
• Take a slip. It is a random luck of the
draw if you will receive a top locker.
• Before asking for Ms. Berry’s help
– Try your combination at least twice
– Ask a peer to try it
– If it still doesn’t work ask Ms. Berry
• Once it is opened, DO NOT LOCKE
YOUR PAPER IN IT. Write it down in
your AGENDA. Put it on your
birthdate and one other location.
August 6th
Warm Up:
On your YELLOW warm up sheet,
answer the two questions below in a
complete sentence that restates the
1. How often will you get paid as an
employee of Berry Enterprises?
2. What is Mrs. Berry’s late work
Class Instructions:
1. Managers, get your company folder.
2. Get out your SIGNED Berry Enterprise slip
3. Record your agenda and leave it open on
your desk.
-Geo Terms
-Ga’s Location
Hmwk: Dividers
Vocabulary and Location of
Use your textbook to define the following terms on
your list: absolute location, latitude, longitude, and
relative location.
Longitude (Meridians)?
• Lines that measure distance east or west of
the Prime Meridian
Latitude (Parallels)?
• Lines that measure distance north or south of
the Equator
• Think (“Rungs on a ladder”—Laddertude) OR
(“Lat lays flat”)
• The unit of measure for longitude and latitude
• 0 degrees Latitude
• The starting point for measuring north or
Prime Meridian?
• 0 degrees Longitude
• The starting point for measuring east or west
International Date Line?
• 180 Longitude
• As far away as one can get from the Prime
• A set of global measurements (degrees)
identifying an exact location
• Latitude & Longitude
Cardinal Directions?
• North, South, East, and West
Lesson One (SS8G1a) – Locate Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent, and
Using an pneumonic device can help you remember the four
cardinal directions in order:
Never Eat Shredded Wheat
SS8G1 – The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
Intermediate Directions?
• Measurements between the cardinal
• Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, Southwest
Lesson One (SS8G1a) – Locate Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent, and
Between each cardinal direction is an intermediate direction:
SS8G1 – The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
Lesson One (SS8G1a) – Locate Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent, and
Between each cardinal direction is an intermediate direction:
SS8G1 – The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
Lesson One (SS8G1a) – Locate Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent, and
Between each cardinal direction is an intermediate direction:
SS8G1 – The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
Lesson One (SS8G1a) – Locate Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent, and
Between each cardinal direction is an intermediate direction:
SS8G1 – The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
Absolute Location?
• Identifies a precise position on Earth’s surface
often using longitude and latitude.
32.9605° N,
83.1132° W
Relative Location?
• Describes where a place is located with other
• Example: Dalton is located about 89 miles NW
of Atlanta.
What does
Absolute and
Relative Location
of Georgia
SS8G1 – The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
Lesson One (SS8G1a) – Locate Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent, and
Imagine you were out in space, a million light years
away. Our galaxy, the Milky Way would look
something like this:
SS8G1 – The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
Lesson One (SS8G1a) – Locate Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent, and
Our star, the Sun, is located somewhere around
SS8G1 – The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
Lesson One (SS8G1a) – Locate Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent, and
A set of planets, the Solar System, revolve around the
Sun. Our planet, Earth, is the third planet from the Sun.
SS8G1 – The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
Lesson One (SS8G1a) – Locate Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent, and
A set of planets, the Solar System, revolve around the
Sun. Our planet, Earth, is the third planet from the Sun.
SS8G1 – The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
Lesson One (SS8G1a) – Locate Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent, and
Earth is a sphere. A sphere can be divided into two halves
called hemisphere. (Hemi = half)
SS8G1 – The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
Lesson One (SS8G1a) – Locate Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent, and
Earth is divided in half, along the equator, into the
Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
SS8G1 – The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
Lesson One (SS8G1a) – Locate Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent, and
Earth is divided in half, along the Prime Meridian, into
the Eastern and Western Hemispheres.
SS8G1 – The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
Lesson One (SS8G1a) – Locate Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent, and
On Earth, there are seven major land masses, called
SS8G1 – The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
Lesson One (SS8G1a) – Locate Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent, and
1. Europe
SS8G1 – The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
Lesson One (SS8G1a) – Locate Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent, and
2. Asia
SS8G1 – The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
Lesson One (SS8G1a) – Locate Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent, and
3. Africa
SS8G1 – The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
Lesson One (SS8G1a) – Locate Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent, and
4. Australia
SS8G1 – The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
Lesson One (SS8G1a) – Locate Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent, and
5. Antarctica
SS8G1 – The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
Lesson One (SS8G1a) – Locate Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent, and
6. South America
SS8G1 – The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
Lesson One (SS8G1a) – Locate Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent, and
7. North America
SS8G1 – The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
Lesson One (SS8G1a) – Locate Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent, and
Continent Notes
• Georgia is located on the continent of North America
SS8G1 – The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
Lesson One (SS8G1a) – Locate Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent, and
Hemisphere Notes:
• Georgia is located in the Northern Hemisphere
• Georgia is also located in the Western Hemisphere
SS8G1 – The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
Lesson One (SS8G1a) – Locate Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent, and
Continent Notes:
• Our nation is the United States of America.
SS8G1 – The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
Lesson One (SS8G1a) – Locate Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent, and
Regions Notes: Georgia is located in the
southeastern region of the
United States.
SS8G1 – The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
Lesson One (SS8G1a) – Locate Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent, and
Georgia is surrounded by five states: Tennessee, North
Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, and Alabama.
SS8G1 – The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
Lesson One (SS8G1a) – Locate Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent, and
Relative location is Georgia’s location in relationship to the
surrounding states.
SS8G1 – The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
Lesson One (SS8G1a) – Locate Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent, and
Location Note: Georgia is North of Florida
SS8G1 – The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
Lesson One (SS8G1a) – Locate Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent, and
Location Note: Georgia is East of Alabama
SS8G1 – The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
Lesson One (SS8G1a) – Locate Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent, and
Location Note: Georgia is South of Tennessee &
North Carolina
SS8G1 – The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
Lesson One (SS8G1a) – Locate Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent, and
Location Note: Georgia is West of South Carolina
SS8G1 – The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
Major Bodies of Water Note:
• Georgia is West of the Atlantic Ocean
• Northeast of the Gulf of Mexico
Lesson One (SS8G1a) – Locate Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent, and
What do you remember about…
Georgia’s location???
1.Is Georgia in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere?
2. Is Georgia in the Eastern or Western Hemisphere?
3. On which continent is Georgia located?
4. Georgia is part of what nation?
North America
United States of America
5.In what region of the nation (northwestern, northeastern, southwestern,
southeastern) would you find Georgia?
Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, and
6. Which five states border Georgia? Alabama
Atlantic Ocean
7. What body of water borders Georgia? _________________________________
Gulf of Mexico
8. What gulf is closest to Georgia? _________________________________________
Georgia Coordinates…what’s county is
located in each coordinate???
33N, 83W
31N, 84W
Lake Blackshear
32N, 84W What lake is closest?
34N, 84W What city is closest?
____________ 32N, 81 W What 2 islands are closest?
Watson Mill Bridge
34N, 83 W What state park?
State Park