Monday, February 11

Do Now
Write the answers to the following questions on your
Daily Organizer:
 Glass
has a specific heat capacity of 0.840 while silver
has a specific heat capacity of 0.240.
 Which
one has a greater specific heat capacity?
 What does that tell you about glass vs. silver?
 An
80-gram sample of brass decreases in temperature
from 64 °C to 49 °C. What was the heat energy lost by
the brass? Brass has a specific heat capacity of 0.380
Today’s Agenda
5 min
• Do Now
5 min
• Important Dates
5 min
• Quiz Review
40 min
• Quantity of Heat: Step Up
5 min
• Exit Ticket
Today’s Agenda
5 min
• Do Now
5 min
• Important Dates
5 min
• Quiz Review
40 min
• Quantity of Heat: Step Up
5 min
• Exit Ticket
Important Dates
Congrats to 4th period on highest quiz average!
Grade Notices Today
 If
missing news project, can complete an extra credit
one! These will be due the day before spring break.
 Absentee Policy
Lab Notebooks Due Friday
Homework This Week
Valentine’s Day Community Service
Today’s Agenda
5 min
• Do Now
5 min
• Important Dates
5 min
• Quiz Review
40 min
• Quantity of Heat: Step Up
5 min
• Exit Ticket
Today’s Agenda
5 min
• Do Now
5 min
• Important Dates
5 min
• Quiz Review
40 min
• Quantity of Heat: Step Up
5 min
• Exit Ticket
Calculating Energy
We can find the amount of thermal energy gained
or lost by any substance by using its specific heat
capacity, the mass of the substance and the
temperature change.
Q = mcΔT
 Positive
Q: object gained energy – there was an
increase in temperature (heated up)
 Negative Q: object lost energy – there was a decrease
in temperature (cooled down)
Review Problem 1
How much heat is needed to heat 150 grams of
silver from 5°C to 78°C? The specific heat capacity
of silver is 0.240 J/g/°C.
Review Problem 2
A sample of water gains 95 Joules of heat when it
heats up from 30°C to 50°C. What is the mass of
the water sample? The specific heat capacity of
water is 4.18 J/g/°C.
Review Problem 3
A 115-gram metal sample loses 164 J of heat
when its temperature decreases from 83 °C to 59
°C. What was the specific heat capacity of the
A piece of metal with a specific heat of 0.430
J/g/°C and an initial temperature of 95°C is
placed in a calorimeter that holds 50 g of water.
The initial temp of the water is 25°C and the final
temp of the system is 40°C. What is the mass of
the metal?
Start by finding the Q of the water.
 Use
water’s mass, specific heat capacity & change in temp.
Set the Q of the metal equal to the -Q of the water!
 The
energy gained by water was lost by the metal so it’s
Use this Q to find the mass of the metal.
 Specific
heat capacity & temperatures are given!
Practice Problem 1
A piece of metal with a specific heat capacity of
0.351 J/g/°C and an initial temperature of 45°C is
placed in a calorimeter that holds 60 g of water.
The initial temp of the water is 20°C and the final
temp of the system is 35°C. What is the mass of
the metal?
 Start
by finding the Q of the water.
 Set the Q of the metal equal to the -Q of the water!
 Use this Q to find the mass of the metal.
Practice Problem 2
A 15 gram piece of metal with a temperature of
100°C is placed in a calorimeter that holds 40 g of
water. The initial temp of the water is 10°C and the
final temp of the system is 50°C. What is the
specific heat capacity of the metal?
 Hint
 Start
by finding the Q of the water.
 Set the Q of the metal equal to the -Q of the water!
 Use this Q to find the specific heat capacity of the metal.
Practice Problem 3
A 25 gram piece of metal with a temperature of
75.0°C is placed in a calorimeter that holds 50.0 g
of water. The initial temp of the water is 19.6°C
and the final temp of the system is 25.0°C. What is
the specific heat capacity of the metal?
 Hint
 Set
the Q of the metal equal to the -Q of the water!
Challenge Problem
A 10 gram piece of metal with a specific heat of
0.670 J/g/°C is placed in a calorimeter that holds
30 g of water. The initial temp of the water is
65°C and the final temp of the system is 20°C.
What is the initial temperature of the metal?
 Hint
 This
works the same as the other problems except you’re
finding the initial temp of the metal!
Independent Practice
Complete the two practice problems. When
finished, I will check it & give you an exit ticket.
After you finish, feel free to work on homework
or Capstone 
Today’s Agenda
5 min
• Do Now
5 min
• Important Dates
5 min
• Quiz Review
40 min
• Quantity of Heat: Step Up
5 min
• Exit Ticket