Welcome to Open House - MlleLobb

Welcome to Open House
Parkland High School
Miss Susan Lobb
French 2, 2 Honors and 4
Welcome to Your
Child’s French Class
I’m delighted YOU joined us this
YOU are the most influential
factor in your child’s success in
I am here to help your child
succeed this year.
About Me
 Earned a BS from West Chester University and a
Master in Ed in French from West Chester University
 22 years of teaching experience at the high school
level (second full year at Parkland)
 Lived and studied in Paris and Quebec.
 Travel to Europe frequently
 Enjoy organic gardening, experimenting with new
recipes, traveling, and volunteer work with dog rescue
What’s in This Year’s
 Develop and refine writing and oral
 Vocabulary and grammar enrichment
 Further develop critical reading skills
 Examples of these include:journal
entries, film analysis, short stories
analysis, discussions and
Student Resources That Are
 Textbook and workbook, Discovering
French Blanc/Rouge Nouveau
 Supplemental materials: publisher’s
online activities, various websites
 Additional reading materials:various
French novels/short stories,
About My Teaching Style
 Teacher and student-led discussions
prompted by questioning
 Students learn to write by writing; I give
ongoing feedback on progress
 Vocabulary activities, grammar
enrichment through writing and oral
drills, individual and group presentations
 Student focused activities
My Expectations for Homework
 30 minutes a night to prepare
 Planning of long-term assignments is
 Work to be completed on time for full
 Homework will be checked daily.
 Homework is directly related to topic
covered in class
Absence Policy for Homework
 What your child should do after an absence:
Inquire about distributed worksheets and
missed homework assignments.
Refer to Miss Lobb’s wiki for the HW
Copy notes from a classmate.
Arrange make up for missed assessments.
Ask questions.
Grading Assessments
Daily homework (5-50 points)
Daily Bellringer Activity (1 point a day)
Quizzes (15-50 points)
Lesson Test (50-150 points) Every 7-14
 Individual and group projects (points vary)
 Daily participation grade(27 points every 4
 Classwork and other activities
Official Reporting Dates
 Report Cards: 11/18,2/11,4/20 and
 Conference Dates:
Ongoing Home-School
Reach me
 By phone: D wing x74422 (9th period prep)
 By email:Lobbs@parklandsd.org
To reach you, I will use
My Wiki
Phone calls
Note sent home
How to help me communicate
 Share your home and work email
 Identify the best phone contact
 Monitor your child’s grades regularly
 Set up conferences with me, guidance
counselors, and others
 Fill out the pre Open House survey
(to inform me about your child’s
strengths and weaknesses)
How You Can Be Involved
Focus on helping your child learn at home (designate
a quiet study area and set time restrictions)
Become a team player and offer to review vocabulary
words using flashcards
Encourage your child to use the online review
activities as an extension of the classroom learning.
Participate in out of the classroom activities that
involve French(museums, movies, etc)
Encourage your child to participate in French Club
Seek assistance from me or the guidance counselor
when your child is having difficulty
Show interest in your child’s successes and offer
encouragement in times of failure
Additional Parent Resources
 For more information about classroom,
school and district policies, go to the
Parkland High School website or Miss
Lobb’s Wiki at
 Visit the Discovering French Blanc/Rouge
Nouveau online book resources.
 How does my child get involved in
French Club? Meeting 9/27 7:10am
room D201 (Mrs. Skumin)
 How can my child become eligible for
the Societe Honoraire de Francais?
 Canada trip: Feb 9th to Quebec
Winter Carnival open to 9th-12th
graders.Meeting Sept 27th 7pm.
 Upcoming Europe trip to Italy and
France: meeting Sept 21st (Fr3-AP)
Thanks and Keep Involved
Research shows that when all 3 partners
(teachers, students, and parents) make a
commitment to teaching and learning, student
success is sure to follow.
As one third of the partnership, I will do my part
to make this a successful year for your child.
Stay involved and committed to your child’s
Thank you for coming this evening.