Challenge Day

Be The Change at Watkins Memorial High School
What does Challenge Day do?
Pro-Active way to change school climate
Helps students successfully address the issues
of the following within the context of teen life:
Violence & Death
Bullying, Teasing, & Aggression
Discrimination & Stereotyping
Eating Disorders
Alcohol, Tobacco & Drug Abuse
Program is designed to:
 Increase personal sense of power and self esteem
 Shift dangerous peer pressure to positive peer
 Eliminate the acceptability of teasing, oppression,
bullying, and all forms of violence
What is Challenge Day?
Powerful and life changing experiential workshop
designed to support students in building deeper,
more compassionate relationships in every area
of their lives
Day-long, non-profit program in which students
participate includes:
Series of interactive activities
Group discussions
Ice breakers
Trust building exercises.
Students learn:
How to break down the walls of separation
Build on new levels of trust, acceptance, respect, and
communication with their peers, families and
How is Challenge Day Innovative?
Zero Tolerance Policies rely heavily on REACTIVE
responses to violence, bullying, etc.
Expulsionary measures (detentions, suspensions,
Installing security cameras
Resource officer
Research on bullying and violence consistently
advocates PROACTIVE, school-wide programs that
promote positive school and community climate
Challenge Day significantly reduces peer
victimization by requiring the participation of the
community of students, educators, parents, and
members of the community
Why Watkins?
Watkins is a community with supports meaningful, innovative
programs designed to enrich the lives of our youth
WMHS embrace a population of students that are ethnically,
socio-economically, and culturally diverse…
 Nearly 10% are minorities (134 students at WMHS)
 Over 31% receive free/reduced lunch (32% district-wide)
 Over 16% have a disability (178 students at WMHS)
 Nearly 3% are in the Foster Care system (32 at WMHS)
Per Pride Survey Spring 2009…
 The average age of first use of tobacco, alcohol, and
marijuana for incoming 8th graders is 10.6, 11.1, and 11
 33.1% Threatened a fellow student
 22.3% Being afraid at school, 19% Being hurt at school
 7.4% Thought often or a lot about suicide
Challenge Day has been
New York Times Best Selling Book
Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul
Emmy Award-winning documentary
Teen Files: Surviving High School,
which aired nationally in September
 Aired twice on the Oprah! Television
show in November 2006 and January
 Challenge Day in Central Ohio High
Schools: Big Walnut, Westerville
Movie Time
Be The Change at WMHS
Challenge Day is coming to Watkins!
 All Incoming Freshmen: Sept. 12, 13, 14th
 Selected Upperclassmen: Sept. 15th
Target Participants:
100 student participants, 25 adult participants each day
= 400 students and 100 adults participant volunteers
Challenge Day will take place in the wrestling room,
lunch will be provided
 This is a part of a larger initiative to reconstruct
Freshman Orientation - annual event!
We need YOUR help!
Upperclassmen Recommendations
 Selecting 100 sophomore, junior, senior students
 Base recommendation on personal, social,
emotional needs (not necessarily academic)
 Return form to Stephanie Bellish by May 26th
Adult Participants
 Seeking 5 Teachers per day = 20 total
 Sign up sheet if interested