Distance, Direction, and Latitude/Longitude

Distance, Direction, and
Wednesday’s Brainwork
TSW determine distance, direction, and latitude/longitude
from maps and globes.
Questions: “History makes us who we are, but we can
make history—anyone can be a hero, if they choose to
What does this quote mean? Explain and analyze in 5
A compass shows the directions
on a map.
 North points to the top of the
 East points to the right of the
 South points to the bottom of
the map.
 West points to the left of the
A scale shows you the
distance on a map. It shows
you how far one location is
from another on a map.
 Distance will usually be
in miles or kilometers.
 Use the scale to make a
ruler based on the ratio on
the map.
Lines of latitude and longitude state
the exact location of a place on a
 Latitude is stated first, and
longitude comes second.
o Example: Latitude,
 Lines of latitude run from east
to west, but are labeled as
North and South.
 Lines of longitude run from
north to south, but are
labeled as East and West.
o Example: ______°N,
______°E or _______°S,
 The 0° latitude line is called
the equator. The 0° longitude
line is called the prime
Fill in the blanks with compass, scale,
or latitude/longitude:
If I want to find out which direction is North, I will use
If I want to find out where exactly Memphis is located
on Earth, I will use ______________________.
If I want to see how far Memphis is from Nashville, I will
use the _________________________________.
Direction—use textbooks page A24
If I want to get from North American to Europe, which
direction would I travel?
If I want to get from Afric to South America, which direction
would I travel?
If I want to get from South America to Australia by traveling
east, which ocean(s) will I cross?
If I want to get from South America to Australia by traveling
west, which ocean(s) will I cross?
Distance—use textbooks page A34
How far (in miles) is it from Memphis, Tennessee to Atlanta,
Georgia? What direction would you travel? Atlanta is
______________________ miles
___________________ of Memphis.
How far (in miles is it from St. Paul, Minnesota to Chicago,
Illinois? What direction would you travel? Chicago is
_____________________ miles
___________________ of St. Paul.
How far (in kilometers) is it from Phoenix, Arizona to Los
Angeles, California? What direction would you travel? Los
Angeles is _________________ kilometers
_______________ of Phoenix.
On your own…
Pick 2 cities in different states. Measure the distance in
kilometers and miles as well as the direction.
Pick 2 more cities and do the same thing.
Map 1
Map 1
Which letter is the
equator? _______
Is letter A a line of
longitude or latitude?
Which letter is the
prime meridian?
Which letter is 60°
West? ________
5. Is letter B a line of
longitude or latitude?
6. Which letter is 30° South?
7. Which letter is 150° East?
Map 2
Map 2
8. Point ____ is located at
30° North, 90° West.
9. Point ____ is located at
30° South, 150° East.
10. Point ____ is located at
60° South, 30° West.
11. Point ____ is located at
60° North, 30° East.
12. Point ____ is located at
0° N/S, 30° East.
13. Point ____ is located at
60° North, 150° East.
14. Point ____ is located at
15° South, 45° West.
15. Point ____ is located at
75° North, 120° West.
Map 2
16. The smiley face is located at
17. The star is located at
Map 3
Map 3
18. Which point is closest to 60° North, 120° West? ______
19. Which point is closest to 30° North, 30° East? ______
20. What is the location of the point closest to Australia?
21. What is the location of the point in the Pacific Ocean?
22. What is the location of the point in Asia?
23. What is the location of the point closest to South America?
Independent Practice
Turn to page A34.
Pick 5 different cities in the United States
First, write the direction between one to the next.
For example: NE from Memphis to Nashville; SE from Nashville
to Atlanta; NW from Atlanta to St. Paul.
Second, find the distance from one to the next.
Each city must be in a different state.
For example: 1500 milles from Atlanta to St. Paul.
Third, find the latitude/longitude of each city.
For example: St. Paul is 45 ° N, 93 ° E
Exit Quiz
1. Name all 4 of the main directions on a compass, and explain
where on the map they point.
2. Name the tool on a map you would use to determine
distance, and explain how to use it.
3. What do lines of latitude/longitude help determine?
4. Lines of latitude run from ____________ to
________________ and are labeled as ________________
and _________________.
5. . Lines of longitude run from ____________ to
________________ and are labeled as ________________
and _________________.