English 281 (Oenbring) Non-Academic Genre Assignment The Assignment: Your task for this assignment is to either A) write about a Northwest-related topic (broadly construed) in a non-academic genre or B) write an analysis of a non-academic genre. The end result should be 900-1200 words (approx 3 to 4 pages) of material. If you choose to write in the non-academic genre, you must include at least 150 words of genre analysis explaining the stylistic features you included in order to fulfil the requirements of the genre (i.e., the things you did in order to be writing in the genre). Some genres to consider: short stories, magazine articles, newspaper articles, editorials, op-eds, music reviews, and movie reviews Please indicate the target publication of your piece (e.g., The Seattle Times, Rolling Stone). I will give you bonus points if your piece actually gets published. Due date: Thursday, May 8th