The First Amendment

Bell Ringer
• What are your Unalienable Rights? What does
life, liberty and the pursuit of Happiness mean
to you?
8.16d - Explain the purposes of the U.S. Constitution, (including the protection of individual rights, by reading the Bill of Rights and listing the individual rights it
8.21d - Summarize the reasons for the creation of the Bill of Rights (in order to demonstrate that the Founding Fathers set in place a process by which the
Constitution could be changed to expand and protect individual liberties).
Remember . . .
• The Anti-Federalists
argued that the
Constitution gave the
government the power
to limit individual
• To alleviate the fears of
the public (and to take
the teeth out of the
Anti-Federalists), the Bill
of Rights was added to
the US Constitution.
What are the Bill of Rights?
• The first ten amendments (changes) to the US
Constitution are known as the Bill of Rights.
• These outline to basic freedoms that the government cannot
violate and are possessed by every person, no matter what.
Why study the Bill of Rights?
• “Those who do no understand their rights can
rest assured that they will be violated.”
What are your rights?
• Take two minutes and answer the question
above in your notes.
• Try to think of the rights that can NEVER be
taken away, no matter what!
Hmmm. . . I
know I have the
right to tacos. . .
What else??
The First Amendment
• The First Amendment guarantees five freedoms
Freedom of Religion
Freedom of Speech
Freedom of Petition
Freedom of Assembly
Freedom of The
The Second Amendment
• The Right to bear arms
The Third Amendment
• The government cannot forced the people to
house troops
Not in my
country, pal!
Amendments #4-#8
• These deal with people’s rights when accused of a crime.
Due process of
the law
Trial by
Unreasonable search
and seizure
Speedy Trial
No Cruel and
unusual punishment
The Ninth Amendment
• States that the Constitution cannot be
interpreted to deny people of their rights
The Tenth Amendment
• Any power that is not given to the national
government by the Constitution is reserved
for the states or the people.
In Conclusion
1. What amendments are known as the Bill of
2. What is the purpose of the Bill of Rights?
3. In your opinion, what is the most important
right granted to citizens through the Bill of
Rights? Explain.