in nonscholarly community engagement (i.e. public service) More distinctive scholarly community engagement with more significant outcomes Timeline and Accountability Cost(s) and Funding Sources Begin spring 2008 Complete spring 2009 VCs AA, PSCS $15,000 One-time Interdisciplinary & Inter-Institutional Collaborations UNC Tomorrow Recommendation: What interdisciplinary and inter-institutional collaborations can be established and what “best practices” by campuses can be modeled and adopted by others to address needs identified in the Commission’s recommendations? Actions Expected Outcomes Timeline and Accountability • Joint Engineering Baccalaureate Program in collaboration with North Carolina State University • Satisfy demand for engineers from regional enterprises: General Electric, PPD, Corning, Victaulic, Flow Sciences, and others • Fall 2009; Academic Affairs, CAS • Branch Campus, Onslow County, in collaboration with Coastal Carolina Community College • Satisfy enrollment demand in underserved region, serve Camp Lejeune expansion • Establish interdisciplinary logistics programs at the undergraduate level (in cooperation with CC’s) and at the graduate level to meet the needs of the new international port • Build upon current collaboration with the NC Port Authority concerning the planning and operations of southeastern North Carolina port activity • Fall 2008; Academic Affairs, CAS, WSE, CSB, SON • Continue and expand existing collaborations in the marine sciences and marine biotechnology • Establishment of the Center for Innovation in Marine Biotechnology • Fall 2011 Cost(s) and Funding Sources • $750,000 salaries; $500,000 laboratory equipment; 2 laboratories. Funding Source: State, capital expansion, Academic Affairs • CCCC Structure $25,000,000; $200,000 salaries. Funding Source: Capital expansion, Academic Affairs • $250,000 salaries for 3 faculty positions; $25,000 for operating funds. Funding Source: enrollment growth • Funding Source: NC Biotechnology Center UNC Tomorrow Near-Term Timetable: • • • • • • • • • • April 15 April 15 April 18 April 22 April 23 April 24 April 25 May 1 June 8 December 1 Open Forum Faculty Senate Open Forum Planning Council Administrative Cabinet BOT Educational Planning Cmte. UNCW Board of Trustees Submission of Phase I Report to UNC-GA Campus Phase I reports to UNC BOG Phase II report deadline UNC Tomorrow Phase II (to be completed by December 1, 2008) • • • • • • • • Review of existing degree programs Review of proposed high-need degree programs Review of intra-institutional institutes and centers Faculty and staff recruitment and retention Review of tenure and reward system Mission review Efficiency/PACE Accountability and performance measures