Unit 6 Urology and Gynecology

Unit 6
Urology and Gynecology
Copyright © 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
• Study of urinary tract
– Forms urine from excess water and waste materials
– Eliminates urine from body
• ur/o = combining form
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Urinary System
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Urological Terms
• ur/o/logist = physician specialist who treats
male and female urinary systems and male
reproductive system
• ur/in/alysis = testing of urine
• ur/o/pathy = any disease of urinary tract
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Urination Conditions
nocturn/al en/ur/esis
too much urination
excessive urination at night
lack of urination
abnormally low amounts of urination
bed wetting
difficult or painful urination
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Urination Conditions
bacteria in urine
blood in urine
protein in urine
sugar in urine
ketones in urine
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• ren/o = combining form
• renal = adjectival form
• Examples:
– ren/o/pathy = any kidney disease
– ren/o/gram = x-ray record of kidney
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Terms with ren/o
• reno/intestinal = pertaining to kidney and
• reno/gastric = pertaining to kidney and
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• Functional unit of kidney
– Filter blood to remove waste and excess water
• nephr/o = combining form
– Also refers to kidney
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Kidney Conditions
• nephr/itis = inflammation of kidney
• nephr/o/ptosis = prolapse or displacement of
– Can occur from hard blow
– Kidney belts protect
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Kidney Conditions
• nephro/o/malac/ia = kidney softening
• nephr/o/megaly = kidney enlargement
• nephr/o/lith = stone in kidney
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Kidney Procedures
nephr/o/plasty = surgical repair of kidney
nephr/o/lysis = destruction of kidney tissue
nephr/o/rrhaphy = suturing of kidney
nephr/o/pexy = fixation of prolapsed kidney
– -pexy = putting prolapsed organ back in place
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Renal Pelvis
• Area at center of kidney where urine collects
and is funneled into ureter
• pyel/o = combining form
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Renal Pelvis Conditions
• pyel/o/itis = inflammation of renal pelvis
• pyel/o/nephr/itis = inflammation of renal
pelvis and kidney
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Renal Pelvis Procedures
• pyel/o/gram = x-ray of renal pelvis
– Intravenous pyelogram (IVP)
• pyel/o/plasty = surgical repair of renal pelvis
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• Tubes through which urine runs from kidney
to bladder
• ureter/o = combining form
• Example:
– ureter/o/pathy = any disease of ureter
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Ureteral Conditions
• ureter/o/lith = stone in ureter
• ureter/o/cele = herniation of ureter
• ureter/o/py/osis = condition involving pus in
• ureter/o/pyel/itis = inflammation of ureter and
renal pelvis
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Ureteral Procedures
• ureter/o/rrhaphy = suturing of ureter
• ureter/o/cyst/o/stomy = making new opening
between ureter and bladder
• ureter/o/pyel/o/plasty = surgical repair of
ureter and bladder
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• urethr/o = combining form
• Examples:
– urethr/o/spasm = spasm of urethra
– urethr/o/tomy = incision in urethra
– urethr/o/rrhaphy = suturing of urethra
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Urethral Terms
• urethr/o/rect/al = pertaining to urethra and
• urethr/o/vaginal = pertaining to urethra and
• urethr/o/cyst/itis = inflammation of urethra
and vagina
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Click Here to Play Urine Formation Animation
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Male Reproductive System
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Click Here to Play Male Reproductive Animation
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• Male germ cells
• Origin
– Greek
– sperma = seed
• spermat/o and sperm/o (i) = combining forms
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• Examples:
– spermat/o/genesis = formation of sperm
– spermat/oid = resembling sperm
• Terms for immature sperm:
– spermat/o/blast
– sperm/o/blast
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• spermat/o/pathy = disease of sperm
• spermat/o/cele = herniated saclike structure
containing sperm
• spermat/o/cyst = sac containing sperm
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• Terms for destruction of sperm:
– spermat/o/lysis
– spermo/lysis
• sperm/i/cide = agent used to kill sperm
– -cide = kill or destroy
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Click Here to Play Sperm Formation Animation
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testes = testicals
testis = singular form
testicular = adjectival form
Three combining forms:
– orchid/o
– orchi/o
– orch/o
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Structures of the Testes
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Testicular Conditions
• Terms for testicular pain:
– orchid/algia
– orchid/o/dynia
• Examples:
– orchid/o/cele = herniation of testicle
– crypt/orchid/ism = undescended testicle
• Occurs when testicle fails to drop from abdominal cavity around
time of birth
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Testicular Conditions
• Testicular cancer
– Very serious condition
– Occurs most frequently between ages 18 and 35
– Testicular self-exam (TSE) recommended
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Testicular Procedures
• orchid/o/tomy = incision in testicles
• orchid/o/plasty = surgical repair of testicles
• orchi/o/pexy = surgery to correct
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Prostate Gland
• Secretes fluid that is added to sperm to create
• prostat/o = combining form
• protat/ic = adjectival form
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Enlarged Prostate
• Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
– Enlargement of prostate
– Causes:
• Increase in number of cells
• Aging
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Prostatic Conditions and Procedures
• prostat/itis = inflammation of prostate gland
• prostat/o/rrhea = abnormal flow or discharge
in prostate gland
• protat/algia = prostate pain
• prostat/ectomy = removal of prostate gland
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Vas Deferens
• Ducts or vessels that convey sperm from
testicles to urethra
• vas/o = combining form
– Can be used to mean other types of vessels
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Vas Deferens Procedures
• vas/o/tomy = incision in vas deferens
• vas/o/rrhaphy = suturing of vas deferens
• vas/o/stomy = creation of new opening in vas
• vas/ectomy = removal of segment of vas
– Procedure used for sterilization
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• Fluid that contains sperm
– Also known as seminal fluid
• semin/o = combining form
• Example:
– semin/al vesicles = secrete fluid that combines with
prostatic fluid and sperm
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• Malignant neoplasm
– Generated by spermatoblast cells in a testis
– Occurs most often in young men
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• pen/o = combining form
• pen/ile = adjectival form
• Example:
– pen/itis = inflammation of penis
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• Inability to have erection
– Causes:
• Trauma
• Prostatectomy
• Diabetes
• Penile implant
– Device filled with fluid to produce erection
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Glans Penis
• Structure at distal portion (far end) of penis
• balan/o = combining form
• Examples:
– balan/itis = inflammation of glans penis
– balan/o/rrhea = discharge of glans penis
– balan/o/plasty = surgical repair of glans penis
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Saclike structure than contains testes
scrot/o = combining form
scrot/al = adjectival form
– pen/o/scrot/al = pertaining to penis and scrotum
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Female Reproductive System
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Click Here to Play Female Reproductive System Animation
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• gynec/o/logy = study of functions and diseases
of women
– Especially female reproductive system
• gynec/o/logic = pertaining to gynecology
• gynec/o/logist = physician who specializes in
female disorders
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• gyn/o/pathy = any disease peculiar to women
• gynec/oid = resembling women
• gyn/e/phobia = abnormal fear of women
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• Mature female reproductive cell
– Egg
• ova = plural form
• o/o = combining form
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• Example:
– o/o/blast = embryonic egg cell
• Cell that will become ovum
– o/o/genesis = formation and development of ovum
• Completed when ovum fertilized by spermatozoon
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• Organ responsible for maturing and
discharging ovum
• ovarian = adjectival form
• ovulation = process of maturing and
discharging ovum
– Occurs approximately every 28 days
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• oophor/o = combining form
• Origin
– Greek
– oon = egg
– phoros = to bear
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• Examples:
oophor/itis = inflammation of ovary
oophor/oma = ovarian tumor
oophor/ectomy = removal of ovary
oophor/o/pexy = fixation of displaced ovary
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Fallopian Tubes
• salping/o = combining form
• Origin
– Greek
– salpinx = trumpet
• Shape of the tubes
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Fallopian Tubes
• Examples:
– salping/itis = inflammation of fallopian tubes
– salping/o-/oophor/itis = inflammation of a fallopian tube
and an ovary
– salping/o-/oophor/o/cele = hernia that encloses fallopian
tubes and ovary
– salping/o/scope = instrument used to examine fallopian
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Fallopian Tubes
• Examples:
– salping/o/stomy = new surgical opening in fallopian tubes
– salping/ectomy = removal of fallopian tubes
• Tubal ligation
– Sterilization procedure in which tubes are severed and sealed shut
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• colp/o = combining form
• Examples:
colp/itis = inflammation of vagina
colp/o/pathy = any vaginal disease
colp/o/dynia = vaginal pain
colp/o/spasm = vaginal spasm
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Vaginal Procedures
• colp/ectomy = removal of part of vagina
– Also known as vaginectomy
• colp/o/plasty = surgical repair of vagina
– Also known as vaginoplasty
• colp/o/pexy = fixation of vagina
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• uterine = adjectival form
• hyster/o = combining form
– Usually means uterus as an organ
• Examples:
– hyster/o/pathy = any uterine disease
– hyster/o/ptosis = prolapse of uterus
– hyster/o/pexy = fixation of prolapsed uterus
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Uterine Procedures
• hyster/o/scopy = procedure of examining
inside of uterus
• hyster/o/scope = instrument with light source
used to see into uterus
• hyster/o/gram = x-ray of uterus
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Uterine Procedures
• hyster/o/salping/o/gram = special x-ray of
uterus and fallopian tubes
– Uses contrast medium
– Determines openness of fallopian tubes
• hyster/o/salping/o-/oophor/ectomy = removal
of uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries
– Also known as total hysterectomy
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Uterine Tissues
• metr/o = combining form
– Uterine tissues and musculature
• Rather than uterus as an organ
– hyster/o
• Terms for any uterine disease:
– metr/o/pathy
– hyster/o/pathy
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Terms with metr/o
• metr/itis = inflammation of uterine musculature
• metr/o/plegia = paralysis of uterine tissues
• metr/o/cele = herniation of uterine tissues
– Also known as hyster/o/cele
• metr/o/rrhea = abnormal discharge from
uterine tissues
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• Inner lining of uterus
• endo/metr/itis = inflammation of uterus
• endo/metr/iosis = condition in which tissue
that looks and acts like endometrial tissue is
found in places other than lining of uterus
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• Neck of uterus
• cervic/o = combining form
– Also combining form for neck (cervical) area of spine
• cervic/al = adjectival form
• Example:
– cervic/itis = inflammation of cervix
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• con/ization = surgical procedure on cervix
– Cone-shaped cut made to remove tissue
– May be done with electr/o/cautery or cold knife blade
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• Bursting forth of blood
• -rrhagia = suffix meaning hemorrhage
• Examples:
– men/o/rrhagia = excessive bleeding during menstruation
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• Examples:
– Hemorrhage of the:
• urethr/o/rrhagia = urethra
• cyst/o/rrhagia = bladder
• ureter/o/rrhagia = ureter
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Blood Vessels
• vas/o = blood vessel
– Also can refer to other types of vessels
• Origin
– Latin
– vas = vessel
• vas/al = pertaining to vessel
• vas/o/spasm = spasm of vessel
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Blood Vessels Terms
• vas/o/dilatat/ion and vas/o/dilation =
increasing diameter of vessel
– E.g., nitroglycerine
• People with angina pectoris (chest pain) take it to allow more blood
to flow to heart
• vas/o/constrict/ion = decreasing diameter of
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Blood Vessels Terms
• vas/o/motor = adjective referring to nerves
that control tone of blood walls
• vaso/o/tripsy = crushing of vessel with
forceps to stop hemorrhage
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• Increase in diameter
• Word forms:
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• Constriction
– Decrease in diameter of vessel
• Lumen
– Opening of vessel
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• Suture
– Verb for stitching up wound
• Suture
– Noun for stitch or row of stitches
• -rrhaphy = combining form for suturing or
wound closure
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• Examples:
dermat/o/rrhaphy = skin
ureter/o/rrhaphy = ureter
nephr/o/rrhaphy = kidney
nephr/o/rrhaphy = nerve
cyst/o/rrhaphy = bladder
colp/o/rrhaphy = vagina
urethr/o/rrhaphy = urethra
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Prefix: poly• poly = many/much
• Examples:
poly/uria = excessive urine
poly/neur/itis = disease of many nerves
poly/neur/algia = pain in many nerves
poly/arthr/itis = inflammation of many joints
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Prefix: poly• Examples:
poly/ot/ia = having more than two ears
poly/cyst/ic = having many cysts
poly/phagia = eating too much
poly/phobia = having many phobias
• Excessive fear of things
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