Jan. 28


TO DOs are highlighted at the end of each agenda item and then a master summary is provided at the very end of the document.


January 28, 2014 Meeting Minutes

Monsignor Jagodzinski

Steve Barr

Bill and MaryAnn Boylan

Dom D’Angelo

Susan Hackett

Terry Lynch

Jean Mulcahy

Teresa Smedile

Liesl Wuest

Agenda Items with notes

Prayer : The Spiritual Committee opened the meeting by reading one of the readings from mass last Sunday --1 Corinthians 1:1013,17. The theme of the reading was “let there be no divisions among you”. The group had a very healthy discussion about some of the division and tension among the parish council and what some of the underlying causes for that tension are.

Monsignor reminded us that tension and conflict can be healthy and Chuck reminded us that if the passion and disagreement are all because we want good things for this parish, then we should look at this as part of the creative process. As a whole, the discussion felt very open and offered an opportunity to share some of our frustrations and concerns. Everyone expressed at the end of the meeting that this agenda item was really valuable and allowed us the time that we need to voice concerns. It really set the stage for a productive meeting--- SO THANK YOU

TERRI and the entire Spiritual Committee! You are doing a great job and everyone appreciates you all very much!

Approval of Minutes, Announcements, updates, approval

Minutes: The November minutes were approved at the December meeting. Per an earlier decision at a council meeting, copies of approved minutes are to be made available by placing in the stands at the entrance/exit of the church. December minutes will be put up on Google docs prior to the Feb 11th meeting so that both December and January minutes can be approved at that time.


Dom responsible December minutes

Jean to coordinate with Parish staff on seeing that approved minutes are placed in the slots at the exits of the church each month.


Parish Nurse-- The process for hiring the parish nurse is dependent on having a salary range and overall vision approved by Father Ed.

Parish Directory-- The feedback from the group personally and based on conversations with other parishioners is that the directory is great! Overall very positive feedback. Jean did encourage the group to share any ideas for improvements. The next printing will happen in

August, 2014 so any feedback between now and then is encouraged.

March 4th Retreat at Villanova-- Chuck reiterated that we are all invited as his guests to participate in this retreat. WHile it is a day long event, Chuck is very open to folks coming for just the morning or afternoon. We just need to let him know so that he can plan accordingly.

The event has an excellent keynote speaker, Michael White, and a variety of workshops that focus on diversity and supporting parishes in the 21st century.

Mother of Providence Winter Gala-- Terry reminded the group that the gala will be held on

March 1 and that Mark and Kristina Vacha are very involved in collecting auction items. If we can help spread the word about both the event and getting auction items, it would be much appreciated.

Welcoming Committee and Hospitality Committee Gathering on Feb 16th: The hospitality committee is hosting a coffee and donuts after the 8:00, 9:30 and 11:30 masses on Feb 16th.

The welcoming committee is going to participate in the event by having a booth and sending out a special invitation to all parishioners who have registered within the last year. Anyone on parish council who could stop by to help meet, greet and mingle -- please do!


Full Council : Each of us needs to RSVP to Chuck if we have not already re: the retreat-- and now that it is an option to go for a ½ day--- reconsider participating!

Full Council: Please look at your calendars and consider attending the Winter Gala on March

1st and the Hospitality coffee/donuts event on Feb 16th.

Mission/Vision Statement Recap

The group revisited the most recent draft of the Mission statement on the Google doc notes. In reviewing the most recent draft, Monsignor suggested that the last sentence could be simplified by combining worship, prayer and sacraments under one word--- worship. He also said perhaps community instead of friendship. Thus the last sentence now focuses on worship, service and community..

The group revisited how this process was not as smooth as one would have liked because of some confusion about the assignment--- was it shortening the current statement? coming up with a new statement, etc… However, despite this discussion, the group did agree that we were comfortable presenting this draft to Father Ed for his endorsement or his feedback for changes.


Liesl to make sure that the recommendations that Monsignor made are included in the most updated draft of the Mission Statement

Council to determine when to present this draft to Father Ed.

Parish/ Council Books

Several books were presented for consideration for a Parish Book Club including: 1) The Four

Signs of Dynamic Catholic; (2) Tattoos on the Heart; (3) The Joy of the Gospels. The group had a lively discussion about the books and how the process might look (giving out the books as gifts; leaving at the back of the church for interested folks to pick up; having a series of meetings like a book club to encourage discussion, etc..). Chuck then reminded us that it should really not be Parish Council making these decisions. Rather, if this idea of a Parish book club was raised at the assemblies, we need to be finding ways to get existing, appropriate committees to own this idea. Group suggested that depending on the book, it could fall to Adult Enrichment and/or Youth Ministry. The group agreed with Chuck and Bill/MA agreed to reach out through their contacts to the Adult Enrichment/Youth Group about this idea.

Group also discussed a Parish Council Book. It was decided that the group would commit to reading Rebuilt: The Story of a Catholic Parish Awakening the Faithful Reaching to Lost Making

Church Matter by Michael White and Tom Corcoran.

TO Dos:

Bill and MA to reach out to Adult Enrichment/Youth Group **(Although I am now questioning this to do--- based on the conversation that followed this one, I wonder if it makes more sense for this communication process to happen just like all of the other 21 “star/priority” items--- through the social that we agreed to host in March. Thoughts??

Full Council-- we all agreed to be the proud owners of Rebuilt by our Feb 11th meeting.

Recap of Consolidated Assembly Notes

Liesl reviewed the assembly notes from Google docs. After reviewing the notes, the group was able to confirm that we had made it through all 7 categories and that at this time we do have 3 top priority items identified under each of the 7 items. At the next meeting, we agreed that we would review the 21 priority items all together to confirm that we have a solid understanding of them. Terri offered to bring 7 chart paper size lists so that they could be posted on the walls for an easy visual for the team to review.

In addition, Monsignor suggested that if this is the final list of 21 items, that the Parish Council be prepared to announce these items to the parish at the one year anniversary of the last assembly-- April 7th. The group loved the idea. Building on that idea, the group also discussed that for that “year 1 report out” to really be more powerful, we need to also make sure that these priorities have been shared and embraced by the committees --- since the real way to get these

21 priority items done is through existing committees, not through Parish Council.

As such, the group decided that we would like to have a Social and invite all of the Committee chairs (and their team members--- but at least one member per committee) to come to a

Working /Social Meeting where the 21 priorities can be shared as well as the process for how these 21 were established--- with the goal that the committees will embrace these priorities,. take ownership of them as the directive placed on us by the parish (not by Parish Council) and work together to execute. The theme of the social being “Strengthening the Core” was mentioned (just for the record in case we need a Social theme and like that one).

To summarize the process:

1st: Parish Council to review/finalize the 21 priorities in their 7 categories at our Feb 11th meeting

2nd: At the Feb 11th meeting, we commit to a date for the Social/Working meeting for

Committees so that an invitation can be sent.

3rd: An invitation needs to be drafted to all Committee Chairs which will include:

* Date and Location

* Presentation of the 21 priorities and a brief explanation as to how we arrived at these

* Request for their support and assistance in carrying out these priorities and embracing the challenge that the Parish has given to us through their voices at the assemblies

* Request for their attendance at the meeting and encouraging their committee members to come as well (*and if they can’t come, to confirm that they have found a minimum of one designee)

* Explanation of our desired outcome that Committees will select which of the 21 priorities they feel fall under their responsibilities and if it is more than one committee, to collaborate.

*An explanation of our expectation that committees will provide to Parish Council a report back on their plan to implement/execute these ideas and an invitation for each committee to do a presentation at the appropriate time to parish council throughout the coming months. Could be brief 5 minute presentation with 5 minutes of Q&A.


Liesl to update the 21 priorities on Google docs per their appropriate category

Terri to come to the 2/11 meeting with chart paper of each of the 7 categories with 3 priorities.

Complete List of TO DOs .

Full Council : Each of us needs to RSVP to Chuck if we have not already re: the retreat-- and now that it is an option to go for a ½ day--- reconsider participating!

Full Council: Please look at your calendars and consider attending the Winter Gala on March

1st and the Hospitality coffee/donuts event on Feb 16th

Dom responsible December minutes

Jean to coordinate with Parish staff on seeing that approved minutes are placed in the slots at

the exits of the church each month.

Liesl to make sure that the recommendations that Monsignor made are included in the most updated draft of the Mission Statement

Full Council to determine when to present this draft to Father Ed. Bill and MA to reach out to

Adult Enrichment/Youth Group **(Although I am now questioning this to do--- based on the conversation that followed this one, I wonder if it makes more sense for this communication process to happen just like all of the other 21 “star/priority” items--- through the social that we agreed to host in March. Thoughts??

Full Council -- we all agreed to be the proud owners of Rebuilt by our Feb 11th meeting.

Liesl to update the 21 priorities on Google docs per their appropriate category

Terri to come to the 2/11 meeting with chart paper of each of the 7 categories with 3 priorities.
