Pathways for sensory information and motor commands


Delivers somatic and visceral sensory information to the CNS.

Sensation: information gathered by a sensory receptor

◦ Processing in the thalamus:

 Determines whether you perceive sensation as fine touch, as pressure, or as vibration

Sensory homunculus: visualizes the connection between different body parts and areas in brain hemispheres.

◦ Provides voluntary control over skeletal muscles

Homunculus provides indication of how much fine motor control available hands, face, and tongue are capable of varied and complex movements

Subconscious control over skeletal muscle tone (neck, trunk and limbs)

* Controls responses to equilibrium sensations


Somatic Nervous System (SNS)

◦ Operates under conscious control

◦ SNS controls skeletal muscles

Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)

◦ Operates without conscious instruction

◦ ANS controls visceral effectors

◦ Coordinates system functions: cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, urinary, reproductive

 Sympathetic division:

 increases alertness, metabolic rate, and muscular abilities

 "fight or flight"

 Parasympathetic division:

 reduces metabolic rate, conserves energy and promotes digestion

 “rest and digest”

