Computational Extraction of Social and Interactional Meaning from Speech Dan Jurafsky and Mari Ostendorf Lecture 5: Register & Genre Mari Ostendorf Register and Genre Variation in language associated with the social context/situation Formal vs. casual, status and familiarity Spoken vs. written Audience size Broadcast vs. private (performance vs. personal?) Reading level or audience age Rhetorical form or purpose Reporting, editorial, review, entertainment Example: In which case is the speaker assuming that a human (vs. a computer) will be listening to them? Yeah. Yeah. I’ve noticed that that that’s one of the first things I do when I go home is I either turn on the TV or the radio. It’s really weird. I want to go from Denver to Seattle on January 15. Example: o- ohio state’s pretty big isn’t it yeah yeah I mean oh it’s you know we’re about to do like the the uh fiesta bowl there oh yeah structure, content A: Ohio State’s pretty big, isn’t it? B: Yeah. We’re about to do the Fiesta Bowl there. A: Oh, yeah. register/genre More Speech Examples A: This’s probably what the LDC uses. I mean they do a lot of transcription at the LDC. B: OK. A: I could ask my contacts at the LDC what it is they actually use. B: Oh! Good idea, great idea. A: Ok, so what do you think? B: Well that’s a pretty loaded topic. A: Absolutely. B: Well, here in – Hang on just a minute, the dog is barking -- Ok, here in Oklahoma, we just went through a major educational reform… A: After all these things, he raises hundreds of millions of dollars. I mean uh the fella B: but he never stops talking about it. A: but ok B: Aren’t you supposed to y- I mean A: well that’s a little- the Lord says B: Does charity mean something if you’re constantly using it as a cudgel to beat your enemies over the- I’m better than you. I give money to charity. A: Well look, now I… What can you tell about these people? Text Examples WSJ treebank Fujitsu Ltd.'s top executive took the unusual step of publicly apologizing for his company's making bids of just one yen for several local government projects, while computer rival NEC Corp. made a written apology for indulging in the same practice. Amazon book review By tradition, I have to say SPOILERS ALERT here. By opinion, I have to say the book is spoiled already. I don't think I've ever seen a worse case of missed opportunity than Breaking Dawn. Weblogs I realise I'm probably about the last person in the blogosphere to post on this stuff, but I was away so have some catching up to do. When I read John Reid's knuckleheaded pronouncements on Thursday, my first thought was that the one who "just doesn't get it" is Reid.* Newgroups Many disagreements almost charge the unique committee. How will we neglect after Rahavan merges the hon tour's match? Some entrances project, cast, and terminate. Others wickedly set. Somebody going perhaps, unless Edwina strokes flowers without Mohammar's killer. Text or Speech? Interestingly, four Republicans, including the Senate Majority Leader, joined all the Democrats on the losing end of a 17-12 vote. Welcome to the coven of secularists and atheists. Not that this has anything to do with religion, as the upright Senator ___ swears, … I guess no one told this neanderthal that lying is considered a sin by most religions. Brian: we should get a RC person if we can Sidney: ah, nice connection Sidney: Mary ___ Brian: she's coming to our mini-conference too Sidney: great. we can cite her :) Brian: copiously Alan: ha … Sidney: Brian, check out ch 2 because it relates directly to some of the task modeling issues we're discussing. the lit review can be leveraged Word Usage in Different Genres UW ‘03 mtgs swbd email papers nouns 17 13 29 31 32 19 pronouns 10 14 3 2 2 13 adjectives 6 4 11 10 10 9 uh 3 3 0 0 0 .04 Biber ‘93 rand. web conv. web conversations press reports relative clauses 2.9 4.6 causative adverbial subord. clauses 3.5 .5 that complement clauses 4.1 3.4 Why should you care about genre? Document retrieval: Genre specification improves IR Junk filtering Automatic detection of register characteristics provides cues to social context Social role, group affinity, etc. Training computational models for ASR, NLP or text classification: word usage varies as a function of genre Impacts utility of different data sources in training, strategies for mixing data Impacts strategy for domain transfer Overview Dimensions of register and genre Genre classification Computational considerations Examples Cues to social context: accommodation examples Impact on NLP: system engineering examples Overview Dimensions of register and genre Genre classification Computational considerations Examples Cues to social context: accommodation examples Impact on NLP: system engineering examples Biber’s 5 Main Dimensions of Register Informational vs Involved Production Narrative vs Nonnarrative Concerns Elaborated vs Situation-Dependent Reference Overt Expression of Persuasion Abstract vs Non-abstract Style informational news reportage broadcasts academic prose news editorials 0 fiction professional letters Dimension 1 From Biber, 1993 Comp. Linguistics personal letters spontaneous speeches conversations involved situated Dimension 3 elaborated Examples of Other Dimensions Narrative vs Nonnarrative Fiction Exposition, professional letters, telephone conversations Overt argumentation and persuasion Editorials news reports Abstract vs Nonabstract Style Academic prose conversations, public speeches, fiction Register as Formality Brown & Levinson (1987) Petersen et al. (2010) model of politeness Factors that influence communication techniques mapping for Enron email Influencing factors Symmetric social distance Symmetric social distance Person vs. business between participants Asymmetric power/status difference between participants Weight of an imposition Frequency of social contact Asymmetric power/status Rank difference (CEO>pres>VP>director…) Weight of an imposition Automatic request classifier Size of audience Overview Dimensions of register and genre Genre classification Computational considerations Examples Cues to social context: accommodation examples Impact on NLP: system engineering examples Features for Genre Classification Layout (generally used for web pages) Inclusion of graphics, links, etc. Line spacing, tabulation, …. We won’t consider these Features of text or transcriptions Lexical structural Acoustic features (if speech) NOTE: Typically you need to normalize for doc length. Features for Genre Classification Features of text or transcriptions Words, n-grams, phrases Word classes (POS, LIWC, slang, fillers, …) Punctuation, emoticons, case Sentence complexity, verb tense Disfluencies Acoustic features Speaker turn-taking Speaking rate Feature Selection Methods Information filtering (information theoretic) Max MI between word & class label Max information gain (MI of word indicator & class label) Max KL distance: D[p(c|w)||p(c)) D(p||q) = Si p(i)log[p(i)/q(i)] Decision tree learning Regularization in learning (see later slide) MI = mutual information (see lecture 1) Popular Classifiers Naïve Bayes (see lecture 1) Assumes features are independent (e.g. bag of words) Different variations in Rainbow toolkit for weighting word features, feature selection, smoothing Decision tree (in Mallet) Greedy rule learner, good for mixed continuous & discrete features (can be high variance) Implicit feature selection in learning Adaboost (ICSIboost = version that’s good for text) Weighted combination of little trees, progressively trained to minimize errors from previous iterations Popular Classifiers (cont.) Maximum entropy (in Mallet) Loglinear model: exp(weighted comb. of features) Used with regularization (penalty on feature weights) provides feature selection mechanism Support vector machine (SVM in svmlight) 2-class linear classifier: weighted sum of similarity to important examples Can use kernel functions to compute similarity and increase complexity For multi-class problems, use a collection of binary classifiers Genre Classification Standard text classification problem Extract feature vector apply model score classes Choose class with best score Possible variation Threshold test for “unknown genre” Evaluation: Classification accuracy Precision/recall (if allowing unknown genre) Genre as Text Types IR-motivated text types (Dewdney et al., 2001) 7 Types: Ads, bulletin board, FAQ, message board, Reuters news, radio news, TV news (ASR audio transcripts) Forced decision: 92% recall Best results with SVM & multiple feature types Most confusable categories: radio vs. TV transcripts (5-10%) 2. ads vs. bulletin board (2-8%) 1. Genre as Text Types (II) British National Corpus 4 text & 6 speech genres Results: Santini et al., 2004 POS trigrams & Naïve Bayes, truncated documents 85.8% accuracy 10-way, 99.3% speech vs. text Unpublished UW duplication Similar results with full documents Slight improvement for POS histogram approach Genre as Text Types (III) Document POS tagging Data sources: (from LDC) • Speech: broadcast news (bn), broadcast conversations (bc), meetings (mt), switchboard (sb) • Text: newswire (nw), weblogs (wl) (Feldman et al. 09) collect windowed histograms compute histogram statistics Z-norm + PCA Gaussian classifier Open Set Challenges Test on “BC-like” web text Test on matched sources collected with frequent n-grams (Feldman et al. ’09) % correct QDA w/ POS histograms 98% Naïve Bayes w/ bag-of-words 95% Main confusions: BC BN WL BN, NW Improve classifier with higher-order moments & more genres for training. Very little of BC-like web data is actually classified as BC! Consider formality filtering instead. Genre as Formality (Peterson et al. 2011) Features: Informal words, including: interjections, misspellings and words classified as informal, vulgar or offensive by Wordnik Punctuation: !, …, absence of sentence-final punctuation Case: various measures of lower casing Classifier: maximum entropy Results: 81% acc, 72% F Punctuation is single most useful feature; informal words and case are lower on recall Overview Dimensions of register and genre Genre classification Computational considerations Examples Cues to social context: accommodation examples Impact on NLP: system engineering examples Group Accommodation Language use & socialization (Nguyen & Rose, 2011) Data: online health forum (re breast cancer) Jan 2011 crawl, <8 year span, only long-term users (2+ yrs) Analysis variables: Distribution change of high frequency words Questions: What are characteristic language features of the group? How does language change for long-term participants? Language Change for Long-Term Poster Early post: I am also new to the form, but not new to bc, diagnosed last yr, [..] My follow-up with surgeon for reports is not until 8/9 over a week later. My husband too is so wonderful, only married a yr in May, 1 month before bc diagnosed, I could not get through this if it weren’t for him, […] I wish everyone well. We will all survive. 2-4 years later: Oh Kim- sorry you have so much going on – and an idiot DH on top of it all. [..] Steph- vent away – that sucks – [..] XOXOXOXXOXOXOX [..] quiet weekend kids went to DD’s & SIL o Friday evening, [..] mad an AM pop in as I am supposed to, SIL is an idiot but then you all know that Short- vs. Long-time Members Predicting long vs. short-time users: • 88 LIWC categories better than 1258 POS • Best single type is unigrams+bigrams K-L Divergence between… Gender Accommodation/Differences Language use & gender-pairs (Boulis & Ostendorf, 2005) Data: Switchboard telephone conversations Mostly strangers Prescribed topics, 5 min conversations Analysis variables: MM, MF, FM, FF Questions: Can you detect gender or gender pair? What words matter? Classification features = unigrams or unigrams+bigrams Feature selection: KL distance Accommodation?? Detecting gender pair from one side of conversation (unigrams) Distinguishing same/different gender pairs (accuracy) F-measure FF unigrams bigrams FF-MM 98.9 99.5 FM-MF 69.2 78.9 .78 FM .07 MF .21 MM .64 People change styles more with matched genders… OR The matched-gender is an affiliation group. Gender-Indicative Language Use Men: Swear words Wife Names of men Bass, dude Filled pauses (uh) – floor holding Women: Family relation terms Husband, boyfriend Names of women Cute Laughter, backchannels (uh-huh) -- acknowledging Gender-dependent Language Models Big matched/mismatched differences in perplexity for pair-dependent LMs (FF vs. MM biggest difference) Significant F/M difference BUT, best results are from combining all data, since more data trumps gender differences Overview Dimensions of register and genre Genre classification Computational considerations Examples Cues to social context: accommodation examples Impact on NLP: system engineering examples Design Issues in HLT for New Genres Text normalization 101 one hundred and one (text to speech) lol laugh out loud (messaging, twitter, etc.) Lexicon differences New words/symbols Same words but different senses Feature engineering Model retraining or adaptation Sentiment Detection on Twitter Text normalization Abbreviations: gr8 great, rotf rolling on the floor ( Mapping targets and urls to generic token (||T||, ||U||) Spelling variants: coooool coool Punctuation and other symbols Emoticons emoticon polarity dictionary Emphasis punctuation: !!!!, ????, !*?#!! Only 30% of tokens are found in WordNet Argarwal et al., 2011 Sentiment in Twitter (Agarwal et al. cont.) Feature engineering: Unigrams Sentiment features (counts & polarity scores of pos/neg sentiment words from dictionary; punctuation, capitalization) Tree kernel Model: SVM Observations 100 senti-features have similar performance to 10k unigrams alone, tree kernel is better, combo is best Pos/neg acc = 75.4%, Pos/Neg/Neutral acc = 60.6% Most important features are prior word polarity & POS N-gram Language Modeling Conventional wisdom: Mercer: There’s no data like more data. Banko & Brill: Getting more data has more impact than algorithm tuning. Manning & Schutze: Having more training data is generally more useful than any concern of balance. Since the 70’s, the amount of data used in language model training has grown by an order of magnitude every decade Problem: Genre mismatch Mismatched data can actually hurt performance (e.g. using newswire to train air travel information system) General web n-gram statistics ≠ general English (bias of advertising & pornography) More Text/Transcript Examples Meeting transcript A: okay. so there are certain cues that are very strong either lexical or topic-based um concept cues B: from the discourse that – yeah. A: for one of those. and then in that second row or whatever that row of time of day through that – so all of those – some of them come from the utterance and some of them are sort of either world knowledge or situational things. right? so that you have no distinction between those and okay B: right. one uh – uh. um, anything else you want to say Bhaskara? C: um A: time of day C: yeah i m- i mean – B: one thing – uh – D: yeah. they’re – they’re are a couple of more things. i mean uh. I would actually suggest we go through this one more time so we – we all uh agree on what – what the meaning of these things is at the moment and maybe what changes.... WSJ: Fujitsu Ltd.'s top executive took the unusual step of publicly apologizing for his company's making bids of just one yen for several local government projects, while computer rival NEC Corp. made a written apology for indulging in the same practice. Examples (cont.) Lecture transcript right okay so the expectation operator is actually a functional which means it is a function of a function so we describe it as such here is e. which means expectation then we may or may not indicate the actual random variable over which we are taking the expectation then we have an open bracket we have the function of which we are taking the expectation and a closing bracket and this is in fact equal to the integral over all x minus infinity infinity of f. at x. times the probability of x. d. x. and this is actually the probability density function of x. okay so us there are two expectations that are far more important than all the rest the first one is ... N-gram Language Modeling (cont.) Standard approach to dealing with this: mixture modeling Train separate language models on each data source Learn weights of the different components from target data P(wt|wt-1) = Si li(wt-1) Pi(wt|wt-1) Class-dependent Mixture Weights 100% CTS LM 90% 80% 70% ch_en 60% swbd-p2 swbd-cell swbd 50% 40% BN web 30% 20% Bulyko et al. 03) 10% 0% 1gr 2gr 3gr No class • Weights 2gr 3gr Noun 2gr 3gr Backchannel for web data are higher for content words, lower for conversational speech phenomena • Higher order n-grams have higher weight on web data N-gram Language Modeling (cont.) Some text sources hurt WER unless weight is very low: Newswire for telephone speech (Iyer & Ostendorf 99) Newswire for lectures (Fuegen et al. 06) General web data for talk shows (Marin et al. 09, even with weight = .001) Small, query-based topic language model outperforms large, static topic mixture (UW unpublished) Question: Can we get BETTER data from the web? Genre-specific web queries Genre filtering N-gram Language Models (cont.) Bulyko et al., 2007 Register/Genre Take-Aways Our choice of wording depends on the social context: the event, the audience, and our relationship to them Detecting different genres Is useful for information retrieval Is fairly reliable with just word-POS features and standard classifiers Genre variations reflect social phenomena, so genre cues are also useful for detecting social role, affiliation, etc. Genre variations in language impact the design of human language technology in terms of: text processing, feature engineering, and how we leverage different data sources