Reform of the Gregorian calendar

Brij’s Modified-Gregorian Calendar Reform (Proposed)
2873 E, Birchwood Place,
85249 (USA)
Reform of the Gregorian calendar
3:46 PM
Brij Bhushan Vij
Brij Bhushan Vij
From: Brij Bhushan Vij (
Sent: Wed 8/10/11 3:46 PM
I have been working for the Reform of Gregorian calendar since 1971. Several formats that I worked were to promote the
ideals of Metric system and the anomalies in the Gregorian calendar; which I intended to resolve on discussions with
USMA & Calndr-L listserv people resulting in:
and aimed at the CRITERION:
It is true I am an INDEPENDENT researcher having contributed thro Indian media and discussions in United States since
mid-2002 with the TWO groups. I place my Profile from *childhood to joining IAF and then switching for the HUMANE
cause of Reform of the Gregorian calendar:
I do assume the promoted format meet the discrepancies noted/observed during previous attempts for calendar reform
are ADDRESSED to meet the justice for such an ideal hanging since some 400-years after Pope Gregory XIII.
I differ with 'rationalists' who advocate 13x28-day calendar since they lack in adhering to KEPLERS' Planetary Laws of
motion. Thus, I do not change the basic format and rather SHIFT ONLY JULY 31st to the second month as FEBRUARY
29th (all years) and make FOUR EQUAL QUARTERS & TWO EQUAL HALF YEARS (if the Leap Day
plan be used BUT with modifying the current Leap Day rule from div.4/skip100th/count400th TO *improved Mean Year
value* as div.4/skip128th-years. This give Mean Year =(365+31/128) =365.2421875 days. Same mean year is obtained
on using *DIVIDE SIX Leap Weeks* to be counted as 53rd week of Year xxxx.
Previously, I have sent certain documents to UNITED NATIONS through New Delhi Office at 55 Lodi Estate.
The calendar, although intended to be linked with Winter Solstice, 2012 can be introduced as MONDAY, January 01 2013
or on a suitable date acceptable. My documents are placed at my Home Page:
With regards,
Brij Bhushan Vij
Wednesday, 20110810H15:75(decimal)EST
Aa Nau Bhadra Kritvo Yantu Vishwatah -Rg Veda
The Astronomical Poem (revised number of days in any month)
"30 days has July, September,
April, June, November and December
all the rest have 31 except February which has 29
except on years divisible evenly by 4;
except when YEAR divisible by 128 and 3200 as long as you remember that
"October (meaning 8) is the 10th month; and
December (meaning 10) is the 12th BUT has 30 days & ONE
OUTSIDE of calendar-format"
Jan:31; Feb:29; Mar:31; Apr:30; May:31; Jun:30
Jul:30; Aug:31; Sep:30; Oct:31; Nov:30; Dec:30
(365th day of Year is World Day)
******As per Kali V-GRhymeCalendaar*****
"Koi bhi cheshtha vayarth nahin hoti, purshaarth karne mein hai"My Profile -
Refers to:
Based on my ORIGINAL published contributions: Metric Norms for Time Standard and The Metric Second/Calendar (1971-73)
Brij’s Modified-Gregorian Calendar REFORM (Proposed)
This work is a re-assembly of factual changes that calendars have undergone, fulfilling the
changing needs of man to keep track of events in history, for his own use through generations. Records
appear to have been updated effective Era of Creation (c.4713 BC), wherefrom Julian Dating appears to be
The aim is to review attempts made by this author during, past four decades (1970 onwards) in
pursuing the attempted failures of harmonizing; and to overcome the anomalies left in the construction
and/or improvisation, for ‘A World Calendar for All Ages1’ in order to perfect the currently used
Gregorian calendar.
Although western civilization recognizes that Hindu thought lacks evidence in respect to
establishing positive dates, if and when, on events about Ramayana and Mahabharata occurred. It is
astronomically relevant that Mahabharata2 Epic relates to and can be dated at 3102 BC February 17/18
(midnight)  the start of Kali Yuga, linked to Lord Krishna – the son of Vasudeva of Mathura (India).
In this work attempt is made to link most calendars, since recorded history (as they came to this
author’s study material). Complexities of determining the positions of planets in our solar system because
of irregular motions of the Sun, Earth & Moon inter-relation and hence astrological predictions have
remained a subject of interest to experts and laymen alike. My study of this material is therefore confined
to ‘Smithsonian Institutions’ inscription’: for the increase of knowledge from man to man3  especially
where the Metric System failed to involve Time count in terms of ‘decimalised sub-divisions’ of the
Day/time of the Hour and to link it with arc-angle, as a measure of Length unit and hence to define
Nautical Kilometre.
The Decimale4 calendar introduced by France died a natural death with the defeat of Emperor
Napoleon in the wake of Church authority. Although ‘centigrade-gram-second (cgs)’ measurement of units
as against the then used ‘foot-pound-second (fps)’ system took to be preferred and recognized as the
Metric System of Units, yet the cause of decimale time got abandoned due to politico-religious dogma and
failure of Prieur of Cote d’Or while favoring adoption of the Metric System, by the decree of 1795 April 7
in France; and forcing the world scientific family to gradually see though its merits. I, however, could find
NO LINKS to bridge the ‘gap’ for a reform of the calendar with ideals of Metric Norms for Time
Standard5, in order to link time unit – second (s) with the arc-angle – grad (g) via the length unit,Metre (m)
that led to define The Nautical Kilometre.
Whatever went wrong in defining the Nautical Kilometre via THE METRIC SECOND6 (1973
April) in order to fill ‘this gap’ left by proponents of the metric deliberations; but the objective failed to
press for adoption and continuation of ‘Decimale Time Scale’, which lasted for a mere 13 years. Attempts
of The World Calendar Association, New York (USA)7 for adopting the International Fixed Calendar by
Moses Burines Cotsworth and the discussions that followed at United Nations led to sine die adjournment
of the Calendar Question (1956 April 26)8; till a better and promising proposal came before the World
body that could, possibly overcome/remove the discrepancies in Gregorian calendar, and not cause the
‘Sabbath’ cycle to rotate when year/month/week cycles change.
Re-working of astronomical data for direct application became a matter of ‘arduous calculations’ to
prove my point9 of view. Several formats of calendars based on division of the day into metric, sidereal
and/or solar intervals10 of time have resulted in the format of World Decimal Calendar11 framed up on an
896-year cycle to account five (5) normal year of 52-weeks each; with all years divisible by six (6) to have
an added 53rd week, as Leap Week of the Year (during which it occurs), respecting the ‘Leap Week Rule’.
Later my 834-years cycle12, needed only nine (9) Additional Leap Weeks – to be called ‘Keplers Leap
Week of the Year XXXX’, at intervals of 87, (90,96), (90,96), (90,96), (90,96) years to be ‘symmetrically
placed’ makeing the calendar lunisolar.
During 19-year Metonic cycle13-14, that I now establish as the Harappan Lunar-Tithi Calendar
cycle, the moon account for 6939½ ‘tithi or phases’ in 235 lunation (lunar months), suggesting New Brij’s
Tithi=1 335/326919 day =1.001024718661197day; and 254 sidereal revolutions of moon to account 6858
‘Nakshatra or asterisms’. Nakshatra/asterism of value 849/839 =1.0119189511323 (110/839) day is close to
actual; this give 254-Sidereal Moons =(27.32181168057211x 254 =6939.740166865316) days. This shall be of
interest to ‘observe’ that Tithi Value=1 338/326919 = 1.0010338 95246223 day (24h 1m 29s.3285493) is a
square fit for 896-year cycle/327257 days! Refers to:
1 year =365.242189669781 days; 19-years=6939.601603725839 days;
1 Lunar Month =29d.53058865741 day (29d 12h 44m 2s.86); 235 lunation =6939.68833449 days;
1Sidereal Moons =27d.32166203703 or (27d 7h 43m11s.6);
254 sidereal Moons =27.32166203703 x 254 =6939.70215740562 days;
Worked: (a) Phase/Tithi =1338/326919 day =1.0010338 95246223 day (1 day 1m 29s.32855) for 896-year
cycle; or also, 1 339/326918= 1.001036957279807 day (1d 1m 29s.59311);
(b) Phase/Tithi =1 335/326919 (1 day 1m 28s.5357) for 19-year Cycle;
(c) Asterism/Nakshatra =110/839 day (1 day 17m 9s.7974).
Other than 10- day calendar correction done by Pope Gregory XIII, a further 2½ days need be
removed – since accumulated by now, and adjusted to align calendars – ONE possible date for
introduction could be Monday, January 01 2014 (after 2013 December 25 on skipping 2 ½ days, along
with first Kepler’s Leap Week of Year 2013 at [(Y2000−80)±128] at 15x128=Y1920+93 i.e. Y2013. Also,
38-day adjustment need be made towards Modified Julian Dating, for which I suggest that the Julian Day
clock could hold its hands from November 14 through December 21, during the year of introduction of
The Modified Gregorian World Decimal Calendar.
Other anomalies or foreseen difficulties for decimalization of the Year/Day/Hour can be resolved
by event count in the format of YYYY WW DD (day name) /followed by decimalized time of the hour (h
: md : sd ). The 7-day ‘Sabbath cycle’ and the 24-hour clock using decimalized minutes and seconds in the
hour, remain intact and can easily be tied15-16 with decimal divisions of the arc-angle; one degree (π/180)
‘without affecting currently used mathematical and trigonometric functions’. Length unit  METRE is
linked to Indus civilization; but with a slight increase in its length by the factor ‘1.11194886884 times
metre’, to bring in the desired result. Thus, each hour can have 100 decimal minutes, md, and each decimal
minute to have 100 decimal seconds, sd 20 ; and pegged along (π/180 ─ one degree) 1 x 100’ x 100” of
Here is an option for justifying to gain World Opinion, if we sincerely mean to resolve the ‘calendar
question’ and take technology forward during this ‘new’ millennium and work for an ever-fixed World
calendar, more so to define the Nautical17 Kilometer, so as to shelve/using Nautical Mile, now equated to 1852
References: bb review_Book Project
A World Calendar for All Ages; Flt Lt Brij Bhushan Vij; Sunday Tribune, Chandigarh; 1971 June 06
Beginning of Kali Yuga; Dating Mahabharata - Two eclipses in thirteen days; Dr S. Balakrishnan
Writing on the Front Gate; Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C.; as read by Author (1984)
Decimale Calendar; US Metric Association;
Metric Norms for Time Standard; Brij Bhushan Vij; Standards Engineer, Bureau of Indian
Standards, New Delhi; V5 N4; 1971 Oct.-Dec.; pp 58-62
The Metric Second; Flt. Lt. Brij Bhushan Vij; Indian Standards Institution Bulletin, New Delhi; V 25 N 4; 1973 April;
History of the World Calendar Association; and proposal of Moses
US Opposes Calendar Reform;
The Standard Engineer V-26 N 2 & 3; April 1992-March 1993 and <> and
Developing 834-year cycle,
Interpretting 19-year (Metonic - ?) Cycle,
Harappan Lunar (Tithi) Calendar – Brij Interpretation and
Several Options, .
FAX to India Mission 2002 May 21 (for United Nations),
Favouring Nautical Kilometre
Sites – Works of BrijVij:
Victor’s (Calendar) Site:
19. Google on Brij Calendar: Personal Page of Brij Bhushan Vij
20. On Defining New Time Count (sd) and Length Unit (m’):
[See also, my proposed FORMAT as ‘compared against ‘format of the World Calendar Association Org.:
Brij's CALENDAR & Marry Metric Christmass 2006-2007 ... Brief description of
Brij's RESULTS for possible Reform of Gregorian Calendar (options) ... - 25k - Cached
Exploring Possibilities: http://www
Values for Mean Year and Mean Lunation are possibly the best 'comparable with
any calendar'. Brij Bhushan Vij (vij1936 AT 7 January 2005 ... - - Cached
Brij Bhushan Vij
As against this, the Gregorian calendar accumulates such error in 3319.846457 years.
BRIJ BHUSHAN VIJ. *Modified on 2004 October 27: Please refer, ... - - Cached
Brij Vij's Contibutions
Brij Vij's Contributions. Here are my contibutions to Victor's upload area.
About Brij Bhushan Vij; Picture of Harappan Calendar · Table of Eras ... - 3k - Cached
Brij Bhushan Vij, Author may be contacted via E-mail:
or at:
2873E Birchwood Place, CHANDLER, A.Z. 85249 [Tele: 602-412-3120 (H) or 201-675-8548 (cell).
COMPARISION BETWEEN “The World Calendar” and the Proposed Modified Gregorian calendar
(A) In this calendar every year is the same and Alike.
• The quarters are equal: each has exactly 91 days, 13 weeks or 3 months.
• The four quarters are identical in form with an ordered variation within the three months.
• The three months have 31, 30, 30 days respectively
• Each month has 26 weekdays, plus Sundays.
• Each year begins on Sunday, 1 January; each working year begins on Monday, 2 January
• Each quarter begins on Sunday, ends on Saturday.
• The calendar is stabilized and made perpetual by ending the year with a 365th day following
30 December each year. This additional day is dated ‘W’, which equals 31 December, and
called Worlds day, a year-end world holiday.
• Leapyear Day is similarly added at the end of the second quarter. It is likewise dated ‘W’,
which equals 31 June, and called Leap year Day, another world holiday in leap years.
Leap Day (366th day of Year) is placed between June30 & July 01; and the World Day (365th day of Year) after December 30
Gregorian calendar leap year calculations also apply to The World Calendar: Years evenly divisible by 4 are leap years with exception
that centennial years (those ending in -00) are not leap years unless also evenly divisible by 400. It is proposed to modify this Rule as
Years evenly divisible by 4 are leap years with exception that 128th –years are not leap years – this improve Mean Year Value from
365.2425 days to (365+31/128) i.e. to 365.2421875 days.
“SHOULDN’T OUR CALENDAR BE AS SIMPLE AS OUR CLOCK?” The World Calendar and The World Calendar Description are
copyrighted by The World Calendar Association - International, which encourages all sharing of the idea and conversion to it as
early as 1 January 2012. Use freely and share widely, but ANY ALTERATION TO CONTENT REQUIRES THAT THE RESULTS
Source: theWorldCalendarAssociation.Org
(B) In my improvised modification of Gregorian calendar, I maintain existing format of Gregorian calendar EXCEPT
shifting the day of July 31st to 2nd month as February 29th (all years); and keeping TWO days out of the calendar format
i.e. 365th day after December 31 – to be named World Peace Day and the 366th day Leap Day between June 30 and
July 01st . This makes four quarters and two half years equal in length, more so following Kepler Laws.
1. Four equal quarters have each 91 days (13 weeks) or 3 months;
2. Number of days in each month remain same, EXCEPT February with 29 days and July with 30 days;
3. Each normal YEAR has 52 weeks with 2 days kept outside of calendar format; unless the format is used as Leap week
calendar having an ADDED 53rd week on *Divide SIX (6) Plan* with few Kepler Leap Weeks inserted symmetrically as per
‘planned cycle’;
4. Each half year has 26 weeks, beginning on MONDAY (01) through Sunday (00/07), with Leap Day and World Peace
Day; unless a 53rd week as Leap week is inserted “once every six years, as per Rule/Cycle planned”.
5. The clock face does not change, BUT in addition to 60 divisions carry ‘100 divisions’ that meet requirement of Metric
Norms for Time Standard, thus 12/24h x 100md x 100 sd = 12/24h x 60m x 60s and the NEW SECOND – decimal
second, Sd (36% of SI second, s) defined accordingly in relation to NEW LENGTH UNIT (m’): as ‘1/10^5th of π/180
i.e. one degree’, thus NOT changing the concept of *the quadrant and/or 360-degree circle*.
6. The calendar is proposed to be implemented, on a date to be decided by World Bodies dealing in Astronomy/Horology
i.e. Time Keeping. I suggest the instant at (after midnight (Friday) 2012 December 21/22, after accounting 2 1/2 day
discrepancy now accumulated, since Papal Bull of 1582 October 05/14 – as (Monday) 2013 January 01, at MJD 456,283.
Leap Day/Week Rule
Leap Day Rule is modified from ‘Div.4/skip100th/count400th ‘to improved ‘Div.4/skip128th/±count 1 day in 3200th-years’ in
order to improve/interchange the Mean Year from 365.2425 days to 365.2421875 days. An alternate , to account 1.24218
9669781 day (instead of Leap Day) is to plan LEAP WEEKS ‘once every six days’ in addition to several Kepler Leap
Weeks, as per cycle planned. In this case, the 896-year/159 Leap weeks – to get same Mean Year =7*(52+159/896)
days; or to use, the 834-year/148 Leap weeks – to get same Mean Year =7*(52+1/6+9/834) =365.242206235012 days.
Let United States also join the World Technology stream to follow SI Metric Units – the leaders to sign
‘Convention du Metre’ resulting into Le Systeme Internationale d’Unites (SI in all languages).
Brij Bhushan (metric) Vij, AUTHOR
From: Brij Bhushan Vij <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 2, 2007 3:44 PM
To: stds-units@IEEE.ORG,,,,,,,,
chris.j.steele@GMAIL.COM,,,,, incadink@HOTMAIL.COM,, pderosa7@SHAW.CA,
Subject: Arc-Angle, Time & Calendar Axis
I assume, my works have come to your observation in some form or the other since I started my TRYST with
investigation of bridging anomalies in Metrication, Calendar Reform since 1970's. I place below my
contributions for fruitful examination for A possible World Calendar (with or without LWks).
If I may add: NEVER did man come up with a 'simple divide 6 proposal for inserting Leap Weeks' or modify the
Calendar format by shifting a day (July 31st) to the month February as Feb.29th. and make FOUR equal
quarters for calendar. Please see: and at:
Some among my contributions are:
Brij Bhushan Vij
(MJD 2454222)/630+D-123 G (Thursday, 2007 May 02 H01:23(decimal) IST
Aa Nau Bhadra Kritvo Yantu Vishwatah -Rg Veda
******As per Kali V-GRhymeCalendaar*****
Jan:31; Feb:29; Mar:31; Apr:30; May:31; Jun:30 (LD); Jul:30; Aug:31; Sep:30; Oct:31; Nov:30; Dec:30
(365th day of Year is World Day)
"Koi bhi cheshtha vayarth nahin hoti, purshaarth karne mein hai"
Contact # 011-9818775933 (M in India)
001(201)675-8548(when in US)
BRIJ VIJ: Research Activity & INVENTIONS
[Refers to:]
Since 1970-1971, involved in examining the study of SI interval for Time unit, when linked with Arcangle (Pi/180 or 1-degree); evolving a definition for Nautical Kilometre - since publishing: The Metric
Second/Metric Calendar Year (1971-1973). Have spent some 40-years aiming to make & promote
Time and Calendar to be part of Le Systeme International d'Unite, having worked for an alternative to
currently used Gregorian Calendar, by shifting July 31st to 2nd month as February 29th, to be useful
(with or without the use of Leap Days/Leap Weeks on divide *six (6) PLUS some Kepler's Leap
Weeks*). Extending this format is also useful with the duration of 'Sidereal Day' to-be-used as
Tropical Year; THIS FORMAT of Civil Calendar becomes usable (with duration of Tropical or TropicoSidereal Years). Developed 33*15*19=9405-year 'SAROS' & [larger cycle of 373632-years] are
promising. Format of YEAR 2013 - starting Monday is in continuation of current calendar dates *on
omitting 2 (& 1/2) days on MIDNIGHT of 2012 December 21/22,being the FIRST Keplers' Leap Week
[(Y2000-80)+/- 128], in link with Year ZERO AD/BCE following *divide six(6); divide SEVEN (7); or
even divide EIGHT (8) Leap Weeks scheme* PLUS 10, 31 or 47 Addl.Keplers' Leap Weeks: seem
positive*. Best Mean Year value of (365+31/128) =
365.2421875 days -on 'modifying Leap Day Rule from div.4/skip100th/count400th TO
div.4/skip128th-years 'thus improving Mean Year from 365.2425 days to 365.2421875 days;
this (same) Mean Year value of 7*[(52+1/6+29/2688);7*(52+1/7+31/896) or 7*(52+1/8+47/896)] are
achieved. Also, 3*400-year Gregorian cycle may have 13-Additional KLWks to give current Mean
Year=365.2425 days. This is ONE DAY extra over 3200-years from 365.2421875 days, if adopted!
This FORMAT possibly, is the BEST candidate for 364-day calendar, in FOUR equal quarters, for use
as the Modified Gregorian Calendar, for civil use (with or without Leap Days/or Leap Weeks)in
continuation of Gregorian Era, as a probable calendar for World use. 15 CYCLES of
[399years/4935lunation] cycle need removal of ONE lunation (i.e.2-days (or Tithi) from each cycle) for
alignment of lunar-solar 'count'. The 9*(896+834 i.e. 1730) or 15570-years/192574 Lunation assures
almost current values of Mean Year & Mean Lunation, along with 19-year cycle of (5*47) =235
lunation -linked to Harappa Lunar-Tithi Calendar. This is 192574/235 = 819 cycles of 235 Lunation
(19-year cycles) PLUS 109 Lunation It is interesting to observe that my 896-years/11082 lunation
cycle need ONLY ONE EXTRA day for lunisolar alignment, which adjusts the EXTRA lunation in
29*896= 25984-years (close to ONE cycle of Precession of Equinoxes; in 25776-years =537x48
Brij Bhushan (metric) Vij
BRIJ – Never in History:
BRIJ INVENTS (from discussions and at Home Page:
NEVER did man develop the simplest 'modification to Gregorian calendar by mere shifting the day of July 31st to
2nd month as February 29th; and devise Leap Weeks plan on divide six(6) like having a Leap Day on divide four(4)/skip
128th years. Also, please see:
THIS may also be noted that NEVER did man ‘invent’ distribution of the 24hr day into 24h x100md x100sd and
equated to current day-distribution of 24h x60m x60s; thus 24hrx100mdx100sd::24hr x60m x60s (ie 600x86400 second=
216x240000 Vipal – an ancient Indian Unit for time count). In my mail to Irv of Tue 1/29/13 5:01 PM, I wrote:
“In response to Irv's sub-distribution of the second into 1080 parts, I presented that THIS WAS THE SAME like
the 5*216 =1080; and that 240000 x 216:: 86400 : 600 having links with ancient India's time-subunits!
To me it appears that 240000 decimal seconds day/night was more practical AND conducive to current move on
Reform of the Gregorian calendar in use for International use by ALL nations.”
Additionally, the Mean Year value using current Gregorian calendar =365.2425 days get enhanced to Mean Year
= (365+31/128)=365.2421875 days or also 7*(52+159/896) days i.e.7*(52+1/6+29/2688) days, since ‘896’ is NOT
divisible by six(6) – when using 896-year lunisolar cycle, since 896-years =327257 days (46751 weeks) and uses 11082
lunation in 327257.98519242 days (326923 Tithi). This possibly is closest to actual Average Astronomical Mean Year
Value Y2000 = 365.242189669781 days. Alignment of older records between Julian and Gregorian calendars can be
corrected by Adding/deleting ONE day over a period of 3200-years; and make corrective adjustments: [(365.2425*3200)
– 365.2421875*3200) = 1168776 – 1168775 = one day]. Also, please see:
My alternate discovered cycle of 834-years has 304612 days (43516 Weeks)/10315 lunation gets Mean Year =
365.242206235012 days or also 7*(52+1/6+9/ 834) days. This is closer to actual Average Mean Tropical Year value
(304296 ½ Tithi of 19-year/6932 ½ days). My Tithi value of 1 335/326919 day fits 19-year Cycle which I link to the Indus
civilization (via their calendar-shell piece with 29 ½ d markings representing each as a TITHI (& not day duration); My
1338/326919 day tithi value is a square fit with my discovered 896-year cycle (11082 lunation/327257 days/46751weeks).
Proposed and worked ‘New Units’ for Second (s) vs the Decimal Second are at: . My lunar calculations are linked to [966/965 day or 138Weeks/965, closer to 19-year/6932 ½ interpreting the
Harappa calendar as at: and My study of most values for Pi – the ratio between ‘circumference to the circle to its diameter’
and the value for Arc-angle Radian=57⁰.2958 (57⁰17’44”.88) FIX IT AT 100000/31831(exact) for any engineering/scientific
A possible format of Harappa calendar from ‘ivory shell’ is discussed with calndr-L.
REFORM OF TIME COUNT AND TIME ZONES BECOME AUTOMATIC. This can be handled *independent of the Reform of
Gregorian calendar, now or at any later date, as deemed fit by astronomy experts.
Brij Bhushan (metric) Vij, Author
The Second Ecumenical Sacred Council of the Vatican, recognizing
the importance of the wishes expressed by many concerning the
assignment of the feast of Easter to a fixed Sunday and concerning an
unchanging calendar, having carefully considered the effects which could
result from the introduction of a new calendar, declares as follows:
1. The Sacred Council would not object if the feast of Easter were
assigned to a particular Sunday of the Gregorian Calendar,
provided that those whom it may concern, especially the brethren
who are not in communion with the Apostolic See, give their
Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy Sacrosanctum Concilium Page 37 of 40. 8/24/2011 assent.
2. The Sacred Council likewise declares that it does not oppose
efforts designed to introduce a perpetual calendar into civil
society. But among the various systems which are being suggested to
stabilize a perpetual calendar and to introduce it into civil life, the Church
has no objection only in the case of those systems which retain and
safeguard a seven-day week with Sunday, without the introduction of any
days outside the week, so that the succession of weeks may be left intact,
unless there is question of the most serious reasons. Concerning these
Apostolic See shall judge.
Mean tropical year current value
The mean tropical year, as of January 1, 2000 was 365.2421897 or 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, 45.19 seconds. These
changes slowly; an expression suitable for calculating the length in days for the distant past is
365.2421896698 − 6.15359×10−6T − 7.29×10−10T2 + 2.64×10−10T3
where T is in Julian centuries of 36,525 days measured from noon January 1, 2000 TT (in negative numbers for dates in
the past). (McCarthy & Seidelmann, 2009, p. 18.; Laskar, 1986)
Modern astronomers define the tropical year as time for the Sun's mean longitude to increase by 360°. The process for
finding an expression for the length of the tropical year is to first find an expression for the Sun's mean longitude (with
respect to ♈), such as Newcomb's expression given above, or Laskar's expression (1986, p. 64). When viewed over a 1
year period, the mean longitude is very nearly a linear function of Terrestrial Time. To find the length of the tropical year,
the mean longitude is differentiated, to give the angular speed of the Sun as a function of Terrestrial Time, and this
angular speed is used to compute how long it would take for the Sun to move 360°. (Meeus & Savoie, 1992, p. 42).
P.S.: Brij Vij maintain the value investigated: 365+31/128 =365.2421875 days; also the same value is
obtained when using Leap Weeks (divide 6) plan as: 7*(52+159/896) days or 7*952+1/6+29/2688) days.
_____________________________________________(see below)___
From :
Sent :
To :
Subject :
Brij Bhushan Vij <>
Thursday, February 10, 2005 11:49 PM
Vij Tithi Re: Vij's calulations RE: Paschal table question
| Inbox
Sean Oberle:
May be I have something.
I'm still wondering if Dionysius gave a reason for stopping at 95 years (5
cycles). Does anyone know?
My early calculations for 128-yr, 896-yr/159 LWks claim - Bonavian cycle - take me to
"47 Lunations =1387.9376407 days =[1386 Weeks +(one Tithi)] =3.800047420466 years. I am
now getting the feel that Dionysius was preparing his tables in sets of 47-lunation BUT
somehow these were either NEVER understood or ‘misquoted’ – perhaps like my
calculations. I have been attempting to find: Why is it that 19-year cycle has had 7intercalary lunar months been used in ‘Hindu and/or Islamic astrology’? My pointing to
add a lunar month four (4) times during the 19-year cycle at 34,33,34,33,34, 33,34, 33
interval along with my Tithi value LEAD me to think that five 47 lunation of [1386
Week+(1 Tithi), be grouped that hold the key to astronomical observations. This is
1386.5008522521 Vij Tithi (as Karl pointed)".
Brij Bhushan Vij <>
20050211H0535(decimal) AM(IST)
Aa Nau Bhadra Kritvo Yantu Vishwatah -Rg Veda.
*****The New Calendar Rhyme*****
Thirty days in July, September:
April, June, November, December;
All the rest have thirty-one; accepting February alone:
Which hath but twenty-nine, to be (in) fine;
Till leap year gives the whole week READY:
Is it not time to MODIFY or change to make it perennial, Oh Daddy!
And make the calendar work with Leap Week Rule!
From: Sean Oberle <oberlecom@COX.NET>
Reply-To: East Carolina University Calendar discussion List
Subject: Re: Vij's calulations RE: Paschal table question
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2005 10:27:40 -0500
Thanks Vij!
>>a Metonic cycle of 19 years contains 5*47 lunations... a very interesting coincidence.
By the way, I since have learned more about the person's assumption about 47
tables. He was mistakenly assuming that Dionysius would need 19 tables for
the lunar cycle and 28 tables for the weekday cycle (19 + 28 = 47).
I'm still wondering if Dionysius gave a reason for stopping at 95 years (5
cycles). Does anyone know?
The Silver Pi Coin (2009) by Author
[More Inputs at Home Page:]
Modified Gregorian calendar
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The Modified Gregorian Calendar by Brij Bhushan Vij (click for larger image.)
The Modified Gregorian Calendar is a calendar reform proposal by Brij Bhushan Vij, a fellow of
the Metrology Society of India. It is a perpetual, 364-day calendar in which each year begins on a
Monday and ends on a Sunday.
Like the World Calendar, the Modified Gregorian Calendar features two "off-calendar" days that
are outside the standard weeks and months, but count as part of the calendar year.
The 365th day of every year is "World Peace Day," December 31, which is placed after the final
day of the month of December, Sunday, Dec. 30. In leap years, a 366th day of the year would be
added after Sunday, June 30, the final day of the month of June, but before July 01.
Leap Day (after June 30)
Leap Days
11 November 30
12 December 30
World Peace Day (after Dec. 30)
Features and benefits
The calendar has 52 weeks(364-days) of 4 equal quarters (91-days or 13-weeks)
There are no Fridays the 13th
It is perpetual - months and weekdays never change
External link
Homepage of Brij Bhushan Vij
Brij Contributions:
Brij Adds:
[Refer also, Home Page:]
“Day 3333 of 3rd millenium (Irv in his mail 20100215) is 9y 45d 19h 41m 13s (say, 46th day after Year 9! This
still leave the ‘question open’ the INSTANT of start of current millenium, unresolved/ undecided, unless Era
start is taken at Year ‘0000’; [(Y2000 – 80 )+/-128] that get linked with 15 cycles of 128-years at Y1920. Thus,
the current year is 90th after Y1920 on 46th day (February 15th). More so, this year is divided by six (6) to have
its ‘normal’ Leap Week of 7-days, at the end of December 30th (last day of this year), in my proposed Alternate
World (Gregorian) Calendar 2010. Year 2013 shall be [(Y2000 – 80 )+/-128]=Y1920+93, to be the FIRST
‘Kepler Leap Week’ in continuation of Alternate (corrected) Gregorian calendar, using my 896-year cycle with
Mean Year =7*(52+159/896) =365.2421875 days”.
MJD 56293, is Tuesday 2013 January 01 – whose start can be shifted at 2012 December 21/22 (MJD 56283) on
skipping two days i.e. Saturday & Sunday, to start the calendar on MONDAY with proposed format at: . This ‘compensates’ the 2-day discrepancy in
Gregorian count after Papal Bull of 1582!”
This simplest 3-options ONE CALENDAR suggest (to use Gregorian calendar) by shifting July 31 to the
month February as of 29 days; and keeping December 31 OUTSIDE of calendar format:
(a) Leap day is inserted after the month June but before July, using divide by four (4) rule on modification of
4/100/400 rule to 4/128-year scheme; [see:]
(b) The period 1.242189669781 day over 364-days is accumulated and planned to introduce Keplers' Leap
Weeks as per 896-years/159 Leap Weeks Plan, or 834-years/148 Leap Weeks Plan. An 896-year lunisolar
cycle is (46751.000277731968 weeks). Counting from YEAR ZERO, and using divide by six(6) Rule, I had
shown need for 159 Leap Weeks (including 10 additional Keplers' Leap Weeks). This can also be achieved,
using 53-cycles of 294-week blocks, by adding an EXTRA 'Keplers' LWk, once every 53*294=15582 weeks
ONLY five times as: [KLw+(15582+1)+(15582+1)+(15582+1)+KLw]=46751 Weeks in 896-years. This give,
Mean Year= (46751*7)/896 =365.2421875 days. Thus, year ZERO has a *Keplers' Leap Week*, inserted at
the start, as also at the end of 896th years, additional to 53-cycles of 294 weeks PLUS 'Keplers' Leap Week'*.
OR (c) use VG294-years (364x294 =107016 days) - NO LEAP DAYS or LEAP WEEKS, in 293-years/3624
IMPORTANT: I explained my working of 5*47=235 lunation, closer to 19-year cycle in link with
VG294/3624 lunation (or 293-years) as: 15 cycles of 19-years + 8 years spread as: (7*19)+(19,8)+(7*19) each
19-year (Metonic or Harappa) cycle of 5*47=235 lunation. 3624 lunation also mean 77*47+5; and can be
spread as: [(15*47+1)+(16*47+1)+(15*47+1)+(16*47+1)+ (15*47+1)] =3624 lunation. Using *ratio Tithi of
19-yrs/6932.5* has already been discussed, along with each Metonic cycle of 5*47-lunation (1388 days)=235
lunation in the form of super yerms (a term used by Karl). However, I was thinking of 49-lunation combination
to be of use with Metonic cycle and 3624 lunation, spread to 74-cycles of 49-lunation (1447 days) LESS a bimonth of 59 days: 74*49-2 =3624 lunation. 207 weeks is short of 2 days from 1447 d/49-lunation; while 1388
days (47-lunation) is 198 weeks 'plus 2 days'.
Brij Bhushan Vij
Reform of Gregorian Calendar RE: Again . . . (Re: Flt Lt. (10313) RE: Glorious India)
Brij Bhushan Vij (
Sent: Fri 3/05/10 5:43 PM
theWorld Calendar Association (;;;
Honorable, sirs:
I am now spending time with my children, settled in United States. As you would know, I have been promoting the cause
of ONE WORLD ONE CALENDAR. I was not lucky to get any help from 'any source' being in Air Force uniform, since Sept.
1954. I am forwarding the note I recieved, along with my reply to him - that I sent yesterday; from Dr. Wayne Edward
Richardson, Director, The World Calendar Association - International.
On two occasions, Parliamentary attention had been drawn on my UNIQUE calendar:
(a) Decimal System of Calendar; Lok Sabha Question No. 8100 answered on 1974 Apr.25;
(b) Metric Clock/Calendar Devised by IAF Engineer; Lok Sabha Question No. 10066 answered on 1983 May 04.
>> Calendar versions promoted by Brij Bhushan Vij are not connected with The
> World Calendar and are not any way endorsed by The World Calendar
> Association.
The World Calendar Association was not involved or sponsored my efforts, since not
being a US citizen. During interim period, on relinquishing my commission, I have continued to promote the cause of
Reforming the Gregorian calendar as at:
This does make improvements over my 'several formats' concluding in 1990's that there should be minimal (or NO
changes) to be the Surest, Easiest and Cheapest proposal to come up for world acceptance. Perhaps, I am the only
person who proposed "Introduction of Leap Weeks on 'Divide Six(6)'>
using 896-years/159 Leap Weeks; 834-years/148 Leap Weeks or their combination 1730-years/307 Leap Weeks and get
the best possible Mean Year/Mean Lunation values. Other than my published contributions (in India), I have placed my
documents at:
I have established positive links that point to THIS knowledge being in vogue during *Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro Times*.
With profound regards,
Brij Bhushan Vij
(MJD 55260)/1726+D-075W10-05 (G. Friday, 2010 March 05H17:69 (decimal) EST
Aa Nau Bhadra Kritvo Yantu Vishwatah -Rg Veda
Jan:31; Feb:29; Mar:31; Apr:30; May:31; Jun:30
Jul:30; Aug:31; Sep:30; Oct:31; Nov:30; Dec:30
(365th day of Year is World Day)
******As per Kali V-GRhymeCalendaar*****
"Koi bhi cheshtha vayarth nahin hoti, purshaarth karne mein hai"
Author had NO interaction with The World Calendar Association
except via Media & Organisations to who I contributed for A
Possible World Calendar, since 1971.
My Profile:
Contact # 001 (201) 675-8548
> Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2010 00:41:40 -0600
> Subject: Again . . . (Re: Flt Lt. (10313) RE: Glorious India)
> From:
> To:
> CC:;;;;;;;
> Calendar versions promoted by Brij Bhushan Vij are not connected with The
> World Calendar and are not any way endorsed by The World Calendar
> Association.
> On Thu, March 4, 2010 10:21 pm, Brij Bhushan Vij wrote:
> > Respected Wayne Edward Richardson, and Sirs:
> > I have not been fortunate to have had any formal education, since I was a
> > child of just 11-years during 'Indo-Pak' migration in 1947 August. My Air
> > Force Career started on 1954 September 14, having in-built zeal to upgrade
> > my 'educational qualification' that my father could not afford then.
> > Please see my profile at:
> >> The World Calendar Association has concerns that although the calendar
> >> you
> >> favor is not The World Calendar..... etc and ‘The World Calendar' on a
> >> silver coin.
> > My first ever media contribution was published as.....A World Calendar for
> > All Ages.
> > A World Calendar for All Ages; Sunday Tribune, Chandigarh; 1971 June 06
> > Time by Metric; The Times of India, New Delhi; 1971 July 04
> > I am surprised that use of these words is being 'mis-read' as my self
> > promotion. As a matter of fact, after glancing/reading Report of Calendar
> > Reform Comittee (1955) by Meghnath Saha, I felt the idea had already been
> > adjourned sine die at United Nations, later during late-70's. My later
> > contributions:
> >
> > made me convinced to risk my Air Force 'commission' and the desire to work
> > and STOP NOT, knowing the cause I had hit upon was 'virgin and NO WORK'
> > seriously had met with positive results.
> > By then, I had published TWO books: (1) Towards A Unified Technology
> > (1982); and (2) The SI Metric Units (1984) - again with my little
> > resources. Of course I could make NO money, being a man in uniform till
> > 1983 October 10. I does need a man with conviction, sir that "one would
> > exhaust almost 40-50% of pay packet, denying his children their rights
> > except guiding them to be educated and struggle - their birth right.
> >>.....that advertising your calendar version with words that are
> >> similar to The World Calendar simultaneously minimizes the role of
>> source
>> documents
> You shall appreciate, sirs, it has not been 'advertisement of my calendar
> version' but a dedicated task undertaken, since 1970-71. And the use of
> words, The World Calendar were my first ever published in print that made
> me spend....sleepless nights, apart from my Air Force duties. Between 1971
> till leaving service (1983 October) - I remained a Flight Leiutenant, the
> only decision that changed my line of thought was: NOT PASSING PROMOTION
> EXAMINATION 'C' for further promotions, while often posted to fill
> 'Squadron Leader vacancy'. I don't need to spell...more. The other
> positive decision had been to allow my children to chose their path of
> progress, and NOT waste their lives!
>>.....mid-20th century obstacle at the United Nations.....
> It was unfortunate, the Calendar Question met with that fate; and I
> stumbled upon this document, perhaps for good reason that now I know while
> being in discussion lists with USMA and Calndr-L since miid 2002 - almost
> 8 years.
>>....A replacement
>> for the Gregorian calendar should not ignore the extreme advantages of
>> sustainability that a memorizable calendar includes.
> I fully agree with you, sir. Is this not unfortunate, sir that my
> 'exclusive effort' does not list among other calendars - even for
> comparision: even
> after some 8-years of 'information exchange among scholars'. Several sites
> do contain information about my thoughts that I promoted some 30-years ago
> - someof my land marks are:
> and
> that provide 'solutions that may really mean' starting from where the
> Calendar Question had been adjourned sine die. I did get a document sent
> to United Nations through United Nations office at 55, Lodi Estate, New
> Delhi some time in 1985. Also as I wrote to 'sevral personalities' who I
> thought may promote the cause, for A Possible World Calendar.
>>.....A replacement
>> for the Gregorian calendar should not ignore the extreme advantages of
>> sustainability that a memorizable calendar includes
> Please see:
> and a compedium of e-book
> that I prepared, as Power point. It is easy to recall number of days in
> each month by closing ONE fist and 'counting - highs (31 days) and lows
> (30 days) except February (29 days) and July (now, 30 days) where we start
> > counting back at June (30 days), same low backwards.
> > My efforts are thus, progressively directed for an Alternate projection to
> > Gregorian Calendar that can become The World Calendar. The circular silver
> > coin, I sent to President Obama was with this aim, also made to
> > specification with diameter about 1.6 cm to result in circumference 10 cm
> > (i.e. Pi times diameter) - an immature effort, sir. There is NO
> > My regards to all, working for progressive perception of A possible World
> > Calendar. My appology for any typograpic errors and may be read with this
> > aim that I have, sirs.
> > Brij Bhushan Vij
> > (MJD 55259)/1726+D-074W10-04 (G. Thursday, 2010 March 04H23:34 (decimal)
> > EST
> > Aa Nau Bhadra Kritvo Yantu Vishwatah -Rg Veda
> > Jan:31; Feb:29; Mar:31; Apr:30; May:31; Jun:30
> > Jul:30; Aug:31; Sep:30; Oct:31; Nov:30; Dec:30
> > (365th day of Year is World Day)
> > ******As per Kali V-GRhymeCalendaar*****
> > "Koi bhi cheshtha vayarth nahin hoti, purshaarth karne mein hai"
> > Author had NO interaction with The World Calendar Association
> > except via Media & Organisations to who I contributed for A
> > Possible World Calendar, since 1971.
> > My Profile:
> > Contact # 001 (201) 675-8548
> > > Date: Thu, 4 Mar 2010 01:20:27 -0600
> >> Subject: Re: Glorious India
> >> From:
> >> To:
> >> CC:;;
> >>;;;
> >>;;
> >>
> >> Brij Bhushan Vij, sir:
> >>
> >> The World Calendar Association has concerns that although the calendar
> >> you
> >> favor is not The World Calendar, your promotions use terms such a 'A
> >> World
> >> Calendar', 'The Alternate World Calendar', 'ALTERNATE proposed World
> >> Calendar', 'A possible World Calendar', etc and ‘The World Calendar' on
> >> a silver coin.
> >>
> >>
> >> I've found only one link to in your documents.
> >> So
> >> it seems that advertising your calendar version with words that are
> >> similar to The World Calendar simultaneously minimizes the role of
> >> source
documents in presenting a broader picture. Your tendency to repeatedly
refer to the mid-20th century obstacle at the United Nations as prelude
and reason for your version tends to overstate the decision, assuming it
to be entirely too final. ‘As it turns out, perception of The World
Calendar in use was a problem that The World Calendar is not.‘
Much has changed since the 1950s. Limited reasoning that prevailed
that period will not optimally improve our future, no matter how many
times it is used to validate the endless search for a different approach
that is better than The World Calendar. Awareness of consciousness has
increased along with growing knowledge of the universe. A replacement
for the Gregorian calendar should not ignore the extreme advantages of
sustainability that a memorizable calendar includes.
Among your equations detailing accuracy, there appears to be nothing
your version being simple enough to memorize and use
(, eyes open or eyes closed,
a physical crutch, printed or electronic or otherwise. The World
Association challenges the world to also judge calendar alternatives in
terms of simplicity of application, like a clock. We do not forget that
the calendar is an accumulation of thoughts about time. As long as our
primary calendar hinders its own use — as when we seek or do not have
access to the required physical copy needed to plan past next week—
continue to ignore our choice to remain stuck.
In your documents (PDF, html, e-mail), please specify that your calendar
version is neither endorsed by nor in any way connected with The World
Calendar or The World Calendar Association. In fairness, each disclaimer
should include a direct link to
When correctly capitalizing ‘The World Calendar’ and ‘The World Calendar
Association’ (TWCA), thank you.
Wayne Edward Richardson ('Wayne')
Director, The World Calendar Association – International
On Thu, December 17, 2009 12:12 pm, Brij Bhushan Vij wrote:
> Excellency/sirs:
> As the year turns, I offer an alternate to The World Calendar, a topic
> that I have been devloping since 1970-71, while still in Air Force.
>> > of my documents is placed at:
>> >
>> > that I believe
>> cover
>> > most anomalies that led to failure of the efforts made at United
>> Nations (1955).
>> >
>> >
>> > NEVER did man develop the simplest 'modification to Gregorian calendar
>> by
>> > mere shifting the day of July 31st to 2nd month as February 29th; and
>> > devise Leap Weeks plan on divide six (6) like having a Leap Day on
>> divide
>> > four (4). Also, please see:
>> >
>> >
>> > apart from my documents that I have been discussing with USMA &
>> Calndr-L
>> > groups.
>> >
>> > My profound regards,
>> > Brij Bhushan Vij
>> > (MJD 2454933)/1361+D-358W51-04 (G. Thursday, 2009 December 17H13:19
>> > (decimal) EST
>> >
>> > Aa Nau Bhadra Kritvo Yantu Vishwatah -Rg Veda
>> > Jan:31; Feb:29; Mar:31; Apr:30; May:31; Jun:30
>> > Jul:30; Aug:31; Sep:30; Oct:31; Nov:30; Dec:30
>> > (365th day of Year is World Day)
>> > My Profile:
>> > ******As per Kali V-GRhymeCalendaar*****
>> > "Koi bhi cheshtha vayarth nahin hoti, purshaarth karne mein hai"
>> > Contact # 001 (201) 675-8548
>> >
> _________________________________________________________________
> Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM protection.
Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service. Get it now.
Above results are based on my personal communication with expert groups of US Metric Association: and Calndr-L: CALNDR-L@ECUMAIL7.ECU.EDU since May 2002. Investigation done on
my copyrighted works aim to *bridge gaps left, deliberately or otherwise, in SI-Metric Units – the Le Sysyteme
Internationale d’Unites  and Calendar Reforms: a question that had remained hung/unresolved since The
League of Nations (1922) and the need of United Nations (1956 – adjourned sine die)  that I ventured since
early 1970’s with The Metric Second and Metric Calendar Year as base, leading me to:
 the possibility for a World Calendar that can be used for ALL Ages;
 the possibility of establishing a way to measure Time by Metric;
 the possibility for a 10/20-hour metric day with each hour of 100 x 100 sub-divisions;
the possibility if the Year could have 10-months with 7-day weeks or 10-day during a ‘decaday’ in
TWO halves (or quinto-days – each of a million metric seconds);
the possibility if a rationalized value for Pi – the ratio between circumference to diameter of the
circle ‘could’ be arrived after examination of most values for Pi used by man. Such a value for Pi
=100000/31831 (exact) in the form a/b FIXES angle ‘Radian = 57 17’ 44”.88 or 57.2958’;
the possibility if the length unit – METRE, was ever related or linked to ancient civilizations like
Indus Civilization of Mohenjo-Daro (now in Pakistan) and the contemporary cultures;
the possibility if ‘decimal zed hours using the duration of Sidereal Day’ could be made use of to
make Format of The Tropical Civil Year’;
the possibility if FUTURE CALENDAR MET THE CRITERIA to overcome discrepancies of the
Gregorian calendar and provide possible solution to account for 365th and 366th day over the 52weeks (of 7-days in each week) without causing a break in the continuation of ‘sabbath cycle’;
apart from these social requirements, the future calendar must stand the litmus test for scientific
accounting of planetary motions and maintain count of time passage in ‘seconds, hours and/or
days’ to keep track of angular motion of spin of the earth in its axis. For this, some considerations
(a) need for continuous numbering of days/weeks;
(b) use of day count during the year for input/output parameters in Automatic Data Processing
(c) normalisation in science the expression of the instant of an event by numbering of SI or
decimalized seconds elapsed since origin of an Era or TAI (International Astronomical Time) 
inclusive of Years, weeks/months and day-count along with part of the hour-minute-second
THAT such a possibility I see in the format of Vij’s Gregorian Rhyme Calendar by shifting a day
from the month of July to the month in February (i.e. making July to be of 30 days and February to
be of 29 days) during ALL YEARS. The 365th day is a WORLD DAY placed outside of the Year
format; and 366th day as Leap Day ‘ONCE every four (4) years using 128-year cycle modifying the
(7*128) or 896-year to replace the current 100/400-yr Gregorian Leap Day correction, getting
improved Mean Year value.
ALTERNATELY, the 896-year/159 Leap Weeks (1990-92) or 834-year/148 Leap Weeks (2002) form
the best combination to give PROMISING values for Mean Year and Mean Lunation; when worked
with duration of Year=365.24218966981 day and Synodic month =59.53058866 day*. NEVER did
man plan to work with the ‘FORMAT’ of 364-day calendar, using *Divide six (6) Rule for inserting a
Leap Week; like ‘divide 4/skip 100th /count 400th –years for inserting a Leap Day
[ ].
SEVERAL FORMATS that I worked are reproduced hereunder. These 364-day ‘count of days’ during
the year shall be useful, while calculating number of days elapsed between any ERA and/or any
two given dates.
Several schemes can be worked for 364-day YEAR, with or without the use of Leap Weeks placed
‘outside of the year after month December’ to be called Kepler’s Leap Week of the Year XXXX
among these that I have considered include:
(A) This author was unaware of any attempts on Calendar Reform, when I saw my name in
print first time on a small contribution: A World Calendar for All Ages in the Sunday Tribune,
Chandigarh (India) dated 1971 June 06. Later studies reveal:
International Fixed Calendar: The year could have 13-months, using the 7-day ‘Sabbath cycle or week’
with FOUR weeks in each month (i.e.13x28=364 days An Italian Padre Abbe Mastrofini, in 1834,
proposed a 13-month calendar, which was strongly advocated by ‘positivist philosopher, Augustus
Comte but consequently abandoned.
The World Calendar Plan: But, the plan of calendar reform received most favorable
comments, under President ship of Elizabeth Achelis, from World Calendar Association Inc.
with its headquarters at 630, 5th Avenue, New York (USA).).
In my E-mail to KEV (Karl) Palmen, I wrote:
During my formitive years on 'study of the calendar question', I procured a copy of Report of
the Calendar Reforms Committee headed by Prof. Megh Nath Saha (1955). I had not come across The
International Fixed Calendar of (13x28) days plus 365th & 366th days outside of the calendar.
At page 172-73 of the report, the World Calendar Plan is mentioned without any reference to
International Fixed Calendar of Moses Bruines Cotsworth sponsored by World Calendar Association,
New York and discussed at 18th session of Economic & Social Council of the United Nations, Geneva
during June-July 1954.
May be I mixed up between *International Fixed Calendar & The World Calendar Plan* to be ONE and
same, in the absence of a reference. My apology, however. But this was in 1970's. The point is, I have
attempted to improve upon SEVERAL formats and continued my search for the BEST options till I came
'under your spirit to open up my works'.
(B) Metric Norms for Time Standard (1971):
10-month year to have TWO halves; each with 182 days using months named after the Planets as they
recede away from SUN, as:
First Half Year:
Mercury (36 days), Venus (37 days), Earth (36 days), Mars (37 days) and Jupiter (36 days); and
Second Half Year:
Saturn (36 days), Uranus (37 days), Neptune (36 days), Pluto (37 days) and Uranium – natural
element - (36 days)
The year starts on Winter solstice 22/23 December and follow 7-day ‘Sabbath Cycle or week’. The
Face of clock could have (2x10) metric hours or (2x12) decimal hours, using 100 minutes x 100 seconds
to the hour.
(C) Five Seasons/Decaday Metric Calendar Year (1971-73): The year could be divided into 5seasons of 73, 73, 72, 73 & 73 days and use the Decaday & Quintoday scheme i.e. introducing THREE
additional days between Thursday and Friday – named Sigma (-day), Alfa (-day), and Beta (-day).
The TWO ‘quintodays’ shall be:
First ‘quinto-day’ period: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday; and
Second ‘quinto-day’ period: Sigma (-day), Alfa (-day), and Beta (-day), Friday and Saturday.
Each day could have the distribution into 10,12,20 or 24 hours, with or without metric/decimal subdivisions of Time of the Day. This could mean a ‘million (106)– metric second span; using 20h x100m x100s
clock’ or ‘1.2 million – decimal seconds span; using a decimal clock to show 24h x100m x100s decimal
seconds’ during each quinto-day or 5-day time interval.
(D) Tropico-Sidereal Calendar: Using duration of the Sidereal Day, the year could have TWO
equal halves of 182 days followed with a World Saturday after the first half-year (Refer: The
Tropico-Sidereal Calendar; Standards India; V6 N4; pp.110-114; 1992 July; Bureau of Indian Standards,
New Delhi).
The remaining 1.242189669781d could follow the 896-year/834-year span (as like for other solar
calendars) using Additional Leap Weeks, following divide by six (6) Rule and placed at:
(E) VIJ Gregorian Rhyme Calendar: This 52-week or 364 day calendar has four (4) equal quarters,
two (2) equal half years, and uses the month-names as of the current Gregorian calendar. The
distribution is: January (31d), February (29d), March (31d); April (30d), May (31d), June (30d + Leap
Day); July (30d), August (31d), September (30d); and October (31d), November (30d) & December (30d
+ World Peace Day). The calendar can be seen at:
To remember ‘NEW’ scheme for number of days in each month, it is (not exactly a RHYME):
The New Calendar Rhyme:
And, in Hindi:
Thirty days July, September:
April, June, November, December;
All the rest have thirty-one; accepting February alone:
Which hath but twenty-nine, to be (in) fine;
Till leap year gives the whole week READY:
Is it not time to MODIFY or change to make it perennial,
Oh Daddy!
Tees Din July, September:
April, June, November, December;
Baqie Sab ke Ek-Aur Tees:
Sirf February ke Ek-kum Tees;
Jab Chhah (6) Saal bad, Leap ka Saal Aveye :
Tab Usmein POORA EK SAPTAH aur Badhaveye.
And make the calendar work with Leap Week Rule!
This approach satisfy the ‘impacts feared towards COST that may need be incurred’ if and when the
change to calendar be brought about, for an ‘Easiest, Surest and Cheapest’ transition:
No change to 7-day Sabbath cycle;
No change to 12/24-hour clock face;
No/or minimal change to Gregorian calendar format;
No major change to mathematical/trigonometric functions; and
to find the most easily adaptable scheme with least possible changes – a *surest,
easiest and cheapest* transitional proposal.
This is where I suggest *change Centurion Rule from 100/400 Year Rule to 128/896-year Rule or
ADD a Leap weeks scheme like (896-yr/159 LWks or 834-yr/148 LWks) using the bigger cycle of
(417*896 =373632-years) or the combination of (896+834=1730-years)*.
PROMISING results are seen using Tithi or phase value = 7*138W/965 day along with 19-year cycle or (5*47 lunation). It
may be interesting, that one Tithi/Phase need be removed after 4464 years for alignment when using ‘ratio 966/965’.
*Harappa Tithi value of 1/29½ of ‘ONE lunation’ i.e. 1 335/326919 day (1.010244961619621 day), linking 19-year cycle at
Indus civilization!*. This fixes Lunar Year at 354 Tithi and current solar year =364.8638591185 11748361 Tithi [Y 2000
=365.242189669781 days]. Ancient India also used Asterism/Nakshatra value of 849/839 (110/839) day and 254 Sidereal
Moons for lunar alignments!
Three values, in close range, ‘for use as Tithi/Phase’ are important, and conducive to use in achieving the final aim,
2L/59th day: (a) 1 TITHI = 2L/59th = 1.001036884745763 day; (b) 1 TITHI = 966/965 =1.001036269430052 day;
and (c) 1 TITHI = 19/6932.5 year =1.0010243928923 day. My recent researched, compromise is the value, 1335/326919
day (1.010244961619621 day), linking 19-year cycle at Indus civilization; the values are all in close approximation of
‘Harappa Tithi’.
In Brief:
1 T-Unit (Tithi/138) =X-Unit =1741 sd;
1 Decimal minute = 0.06 X; 1 Hour =5.744 X; 6 Hours = 34.4643 X; 12 Hours =68.9285 X;
24 Hours = 137.8571 X; One Week (7-days) = 964.9994 X; 52 Weeks (364-days) =50179.9692 X;
53Weeks (371-days)= 51144.9686 X; ONE Year = 365.242189669781 days =635862.44126 X
417-years =21018227 X and 834-years =42036454 X
896-years/11082 lunation [326918 Tithi] form ‘possibly the shortest’ lunisolar cycle, formed in TWO halves as:
[13*33+19]+[19+13*33] –years getting Mean Year =7*(52+159/896) days =365.242187 5 days; and On
adding ONE lunar tithi, during 448th year – for alignment of 896 years & 11082 lunation, Mean Lunation =
29.530590146183 days (29d 12h 44m 2s.9886). This is also, 47 cycles of 19-years +3-years that can be
symmetrically placed as: [(16*19+1)+(1+15*19)+ (16(19+1)]-years. Each 19-year cycle may have 5*47=235
lunation with a difference of about 2 hours.
It may not be difficult for *Astronomy experts* to see through the utility of 'T-units' that link Moon's motion with
the motion of Earth and Sun for 'Ephemeris Astronomy and Calendar construction'."
TIME: to think Metric and Modified Gregorian Calendar (for World adoption).
Re: Aw: 3200-years RE: Lunar 2927-month cycle RE: Skipped Intercalary Days
1:46 AM
Simon Cassidy
Simon Cassidy
From: on behalf of Simon Cassidy (scassidy@EARTHLINK.NET)
Sent: Thu 4/14/11 1:46 AM
On 14/04/2011, at 3:45 PM, Irv Bromberg <irv.bromberg@UTORONTO.CA> wrote:
I don't get your point, but I have no expertise nor interest in the history of the
Gregorian calendar.
Simon responds:
My point is exactly what I wrote. Thank you for admitting your lack of knowledge on the subject.
Given that the reference meridian for the Gregorian calendar was left undefined, any
attempt to be precise about the reform's intentions is dubious.
Simon responds:
No attempt is necessary, the papal intent is as precise as could be for a non-astronomer. The intent is only dubious on
the moral level, but on the astronomical level it could not be spelled out more plainly than it is in the papal bull as I
quoted (from the Wikipedia translation). Given that the Julian computus attempted to find the first dayXIV of a lunation
that occurs on or after each March 21st (the ecclesiastical equinox), then the intellectual excuse for reforming the civil
Julian calendar can only be that the equinox had slipped many days back in the Julian calendar from the 21st. March.
Details as to how to locate the celestial equator, how to allow for horizontal solar parallax, how to allow for the
(refractive) bending of light rays (obvious near the horizon) and exactly what European or other meridian was best to use
for defining the exact duration of March 21st. are details left to the astronomers while the papal bull's intention for the
astronomical community is clear.
You also snipped my comment out of context. Nearby I mentioned that originally
Christian calendar dates started at sunset, not midnight, and I suggested possibly
implied reference meridians at Alexandria or at Jerusalem. I also cited my "Why March
21st?" web page which more fully discusses my interpretations on this matter,
presents astronomical evaluation charts, and explains why I assert it as valid to regard
March 21st as the first day of spring for ecclesiastical purposes.
Simon responds:
Yes, it is your continual attempt to evade the clear papal intent is what concerns me.
The cited quotation from the bull is much more ambiguous than my original
statement. Specifically what did the the author(s) mean by "vernal
equinox"? Reckoned by what method and at what location? Observed or calculated?
Simon responds:
Questions not relevant to the papal intent (see above).
Was there any concept of an equinox moment in those days?
Simon responds:
Of course. How else could there be a consensus (extending even to non-astronomers like the pope) that the equinox had
slipped about ten days?
Does it mean that the equinox moment should land on March 21st (at some
unspecified meridian?)
Simon responds:
Obviously, that would best meet the stated intent.
or does it mean that the equinox must occur no later than March 21st?
Simon responds:
Failing the best solution (your previous this approach is a likely fallback position (which later Clavius adopted).
No later than the beginning, middle or end of March 21st? Could it suffice to have the
equinox land on March 21st in the majority of years? Some significant proportion of
years? Or all years? (unlikely, because it never happened and never will)
Simon responds:
Obviously, as well as possible for as long as possible, without needing more complex arithmetic or tabular computation
than the average church computist could deal with. Memorability and resonance in the European Christian consciousness
might also be a factor constraining efforts at too arcane and complex an adherence to absolute astronomical perfection
(as the consensus rejection of the trepidating Copernican equinox in plan B of the prior Compendium shows).
None of this obscures the plain intellectual intent, expressed in the papal bull, and reflecting a general European Christian
concensus in the 16th. century AD, on how to properly reform the Julian calendar and Easter computus.
The points of my comments were to explain to Carlo why multiple uncertainties
confound giving any kind of exact answer to his question. The exact issue with regard
to whatever March 21st reference was originally intended is not important to the
context, rather I was pointing out that the references mean year length is the mean
northward equinoctial year, not the mean tropical year. You, of all people, should
have no objection to that.
Simon acknowledges:
Yes, I have no objection to pointing out the true target year-length of our Gregorian calendar. I do object to attempts to
muddy the waters concerning how our Gregorian calendar fails to hit its targets, in both its calendar year-length and
clearly stated target phase (due to its uneccessary "secular" formulation and its bi-centurial jitter of more than 35
calendar hours).
Dee's Years,
Simon Cassidy
On 2011 Apr 13, at 19:10 , Simon Cassidy wrote:
On 14/04/2011, at 9:01 AM, Irv Bromberg <irv.bromberg@UTORONTO.CA> wrote:
For the Gregorian calendar reform the stated objective was to have the spring equinox
land on March 21st -- or better stated that March 21st should be the first day of
Simon objects:
It is not better stated as "March 21st should be the first day of spring". To state the
goal of the Gregorian civil calendar reform in that way is ambiguous since it can be
interpreted as meaning that the goal was that March 21st should be the date that
starts (at midnight) closest to the moment of equinox or even that the date, 21 March,
should be the first date that is wholly after the moment of equinox. Neither of these
was intended as the bull, Inter Gravissimis, makes clear by stating that "Therefore, in
order to restore the vernal equinox, which was placed by the fathers of the Council of
Nicaea at [21 March] the twelfth day before the Kalends of April, and to return it to that
same place, we direct and ordain:..."
according to the Wikipedia English translation.
Thus it is actually correct and less ambiguous to state "For the Gregorian calendar
reform the stated objective was to have the spring equinox land on March 21st"
Dee's Years,
Simon Cassidy
CREDITS RE: 8019-year cycle RE: Year Start RE: Div. SIX (6) RE: ISO Week
leap year rules
Brij Bhushan metric VIJ
To: Karl KEV Palmen
From: Brij Bhushan metric VIJ (
Sent: Thu 4/17/14 2:58 PM
To: Karl KEV Palmen (
(In Private)
Karl, sir:
>8019 = [(8*334)+1+(8*334)+1(8*334)+1] or 8019 = [(43*62+1)+(43*62+19)+(43*62+1)] may be correct, but are
>meaningless and show nothing about why the cycle should be chosen.
While, the cycle may or may not be useful is unto the choice: I did an exercise 'constructing' this since:
8019 is a product of 33-year cycle mixed as (9 time 27): 9 x27 x33=8019-years. Twenty seven (27) is the number of Moons
Asterism/Nakshatra, of importance to astronomy; One Nakshatra in ancient astronomy was=849/839 day and 27
Nakshatra=27.32181168057211. This I feel has a link with Karl's Fumocy calculation.
>I note that 8019 years is 243 33-year cycles. An essential property of the 33-year is that it has 12053 days (and so a
>mean year of 365.242424… days).
>This gives a mean month of 243*12053/99181 = 29.530646…. days. I have not listed this cycle in
> because of the large mean month.
(365.2421875 days x 8019)=2928877.1015625/29.53058881 =99181.12775897949 lunation. Thus, I had shown this cycle
had 99181 lunation. You are right in pointing Mean lunation value: 2928879/99181= 29.530646 days. The change in
Mean Year value is due to CHANGE in used Year value of 365.2421875 days.
Since 'most of my worked calculations' were missing, I thought of including for COMPARISON giving due credit to your
(earlier & recent tables).
As you know, sir, I presented my calculations (not as an astronomer or a mathematician) but as a person who has put
in some 42-years of work to PRODUCE MORE ACCURATE 'astronomy calculations, using my New Tithi value=1 339/326918
=1.001036957279807 day (closer to 966/965 day). [1.001036957279807 x 326918=327257 days i.e. 896-years]. Tithi
column I added is to show my 'parallel' working to be of use for this purpose and NOT to claim any CREDIT for Lunar
I have always said that my 'figures are for improvement'.
Please read the NEW name for file:
My credits, however, are for the number of FORMATS that I produced to be of value to Reform of the Gregorian
calendar; and for my calculations of TITHI value – presumed to be known to Harappa/Indus civilisation in the past. I have
worked within the constraints of my limitations, sir.
My invented cycles & calculations are for the betterment for a future calendar.
Brij Bhushan Vij
Thursday, 2014 April 17H11:94(decimal)Mt Time
Aa Nau Bhadra Kritvo Yantu Vishwatah -Rg Veda
The Astronomical Poem (revised number of days in any month)
"30 days has July,September,
April, June, November and December
all the rest have 31 except February which has 29
except on years divisible evenly by 4;
except when YEAR divisible by 128 and 3200 as long as you remember that
"October (meaning 8) is the 10th month; and
December (meaning 10) is the 12th BUT has 30 days & ONE
OUTSIDE of calendar-format"
Jan:31; Feb:29; Mar:31; Apr:30; May:31; Jun:30
Jul:30; Aug:31; Sep:30; Oct:31; Nov:30; Dec:30
(365th day of Year is World Day)
******As per Kali V-GRhymeCalendaar*****
"Koi bhi cheshtha vayarth nahin hoti, purshaarth karne mein hai"
My Profile -
Author had NO interaction with The World Calendar Association
except via Media & Organisations to who I contributed for A
Possible World Calendar, since 1971.
Contact via E-mail: OR
"GAYATRI LOK" Flat # 3013/3rd Floor
NH-58, Kankhal Bypass, Dev-Bhoomi, HARIDWAR-249408 (Uttrakhand - INDIA)
Subject: 8019-year cycle RE: Year Start RE: Div. SIX(6) RE: ISO Week leap year rules
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 14:17:30 +0000
Dear Brij (in private)
I’ve looked at the link of the 8019. The sums such as
8019 = [(8*334)+1+(8*334)+1(8*334)+1] or 8019 = [(43*62+1)+(43*62+19)+(43*62+1)] may be correct, but are
meaningless and show nothing about why the cycle should be chosen.
I see you give 99181 lunar months to the 8019 years giving ratio of 12.3682504… .
I note that 8019 years is 243 33-year cycles. An essential property of the 33-year is that it has 12053 days (and so a
mean year of 365.242424… days).
This gives a mean month of 243*12053/99181 = 29.530646…. days. I have not listed this cycle in because of the large mean month.
If we take 1 day off we get 2928878 days: mean year 365.2422995… days, mean month 29.5306359… days
If we take more days off we get 2928877 days: mean year 365.2421748… days, mean month 29.5306258… days (whole
number of weeks)
2928876 days: mean year 365.2420501… days, mean month 29.5306157… days
2928875 days: mean year 365.2419254… days, mean month 29.5306057… days
2928874 days: mean year 365.2418007… days, mean month 29.5305958… days
2928873 days: mean year 365.2416760… days, mean month 29.5305855… days
So the 8019-year lunisolar cycle is accurate for a northern summer solstice year of about 365.241626 days.
From: Brij Bhushan metric VIJ []
Sent: 17 April 2014 02:00
To: Palmen, Karl (STFC,RAL,ISIS)
Subject: RE: Year Start RE: Div. SIX(6) RE: ISO Week leap year rules
Karl, sir:
(In Private)
I could have been more specific, sir. Regret for confusion.
> May be Brij really means that div.4/skip100th/count400th/skip3200th has same mean year as div.4/skip128th.
I hope you have seen the other post, wherein I said that we need 13 Keplers' Leap Weeks in 1200-years to get
Mean Year value for Gregorian calendar. In this, I meant:
To get Mean Year=356.2421875 i.e. div.4/skip128; and to get Mean Year for "Alignment with Julian/Gregorian
calendar", we SKIP ONE DAY in 3200-years: [(3200 x 365.2425) - (3200 x 365.2421875)=One Day].
Thus, corrections for Mean Year values from YEAR ZERO upwards/downwards; can be got as:
Mean Year for "Alignment with Julian/Gregorian calendar", we SKIP ONE DAY in 3200-years.
Also, please see:
Brij Bhushan Vij
Wednesday, 2014 April 16H17:99(decimal) Mt Time
Aa Nau Bhadra Kritvo Yantu Vishwatah -Rg Veda
The Astronomical Poem (revised number of days in any month)
"30 days has July,September,
April, June, November and December
all the rest have 31 except February which has 29
except on years divisible evenly by 4;
except when YEAR divisible by 128 and 3200 as long as you remember that
"October (meaning 8) is the 10th month; and
December (meaning 10) is the 12th BUT has 30 days & ONE
OUTSIDE of calendar-format"
Jan:31; Feb:29; Mar:31; Apr:30; May:31; Jun:30
Jul:30; Aug:31; Sep:30; Oct:31; Nov:30; Dec:30
(365th day of Year is World Day)
******As per Kali V-GRhymeCalendaar*****
"Koi bhi cheshtha vayarth nahin hoti, purshaarth karne mein hai"
My Profile -
Author had NO interaction with The World Calendar Association
except via Media & Organisations to who I contributed for A
Possible World Calendar, since 1971.
Contact via E-mail: OR
"GAYATRI LOK" Flat # 3013/3rd Floor
NH-58, Kankhal Bypass, Dev-Bhoomi, HARIDWAR-249408 (Uttrakhand - INDIA)
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 13:13:06 +0000
From: karl.palmen@STFC.AC.UK
Subject: Re: Year Start RE: Div. SIX(6) RE: ISO Week leap year rules
Dear Brij, Christoph and Claus and Calendar People
I make a reply below.
From: Brij Bhushan metric VIJ [mailto:vij1936@HOTMAIL.COM]
Sent: 15 April 2014 19:34
Subject: Year Start RE: Div. SIX(6) RE: ISO Week leap year rules
Karl, Christoph Päper sirs:
> If the Gregorian calendar were replaced by a 128-year cycle calendar, one would still get a div-28 rule similar
>to the one described, but the ‘centuries’ would have 128 years and the complete cycle would be 896 years.
Thank you, sir. As you would note, my calendar format starts on A MONDAY (with never a FRIDAY on 13th).
>This 128-year calendar was chosen so that the century 1921-2047 matches the Gregorian.
Apart, I think its relation 15 x 128=1920; also fits well with Era start at [(Y2000 - 80) +/-128] i.e. Year 1921 thro 2047
(inclusive) are 128-years. This may also resolve Year ZERO 'confusion'. As far Julian/Gregorian calendar date
correction, I had shown it was easier to add/delete ONE day every 3200-years, being the difference in Mean Years
(365.2425 -365.2421875) i.e. 0.0003125 day or 1 day in 3200-years.
>.....Claus’s algorithm can be adapted to this, noting that 128-100=28.
I wonder if this can be a likely fit for 128-year/896-year cycles, in placing the Leap Weeks in calendars!
> (1921-2047) 1942, 1970, 1998, 2026,
>(2049-2175) 2066, 2094, 2122, 2150,
Y1920 + 28=Y1948, may be liked to six-years earlier in the previous cycle; BUT Y2066 - Y2026=40-years?
Similarly, Y2190 - Y2150 =40-yaears!
KARL REPLIES: The 40 years arise from one leap day being dropped, which occurs in year 2048 between 2026 & 2066 and
also 2176 between 2150 & 2190.
40 Julian years have 40+10=50 days in excess of 364 days = 52 weeks per year. If one leap day is dropped this excess
becomes 49 days = 7 weeks, hence 40 years has a whole number of weeks when one leap day is dropped.
I have noticed the 40 years with the Gregorian calendar, which has ISO leap week year pairs such as 1880 & 1920 or
2178 & 2218.
If two 28-year cycles are added to the 40 years, one gets 96 years, which Claus exploits in his formula.
We can get, Mean Year=7*(52+159/896)=365.2421875 days; as also 7*(52+1/6+29/2688)=365.2421875 days. Thus,
to me it appears that CHANGING the 'century Rule' from div.4/skip100th/count400th TO div.4/skip128th/count
3200(for alignment) may be more conducive & helpful.
KARL ASKS: I don’t understand.
Does “div.4/skip128th/count 3200(for alignment)” really mean
if year is divisible by 3200 then leap year
else if year is divisible by 128 then common year
else if year is divisible by 4 then leap year
else common year ?
If yes, then the mean year is 365.2425 days. But
if year is divisible by 400 then leap year
else if year is divisible by 100 then common year
else if year is divisible by 4 then leap year
else common year
is simpler, especially for decimal counting of years.
It is also a little less jittery.
May be Brij really means that div.4/skip100th/count400th/skip3200th has same mean year as div.4/skip128th.
In a separate note: Christoph Päper wrote:
> You assume wrong, I assume.
> The “Thursday rule”, a “rule of majority”, is as reasonable as it gets if you don’t want partial weeks.
>It’s also implemented widely, so there would be issues with backwards compatibility.
I am not sure if ISO has a 'Thursday Rule' to start the Leap Weeks between TWO adjacent Leap Weeks.
The Thursday rule is that the 1st Thursday is always in ISO week 1 and so the 2nd Thursday is always in ISO week 2
etc. The number of weeks in an ISO week date year is equal to the number of Thursdays in the corresponding Gregorian
year. So a leap week occurs for every year with 53 Thursdays.
I don’t understand what Brij means by “to start the Leap Weeks between TWO adjacent Leap Weeks”.
Brij has the idea of a Divide-By-Six leap week rule, where every year whose number is divisible by six has a leap week
plus some additional years. A mean year equal to 365.2421875 as for the 128-year cycle would be achieved with 29
additional leap weeks in 2688 years. The Gregorian mean year of 365.2425 days would be achieved with 13 additional
leap weeks in 1200 years and a mean year of 365.242206… days would be achieved with 9 additional leap weeks in 834
The Thursday rule would not produce a Divide-by-Six leap week calendar from the Gregorian calendar or any 128-year
cycle calendar, but it would produce a Divide-by-Six leap week calendar from a leap-day calendar in which every year
whose number is divisible by six is a leap year starting on Thursday (has 53 Thursdays). The five years in between would
normally all be common years (365 days), but occasionally these five years would share seven leap days (requiring at
least one year to have 367 or more days).
YES, 2,456,659.4743 CJD is Dark Moon on 2014 January 01 (Wednesday/Thursday); but the New Format of my
proposed calendar may START as a MONDAY:
Brij Bhushan Vij
Tuesday, 2014 April 15H11:57(decimal)Mt Time
Aa Nau Bhadra Kritvo Yantu Vishwatah -Rg Veda
The Astronomical Poem (revised number of days in any month)
"30 days has July,September,
April, June, November and December
all the rest have 31 except February which has 29
except on years divisible evenly by 4;
except when YEAR divisible by 128 and 3200 as long as you remember that
"October (meaning 8) is the 10th month; and
December (meaning 10) is the 12th BUT has 30 days & ONE
OUTSIDE of calendar-format"
Jan:31; Feb:29; Mar:31; Apr:30; May:31; Jun:30
Jul:30; Aug:31; Sep:30; Oct:31; Nov:30; Dec:30
(365th day of Year is World Day)
******As per Kali V-GRhymeCalendaar*****
"Koi bhi cheshtha vayarth nahin hoti, purshaarth karne mein hai"
My Profile -
Author had NO interaction with The World Calendar Association
except via Media & Organisations to who I contributed for A
Possible World Calendar, since 1971.
Contact via E-mail: OR
"GAYATRI LOK" Flat # 3013/3rd Floor
NH-58, Kankhal Bypass, Dev-Bhoomi, HARIDWAR-249408 (Uttrakhand - INDIA)
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 12:13:10 +0000
From: karl.palmen@STFC.AC.UK
Subject: Re: Div. SIX(6) RE: ISO Week leap year rules
Dear Brij and Calendar People
From: Brij Bhushan metric VIJ [mailto:vij1936@HOTMAIL.COM]
Sent: 14 April 2014 23:12
Subject: Div. SIX(6) RE: ISO Week leap year rules
Claus, Karl & Cc sirs:
> 2100 therefore has 52 weeks.
> (Of course, you still need the Gregorian calendar to get the week calendar started on the right date.)
I proposed the Era start at: [(Y2000 -Y80)+/- 128] div.128 i.e. 15x128=Y1920 and use Div. SIX(6) plan for Leap
Weeks. Y2100 shall be 'naturally divisible by six(6)'. Please see:
I assume, ISO headquarters is not averse to use any other plan e.g a combination of 5 or 6 years separation.....etc.
Why is it mandatory to resort to 'div 28-rule'?
ISO has no explicit leap week rule, but does require week 1 to begin on the nearest Monday to the Gregorian New Year
day. This determines which years have a leap week.
It is averse to any plan that changes which years have a leap week. The div-28-rule arises from that. It is a combination
of 5 or 6 years separation along with one interval of 7 years.
My other idea is merely a description of the ISO leap week rule that is not explicitly stated. It does not produce a new
If the Gregorian calendar were replaced by a 128-year cycle calendar, one would still get a div-28 rule similar to the one
described, but the ‘centuries’ would have 128 years and the complete cycle would be 896 years.
For each ‘century’ of 128 years the leap week years that are six years from both neighbours for that century’s 28-year
cycle are
(1921-2047) 1942, 1970, 1998, 2026,
(2049-2175) 2066, 2094, 2122, 2150,
(2177-2303) 2190, 2218, 2246, 2274, 2302,
(2305-2431) 2314, 2342, 2370, 2398, 2426,
(2433-2559) 2438, 2466, 2494, 2522, 2550,
(2561-2687) 2562, 2590, 2618, 2646, 2674,
(2689-2815) ----, 2714, 2742, 2770, 2798
Also year 2432 has a leap week and the other six years of the 896-year cycle divisible by 128 have no leap week.
This 128-year calendar was chosen so that the century 1921-2047 matches the Gregorian.
Claus’s algorithm can be adapted to this, noting that 128-100=28.
Taking the ‘century’ (1921-2047) between 1920 and 2048 as an example we get:
… (6) 1942 (6) … (6) 1970 (6) … (6) 1998 (6) … (6) 2026 (6) …
… (5) 1936 (6) 1942 (6) 1948 (5)… (5) 1964 (6) 1970 (6) 1976 (5) … (5) 1992 (6) 1998 (6) 2004 (5) … (5) 2020 (6) 2026 (6)
2032 (5) …
… (6) 1931 (5) 1936 (6) 1942 (6) 1948 (5) 1953 (6) 1959 (5) 1964 (6) 1970 (6) 1976 (5) 1981 (6) 1987 (5) 1992 (6) 1998 (6)
2004 (5) 2009 (6) 2015 (5) 2020 (6) 2026 (6) 2032 (5) 2037 (6) …
… (5) 1925 (6) 1931 (5) 1936 (6) 1942 (6) 1948 (5) 1953 (6) 1959 (5) 1964 (6) 1970 (6) 1976 (5) 1981 (6) 1987 (5) 1992 (6)
1998 (6) 2004 (5) 2009 (6) 2015 (5) 2020 (6) 2026 (6) 2032 (5) 2037 (6) 2043 (5) …
Start of ‘century’ 1925 (6) 1931 (5) 1936 (6) 1942 (6) 1948 (5) 1953 (6) 1959 (5) 1964 (6) 1970 (6) 1976 (5) 1981 (6) 1987
(5) 1992 (6) 1998 (6) 2004 (5) 2009 (6) 2015 (5) 2020 (6) 2026 (6) 2032 (5) 2037 (6) 2043 end of ‘century’.
Note that neither 1920 nor 2048 have a leap week, because in the 128-year cycle calendar they are common years not
beginning on Thursday.
I also notice that this ‘century’ is symmetrical about 1984 and so the whole 896-year cycle is symmetrical about 1984
and 2432. Also 2432 is the year divisible by 128 that has a leap week.
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 15:52:05 +0000
From: karl.palmen@STFC.AC.UK
Subject: Re: ISO Week leap year rules
Dear Claus and Calendar People
Another idea is to note that years ending in 00 never have a leap week and for each century the years ending in 01 to 99
have leap week years that follow a 28-years cycle, which each have a unique leap week years that is six years from both
its neighbours. The other four leap week years of the 28-year year cycle are each five years from one neighbour and six
years from the other neighbour.
For each century the leap week years that are six years from both neighbours for that century’s 28-year cycle are
2026, 2054, 2082
2122, 2150, 2178,
2218, 2246, 2274
2314, 2342, 2370, 2398.
I note that 2099 is also six years from both its neighbours 2093 and 2105, but not for the 28-year cycle of any one
century, so is not listed.
2398 is listed because it is six years from both its neighbours if the 28-year cycle were continued into the next century as
it can be because no leap day is dropped in 2400.
For example we can work out the leap week years of this century by working out from 2026, 2054 and 2082 as follows:
… (6) 2026 (6) … (6) 2054 (6) … (6) 2082 (6) …
… (5) 2020 (6) 2026 (6) 2032 (5) … (5) 2048 (6) 2054 (6) 2060 (5) … (5) 2076 (6) 2082 (6) 2088 (5) …
… (6) 2015 (5) 2020 (6) 2026 (6) 2032 (5) 2037 (6) 2043 (5) 2048 (6) 2054 (6) 2060 (5) 2065 (6) 2071 (5) 2076 (6) 2082 (6)
2088 (5) 2093 (6) …
… (5) 2009 (6) 2015 (5) 2020 (6) 2026 (6) 2032 (5) 2037 (6) 2043 (5) 2048 (6) 2054 (6) 2060 (5) 2065 (6) 2071 (5) 2076 (6)
2082 (6) 2088 (5) 2093 (6) 2099 (5) …
… (6) 2004 (5) 2009 (6) 2015 (5) 2020 (6) 2026 (6) 2032 (5) 2037 (6) 2043 (5) 2048 (6) 2054 (6) 2060 (5) 2065 (6) 2071 (5)
2076 (6) 2082 (6) 2088 (5) 2093 (6) 2099 end of century
Start of century 2004 (5) 2009 (6) 2015 (5) 2020 (6) 2026 (6) 2032 (5) 2037 (6) 2043 (5) 2048 (6) 2054 (6) 2060 (5) 2065
(6) 2071 (5) 2076 (6) 2082 (6) 2088 (5) 2093 (6) 2099 end of century
PS: If ISO weeks were to begin on Sunday, 2200 would have a leap week, even though it ends in 00.
From: Claus Tøndering [mailto:claus@TONDERING.DK]
Sent: 14 April 2014 10:57
Subject: ISO Week leap year rules
Apologies, if something similar has been posted here previously...
The definition of the ISO week is based on the Gregorian calendar. Is it possible to define a week-based year that is
identical to the ISO week year, but without basing the definition on the Gregorian calendar?
The answer is yes, but it is ridiculously complex. Here are the rules:
An ordinary year has 52 weeks, a leap year has 53 weeks.
In order to determine if a year is a leap year, split the year number into a two parts, thus: ccyy (so for 1998, cc=19
and yy=98).
((cc mod 4)*4 + yy) mod 28 = 4, 9, 15, 20, or 26
the year is a leap year, except if
ccyy mod 400 = 100
Consider the year 2015.
cc=20, yy=15
((cc mod 4)*4 + yy) mod 28 = ((20 mod 4)*4 + 15) mod 28 = 15
2015 therefore has 53 weeks.
Consider the year 2100.
cc=21, yy=0
Although ((21 mod 4)*4 + 0) mod 28 = 4, the year is not a leap year, because 2100 mod 400 = 100.
2100 therefore has 52 weeks.
(Of course, you still need the Gregorian calendar to get the week calendar started on the right date.)
Happy Easter!
Claus Tøndering
-Scanned by iCritical.
-Scanned by iCritical.
-Scanned by iCritical.
-Scanned by iCritical.
13 KLWks per 1200-years RE: Brij's Divide-By-Six Leap Week Calendar with
896-year Cycle
Brij Vij
East Carolina University Calendar discussion List (CALNDR-L@LISTSERV.ECU.EDU) on behalf of Brij
Bhushan metric VIJ (vij1936@HOTMAIL.COM)
Sent: Wed 4/16/14 4:12 PM
Karl, Cc sirs:
>.....because Brij has not been explained it well and in particular he used an invalid method of >counting the leap
I thank you Karl, sir for your getting the point. I agree there have been difficulties in my 'expression' which may
have been the reason for 'j-factor' misunderstanding. Please see:
>The ‘or both’ is very important and needs emphasising. Such a year has ONE leap week.
This takes into account the 'misunderstanding of 'j-factor' regarding my 896-year cycle; as also for 400-year cycle
needing *a solution*. You may recall this was under discussion with the list some time ago.
>I’ll define an additional leap week year as a Kepler that that is not a regular leap week year. The >2688 year cycle
has 29 additional leap week years. If the six-year periods in which the additional >leap week years are placed as
spread as smoothly as possible, the jitter of the calendar would be >just under two weeks.
Yes, this should clarify!
>.....I think Brij has rejected the idea, because he thinks it is very important for the mean year to be >very close to
the present value of the mean tropical year of about 365.2422 days.
I don't think I EVER rejected the idea for correcting the Mean Year of Gregorian calendar; BUT it was to improve
upon the Mean Year from 365.2425 days TO 365.2421875 days using my 896-year cycle; and/or also to align, if
need exists, to *Tropical Year* using my 834-year cycle to get:
Mean Year=7*(52+1/6+9/834)=365.242206235012 days.
I also pointed that we can get the Mean Year for Gregorian calendar=7*(52+1/6+13/1200) =365.2425 days; since
400-year also need the j-factor correction (not being divisible by SIX (6) and this was possible with 3 x 400=1200years.
>Brij has rejected the alternative idea of having a calendar where the leap week years are those
>years whose number is divisible by five with exceptions. Such a calendar would be much better for
>decimal counting, than a divide-by-six calendar such as Brij’s calendar. I think Brij has rejected the
>idea, because he thinks it is very important for the mean year to be very close to the present value
>of the mean tropical year of about 365.2422 days.
Since, the Mean Year for 'tropical calendar year'=365.2422 days was possible in my 834-year cycle & "divide SIX(6)"
plan, I had some reservations in 'divide FIVE' idea and left it for astronomers to be 'better judges'. The
discrepancy nears ONE day in 13376-years! More so, I worked to suggest that The schemes could be arrived at
using divide by 5,6, 7 or even 8 getting Mean Year=365.2421875 days. My choice had been for Divide SIX (6).
The question remains: What are we trying to achieve?
>.....25,984-year cycle divides exactly into sever 3712-year cycles used by Kaldarhan...
A search on Kaldarhan's 3712-year cycle shows NO RESULT, although I pointed that THIS, if it were a cycle, had
indirect relation with my 896-year/25984-year cycle already discussed with the list.
I think there has been a confusion in my EXPRESSION for "Mean Year of Gregorian calendar", where in I suggested
*alignment with the obtainable Mean Year of 896-years/2688-years =365.2421875 days* in my previous note:
Mean Year for Gregorian calendar=365.2425 days;
Mean Year for 128-year/896-year cycle =365.2421875 days;
Alignment/correction needed between Mean Years of Julian/Gregorian calendars=365.2425 days and the NEW
Mean Year value= (365+31/128)=365.2421875 days=7*(52+159/896) days i.e 365.2421875 days. THIS ALIGNMENT
between the TWO calendars can be arrived at ONE DAY in 3200-years, we discussed, earlier.
(a) 3200 x 365.2425 =1168776 days.
(b) 3200 x 365.2421875 =1168775 days
This is what I meant could align the two calendars from YEAR ZERO, as also from 4712 BC if deemed fit; since
(Y2000 - 80) +/-128=Y1920 i.e. (15*128) from Year ZERO.
Count of days and listing of Years, Mean Years/Lunation & tithi's worked are placed at:
Happy Easter to all.
I thank you, all, for being 'considerate' with my posts - although, my limitations in expression.
Brij Bhushan Vij
Wednesday, 2014 April 16H13:24(decimal)Mt Time
Aa Nau Bhadra Kritvo Yantu Vishwatah -Rg Veda
The Astronomical Poem (revised number of days in any month)
"30 days has July,September,
April, June, November and December
all the rest have 31 except February which has 29
except on years divisible evenly by 4;
except when YEAR divisible by 128 and 3200 as long as you remember that
"October (meaning 8) is the 10th month; and
December (meaning 10) is the 12th BUT has 30 days & ONE
OUTSIDE of calendar-format"
Jan:31; Feb:29; Mar:31; Apr:30; May:31; Jun:30
Jul:30; Aug:31; Sep:30; Oct:31; Nov:30; Dec:30
(365th day of Year is World Day)
******As per Kali V-GRhymeCalendaar*****
"Koi bhi cheshtha vayarth nahin hoti, purshaarth karne mein hai"
My Profile -
Author had NO interaction with The World Calendar Association
except via Media & Organisations to who I contributed for A
Possible World Calendar, since 1971.
Contact via E-mail: OR
"GAYATRI LOK" Flat # 3013/3rd Floor
NH-58, Kankhal Bypass, Dev-Bhoomi, HARIDWAR-249408 (Uttrakhand - INDIA)
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 15:35:44 +0000
From: karl.palmen@STFC.AC.UK
Subject: Brij's Divide-By-Six Leap Week Calendar with 896-year Cycle
Dear Calendar People
Here is my understanding of a calendar Brij has been promoting with to this list. I have long had difficulty
understanding this calendar, because Brij has not been explained it well and in particular he used an invalid
method of counting the leap weeks. I finally got to understand it, after he sent me a complete list of leap week
years over 2688 years, which is a complete cycle of the calendar.
This calendar is a leap week calendar. A year has ONE leap week if
(1) Its number is divisible by six
(2) It’s a Kepler year
(3) or both.
The ‘or both’ is very important and needs emphasising. Such a year has ONE leap week.
The Kepler years follow an 896-year cycle of ten Kepler years. Although the Kepler years follow an 896-year cycle,
the years divisible by six do not follow an 896-year cycle, because 896 is not divisible by six. The complete cycle of
the calendar is therefore LCM (6, 896) = 2688 years.
Of the ten Kepler years of the 896-year cycle, nine are odd-numbered so can never be divisible by six and one is
even-numbered so is divisible by six once every three 896-year cycles, which is one 2688-year cycle. Hence each
2688-year cycle has exactly one year that is both a Kepler year and a year whose number is divisible by six.
To count the number of leap weeks in a 2688 year cycle, one counts the number of years whose number is divisible
by 6 (regular leap week years) add to this the number of Kepler years and subtract the number of year that are
both. This gives rise to 2688/6 + 3*10 -1 = 448 + 30 – 1 = 477 leap weeks. This gives an average of 159 leap weeks in
896 years and so a mean year of 7*(52 + 159/896) = 365.2421875 days, which is the same as for the 128-year cycle.
I’ll define an additional leap week year as a Kepler that that is not a regular leap week year. The 2688 year cycle has
29 additional leap week years. If the six-year periods in which the additional leap week years are placed as spread
as smoothly as possible, the jitter of the calendar would be just under two weeks. However forcing the Kepler years
to follow an 896-year cycle prevents the additional leap week years from being spaced as smoothly as possible and
this adds to the jitter.
Such a calendar would be a good leap week calendar, if we counted in sixes or twelves, but seems complicated for
decimal counting. Divide-by-Five with exceptions would be simpler for decimal counting.
Brij has rejected the alternative idea of having a calendar where the leap week years are those years whose
number is divisible by five with exceptions. Such a calendar would be much better for decimal counting, than a
divide-by-six calendar such as Brij’s calendar. I think Brij has rejected the idea, because he thinks it is very
important for the mean year to be very close to the present value of the mean tropical year of about 365.2422
days. He quotes this to a precision that would go out of date in the time it takes to read an E-mail and thinks it is
part of astronomical reality. There is no divide-by-five calendar cycle with a mean year between 365.24215 and
365.24225 days for which the exceptions can follow a cycle of less than 1000 years. It may be seen that this author
pointed that it was possible to place Leap Weeks on *not only divide by FIVE, but also by SIX, SEVEN or even EIGHT,
getting Mean Year of value: 365.2421875 days*, as discussed with Listserv ‘Calndr-L’. This can be seen in my
exhaustive list of leap week cycles at:
There is exactly one divide-by-six cycle with mean year 365.24215 and 365.24225 days less than 1000 years. It is
the 834-year cycle of 148 leap weeks and so nine additional leap weeks. Brij has considered this cycle. There are
two more for which the Kepler years can follow a cycle less than 1000 years. One is the 2688-year cycle of 29
additional leap weeks in which the Kepler years follow an 896-year cycle (used in the calendar described) and the
other is a 2874-year cycle of 31 additional leap weeks in which the Kepler leap weeks can follow a 958-year cycle.
The 2874-year cycle would work with 11 Kepler years in each 958-year cycle two of which are even-numbered to
provide 31 additional leap week years in 2874 years. This 2874-year cycle has a mean year of about 365.242171
Also Brij has claimed that the 896-year cycle is lunisolar, but it is out by one day. This one day error accumulates
into a month in about 29 or 30 896-year cycles. So producing 25,984-year and 26,880-year cycles already
mentioned on this list. 25,984-year cycle divides exactly into seven 3712-year cycles used by Kaldarhan (??) My
search gave NO result?). The 26,880-year cycle is equal to ten 2688-year cycles, which are the complete cycle of
Brij’s calendar.
Also I mention that seven 834-year cycles form a lunisolar cycle of 72206 lunar months with a mean month of
29.53056533. This cycle divides into two equal 2919-year cycles, which were discovered by Helios. [Note: 2919years = 7x417(half Brij’s 834-year) cycle – Brij clarifies].
The 3712-year, 26880-year and 2919-year cycles are listed in of .
-Scanned by iCritical.
Year Start RE: Div. SIX(6) RE: ISO Week leap year rules
Brij Vij
To: East Carolina University Calendar discussion List
From: Brij Bhushan metric VIJ (
Sent: Tue 4/15/14 2:33 PM
To: East Carolina University Calendar discussion List (
Karl, Christoph Päper sirs:
>If the Gregorian calendar were replaced by a 128-year cycle calendar, one would still get a div-28 rule similar >to the
one described, but the ‘centuries’ would have 128 years and the complete cycle would be 896 years.
Thank you, sir. As you would note, my calendar format starts on A MONDAY (with never a FRIDAY on 13th).
>This 128-year calendar was chosen so that the century 1921-2047 matches the Gregorian.
Apart, I think its relation 15 x 128=1920; also fits well with Era start at [(Y2000 - 80) +/-128] i.e. Year 1921 thro 2047
(inclusive) are 128-years. This may also resolve Year ZERO 'confusion'. As far Julian/Gregorian calendar date
correction, I had shown it was easier to add/delete ONE day every 3200-years, being the difference in Mean
Years (365.2425 -365.2421875) i.e. 0.0003125 day or 1 day in 3200-years.
>.....Claus’s algorithm can be adapted to this, noting that 128-100=28.
I wonder if this can be a likely fit for 128-year/896-year cycles, in placing the Leap Weeks in calendars!
>(1921-2047) 1942, 1970, 1998, 2026,
>(2049-2175) 2066, 2094, 2122, 2150,Y1920 + 28=Y1948, may be liked to six-years earlier in the previous cycle; BUT
Y2066 - Y2026=40-years??
Similarly, Y2190 - Y2150 =40-yaears!
We can get, Mean Year=7*(52+159/896)=365.2421875 days; as also 7*(52+1/6+29/2688)=365.2421875 days. Thus,
to me it appears that CHANGING the 'century Rule' from div.4/skip100th/count400th TO div.4/skip128th/count
3200(for alignment) may be more condusive & helpful.
In a separate note: Christoph Päper wrote:
>You assume wrong, I assume.
>The “Thursday rule”, a “rule of majority”, is as reasonable as it gets if you don’t want partial weeks.
>It’s also implemented widely, so there would be issues with backwards compatibility.
I am not sure if ISO has a 'Thursday Rule' to start the Leap Weeks between TWO adjacent Leap Weeks.
YES, 2,456,659.4743 CJD is Dark Moon on 2014 January 01 (Wednesday/Thursday).
Brij Bhushan Vij
Tuesday, 2014 April 15H11:57(decimal)Mt Time
Aa Nau Bhadra Kritvo Yantu Vishwatah -Rg Veda
The Astronomical Poem (revised number of days in any month)
"30 days has July,September,
April, June, November and December
all the rest have 31 except February which has 29
except on years divisible evenly by 4;
except when YEAR divisible by 128 and 3200 as long as you remember that
"October (meaning 8) is the 10th month; and
December (meaning 10) is the 12th BUT has 30 days & ONE
OUTSIDE of calendar-format"
Jan:31; Feb:29; Mar:31; Apr:30; May:31; Jun:30
Jul:30; Aug:31; Sep:30; Oct:31; Nov:30; Dec:30
(365th day of Year is World Day)
******As per Kali V-GRhymeCalendaar*****
"Koi bhi cheshtha vayarth nahin hoti, purshaarth karne mein hai"
My Profile -
Author had NO interaction with The World Calendar Association
except via Media & Organisations to who I contributed for A
Possible World Calendar, since 1971.
Contact via E-mail: OR
"GAYATRI LOK" Flat # 3013/3rd Floor
NH-58, Kankhal Bypass, Dev-Bhoomi, HARIDWAR-249408 (Uttrakhand - INDIA)
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 12:13:10 +0000
From: karl.palmen@STFC.AC.UK
Subject: Re: Div. SIX(6) RE: ISO Week leap year rules
Dear Brij and Calendar People
From: Brij Bhushan metric VIJ [mailto:vij1936@HOTMAIL.COM]
Sent: 14 April 2014 23:12
Subject: Div. SIX(6) RE: ISO Week leap year rules
Claus, Karl & Cc sirs:
> 2100 therefore has 52 weeks.
> (Of course, you still need the Gregorian calendar to get the week calendar started on the right date.)
I proposed the Era start at: [(Y2000 -Y80)+/- 128] div.128 i.e. 15x128=Y1920 and use Div. SIX(6) plan for Leap
Weeks. Y2100 shall be 'naturally divisible by six(6)'. Please see:
I assume, ISO headquarters is not averse to use any other plan e.g a combination of 5 or 6 years separation.....etc.
Why is it mandatory to resort to 'div 28-rule'?
ISO has no explicit leap week rule, but does require week 1 to begin on the nearest Monday to the Gregorian New Year
day. This determines which years have a leap week.
It is averse to any plan that changes which years have a leap week. The div-28-rule arises from that. It is a combination
of 5 or 6 years separation along with one interval of 7 years.
My other idea is merely a description of the ISO leap week rule that is not explicitly stated. It does not produce a new
If the Gregorian calendar were replaced by a 128-year cycle calendar, one would still get a div-28 rule similar to the one
described, but the ‘centuries’ would have 128 years and the complete cycle would be 896 years.
For each ‘century’ of 128 years the leap week years that are six years from both neighbours for that century’s 28-year
cycle are
(1921-2047) 1942, 1970, 1998, 2026,
(2049-2175) 2066, 2094, 2122, 2150,
(2177-2303) 2190, 2218, 2246, 2274, 2302,
(2305-2431) 2314, 2342, 2370, 2398, 2426,
(2433-2559) 2438, 2466, 2494, 2522, 2550,
(2561-2687) 2562, 2590, 2618, 2646, 2674,
(2689-2815) ----, 2714, 2742, 2770, 2798
Also year 2432 has a leap week and the other six years of the 896-year cycle divisible by 128 have no leap week.
This 128-year calendar was chosen so that the century 1921-2047 matches the Gregorian.
Claus’s algorithm can be adapted to this, noting that 128-100=28.
Taking the ‘century’ (1921-2047) between 1920 and 2048 as an example we get:
… (6) 1942 (6) … (6) 1970 (6) … (6) 1998 (6) … (6) 2026 (6) …
… (5) 1936 (6) 1942 (6) 1948 (5)… (5) 1964 (6) 1970 (6) 1976 (5) … (5) 1992 (6) 1998 (6) 2004 (5) … (5) 2020 (6) 2026 (6)
2032 (5) …
… (6) 1931 (5) 1936 (6) 1942 (6) 1948 (5) 1953 (6) 1959 (5) 1964 (6) 1970 (6) 1976 (5) 1981 (6) 1987 (5) 1992 (6) 1998 (6)
2004 (5) 2009 (6) 2015 (5) 2020 (6) 2026 (6) 2032 (5) 2037 (6) …
… (5) 1925 (6) 1931 (5) 1936 (6) 1942 (6) 1948 (5) 1953 (6) 1959 (5) 1964 (6) 1970 (6) 1976 (5) 1981 (6) 1987 (5) 1992 (6)
1998 (6) 2004 (5) 2009 (6) 2015 (5) 2020 (6) 2026 (6) 2032 (5) 2037 (6) 2043 (5) …
Start of ‘century’ 1925 (6) 1931 (5) 1936 (6) 1942 (6) 1948 (5) 1953 (6) 1959 (5) 1964 (6) 1970 (6) 1976 (5) 1981 (6) 1987
(5) 1992 (6) 1998 (6) 2004 (5) 2009 (6) 2015 (5) 2020 (6) 2026 (6) 2032 (5) 2037 (6) 2043 end of ‘century’.
Note that neither 1920 nor 2048 have a leap week, because in the 128-year cycle calendar they are common years not
beginning on Thursday.
I also notice that this ‘century’ is symmetrical about 1984 and so the whole 896-year cycle is symmetrical about 1984
and 2432. Also 2432 is the year divisible by 128 that has a leap week.
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 15:52:05 +0000
From: karl.palmen@STFC.AC.UK
Subject: Re: ISO Week leap year rules
Dear Claus and Calendar People
Another idea is to note that years ending in 00 never have a leap week and for each century the years ending in 01 to 99
have leap week years that follow a 28-years cycle, which each have a unique leap week years that is six years from both
its neighbours. The other four leap week years of the 28-year year cycle are each five years from one neighbour and six
years from the other neighbour.
For each century the leap week years that are six years from both neighbours for that century’s 28-year cycle are
2026, 2054, 2082
2122, 2150, 2178,
2218, 2246, 2274
2314, 2342, 2370, 2398.
I note that 2099 is also six years from both its neighbours 2093 and 2105, but not for the 28-year cycle of any one
century, so is not listed.
2398 is listed because it is six years from both its neighbours if the 28-year cycle were continued into the next century as
it can be because no leap day is dropped in 2400.
For example we can work out the leap week years of this century by working out from 2026, 2054 and 2082 as follows:
… (6) 2026 (6) … (6) 2054 (6) … (6) 2082 (6) …
… (5) 2020 (6) 2026 (6) 2032 (5) … (5) 2048 (6) 2054 (6) 2060 (5) … (5) 2076 (6) 2082 (6) 2088 (5) …
… (6) 2015 (5) 2020 (6) 2026 (6) 2032 (5) 2037 (6) 2043 (5) 2048 (6) 2054 (6) 2060 (5) 2065 (6) 2071 (5) 2076 (6) 2082 (6)
2088 (5) 2093 (6) …
… (5) 2009 (6) 2015 (5) 2020 (6) 2026 (6) 2032 (5) 2037 (6) 2043 (5) 2048 (6) 2054 (6) 2060 (5) 2065 (6) 2071 (5) 2076 (6)
2082 (6) 2088 (5) 2093 (6) 2099 (5) …
… (6) 2004 (5) 2009 (6) 2015 (5) 2020 (6) 2026 (6) 2032 (5) 2037 (6) 2043 (5) 2048 (6) 2054 (6) 2060 (5) 2065 (6) 2071 (5)
2076 (6) 2082 (6) 2088 (5) 2093 (6) 2099 end of century
Start of century 2004 (5) 2009 (6) 2015 (5) 2020 (6) 2026 (6) 2032 (5) 2037 (6) 2043 (5) 2048 (6) 2054 (6) 2060 (5) 2065
(6) 2071 (5) 2076 (6) 2082 (6) 2088 (5) 2093 (6) 2099 end of century.
PS: If ISO weeks were to begin on Sunday, 2200 would have a leap week, even though it ends in 00.
From: Claus Tøndering [mailto:claus@TONDERING.DK]
Sent: 14 April 2014 10:57
Subject: ISO Week leap year rules
Apologies, if something similar has been posted here previously...
The definition of the ISO week is based on the Gregorian calendar. Is it possible to define a week-based year that is
identical to the ISO week year, but without basing the definition on the Gregorian calendar?
The answer is yes, but it is ridiculously complex. Here are the rules:An ordinary year has 52 weeks, a leap year has
53 weeks.
In order to determine if a year is a leap year, split the year number into a two parts, thus: ccyy (so for 1998, cc=19
and yy=98).
((cc mod 4)*4 + yy) mod 28 = 4, 9, 15, 20, or 26
the year is a leap year, except if
ccyy mod 400 = 100
Consider the year 2015.
cc=20, yy=15
((cc mod 4)*4 + yy) mod 28 = ((20 mod 4)*4 + 15) mod 28 = 15
2015 therefore has 53 weeks.
Consider the year 2100.
cc=21, yy=0
Although ((21 mod 4)*4 + 0) mod 28 = 4, the year is not a leap year, because 2100 mod 400 = 100.
2100 therefore has 52 weeks.
(Of course, you still need the Gregorian calendar to get the week calendar started on the right date.)
Happy Easter!
Claus Tøndering
-Scanned by iCritical.
-Scanned by iCritical.
Re: Revised Julian Calendar with 33 year leap day rule
Irv Bromberg
Irv Bromberg
East Carolina University Calendar discussion List (CALNDR-L@LISTSERV.ECU.EDU) on behalf of Irv
Bromberg (irv.bromberg@UTORONTO.CA)
Sent: Sat 4/19/14 11:10 PM
From: East Carolina University Calendar discussion List [CALNDRL@LISTSERV.ECU.EDU] on behalf of Walter Ziobro [petersonwalter@YAHOO.COM]
Sent: Friday, April 18, 2014 21:44
and Optional Alternating Months
This calendar follows the average tropical year without regard to the precise occurrence of either equinoxes or
[Bromberg] Then it may as well use any arbitrary mean year length. I don't see the point in that.
[Walter] It is based on the Revised Julian Calendar that was proposed by Milancovitch to the Eastern Orthodox
Churches, and adopted by several of them.
[Bromberg] It is rather different from that calendar. It is based on a cycle having the same mean year as Revised
Julian Calendar (RJC).
[Walter] It is distinguished from that calendar by using a modified 33 year rule to smooth out the occurrence of
the leap days over long periods. Like the Revised Julian Calendar, common years have 365 days, and leap years
have 366 days.
[Bromberg] Walter has not verified that his proposed cycle jitter is an improvement over the RJC. Note that the
RJC does have a very smooth long-term distribution of leap years (every 4 years) with only 2 century leap years
skipped per 900-year cycle.
[Walter] The leap day is added to every fourth year up to the 32nd year, and then the next leap day is added 5
years later, just as in the Dee and Dee-Cecil calendars. This cycle of 33 years continues for 891 years (27 33
year cycles), after which there is a short cycle of 9 years, with a leap day in the 4th and 8th years.
[Bromberg] Walter has not specified the arithmetic for his proposed leap rule. The final subcycle ends with a
stand-alone common year, which together with the 4-year interval of the next cycle forms a 5-year inter-leap
interval. I suspect that the arithmetic is simpler if the final subcycle has its 4th and 9th years leap, so that the
overall cycle ends with a 5-year inter-leap interval and the next cycle begins with a 4-year inter-leap interval.
[Walter] This makes 900 years of 328,718 days, precisely the same number of days in 900 years of the current
Revised Julian calendar, with years of average length of 365.2422...2 days, which is very close to the current
value of the average tropical year.
[Bromberg] Walter gave only the approximate mean year. The exact mean year of the RJC is 365+109/450
days, which means that he only needs a 450-year cycle containing 109 leap days. There is no advantage in
doubling this to form a 900-year cycle if he isn't using century-aligned leap adjustments.
Also, as I've mentioned many times before, the so-called mean tropical year (MTY) is an astronomical duration
that is in the wrong time units. It is measured by atomic time, not mean solar time. Solar calendars need to be
defined in terms of mean solar time. Today a mean solar day is approximately 2 milliseconds longer than an
atomic time day, which currently adds up over the length of a year to about 1 second longer than the MTY. This
discrepancy will grow at an accelerating rate as years pass.
[Walter] Consequently, the occurrences of the equinoxes and solstices will vary over a short range of days, but
for most people, and for most practical purposes, this variation will be unnoticed. There may be some
contention over the precise calculation of the date of Easter, but this is already an issue among the Orthodox
Church with the current Revised Julian Calendar.
[Bromberg] There is no "issue" in this regard. The precise reckoning of Easter was specified as part of the RJC
reform, but it was only accepted by one Orthodox Church. This may be because in the present era and near
future the RJC Easter is almost always the same as Gregorian Easter, and very different from the Julian Easter.
[Walter] Four 900 year cycles of 3600 years, of either the current Revised Julian Calendar, or my proposed
modification, will also make the Revised Julian Calendar exactly one day earlier than the current Gregorian
[Bromberg] When? There is currently no difference between the RJC and Gregorian calendars, nor was there
any difference at the proleptic Gregorian epoch, but the difference between these calendars depends on where
each is in its respective cycle, see:
In countries such as Greece where the RJC is followed, the public mistakenly thinks that the Gregorian calendar
is being followed, because in the present era the dates are the same.
[Walter] Given that my modification will smooth out the occurrence of the leap days, those who use it may also
want to smooth out the lengths of the months within the calendar year. To this end, and in the same vein as my
proposed alternative months for the Gregorian Calendar, I have devised a set of alternative, alternating length
months for use with my 33 year Revised Julian Calendar. I use Hellenic sounding numeric names for the
months, the first listed month corresponding to the 1st 30 days of January:
30 days
30 days (31 in leap years)
30 days
31 days
30 days
31 days
30 days
31 days
30 days
31 days
30 days
31 days.
[Bromberg] I oppose any Gregorian calender reform proposal that falls short of making a perpetual calendar
that preserves the traditional 7-day weekly sabbatical cycle. Tweaking the calendar mean year and month
lengths are not by themselves compelling reasons for reforming the calendar.
-- Irv Bromberg, University of Toronto, Canada
Reforms little or No change RE: Clocks RE: Birthdays on alternate calendars
Brij Vij
To: East Carolina University Calendar discussion List, metrologia BIPM, Sevres, pderosa7@SHAW.CA,
From: Brij Bhushan metric VIJ (
Sent: Fri 4/04/14 11:33 PM
East Carolina University Calendar discussion List (; metrologia BIPM, Sevres
(; pderosa7@SHAW.CA (;
Phil, Karl Cc sirs:
>I think Brij advocates something, though not perfect, that should be considered.
Let me assume, Phil has not 'digested' some of my postings, available at Calndr-L archive's; and at my Home Page:
The feeling 'though not perfect' may disappear if seen in the light of: and also: posted and discussed with listserv. My contribution
Need to Revise Length Unit for Decimalisation of the Hour in Relation to Angular Degree and World
Decimal Calendar with Leap Weeks; Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Metrology
and its Role in Quality Improvement and Global Trade; Document No. 78; pp. 408-11; National Physical
Laboratory, New Delhi; 1996 February 20-22 - may appear interesting to clear any 'misgivings';
>> And then Karl, like when the Celsius thermometer was introduced, the Clock
> Face should have changed to 10/20 hours in a day - 100 minutes in an hour > 100 seconds in a minute.
Yes, you are right, and then perhaps The Revolutionary French Republican calendar/SI Metric Norms would
have proved 'sensible to adopt'; With the publication of my contributions: Metric Norm for Time Standard
(1971) and then The Metric Second (1973) & the Metric Calendar built upon this could have been REVOKED!
Never in History of Mankind was, again made, to BRIDGE and align Time with Arc-angle; now advocating:
(a) NO change to clock face;
(b) No change to 7-day week cycle for Reform of Gregorian calendar (with or without Leap Weeks);
(c) No change to the current FORMAT of Gregorian calendar "EXCEPT shifting the day July 31 to the month
February as February 29 (all years). See:
(d) BIPM & CGPM can 'direct' usefulness of this approach in a phased manner, at little or NO EXTRA COST to
True, I have not been born with a 'silver spoon' but I have turmoiled for some 42-years, since 1971 'examining
the need for revoking the Time & calendar issues, placed at my Home Page: My
profile may be seen at:
>> How logical. And especially think how much easier it would have been for
> our children to learn to tell time ...
I thank you for your 'consideration' that I have also harped for some 40-years, sir.
My regards,
Brij Bhushan Vij
Friday, 2014 April 04H20:54(decimal)Mt Time
Aa Nau Bhadra Kritvo Yantu Vishwatah -Rg Veda
The Astronomical Poem (revised number of days in any month)
"30 days has July,September,
April, June, November and December
all the rest have 31 except February which has 29
except on years divisible evenly by 4;
except when YEAR divisible by 128 and 3200 as long as you remember that
"October (meaning 8) is the 10th month; and
December (meaning 10) is the 12th BUT has 30 days & ONE
OUTSIDE of calendar-format"
Jan:31; Feb:29; Mar:31; Apr:30; May:31; Jun:30
Jul:30; Aug:31; Sep:30; Oct:31; Nov:30; Dec:30
(365th day of Year is World Day)
******As per Kali V-GRhymeCalendaar*****
"Koi bhi cheshtha vayarth nahin hoti, purshaarth karne mein hai"
My Profile -
Author had NO interaction with The World Calendar Association
except via Media & Organisations to who I contributed for A
Possible World Calendar, since 1971.
Contact via E-mail: OR
"GAYATRI LOK" Flat # 3013/3rd Floor
NH-58, Kankhal Bypass, Dev-Bhoomi, HARIDWAR-249408 (Uttrakhand - INDIA)
> Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2014 18:28:38 -0400
> From: pderosa7@SHAW.CA
> Subject: Re: Clocks RE: Birthdays on alternate calendars
> And then Karl, like when the Celsius thermometer was introduced, the Clock
> Face should have changed to 10/20 hours in a day - 100 minutes in an hour > 100 seconds in a minute.
> This would have left us with a very simple decimal clock face with; 25
> minutes instead of 15 representing 25% or quarter of an hour, 50 minutes
> instead of 30 representing 50% or half an hour, and 75 minutes instead or 45
> representing 75% or three quarters of an hour.
> The seconds would follow in the same simple decimal pattern in relation to a
> minute as the minutes would relate to the hour.
> How logical. And especially think how much easier it would have been for
> our children to learn to tell time, and for us to figure how much time has
> passed while waiting for someone, or how much time is left before quitting
> work, or how much time we have waited for a medical appointment, or a plane
> arrival or departure, or to be seated in a restaurant.
> I think Brij advocates something, though not perfect, that should be
> considered.
> It makes common sense to me and I could readily live with it as a
> compromise.
> Phil
> -----Original Message----> From: Karl Palmen
> Sent: Friday, April 4, 2014 8:30 AM
> Subject: Clocks RE: Birthdays on alternate calendars
> Dear Christoph, Victor and Calendar People
> If clocks with clock faces were invented at the same time as telling the
> time, like thermometers were invented at the same time as measuring the
> temperature, the hour would be divided into 12 parts instead of 60 and
> further divisions in 12 parts may have been done leading to units of 25
> seconds and 2 1/12 seconds (125 thirds).
> Karl
> 14(03(05
> -----Original Message----> From: Christoph Päper [mailto:christoph.paeper@CRISSOV.DE]
> Sent: 04 April 2014 08:56
> Subject: Re: Birthdays on alternate calendars
> Victor Engel:
> > [on time telling:] I'm finding that people these days don't round anymore,
> > especially if it matters. If it doesn't matter, I think rounding is more
> > to do with setting a relevant time rather than not comprehending higher
> > precision.
> People of course understand that there are 60 minutes to the hour and they
> also understand that there are 50-something weeks per year. They are able to
> use both to full precision if required to and when they're able to look up
> the current exact value. My point is that people prefer to use smaller
> divisions and even tend to combine two vague values than using a single
> precise one (e.g. it's common in German to say something like "it's five
> past half six" instead of "5:35"±2). For a good reason, too: they're better
> with smaller numbers.
> -> Scanned by iCritical.
> -----Original Message----> From: Karl Palmen
> Sent: Friday, April 4, 2014 8:30 AM
> Subject: Clocks RE: Birthdays on alternate calendars
> Dear Christoph, Victor and Calendar People
> If clocks with clock faces were invented at the same time as telling the
> time, like thermometers were invented at the same time as measuring the
> temperature, the hour would be divided into 12 parts instead of 60 and
> further divisions in 12 parts may have been done leading to units of 25
> seconds and 2 1/12 seconds (125 thirds).
> Karl
> 14(03(05
On Clocks RE: Birthdays on alternate calendars
Brij Vi
To: East Carolina University Calendar discussion List,, metrologia BIPM, Sevres,
From: Brij Bhushan metric VIJ (
Sent: Fri 4/04/14 12:32 PM
East Carolina University Calendar discussion List (;
(; metrologia BIPM, Sevres (;
>.....[on time telling:]
No TWO clocks tell the same time, while most 'people want to express SAME TIME instance'. It is the
synchronization that matters. Decimalisation of Time of the HOUR, in relation with Arc-angle (pi/180 and the
'quadrant') which lacked interface that defeated the efforts during French Revolutionary Time/Calendar Reform.
It would have been easy if scheme like The Metric clock/calendar (1971-73) were tried then: i.e. 10/20 hr x 100 x
100 units like The Metric Second (1973) could have worked!
My present submissions like: and my contribution at
International Conference on Role of Metrology (1996 February), refers:
Need to Revise Length Unit for Decimalisation of the Hour in Relation to Angular Degree and World
Decimal Calendar with Leap Weeks; Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Metrology and
its Role in Quality Improvement and Global Trade; Document No. 78; pp. 408-11; National Physical Laboratory,
New Delhi; 1996 February 20-22. Also see:
Today, I argue for NO CHANGE in clock face but Decimalise/Metricate Time of the Hour in relation to arc-angle
i.e. keep the 90*-quadrant but Decimalise the degree (pi/180 - i.e.1* x100' x100") like the clock face 1hr x100md
Thus, 12/24 hr clock (need no change in clock face) but have HOUR divided as:
Hour x60' x60":: Hour x100md x100sd i.e. 86400 seconds =24 00 00 decimal seconds (sd).
My earlier presentation: Socio-Scientific and Politico-Economic Revelation of Metric Time
Reform: ABSTRACTS: International Symposium on Time & Frequency (1981 February 12); National Physical
Laboratory, New Delhi-110012.
Brij Bhushan Vij
Friday, 2014 April 04H09:53(decimal)Mt Time
Aa Nau Bhadra Kritvo Yantu Vishwatah -Rg Veda
The Astronomical Poem (revised number of days in any month)
"30 days has July,September,
April, June, November and December
all the rest have 31 except February which has 29
except on years divisible evenly by 4;
except when YEAR divisible by 128 and 3200
as long as you remember that
"October (meaning 8) is the 10th month; and
December (meaning 10) is the 12th BUT has 30 days & ONE
OUTSIDE of calendar-format"
Jan:31; Feb:29; Mar:31; Apr:30; May:31; Jun:30
Jul:30; Aug:31; Sep:30; Oct:31; Nov:30; Dec:30
(365th day of Year is World Day)
******As per Kali V-GRhymeCalendaar*****
"Koi bhi cheshtha vayarth nahin hoti, purshaarth karne mein hai"
My Profile -
Author had NO interaction with The World Calendar Association
except via Media & Organisations to who I contributed for A
Possible World Calendar, since 1971.
Contact via E-mail: OR
"GAYATRI LOK" Flat # 3013/3rd Floor
NH-58, Kankhal Bypass, Dev-Bhoomi, HARIDWAR-249408 (Uttrakhand - INDIA)
> Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2014 09:56:08 +0200
> From: christoph.paeper@CRISSOV.DE
> Subject: Re: Birthdays on alternate calendars
> Victor Engel:
> > [on time telling:] I'm finding that people these days don't round anymore, especially if it matters. If it doesn't
matter, I think rounding is more to do with setting a relevant time rather than not comprehending higher precision.
> People of course understand that there are 60 minutes to the hour and they also understand that there are 50something weeks per year. They are able to use both to full precision if required to and when they’re able to look
up the current exact value. My point is that people prefer to use smaller divisions and even tend to combine two
vague values than using a single precise one (e.g. it’s common in German to say something like “it’s five past half
six” instead of “5:35”±2). For a good reason, too: they’re better with smaller numbers.
Re: Ptolemy's inaccuracy RE: Possible reason for rejecting Gregorian Calendar
From: Brij Bhushan metric VIJ [mailto:vij1936@HOTMAIL.COM]
Sent: 12 March 2014 02:42
Subject: Ptolemy's inaccuracy RE: Possible reason for rejecting Gregorian calendar
Karl, sir:
> For example, 21 March 325 in the Julian calendar = 22 March 325 in proleptic Gregorian calendar.
>He asserts that this makes Gregorian calendar is inaccurate. While I disagree with him on this point of accuracy,
>the one-day difference could be a reason for the Gregorian calendar being rejected in the East.
My working suggests 'creeping of this error' of ONE day is due to the Mean Year count (Julian=365.25 days −
Gregorian=365.2425 days) i.e. 0.0075* 128=0.96 day, confirming the close relation of "....Past correspondence with
this list has revealed that the equinox date was based on inaccurate tables of Ptolemy".
I do not think THIS to be valid reason for rejecting Gregorian calendar!
Brij Bhushan Vij
Tuesday, 2014 March 11H19:69(decimal)Mt Time
Aa Nau Bhadra Kritvo Yantu Vishwatah -Rg Veda
The Astronomical Poem (revised number of days in any month)
"30 days has July,September,
April, June, November and December
all the rest have 31 except February which has 29
except on years divisible evenly by 4;
except when YEAR divisible by 128 and 3200 as long as you remember that
"October (meaning 8) is the 10th month; and
December (meaning 10) is the 12th BUT has 30 days & ONE
OUTSIDE of calendar-format"
Jan:31; Feb:29; Mar:31; Apr:30; May:31; Jun:30
Jul:30; Aug:31; Sep:30; Oct:31; Nov:30; Dec:30
(365th day of Year is World Day)
******As per Kali V-GRhymeCalendaar*****
"Koi bhi cheshtha vayarth nahin hoti, purshaarth karne mein hai"
My Profile -
Author had NO interaction with The World Calendar Association
except via Media & Organisations to who I contributed for A
Possible World Calendar, since 1971.
Contact via E-mail: OR
"GAYATRI LOK" Flat # 3013/3rd Floor
NH-58, Kankhal Bypass, Dev-Bhoomi, HARIDWAR-249408 (Uttrakhand - INDIA)
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 16:56:17 +0000
From: karl.palmen@STFC.AC.UK
Subject: Possible reason for rejecting Gregorian Calendar
Dear Calendar People
I have been corresponding with Kaldarhan in private and he has pointed out that the proleptic Gregorian calendar
differs from the Julian calendar in the year 325 by one day.
For example, 21 March 325 in the Julian calendar = 22 March 325 in proleptic Gregorian calendar.
He asserts that this makes Gregorian calendar is inaccurate. While I disagree with him on this point of accuracy, the
one-day difference could be a reason for the Gregorian calendar being rejected in the East.
I note that the 900-year cycle revised Julian calendar does agree with the Julian calendar in the year 325.
I think it all arose from an inaccurate equinox date of 21 March 325 Julian calendar. I believe the equinox was one
day earlier, which was 21 March 325 in the proleptic Gregorian calendar and so the proleptic Gregorian calendar
silently corrects this erroneous equinox date. This correction had to be silent, because the aim of having the
equinox on 21 March, would otherwise be in doubt. Past correspondence with this list has revealed that the
equinox date was based on inaccurate tables of Ptolemy.
-Scanned by iCritical.
RE: 2-hr difference RE: Harappa calendar RE: Cal-Dates RE: 896-year cycle RE: Vij
Tithi=1.001036957279807 day -RE: 896-years/326918 Tithi cycle RE: 896-years/326919 Tithi cycle RE: ...
Karl KEV Palmen
Show this message...
From: You moved this message to its current location.
Sent: Thu 12/12/13 6:50 AM
Dear Brij
Thinking about the 2 hour difference, the error arising from it would be noticed in the moon before it would be
noticed in the seasons. Therefore, I think the year and NOT the month or tithi would be compromised to fit the
19-year cycle.
Therefore the tithi of 19/6932.5 mean tropical year = 1.001024… days would not have been used. Instead, a
year of 6932.5/19 tithis of about 1.001036 days would be used for a 19-year cycle. This year would be about
365.2465 to 365.2470 days long, which is similar to the mean Hebrew Calendar year.
For tithi of 966/965 days this year would be (966/965)*(6932.5/19) = 365.24652304…. days.
You said you are trying to make a solar calendar and not a lunar calendar. I’d interpret the 29 ½ marks on the
ivory as suggesting that the Harrappa calendar was lunar and possibly lunisolar with years of 12 or 13 lunar
months (like the Chinese and Babylonian calendars). Hence it was not solar like the two (identical?) calendars
you gave links to.
The interesting thing about a lunisolar calendar where the years have 12 and 13 months is that if the calendar
were accurate, it would follow the 19-year cycle for about 300 to 400 years then miss 8 years from a 19-year
cycle. However you are not interested in making a lunisolar calendar with 12 or 13 months in a year.
For a solar calendar, I suggest putting 366 tithis in a leap year of 366 days and 364.5 tithis in a common year of
365 days. So there is one tithi to each day except one day in a common year which has half a tithi. For a 128year cycle, this would lead to 31*366 + 97*364.5 = 46,702.5 tithis as you have suggested. The idea would work
with other solar calendars with years of 365 or 366 days as I have shown in a previous note. For an 896-year
cycle of 326918 tithis, make one year of 365 days have 365 tithis instead of 364.5 tithis. This adds half a tithi to
seven 128-year cycles.
These tithis do not form a perfect 19-year cycle, but do automatically correct the 19-year cycle.
If 19 years have 5 leap years, then they’d have 5*366+14*364.5 = 6933 tithis over 6940 days (half tithi more)
If 19 years have 4 leap years, then they’d have 4*366+15*364.5 = 6931.5 tithis over 6939 days (one tithi less)
This would average about 2 hours less than 6932.5 tithis and actually
(19/128)*46,702.5=6932.40234375 tithis for 128-year cycle and
(19/896)*326918= 6932.4129464… tithis for the 896-year cycle with one ½ tithi added.
Along with Amos I do not accept the idea of the year, being a constant unit of time that can be specified with 12
decimal places of precision. That value would change in the time it takes to read this note. Indeed the only year
that is used by astronomers as a unit of time is 365.25 days of 86400 seconds = 31,557,600 seconds, which is
used to define the light-year and distant times in the past.
I don’t ever use such a unit. Instead I just work out the mean year of a calendar and can judge separately
whether that calendar is accurate. If you defer to the opinion of astronomers you must accept that no such a unit
exists. For similar reasons I don’t use the lunation as a unit either.
From: Brij Bhushan metric VIJ []
Sent: 11 December 2013 20:45
To: Palmen, Karl (STFC,RAL,ISIS)
Subject: 2-hr difference RE: Harappa calendar RE: Cal-Dates RE: 896-year cycle RE: Vij
Tithi=1.001036957279807 day -RE: 896-years/326918 Tithi cycle RE: 896-years/326919 Tithi cycle RE: ...
(In Private)
Karl, sir:
> I’m now reading <>.
I thank you for EXAMINING, my efforts/document. As I said, I am not an astronomy student and an autodidact
who attempted to provide an alternate to the 'IDEA OF A World calendar for ALL AGES'. My proposed format
is placed: and Tithi working for count of Years/Days/Tithi etc. at:
>You have a note about shortening the last half tithi by 2 hours apparently to correct the 19-year cycle. I don’t
>understand it all.
I have tried to show the difference between 'number of days (time count) and number of tithi's counted in 5*47
There was an error in (19-years x 365.24189669781) =6939.59603725839 days. This should have been:
6939.601603725839 days. The duration of days (count) during the months in the 19-year Cycle, for luni-solar
adjustment, I tried as:
19-years = (6932 ½ Tithi each of RATIO 138W/965 =1.00103626943 day). (5* 47 = 235 lunation) are
accounted in blocks of 47th; 94th; 141st; 188th and 235th lunation, at the end of 19-year cycles. LAST ½T is
‘shortened by 2 hours’ for 19-year alignment.
(47x29 T =1363Tithi* 5) +118 T = 6940.18445595855 days. Note: A ½ Tithi need be short accounted during
19th years).
[Note: 47 lunation =1387.9376407 days i.e. 3 yrs 292 d 5h.0657206].Also, 5*47 lunation =6939.6882035 days.
19-years =19 x 365.242189669781 =6939.601603725839. This difference =(6939.6882035 6939.601603725839)=0.086599774161 day x 1440 minute i.e. 124.70367479184 minute (about 2 hours).
As I expressed, I am not trying to make LUNAR calendar but a SOLAR CALENDAR like the one I showed at: and at
My building the POSSIBLE Harappa calendar, via my New Tithi value is only an attempt that 19-year cycle
could be the contemporary link between East and West via Indus Civilisation and the Metonic cycle, as we now
know! I could have made an error in THINKING but the calculations pointed me towards that possibility, sir.
I thank you for your interest in my approach, sir. With your experience, you may like to refine - the ideas that I
present here.
My regards,
Brij Bhushan Vij
Wednesday, 2013 December 11H13:76(decimal)Mt Time
Aa Nau Bhadra Kritvo Yantu Vishwatah -Rg Veda
The Astronomical Poem (revised number of days in any month)
"30 days has July,September,
April, June, November and December
all the rest have 31 except February which has 29
except on years divisible evenly by 4;
except when YEAR divisible by 128 and 3200 as long as you remember that
"October (meaning 8) is the 10th month; and
December (meaning 10) is the 12th BUT has 30 days & ONE
OUTSIDE of calendar-format"
Jan:31; Feb:29; Mar:31; Apr:30; May:31; Jun:30
Jul:30; Aug:31; Sep:30; Oct:31; Nov:30; Dec:30
(365th day of Year is World Day)
******As per Kali V-GRhymeCalendaar*****
"Koi bhi cheshtha vayarth nahin hoti, purshaarth karne mein hai"
My Profile -
Author had NO interaction with The World Calendar Association
except via Media & Organisations to who I contributed for A
Possible World Calendar, since 1971.
Contact via E-mail: OR
"GAYATRI LOK" Flat # 3013/3rd Floor
NH-58, Kankhal Bypass, Dev-Bhoomi, HARIDWAR-249408 (Uttrakhand - INDIA)
Subject: RE: Harappa calendar RE: Cal-Dates RE: 896-year cycle RE: Vij Tithi=1.001036957279807 day -RE:
896-years/326918 Tithi cycle RE: 896-years/326919 Tithi cycle RE: ...
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2013 13:19:01 +0000
Dear Brij
I’m now reading .
I see at the start a table of a 19-year cycle for a solar calendar called the VGRCalendar. The table seems to show
the number of Tithis in each month. This is normally equal to the number of days in the month, but I see the
following exceptions. Each leap year has no tithi counted for the leap day and there are five months in the
nineteen years that have half a tithi less. This leads to a perfect 19-year cycle. You have a note about shortening
the last half tithi by 2 hours apparently to correct the 19-year cycle. I don’t understand it all.
Later on I see a table showing the number of days in a given number of tithis from 1 to 59 tithis and then for 1
to 12 lunar months. The tithi has 966/965 days. You then show the difference between a number of solar years
and the same number of lunar years of 12 months for 1 to 19 years. I don’t understand what follows.
The tithi of 966/965 days is too long for an accurate year in a 19-year cycle. 235 lunar months of this tithi =
6932.5*(966/965) = 6939.6839378… days. Dividing this by 19 give a mean year of 365.246523… days, which
can be obtained by a 3667-year cycle of 904 leap years.
I don’t understand the rest of the document.
However I’d like to put forward an alternative idea.
For a common year count one tithi for every day except one day which has half a tithi. It has 364.5 tithis in 365
31d 29d 31d 30d 31d 30d 30d 31d 30d 31d 30d 31d
31T 29T 31T 30T 31T 30T 30T 31T 30T 31T 30T 30.5T
For a leap year could one tithi for every day without exception. It has 366 tithis in 366 days.
31d 30d 31d 30d 31d 30d 30d 31d 30d 31d 30d 31d
31T 30T 31T 30T 31T 30T 30T 31T 30T 31T 30T 31T
This does not create a perfect 19-year cycle, but is more accurate than the 19-year cycle.
If used with a 128-year cycle one gets 31*366+97*364.5=46702.5 tithis as you previously suggested. It would
work with other leap years rules giving cycles I listed in yesterday’s note.
For the 896-year cycle of 326918 tithis one requires half a tithi added. This creates a 3rd kind of year with 365
tithis in 365 days, which occurs once in the 896-year cycle in place of a year with 364.5 tithis in 365 days.
31d 29d 31d 30d 31d 30d 30d 31d 30d 31d 30d 31d
31T 29T 31T 30T 31T 30T 30T 31T 30T 31T 30T 31T
The other cycles l listed in today’s previous note can be generated in a similar way.
From: Brij Bhushan metric VIJ []
Sent: 11 December 2013 00:53
To: Palmen, Karl (STFC,RAL,ISIS)
Subject: RE: Harappa calendar RE: Cal-Dates RE: 896-year cycle RE: Vij Tithi=1.001036957279807 day -RE:
896-years/326918 Tithi cycle RE: 896-years/326919 Tithi cycle RE: ...
Karl, Cc sirs:
> I’ve discovered and idea that the Harrappa calendar might possibly have used with tithis.
I had some discussions (1985 or around) with Prof. Subbarayyapa after seeing the HARAPPA calendar shell in
the gallery of Archaeology (National) Museum, New Delhi. My linking 19-year Harappa cycle (now called
Metonic cycle) is placed:
[My, New Value Tithi 1.001036957279807 day =24h
1m 29s.59311]
19years x 365.2421875 =6939.6015625 days÷ 1.001036957279807 =6932.412946428573 (say, 6932 ½
This give, 19-years/6932 ½ =(19 x 365.242189669781)
÷ 6932 ½ =Tithi as, 1.001024392892296 day (24h 1m 28.50755); which is ONLY 0.000012564387511 x 86400
=1.0856 second away; when using THIS TITHI VALUE. My investigating 128-year cycle was my ‘in-built
hunch’ carried since my discussing with usefulness with Dr BV Subbarayyapa, alongwith 19-year so called
Metonic cycle, my calling it as Harappa 19-year cycle.
I did place some working of (4x47)= 19-year Tithi working at:
>What makes you think the Harrappa calendar used the 128-year or 896-year cycle with mean year
365.2421875 days?
This was my 'conviction' as such I tried to show what value do I get for Mean Lunation.
Working, as you said, may be compiled: Mean Lunation =29 1/2 x(Days in year/No. of Tithi's).
It may be seen that [Number of days ÷ Number of Tithi's in cycle] x 291/2 can produce comparison for Mean
Lunation, using the CYCLES intended for comparison. Please see:
UNFORTUNATELY, Harappa calendar was never BUILT, in the absence of "decipherment of Indus Script".
This may be deemed as my contribution, to investigative urge (for science).
Brij Bhushan Vij
Tuesday, 2013 December 10H17:87(decimal)Mt Time
Aa Nau Bhadra Kritvo Yantu Vishwatah -Rg Veda
The Astronomical Poem (revised number of days in any month)
"30 days has July,September,
April, June, November and December
all the rest have 31 except February which has 29
except on years divisible evenly by 4;
except when YEAR divisible by 128 and 3200 as long as you remember that
"October (meaning 8) is the 10th month; and
December (meaning 10) is the 12th BUT has 30 days & ONE
OUTSIDE of calendar-format"
Jan:31; Feb:29; Mar:31; Apr:30; May:31; Jun:30
Jul:30; Aug:31; Sep:30; Oct:31; Nov:30; Dec:30
(365th day of Year is World Day)
******As per Kali V-GRhymeCalendaar*****
"Koi bhi cheshtha vayarth nahin hoti, purshaarth karne mein hai"
My Profile -
Author had NO interaction with The World Calendar Association
except via Media & Organisations to who I contributed for A
Possible World Calendar, since 1971.
Contact via E-mail: OR
"GAYATRI LOK" Flat # 3013/3rd Floor
NH-58, Kankhal Bypass, Dev-Bhoomi, HARIDWAR-249408 (Uttrakhand - INDIA)
Subject: RE: Harappa calendar RE: Cal-Dates RE: 896-year cycle RE: Vij Tithi=1.001036957279807 day -RE:
896-years/326918 Tithi cycle RE: 896-years/326919 Tithi cycle RE: ...
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2013 13:16:13 +0000
Dear Brij
What makes you think the Harrappa calendar used the 128-year or 896-year cycle with mean year 365.2421875
I’ve discovered and idea that the Harrappa calendar might possibly have used with tithis. In this idea, a common
year has 365 days with 364.5 tithis and leap year has 366 days with 366 tithis. While most days have a whole
tithi, some days have half a tithi and one such half tithi day occurs in each 365-day year and none in any 366day year.
We then get:
37 years 9 leap = 13,514 days = 13,500 tithis, 28 days with half tithi. Mean year 365.243243243… days. Mean
month 29.53059259… days
103 years 25 leap = 37,620 days = 37,581 tithis, 78 days with half tithi. Mean year 365.24272… days. Mean
month 29.5306139… days
400 years 97 leap = 146,097 days = 145,945.5 tithis, 303 days with half tithi. Mean year 365.2425 days. Mean
month 29.5306227… days
33 years 8 leap = 12,053 days = 12,040.5 tithis, 25 days with half tithi. Mean year 365.2424242424… days.
Mean month 29.530626… days
293 years 71 leap = 107,061 days = 106,905 tithis , 222 days with half tithi. Mean year 365.24232… days.
Mean month 29.530630… days
128 years 31 leap = 46,751 days = 46,702.5 tithis, 97 days with half tithi. Mean year 365.2421875 days. Mean
month 29.530635… days (as suggested by you)
These are just a few examples.
The 896-year cycle of 326918 tithis can be realised by adding half a tithi to seven 128-year cycles (make one
day with half a tithi have a whole tithi, but keep 365 days in its year).
The number of days (37620) in a 103-year cycle is divisible by many numbers (but not 7).
The 293-year cycle = 294 ‘years’ of 52 weeks = 364 days and has been mentioned on this list many times and is
used by Irv’s Symmetry454 calendar.
The number of days with half tithi is equivalent to number of yerms.
From: Brij Bhushan metric VIJ []
Sent: 09 December 2013 22:52
To: Palmen, Karl (STFC,RAL,ISIS)
Subject: Harappa calendar RE: Cal-Dates RE: 896-year cycle RE: Vij Tithi=1.001036957279807 day -RE:
896-years/326918 Tithi cycle RE: 896-years/326919 Tithi cycle RE: ...
Karl, sir:
> Another possibility is 66 years of 24081 tithis and 24106 days. This has a mean year of 365.24242424….
>days and a mean month of 29.5*(24106/24081) = 29.5306258… days, which may have been accurate to
Harrappan measurements. There may be many other possibilities.
YES, this tally with my Harappa Tithi value, and there could be several other Tithi/Solar years, may be some
with 'seven day' week cycle. 128-year cycle has 46751 days/46702 1/2 Tithi with Mean Year (as you
know) =365.2421875 days. This may have Mean Lunation =29.5*(46751/46702 1/2) =29.53063540495691
days (29d 12h 44m 6s.899); about 3 seconds in excess of current value. BUT my point was to the establishment
of a possible Harappa calendar!
I thank you for your GOOD WISHES for my son, I shall greet him on your behalf. Thanks again.
Brij Bhushan Vij
Monday, 2013 December 09H15:85(decimal)Mt Time
Aa Nau Bhadra Kritvo Yantu Vishwatah -Rg Veda
The Astronomical Poem (revised number of days in any month)
"30 days has July,September,
April, June, November and December
all the rest have 31 except February which has 29
except on years divisible evenly by 4;
except when YEAR divisible by 128 and 3200 as long as you remember that
"October (meaning 8) is the 10th month; and
December (meaning 10) is the 12th BUT has 30 days & ONE
OUTSIDE of calendar-format"
Jan:31; Feb:29; Mar:31; Apr:30; May:31; Jun:30
Jul:30; Aug:31; Sep:30; Oct:31; Nov:30; Dec:30
(365th day of Year is World Day)
******As per Kali V-GRhymeCalendaar*****
"Koi bhi cheshtha vayarth nahin hoti, purshaarth karne mein hai"
My Profile -
Author had NO interaction with The World Calendar Association
except via Media & Organisations to who I contributed for A
Possible World Calendar, since 1971.
Contact via E-mail: OR
"GAYATRI LOK" Flat # 3013/3rd Floor
NH-58, Kankhal Bypass, Dev-Bhoomi, HARIDWAR-249408 (Uttrakhand - INDIA)
Subject: RE: Cal-Dates RE: 896-year cycle RE: Vij Tithi=1.001036957279807 day -RE: 896-years/326918
Tithi cycle RE: 896-years/326919 Tithi cycle RE: ...
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2013 12:28:44 +0000
Dear Brij
While the Harappan may have used a tithi of 2/59 lunar months (four the 29 ½ markings in the ‘ivory’ piece’), I
doubt they used an 896-year cycle of 326918 tithis. The tropical year of Harrappan times would be longer
(perhaps 365.2424 days). Also the mean lunation would have been longer (perhaps 29.5306 days or 964 tithis to
965 days).
The 896-year cycle has a whole number of years, tithis (326918) and days (327257) and is quite accurate, but
there may be other such cycles accurate to Harappan measurements.
Another possibility is 66 years of 24081 tithis and 24106 days. This has a mean year of 365.24242424…. days
and a mean month of 29.5*(24106/24081) = 29.5306258… days, which may have been accurate to Harrappan
measurements. There may be many other possibilities.
If years were counted in tithis, most years would have 365 tithis but some you would be shorter (364 or 364.5
tithis). A simple approximation would be 22 years of which 3 have 364 tithis or 6 have 364.5 tithis, while all
other years have 365 tithis. This approximation puts 8027 lunar months into 649 years. The 66-year cycle I
mentioned is equal to three of these 22-year cycles and to two solar 33-year cycles.
Happy 50th birthday to your son! About half of all 50th birthdays are on the same day of week as the birth,
including mine. One needs a leap day between birth and 2nd birthday and no dropped century leap day in the 50
From: Brij Bhushan metric VIJ []
Sent: 06 December 2013 19:58
To: Palmen, Karl (STFC,RAL,ISIS)
Subject: Cal-Dates RE: 896-year cycle RE: Vij Tithi=1.001036957279807 day -RE: 896-years/326918 Tithi
cycle RE: 896-years/326919 Tithi cycle RE: ...
Karl, sir:
> Both of these are each a way of implementing the tithi in the 896-year cycle calendar.
>I see you calculated a tithi of 1 339/326918 day for this cycle (326918 tithis in 896-year cycle), so showing
that 339 days miss a >tithi.
I thank you for noting and taking my ideas in the spirit. Yes, my attempt was to build the Harappa Tithi, as I
realized - long ago - perhaps around 1985, after discussing some ideas that I had with Prof. BV Subbarayyapa
(now in Bangalore), my attempt was to build the Harappa calendar, in absence of decipherment of Happan
script since I had developed my thoughts published in Sir Mortimer Wheeler's Commemoration Volume (1984).
The Harappa calendar had 29½ markings on this 'ivory piece'.
I expressed, I was a man on street, rose from being a refugee from British India, having no education - being a
child of 11-years in August 1947. My profile and zeal:
YES, I only was wanting to show that my cycle of (7*128=896)-years had EXACT number of 327257
Days/46751 Weeks that could be used for Divide SIX(6) basis for a Leap Week calendar [Mean Year
=7*(52+159/896)=365.2421875 days. I therefore worked for a solar calendar, which could be used as United
Nations/World calendar.
>PS: Yesterday was the 339th day of the year.
I think I have been on the right list discussing my ideas, on publishing A World Calendar for All Ages (1971
June 06). 25-years later, my 'grand-daughter was born on 1996 June 06.
My son, Munish was born on 1963 December 13 (Friday) and a week from today i.e. on 2013 December 13
(Friday) he turns 50-years entering his 51st year. My children/grand-children do make me a proud parent. I
would anticipate your blessings for them.
P.S. May thanks to Natash & Abha for their e-invite. Shall talk to you later.
My thanks & Regards,
Brij Bhushan Vij
Friday, 2013 December 06H12:96(decimal)Mt Time
Aa Nau Bhadra Kritvo Yantu Vishwatah -Rg Veda
The Astronomical Poem (revised number of days in any month)
"30 days has July,September,
April, June, November and December
all the rest have 31 except February which has 29
except on years divisible evenly by 4;
except when YEAR divisible by 128 and 3200 as long as you remember that
"October (meaning 8) is the 10th month; and
December (meaning 10) is the 12th BUT has 30 days & ONE
OUTSIDE of calendar-format"
Jan:31; Feb:29; Mar:31; Apr:30; May:31; Jun:30
Jul:30; Aug:31; Sep:30; Oct:31; Nov:30; Dec:30
(365th day of Year is World Day)
******As per Kali V-GRhymeCalendaar*****
"Koi bhi cheshtha vayarth nahin hoti, purshaarth karne mein hai"
My Profile -
Author had NO interaction with The World Calendar Association
except via Media & Organisations to who I contributed for A
Possible World Calendar, since 1971.
Contact via E-mail: OR
"GAYATRI LOK" Flat # 3013/3rd Floor
NH-58, Kankhal Bypass, Dev-Bhoomi, HARIDWAR-249408 (Uttrakhand - INDIA)
Subject: RE: 896-year cycle RE: Vij Tithi=1.001036957279807 day -RE: 896-years/326918 Tithi cycle RE:
896-years/326919 Tithi cycle RE: ...
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2013 11:39:24 +0000
Dear Brij
Thank you for your efforts to express your ideas in a way that I can understand them.
Thank you for explain that you calculations are for building a cycle and not to describe a calendar.
I have found many lunisolar cycles and calculated them by using Excel spreadsheets. I’ve put some of them on
the web thanks to Victor at
I’ve included some that use the solar 128-year and 896-year cycles at Lunisolar128.xls. I showed you in a
recent note the contents of a more recent version of Lunisolar128.xls.
I don’t show how I found or build any of these cycles. It is irrelevant after the cycle has been found.
If you want to explain how you built a cycle you need to explain each step carefully.
Note that the same cycle can be built in many different ways and exists independently of the way it was built.
Your lack of astronomy and calendar making knowledge allows you to think that the 896-year cycle is best,
when there is no best cycle. It depends on the type of calendar you want. For example, if you want the calendar
to stay with the March equinox a 33-year cycle would be better than a 128-year cycle, but if you want it to stay
with the equinoxes and solstices on average, then the 128-year cycle (or 896-year cycle) is a good choice. Also I
think there may be an accurate solar calendar cycle of a whole number of tithis shorter the 896 years.
Also when writing to the list bear in mind that the calendar people do not know the Hindu calendar as well as
you and if you rely on it, you must explain what you rely on.
If you have a tithi of 2/59 lunar month and also 966/965 days, you force the lunar month to have one length,
which is exactly 29.5*966/965 = 29+512/965 days and about 29.53057 days. It can be realised in a variation of
my yerm calendar, which has a 59-yerm cycle made of two eras one of 28 yerms and the other of 31 yerms so
that every 3rd yerm of an era has 15 months and all the other yerms have 17 months. I’ll refer to this tithi as the
basic tithi. It’s a very good idea to name things so you can refer to them precisely.
There exists only one lunisolar cycle that has this basic tithi mean month and also the mean year of the 128-year
cycle (or 896-year cycle). It is a very long cycle and I shall not attempt to find it here. The 29*896-year and
59*896-year cycles have a mean month closer to today’s mean synodic month than is the basic tithi month (29.5
basic tithis).
The 59*896-year cycle is ideal for the tithi, because it gives a whole number (326918) of tithis to 896 years. I
think you have attempted to express how the 966/965 day tithi is modified to fit the 59*896-year cycle, but have
failed in this for me (and perhaps everyone else on CALNDR-L). If you take the difference between the
number of days in a cycle and the number of tithis you get the number of days that miss a tithi. For 896 years of
326918 tithis, this difference in 339. So 339 days miss a tithi. This divides the days of the 896-year cycle into
339 parts where every day but one has a tithi. I reckoned 122 of these parts have 966 days of 965 tithis (basic
tithi), but 217 parts have 965 days of 964 tithis (a slightly longer tithi). I show this.
Tithis: 122*965+217*964=326918
Days: 122*966+217*965= 327257=896*365.2421875
You could have a whole number of weeks in each of the 339 parts, and then one has 308 parts of 138 weeks =
965 tithis and 31 parts of 137 weeks = 958 tithis.
Tithis: 308*965+31*958=326918
Weeks: 308*138+31*137=46751=128*365.2421875
Both of these are each a way of implementing the tithi in the 896-year cycle calendar.
I see you calculated a tithi of 1 339/326918 day for this cycle (326918 tithis in 896-year cycle), so showing that 339
days miss a tithi.
Dividing the 19-year cycle into tithis is not very useful because there is an error of almost 0.1 tithi . 235 months
= 6932.5 tithis, but 19 years of 365.2421875 days have 6932.4177…. basic tithis. However I doubt that the
Harrappan astronomers had a year as accurate as 365.2421875 days and may have accepted a year of 6932.5/19
basic tithis = 365.246523…. days.
If you base your year on the tithi, then most years have 365 tithis, while a few (about 1 in 7.344) have 364 tithis.
The mean year of the 896-year cycle is 326918/896 = 364+774/896 tithis. So you could have a calendar of the
896-year cycle where 774 years have 365 tithis and 122 years have 364 tithis.
Finally, I note that a tithi of 965/964 days has a month of 29.5*(965/964) = 29.53060… days, which would have
been quite accurate in ancient days. This is the slightly longer tithi I showed earlier on. I could call it the long
basic tithi.
13(16(04 from noon
PS: Yesterday was the 339th day of the year.
From: Brij Bhushan metric VIJ []
Sent: 05 December 2013 22:38
To: Palmen, Karl (STFC,RAL,ISIS)
Subject: 896-year cycle RE: Vij Tithi=1.001036957279807 day -RE: 896-years/326918 Tithi cycle RE: 896years/326919 Tithi cycle RE: ...
Karl, sir:
> Are you just describing how you derive a more accurate cycle or are you describing a way of implementing a
more accurate >cycle?
The point I intended to make was for the 896-year 'solar cycle' that could be the BEST possible option as a lunisolar compromise for calendar makers; which unfortunately I am NOT! Yes, I produced my calculations for
discussion for modifying the necessary (rather useful tools) that may help build solid grounds for the lunisolar
cycle of 896-years in close conformity with my Harappa calendar:
The Tithi 'concept has variables suiting every calendar differently; like the Tithi (in days) of L/29, L/30, L/29½
(as of Harappa calendar), 2L/59, 966/965, 138 Week/965, 19-years/6932 ½, 19-years/235L. I have only tried to
provide that Lunar month could be made use of "for alignment with the solar calendar, in a similar manner like
the Hindu Panchangs" as you also pointed. I did use the values, I read somewhere (long ago) of 966/965 days
(list called it as Vij Tithi/Phase) and the Nakshatra/Asterism value of 849/839 =1.0119189511323 x 27
=Sidereal Moon of 27.32181168057211 days (close to actual). This New Tithi value can be considered, my
investigated and developed (for use for lunar calendars).
>Are you just describing how you derive a more accurate cycle or are you describing a way of implementing a
more accurate >cycle?
I have tried to describe the way to BUILD a more accurate calendar cycle - especially of 896-year 'solar cycle
for accommodating 326918 Tithi'. Thus making it, a perfect lunisolar cycle with Mean Year =365.2421875 days
& Mean Lunation=29.5305918 days (29d 12h 44m 3s.1315 (using Tithi=1.001036957279807 days i.e. 1
339/326918 day). This is close to current Lunation value: 29d 12h 44m 2s.88 (i.e. within 0s.5). One Tithi =19years/6932½ = 1.001024392892296 day (24h 1m 28s.50755) AND 1. 00306957279807 day (24h 1m
AS YOU KNOW, I admitted that I was not an astronomy student, I have not applied myself into THIS field
"except done my calculations demonstrated and placed at my Home Page:
I assume this make my calculations clear. My contributions may, therefore, be seen with this in view, sir..
Brij Bhushan Vij
Thursday, 2013 December 05H15:63(decimal)Mt Time
Aa Nau Bhadra Kritvo Yantu Vishwatah -Rg Veda
The Astronomical Poem (revised number of days in any month)
"30 days has July,September,
April, June, November and December
all the rest have 31 except February which has 29
except on years divisible evenly by 4;
except when YEAR divisible by 128 and 3200 as long as you remember that
"October (meaning 8) is the 10th month; and
December (meaning 10) is the 12th BUT has 30 days & ONE
OUTSIDE of calendar-format"
Jan:31; Feb:29; Mar:31; Apr:30; May:31; Jun:30
Jul:30; Aug:31; Sep:30; Oct:31; Nov:30; Dec:30
(365th day of Year is World Day)
******As per Kali V-GRhymeCalendaar*****
"Koi bhi cheshtha vayarth nahin hoti, purshaarth karne mein hai"
My Profile -
Author had NO interaction with The World Calendar Association
except via Media & Organisations to who I contributed for A
Possible World Calendar, since 1971.
Contact via E-mail: OR
"GAYATRI LOK" Flat # 3013/3rd Floor
NH-58, Kankhal Bypass, Dev-Bhoomi, HARIDWAR-249408 (Uttrakhand - INDIA)
Subject: RE: Vij Tithi=1.001036957279807 day -RE: 896-years/326918 Tithi cycle RE: 896-years/326919
Tithi cycle RE: ...
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2013 09:21:55 +0000
Dear Brij
From: Brij Bhushan metric VIJ []
Sent: 05 December 2013 02:08
To: Palmen, Karl (STFC,RAL,ISIS)
Subject: RE: Vij Tithi=1.001036957279807 day -RE: 896-years/326918 Tithi cycle RE: 896-years/326919
Tithi cycle RE: ...
(In Private)
Karl, sir:
> Your idea of adjustment is not clear to me. You must explain the process of adjustment.
I thank you for raising the point. I wonder if it meets YOUR expectation.
>I don’t understand 321378th lunation getting automatically adjusted, in count of 25984-years/321377 lunation 'count';
>giving >[9490453/321377 =29.53059179717279 days i.e. 29d 12h 44m 3s.1313]. . Your idea of adjustment is
>not clear to me. You must explain the process of adjustment.
You shall agree, sir, that 19-year cycle & 235 lunation are useful for luni-solar alignments.
I REPLY: It is useful in determining which lunisolar years have 13 instead of 12 months. The recent note about
the 353-year cycle is an example of this.
We devise ‘methods’ for ALINGMENT of “number of days ( time count) to align with (lunar time
count). 19-years =6939.601603725839 days; 235 lunation= 6939.68837035 days –the difference
of 0.086766624161 day is adjusted on ADDING a day once every 218.97821 (say, 219-years) discussed earlier.
I REPLY: I don’t understand what this means in practice.
29 cycles of 896-years=9490453.05637959 (say, 9490453 days) in 321377.0344181495 (say, 321377 lunation).
BUT, adding 321378th lunation in Tithi count can be made use of 321377 lunation x29 ½
x1.001036957279807) = 9490452½ days which is about ½ day in 25984-years. This is due to ‘Tithi being made
SLIGHTLY longer than [1.001036957279807− 1.001024392892296] day x 86400 =1s.0855631. Also, 9480622
Tithi (in 25984-yaers) x 1.001036957279807= 9490453 days.
I REPLY: I don’t understand this. You need to explain each step clearly.
I do note that if you give 321377 lunar months to 29 cycles of 896 years one gets a mean lunar month of
29.5305918 days. Also if you give 2*321377+11082 lunar months to 59 cycles of 896 years you get a mean
lunar month of 29.5305902 days.
896-years/11082 lunation/(326919-1)= 326918 Tithi x 1.001036957279807 days =327257 days;
(29*896)=25984-years/321377 lunation/9490453 days÷1.001036957279807=9480622 Tithi, which is only ½
Tithi in excess (of 321377x29 ½ =9480621½ Tithi). The OMITTED lunation i.e. 321378th gets accommodated
by the EXTRA duration in time (9480651-29 ½ ) i.e. 9480621½ compromised at 9480622 Tithi
x1.001036957279807=9490453 days. Each ‘New tithi, of 1.001036957279807 day, thus=24h 1m 29s.59311.
This is within range of the actual TITHI of 29.53058881/29.5 = 1.001036908813559 day (24h 1m 29s.5889).
One Tithi =19-years/6932½ = 1.001024392892296 day (24h 1m 28s.50755) AND 1. 00306957279807 day
(24h 1m 29s.59311). This (slight difference is presumed in ‘rounding ‘). NOTE: 0.000000058784437d
x86400s=0s.0050789753568, is hardly that concerns!
This is beyond my understanding. You need to explain the process better and not just supply the figures.
Are you just describing how you derive a more accurate cycle or are you describing a way of implementing a
more accurate cycle?
13(16(02 till noon
I thank you, sir,
My regards,
Brij Bhushan Vij
Wednesday, 2013 December 04H19:11(decimal)Mt Time
Aa Nau Bhadra Kritvo Yantu Vishwatah -Rg Veda
The Astronomical Poem (revised number of days in any month)
"30 days has July,September,
April, June, November and December
all the rest have 31 except February which has 29
except on years divisible evenly by 4;
except when YEAR divisible by 128 and 3200 as long as you remember that
"October (meaning 8) is the 10th month; and
December (meaning 10) is the 12th BUT has 30 days & ONE
OUTSIDE of calendar-format"
Jan:31; Feb:29; Mar:31; Apr:30; May:31; Jun:30
Jul:30; Aug:31; Sep:30; Oct:31; Nov:30; Dec:30
(365th day of Year is World Day)
******As per Kali V-GRhymeCalendaar*****
"Koi bhi cheshtha vayarth nahin hoti, purshaarth karne mein hai"
My Profile -
Author had NO interaction with The World Calendar Association
except via Media & Organisations to who I contributed for A
Possible World Calendar, since 1971.
Contact via E-mail: OR
"GAYATRI LOK" Flat # 3013/3rd Floor
NH-58, Kankhal Bypass, Dev-Bhoomi, HARIDWAR-249408 (Uttrakhand - INDIA)
Subject: RE: Vij Tithi=1.001036957279807 day -RE: 896-years/326918 Tithi cycle RE: 896-years/326919
Tithi cycle RE: ...
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2013 10:00:06 +0000
Dear Brij
I don’t understand 321378th lunation getting automatically adjusted, in count of 25984-years/321377 lunation
'count'; giving [9490453/321377 =29.53059179717279 days i.e. 29d 12h 44m 3s.1313]. . Your idea of
adjustment is not clear to me. You must explain the process of adjustment.
13(16(01 till noon
From: Brij Bhushan metric VIJ []
Sent: 29 November 2013 18:20
To: Palmen, Karl (STFC,RAL,ISIS); East Carolina University Calendar discussion List
Subject: RE: Vij Tithi=1.001036957279807 day -RE: 896-years/326918 Tithi cycle RE: 896-years/326919
Tithi cycle RE: ...
Karl sir:
> It is the EXTRA lunation and automatic adjustment I don’t understand.
As you would see, the EXTRA 'duration included' is to sompensate: 321378th lunation getting automatically
adjusted, in count of 25984-years/321377 lunation 'count'; giving [9490453/321377 =29.53059179717279 days
i.e. 29d 12h 44m 3s.1313]. This provide two advantages:
(a) leaves the cycles complete with Mean Year =365.2421875 days; and Mean Lunation =29.530591797...days
in order to be "closest that could be arrived for an accurate Lunisolar calendar". My observing several posts on
merger of 'different' cycles to gain/arrive at the right Mean Lunation/Mean Year values make my 896year/11082 lunation/326918 Tithi an IMPORTANT contribution.
>The 210*128=26,880-year cycle is more accurate than the 413*128=52,864-year cycle. The 52,864-year cycle
can be split into 59 896-year cycles each of 326,918 tithis. The length of this tithi in days is the same as you
added to the subject of this note and is exactly 1 + 339/326918 days
(1) Mean Lunation, 26880-years(30x896 years) =9817710/332459=29.53058873424994 days (29d 12h 44m
2s.8667); This cycle had been discussed, at length, during my presenting Leap Week discussion for Mean Year
=7*(52+159/896) days;
(2) My above cycles: 896-year (with increased 'tithi length') make this a perfect cycle of .327257 days, on
merging ONE lunation over 29 cycles - with accuracy within 0s.5 pointed earlier also.
(3) Value of this increased Tithi value is 'in the same range' for 966/965 days and 19-year cycle, presumably
used by Indus people. This may, if considered, be labeled with my name. I am glad, sir, you found my TITHI
value interesting.
(4) (7*59) =413*128-years i.e. 52864-year cycle =19308163/653836 =29.53980680260452 days (29d 12h 57m
19s.3077); while my earlier worked cycles presented at: provide enough choice.
Brij Bhushan Vij
Friday, 2013 November 29H11:32(decimal)Mt Time
Aa Nau Bhadra Kritvo Yantu Vishwatah -Rg Veda
The Astronomical Poem (revised number of days in any month)
"30 days has July,September,
April, June, November and December
all the rest have 31 except February which has 29
except on years divisible evenly by 4;
except when YEAR divisible by 128 and 3200 as long as you remember that
"October (meaning 8) is the 10th month; and
December (meaning 10) is the 12th BUT has 30 days & ONE
OUTSIDE of calendar-format"
Jan:31; Feb:29; Mar:31; Apr:30; May:31; Jun:30
Jul:30; Aug:31; Sep:30; Oct:31; Nov:30; Dec:30
(365th day of Year is World Day)
******As per Kali V-GRhymeCalendaar*****
"Koi bhi cheshtha vayarth nahin hoti, purshaarth karne mein hai"
My Profile -
Author had NO interaction with The World Calendar Association
except via Media & Organisations to who I contributed for A
Possible World Calendar, since 1971.
Contact via E-mail: OR
"GAYATRI LOK" Flat # 3013/3rd Floor
NH-58, Kankhal Bypass, Dev-Bhoomi, HARIDWAR-249408 (Uttrakhand - INDIA)
Subject: RE: Vij Tithi=1.001036957279807 day -RE: 896-years/326918 Tithi cycle RE: 896-years/326919
Tithi cycle RE: ...
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 09:19:34 +0000
Dear Brij
It is the EXTRA lunation and automatic adjustment I don’t understand.
The 210*128=26,880-year cycle is more accurate than the 413*128=52,864-year cycle.
The 26,880-year cycle can be split into ten 2,688-year cycles each of 29 leap weeks in addition to years
divisible by six.
The 52,864-year cycle can be split into 59 896-year cycles each of 326,918 tithis. The length of this tithi in
days is the same as you added to the subject of this note and is exactly 1 + 339/326918 days. The 339 is the number
of days in 896 years that miss a tithi, given that all other days have one tithi.
If these 339 days that miss a tithi are spread as smoothly as possible then
122 come 966 days (965 tithis) after previous and 217 come 967 days (966 tithis) after previous.
If these 339 days that miss a tithi all occur on the same day of week but are otherwise are spread as smoothly as
possible then
308 come 138 weeks (965 tithis) after the previous and 31 come 139 weeks (972 tithis) after previous.
13(15(26 till noon
From: Brij Bhushan metric VIJ []
Sent: 29 November 2013 00:56
To: Palmen, Karl (STFC,RAL,ISIS)
Subject: Vij Tithi=1.001036957279807 day -RE: 896-years/326918 Tithi cycle RE: 896-years/326919 Tithi
cycle RE: ...
(in Private)
Karl, sir:
This is to thank you for your studying 128-year cycles and their multiples, which I include at:
<> as "Investigating most values for Phase/Tithi used so far".
52864-year cycle is (413*128)-years with 19308163 days /2758309weeks (653836 lunation x 29.5 =19288162
1.001036957279807 x 19288162 =19308163 days. This EXTRA day is due to "increased Tithi value".
However, the point I intended to make had been to accommodate the EXTRA lunation needing
'omission/insertion' as leaped lunation in (29 x896)-year cycle as shown/discussed which is 321378th lunation
getting automatically adjusted, in count of 25984-years/321377 lunation 'count'; giving [9490453/321377
=29.53059179717279 days i.e. 29d 12h 44m 3s.1313].
It may be seen that THIS value is 'same/or closest approximation for 138W/965 (966/965) as: 965 Tithi
=966.0006637750138 days).
My regards,
Brij Bhushan Vij
Thursday, 2013 November 28H17:92(decimal)Mt Time
Aa Nau Bhadra Kritvo Yantu Vishwatah -Rg Veda
The Astronomical Poem (revised number of days in any month)
"30 days has July,September,
April, June, November and December
all the rest have 31 except February which has 29
except on years divisible evenly by 4;
except when YEAR divisible by 128 and 3200 as long as you remember that
"October (meaning 8) is the 10th month; and
December (meaning 10) is the 12th BUT has 30 days & ONE
OUTSIDE of calendar-format"
Jan:31; Feb:29; Mar:31; Apr:30; May:31; Jun:30
Jul:30; Aug:31; Sep:30; Oct:31; Nov:30; Dec:30
(365th day of Year is World Day)
******As per Kali V-GRhymeCalendaar*****
"Koi bhi cheshtha vayarth nahin hoti, purshaarth karne mein hai"
My Profile -
Author had NO interaction with The World Calendar Association
except via Media & Organisations to who I contributed for A
Possible World Calendar, since 1971.
Contact via E-mail: OR
"GAYATRI LOK" Flat # 3013/3rd Floor
NH-58, Kankhal Bypass, Dev-Bhoomi, HARIDWAR-249408 (Uttrakhand - INDIA)
Subject: RE: 896-years/326918 Tithi cycle RE: 896-years/326919 Tithi cycle RE: ...
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 11:51:32 +0000
Dear Brij (in private)
Here are details of various lunisolar cycles that are a multiple of the 128-year cycle.
The columns are explained in .
I now see the 29 128-year cycles make an accurate lunisolar cycle, but this is not a whole number of weeks. It
could be multiplied by seven, to give a 25,984-year cycle, but this is not as accurate as the 26,880-year cycle
listed. The 52,864-year cycle arising from your tithi is not shown, but can be obtained by adding the 25,984year cycle to the 26,880-year cycle. It has a mean month of 29.530590 days.
Lunisolar Cycles a multiple of the 128-year cycle
Years Long Abundant
Leap Yerms Mean Yr
Mean Mth Days
Months Saltus Trunc
896 330 173
217 676 365.2421875 29.5304999 327257 11082 44
Seven 128-year cycles
3712 1367 721
899 2809 365.2421875 29.5305918 1355779 45911 178 11
29 128-year cycles
4608 1697 894
8320 3064 1615
1116 3485 365.2421875 29.5305739 1683036 56993 222
2015 6294 365.2421875 29.5305819 3038815 102904 400
26880 9899 5220
27776 10229 5393
6510 20339 365.2421875 29.5305887 9817710 332459 1290 79
6727 21015 365.2421875 29.5305859 10144967 343541 1334 81
36 128-year cycles
65 128-year cycles
210 128-year Cycles
217 128-year Cycles
From: Brij Bhushan metric VIJ []
Sent: 22 November 2013 19:47
To: East Carolina University Calendar discussion List;; Palmen, Karl (STFC,RAL,ISIS)
Subject: RE: 896-years/326918 Tithi cycle RE: 896-years/326919 Tithi cycle RE: ...
Karl, Walter, all Cc sirs:
> 326918 Vij tithis in 896 years would be accurate, while 326919 is not accurate enough to be considered.
I agree there was a slight mistake in pointing an 'increase of 2s.9 per "Tithi of 19-years/6932.5" worked earlier.
This increment should be 1s.081 i.e New value of Tithi =1.001036957279807 day and closer to 966/965;
13W/965 and 2L/59th. I thank you for pointing BUT I had done the correction.
Please see my attached file of working and analyzing most values used by me and others.
I realized this mistake while 'preparing a small piece' for my Grand Son, a Grade V student.
My reagrds, sirs.
Brij Bhushan Vij
Friday, 2013 November 22H12:76(decimal)Mt Time
Aa Nau Bhadra Kritvo Yantu Vishwatah -Rg Veda
The Astronomical Poem (revised number of days in any month)
"30 days has July,September,
April, June, November and December
all the rest have 31 except February which has 29
except on years divisible evenly by 4;
except when YEAR divisible by 128 and 3200 as long as you remember that
"October (meaning 8) is the 10th month; and
December (meaning 10) is the 12th BUT has 30 days & ONE
OUTSIDE of calendar-format"
Jan:31; Feb:29; Mar:31; Apr:30; May:31; Jun:30
Jul:30; Aug:31; Sep:30; Oct:31; Nov:30; Dec:30
(365th day of Year is World Day)
******As per Kali V-GRhymeCalendaar*****
"Koi bhi cheshtha vayarth nahin hoti, purshaarth karne mein hai"
My Profile -
Author had NO interaction with The World Calendar Association
except via Media & Organisations to who I contributed for A
Possible World Calendar, since 1971.
Contact via E-mail: OR
"GAYATRI LOK" Flat # 3013/3rd Floor
NH-58, Kankhal Bypass, Dev-Bhoomi, HARIDWAR-249408 (Uttrakhand - INDIA)
From: East Carolina University Calendar discussion List [mailto:CALNDR-L@LISTSERV.ECU.EDU] On
Behalf Of Brij Bhushan metric VIJ
Sent: 31 October 2013 22:53
Subject: 896-years/326919 Tithi cycle RE: Lunar Olympiad Calendar Reconsidered
Walter, Karl Cc sirs:
> It is exactly 155301111/5258992 days, which equals about 29.53058514 days.
I have observed that attempts are made to reach CLOSER to actual value for Mean Lunation i.e. 29.53058881
days (29d 12h 44m 2s.873184). This ..."which equals about 29.53058514 days i.e. 29d 12h 44m 2s.556096".
In my approach for 29 cycles of 896-years i.e. 25984-years (896-yrs x 29 =25984-years/321377 lunation i.e.
Mean Lunation=9490453 days/ 321377 lunation =29.53059179717279 days (29d 12h 44m 3s.1313).
This can be done by slight increment of 19-years/6932 1/2 Tithi....."i.e. by 0.000033782275448 day (2.9 second) each
Tithi over (19-years/6932 ½ ); to align 896-years with 326919 Tithi in 11082 lunation.
It had been shown that 321378th lunation gets automatically adjusted during this Tithi count due to EXTRA count (in time),
instead of the long/short tithi accounting discussed earlier/
The difference (29.53058514 and 29.53058881=0.00000367 d; and between 29.53058881 and 29.530591797=0.000002987
d) is hardly of any dispute.
You will agree, my intention to PRESENT these calculations has been only to demonstrate that 896-year cycle was, in a way
a perfect lunisolar cycle!
Brij Bhushan Vij
Thursday, 2013 October 31H15:94(decimal)Mt Time
Aa Nau Bhadra Kritvo Yantu Vishwatah -Rg Veda
The Astronomical Poem (revised number of days in any month)
"30 days has July,September,
April, June, November and December
all the rest have 31 except February which has 29
except on years divisible evenly by 4;
except when YEAR divisible by 128 and 3200 as long as you remember that
"October (meaning 8) is the 10th month; and
December (meaning 10) is the 12th BUT has 30 days & ONE
OUTSIDE of calendar-format"
Jan:31; Feb:29; Mar:31; Apr:30; May:31; Jun:30
Jul:30; Aug:31; Sep:30; Oct:31; Nov:30; Dec:30
(365th day of Year is World Day)
******As per Kali V-GRhymeCalendaar*****
"Koi bhi cheshtha vayarth nahin hoti, purshaarth karne mein hai"
My Profile -
Author had NO interaction with The World Calendar Association
except via Media & Organisations to who I contributed for A
Possible World Calendar, since 1971.
Contact via E-mail: OR
"GAYATRI LOK" Flat # 3013/3rd Floor
NH-58, Kankhal Bypass, Dev-Bhoomi, HARIDWAR-249408 (Uttrakhand - INDIA)
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 13:05:52 +0000
From: karl.palmen@STFC.AC.UK
Subject: Re: Lunar Olympiad Calendar Reconsidered
Dear Walter and Calendar People
I’ve finally worked out the mean month of Walter’s suggestion.
It is exactly 155301111/5258992 days, which equals about 29.53058514 days.
The complete cycle is 425,200 years = 1063 Gregorian 400-year cycles.
I calculated it with the aid of a lunisolar spread sheet modified to calculate the number of cycles of Olympiad
leap months in three different ways, which would be equal integers for such a calendar only and made sure the
mean year is exactly 365.2425 days. This 425,200-year cycle has 1397 cycles of Olympiad leap months.
So it has 36*1397=50,292 leap Olympiads in at total of 425,200/4 = 106,300 Olympiads. So the number of
bunches of leap Olympiads is 5716, which as expected is a little more than four times the number 1397 of leap
month cycles, which is 5588.
The mean duration of a cycle of leap months is 425,200/1397 = 304.3665 years, which is a few months more
than a Hipparchic cycle. Four bunches of leap Olympiads average 4*425,200/5716 = 297.5507 years.
The number 1063 of 400-year cycles in the cycle is equal to the total number of days in the Olympiad leap
months over one cycle of 36 Olympiad leap months. This suggests it would crop up in the cycle for other solar
From: East Carolina University Calendar discussion List [mailto:CALNDR-L@LISTSERV.ECU.EDU] On
Behalf Of Walter Ziobro
Sent: 27 October 2013 02:58
Subject: Lunar Olympiad Calendar Reconsidered
Recently Karl posted:
>Dear Calendar People
> Given that we have an accurate solar calendar; it would be desirable for a =
lunisolar calendar to make use of the solar calendar. I see three ways of d=
oing this:
> (1) The Gregorian lunisolar calendar does this and also Simon Cassidy's Moo=
nkey lunisolar calendar.
> (2) An alternative is to have a separate lunar calendar such as my yerm cal=
endar or even an observation-based calendar and define the first month of t=
he lunisolar year as the month containing a given date of the solar calenda=
r year (e.g. Jan 1).
> (3) Another idea is a calendar like the Pontisso Simple Lunisolar Calendar
Like the previous suggestion the first month of the lunisolar year contains=
a fixed date of the solar calendar, but the number of days in each lunisol=
ar month is determined mainly by its position in the lunisolar year rather =
than an independent lunar calendar.
To which I respond:
In view of Karl's points, and after examining the Pontisso Calendar, I decided to reconsider my project for a
Lunar Olympiad Calendar. Instead of being an entirely independent calendar, it could be linked to the
Gregorian calendar as follows:
The lunar olympiad of 49 months would remain with the same 1447 days. However, the first day of the first
month would occur no earlier than March 8, so that the 14th of the month could never occur before March
21. A leap month would be added if the first day of the following olmypiad would otherwise fall before March
8. The leap months would have an alternating length over a cycle of 36 leap months as follows: 30-29-30-2930-29-30-29-30-29-30-29-30-29-30-29-30-29-30-30-29-30-29-30-29-30-29-30-29-30-29-30-29-30-29-30
(effectively 2 yerms of 19 and 17 months each). This would, in most cases, create Hipparchic cycles of 3760
lunar months, except that the leap months would gradually fall later and later, until after the 6840 years of the
Meyer-Palmen cycle, there will be one month less than 940 x 90.
The century leap year rule of the Gregorian calendar may cause some jitteriness, which could be minimized by
using the Dee-Cecil date of March 8 for the leap month rule, or March 8 of my truncated (33 x 12 + 4
years)Dee-Cecil calendar.
-Walter Ziobro
-Scanned by iCritical.
-Scanned by iCritical.
-Scanned by iCritical.
-Scanned by iCritical.
-Scanned by iCritical.
Brij Family (Rear Row): Sandeep Thapar, Munish Vij; Rajnish Vij; Paarth Thapar
(Centre Row): Vanshikha Vij; Natasha Vij; Monica Thapar; Abha Vij; Sarika Vij; Vedant Vij
(Sitting Below): Brij Bhushan Vij (self); Sneh Vij (wife)
BRIJ INVENTS (from discussions and at Home Page:
NEVER did man develop the simplest 'modification to Gregorian calendar by mere shifting the day of July 31st to
2nd month as February 29th; and devise Leap Weeks plan on divide six(6) like having a Leap Day on divide four(4)/skip
128th years. Also, please see:
THIS may also be noted that NEVER did man ‘invent’ distribution of the 24hr day into 24h x100md x100sd and
equated to current day-distribution of 24h x60m x60s; thus 24hrx100mdx100sd::24hr x60m x60s (ie 600x86400 second=
216x240000 Vipal). In my mail to Irv of Tue 1/29/13 5:01 PM, I wrote:
“In response to Irv's sub-distribution of the second into 1080 parts, I presented that THIS WAS THE SAME like the
5*216 =1080; and that 240000 x216 :: 86400 : 600 having links with ancient India's time-subunits! To me it
appears that 240000 decimal seconds day/night was more practical AND conducive to current move on Reform
of the Gregorian calendar in use for International use by ALL nations.”
Additionally, the Mean Year value using current Gregorian calendar =365.2425 days get enhanced to Mean Year
= (365+31/128)=365.2421875 days or also 7*(52+159/896) days i.e.7*(52+1/6+29/2688) days, since ‘896’ is NOT
divisible by six(6) – when using 896-year lunisolar cycle, since 896-years =327257 days (46751 weeks) and uses 11082
lunation in 327257.98519242 days (326923 Tithi). This possibly is closest to actual Average Astronomical Mean Year
Value Y2000 = 365.242189669781 days. Alignment of older records between Julian and Gregorian calendars can be
corrected by Adding/deleting ONE day over a period of 3200-years; and make corrective adjustments: [(365.2425*3200)
– 365.2421875*3200) = 1168776 – 1168775 = one day]. Also, please see:
My alternate discovered cycle of 834-years has 304612 days (43516 Weeks)/10315 lunation gets Mean Year =
365.242206235012 days or also 7*(52+1/6+9/ 834) days. This is closer to actual Average Mean Tropical Year value
(304296 ½ Tithi of 19-year/6932 ½ days). Proposed and worked ‘New Units’ for Second (s) vs the Decimal Second are at: . My lunar calculations are linked to [966/965 day or 138Weeks/965,
closer to 19-year/6932 ½ interpreting the Harappa calendar as at:
and My working 19-year/6932 ½ Tithi (Tithi =1 335/326919 day)
is an ‘exact fit’; as also 1 338/326919 day is an ‘exact fit’ for 896-year cycle to be considered lunisolar smaller than 1000years!
REFORM OF TIME COUNT AND TIME ZONES BECOME AUTOMATIC. This can be handled *independent of the Reform of
Gregorian calendar, now or at any later date, as deemed fit by astronomy experts.
Brij Bhushan (metric) Vij, Author
Reform of Gregorian Calendar RE: Again . . . (Re: Flt Lt. (10313) RE: Glorious India)
Brij Bhushan Vij (
[Note (changed E-mail):]
Fri 3/05/10 5:43 PM
theWorld Calendar Association (;;;
Honourable, sirs:
I am now spending time with my children, now settled in United States. As you would know, I have been promoting the
cause of ONE WORLD ONE CALENDAR. I was not lucky to get any help from 'any source' being in Air Force uniform, since
Sept. 1954. I am forwarding the note I recieved, along with my reply to him - that I sent yesterday; from Dr. Wayne
Edward Richardson, Director, The World Calendar Association - International.
On two occasions, Parliamentary attention had been drawn on my UNIQUE calendar:
(a) Decimal System of Calendar; Lok Sabha Question No. 8100 answered on 1974 Apr.25;
(b) Metric Clock/Calendar Devised by IAF Engineer; Lok Sabha Question No. 10066 answered on 1983 May 04.
>> Calendar versions promoted by Brij Bhushan Vij are not connected with The
> World Calendar and are not any way endorsed by The World Calendar
> Association.
The World Calendar Association was not involved or sponsored my efforts, since not
being a US citizen. During interim period, on relinquishing my commission, I have continued to promote the cause of
Reforming the Gregorian calendar as at:
This does make improvements over my 'several formats' concluding in 1990's that there should be minimal (or NO
changes) to be the Surest, Easiest and Cheapest proposal to come up for world acceptance. Perhaps, I am the only
person to have proposed "Introduction of Leap Weeks on 'Divide Six (6) plan' <> using 896-years/159 Leap Weeks; 834-years/148 Leap Weeks or their combination 1730-years/307 Leap
Weeks and get the best possible Mean Year/Mean Lunation values. Other than my published contributions (in India), I
have placed my documents at:
I have established positive links that point to THIS knowledge being in vogue during *Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro Times*.
With profound regards,
Brij Bhushan Vij
(MJD 55260)/1726+D-075W10-05 (G. Friday, 2010 March 05H17:69 (decimal) EST
Aa Nau Bhadra Kritvo Yantu Vishwatah -Rg Veda
Jan:31; Feb:29; Mar:31; Apr:30; May:31; Jun:30
Jul:30; Aug:31; Sep:30; Oct:31; Nov:30; Dec:30
(365th day of Year is World Day)
******As per Kali V-GRhymeCalendaar*****
"Koi bhi cheshtha vayarth nahin hoti, purshaarth karne mein hai"
Author had NO interaction with The World Calendar Association
except via Media & Organisations to who I contributed for A
Possible World Calendar, since 1971.
My Profile:
Contact # 001 (201) 675-8548
> Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2010 00:41:40 -0600
> Subject: Again . . . (Re: Flt Lt. (10313) RE: Glorious India)
> From:
> To:
> CC:;;;;;;;
> Calendar versions promoted by Brij Bhushan Vij are not connected with The
> World Calendar and are not any way endorsed by The World Calendar
> Association.
> On Thu, March 4, 2010 10:21 pm, Brij Bhushan Vij wrote:
> > Respected Wayne Edward Richardson, and Sirs:
> > I have not been fortunate to have had any formal education, since I was a
> > child of just 11-years during 'Indo-Pak' migration in 1947 August. My Air
> > Force Career started on 1954 September 14, having in-built zeal to upgrade
> > my 'educational qualification' that my father could not afford then.
> > Please see my profile at:
> >> The World Calendar Association has concerns that although the calendar
> >> you
> >> favor is not The World Calendar..... etc and ‘The World Calendar' on a
> >> silver coin.
> > My first ever media contribution was published as.....A World Calendar for
> > All Ages.
> > A World Calendar for All Ages; Sunday Tribune, Chandigarh; 1971 June 06
> > Time by Metric; The Times of India, New Delhi; 1971 July 04
> > I am surprised that use of these words is being 'mis-read' as my self
> > promotion. As a matter of fact, after glancing/reading Report of Calendar
> > Reform Comittee (1955) by Meghnath Saha, I felt the idea had already been
> > adjourned sine die at United Nations, later during late-70's. My later
> > contributions:
> >
> > made me convinced to risk my Air Force 'commission' and the desire to work
> > and STOP NOT, knowing the cause I had hit upon was 'virgin and NO WORK'
> > seriously had met with positive results.
> > By then, I had published TWO books: (1) Towards A Unified Technology (1982);
and (2) The SI Metric Units (1984) - again with my little
> > resources. Of course I could make NO money, being a man in uniform till
> > 1983 October 10. It does need a man with conviction, sir that "one would
> > exhaust almost 40-50% of pay packet, denying his children their rights
> > except guiding them to be educated and struggle - their birth right.
> >>.....that advertising your calendar version with words that are
> >> similar to The World Calendar simultaneously minimizes the role of
> >> source
> >> documents
> > You shall appreciate, sirs, it has not been 'advertisement of my calendar
> > version' but a dedicated task undertaken, since 1970-71. And the use of
> > words, The World Calendar were my first ever published in print that made
> > me spend....sleepless nights, apart from my Air Force duties. Between 1971
> > till leaving service (1983 October) - I remained a Flight Lieutenant, the
> > only decision that changed my line of thought was: NOT PASSING PROMOTION
> > EXAMINATION 'C' for further promotions, while often posted to fill
> > 'Squadron Leader vacancy'. I don't need to spell...more. The other
> > positive decision had been to allow my children to choose their path of
> > progress, and NOT waste their lives!
> >>.....mid-20th century obstacle at the United Nations.....
> > It was unfortunate, the Calendar Question met with that fate; and I
> > stumbled upon this document, perhaps for good reason that now I know while
> > being in discussion lists with USMA and Calndr-L since miid 2002 - almost
> > 8 years.
> >>....A replacement
> >> for the Gregorian calendar should not ignore the extreme advantages of
> >> sustainability that a memorizable calendar includes.
> > I fully agree with you, sir. Is this not unfortunate, sir that my
> > 'exclusive effort' does not list among other calendars - even for
> > comparison: #chinese even
> > after some 8-years of 'information exchange among scholars'. Several sites
> > do contain information about my thoughts that I promoted some 30-years ago
> > - someof my land marks are:
> > c and
> >
> > that provide 'solutions that may really mean' starting from where the
> > Calendar Question had been adjourned sine die. I did get a document sent
> > to United Nations through United Nations office at 55, Lodi Estate, New
> > Delhi some time in 1985. Also as I wrote to 'sevral personalities' who I
> thought may promote the cause, for A Possible World Calendar.
>>.....A replacement
>> for the Gregorian calendar should not ignore the extreme advantages of
>> sustainability that a memorizable calendar includes
> Please see:
> and a compendium of e-book
> that I prepared, as Power point. It is easy to recall number of days in
> each month by closing ONE fist and 'counting - highs (31 days) and lows
> (30 days) except February (29 days) and July (now, 30 days) where we start
> counting back at June (30 days), same low backwards.
> My efforts are thus, progressively directed for an Alternate projection to
> Gregorian Calendar that can become The World Calendar. The circular silver
> coin, I sent to President Obama was with this aim, also made to
> specification with diameter about 1.6 cm to result in circumference 10 cm
> (i.e. Pi times diameter) - an immature effort, sir. There is NO
> My regards to all, working for progressive perception of A possible World
> Calendar. My appology for any typograpic errors and may be read with this
> aim that I have, sirs.
> Brij Bhushan Vij
> (MJD 55259)/1726+D-074W10-04 (G. Thursday, 2010 March 04H23:34 (decimal) EST
> Aa Nau Bhadra Kritvo Yantu Vishwatah -Rg Veda
> Jan:31; Feb:29; Mar:31; Apr:30; May:31; Jun:30
> Jul:30; Aug:31; Sep:30; Oct:31; Nov:30; Dec:30
> (365th day of Year is World Day)
> ******As per Kali V-GRhymeCalendaar*****
> "Koi bhi cheshtha vayarth nahin hoti, purshaarth karne mein hai"
> Author had NO interaction with The World Calendar Association
> except via Media & Organisations to who I contributed for A
> Possible World Calendar, since 1971.
> My Profile:
> Contact # 001 (201) 675-8548
> > Date: Thu, 4 Mar 2010 01:20:27 -0600
>> Subject: Re: Glorious India
> >> From:
> >> To:
[now changed to:]
> >> CC: ; ;
> >> ; ; ;
> >> ;;
> >>
> >> Brij Bhushan Vij, sir:
> >>
> >> The World Calendar Association has concerns that although the calendar
favor is not The World Calendar, your promotions use terms such a 'A
Calendar', 'The Alternate World Calendar', 'ALTERNATE proposed World
Calendar', 'A possible World Calendar', etc and ‘The World Calendar' on
silver coin.
I've found only one link to in your documents.
it seems that advertising your calendar version with words that are
similar to The World Calendar simultaneously minimizes the role of
documents in presenting a broader picture. Your tendency to repeatedly
refer to the mid-20th century obstacle at the United Nations as prelude
and reason for your version tends to overstate the decision, assuming it
to be entirely too final. ‘As it turns out, perception of The World
Calendar in use was a problem that The World Calendar is not.‘
( /CalendarMathProblemSolution100206.pdf)
Much has changed since the 1950s. Limited reasoning that prevailed
that period will not optimally improve our future, no matter how many
times it is used to validate the endless search for a different approach
that is better than The World Calendar. Awareness of consciousness has
increased along with growing knowledge of the universe. A replacement
for the Gregorian calendar should not ignore the extreme advantages of
sustainability that a memorable calendar includes.
Among your equations detailing accuracy, there appears to be nothing
your version being simple enough to memorize and use
( ), eyes open or eyes closed,
a physical crutch, printed or electronic or otherwise. The World
Association challenges the world to also judge calendar alternatives in
terms of simplicity of application, like a clock. We do not forget that
the calendar is an accumulation of thoughts about time. As long as our
primary calendar hinders its own use — as when we seek or do not have
access to the required physical copy needed to plan past next week—
continue to ignore our choice to remain stuck.
In your documents (PDF, html, e-mail), please specify that your calendar
version is neither endorsed by nor in any way connected with The World
Calendar or The World Calendar Association. In fairness, each disclaimer
should include a direct link to .
When correctly capitalizing ‘The World Calendar’ and ‘The World Calendar
Association’ (TWCA), thank you.
Wayne Edward Richardson ('Wayne')
Director, The World Calendar Association – International
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On Thu, December 17, 2009 12:12 pm, Brij Bhushan Vij wrote:
> >> >
> >> > Excellency/sirs:
> >> >
> >> > As the year turns, I offer an alternate to The World Calendar, a topic
> >> > that I have been developing since 1970-71, while still in Air Force.
> >> Gist
> >> > of my documents is placed at:
> >> >
> >> > that I believe
> >> cover
> >> > most annomalies that led to failure of the efforts made at United
> >> Nations
> >> > (1955).
> >> >
> >> > NEVER did man develop the simplest 'modification to Gregorian calendar
> >> by
> >> > mere shifting the day of July 31st th 2nd month as February 29th; and
> >> > devise Leap Weeks plan on divide six (6) like having a Leap Day on
> >> divide
> >> > four(4). Also, please see:
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > apart from my documents that I have been discussing with USMA &
> >> Calndr-L groups.
> >> >
> >> > My profound regards,
> >> > Brij Bhushan Vij
> >> > (MJD 2454933)/1361+D-358W51-04 (G. Thursday, 2009 December 17H13:19
> >> > (decimal) EST
> >> >
> >> > Aa Nau Bhadra Kritvo Yantu Vishwatah -Rg Veda
> >> > Jan:31; Feb:29; Mar:31; Apr:30; May:31; Jun:30
> >> > Jul:30; Aug:31; Sep:30; Oct:31; Nov:30; Dec:30
> >> > (365th day of Year is World Day)
> >> > My Profile:
> >> > HOME PAGE:
> >> > ******As per Kali V-GRhymeCalendaar*****
> >> > "Koi bhi cheshtha vayarth nahin hoti, purshaarth karne mein hai"
> >> > Contact # 001 (201) 675-8548
> >>
> > _________________________________________________________________
> > Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM protection.
> >
[for any clarifications, CONTACT: Brij Bhushan (metric) Vij – E-mail:]
Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service. Get it now.
Adapted from
From the Journal of Calendar Reform, SECOND QUARTER 1948, pages 67-78
By John Rutherford
John Rutherford, a Canadian banker who knows full well the business handicap of an illogical calendar,
has performed a service by his research into the subject of reform. As a Director of an Advertising and Sales
Executives Club and a member of the Royal Economic Society and other business and technical associations,
he realizes the difficulties inherent in the proposed change. But he tackles them head-on and draws a spirited
picture, on the one hand, of the absurdity of rational beings continuing as they are and, on the other hand, the
undoubted benefits of a change calendar-wise.
To suddenly blot our calendar from existence would result in a far worse confusion to our social
organization than was the Babel of tongues to the builders of the tower. And yet it is only when February
comes along with its annual question mark—28 days or 29?—that we pay any attention to the calendar’s
structure. Herodotus wrote his history without a date, but modern business couldn’t get far without a date line
on its letters, checks and contracts. The precise measurement of the year is of paramount importance to all
civilized peoples.
Time enters into the intelligent procedure necessary to the orderly functioning of government,
requirements of agriculture, obligations of commerce, and the observances of religion. We are not concerned
in this article with any abstract or philosophical “time.” Even Einstein and Eddington have had to catch trains
by ordinary clock time, and make appointments by the same calendar as has been used by common people.
Newton was easier to understand than the theory of relativity: he described time as “measured duration,” and
that is the kind of time which exercises most people today.
Our contention is that when Hamlet mentioned “The time is out of joint,” he might well have been
talking about the modern calendar, though it may come as a surprise to many people that anyone should raise
a question about its excellence or accuracy. Has it not come down to us hallowed by memories and
associations since the beginnings of time? Are not our birthdays and weddings and other anniversaries
irretrievably involved in the present arrangement?
Of recent years an increasing pressure for improvement has come from business groups and social
statisticians, who find the present irregularities of month intervals a serious obstacle to the achievement of
comparability of records. In fact, practical economic and social conveniences are compelling motives toward
reform. Of course, the only justification for changing is to secure something more satisfactory in its place. The
question before the world is: What is offered in the way of reform, what it will achieve, and is it worth the
bother and temporary confusion?
Calendar reform is no longer solely the business of astronomers. The changes with which they dealt in
former reforms had to do with adjusting the calendar to the length of the sun year. That task was finally
accomplished with the Gregorian revision of 1582. The reforms now exercising mankind’s have nothing to do
with astronomical 80 equations, but with the composition and arrangements of the calendar’s months and
weeks within the year. The main need is for a perpetual calendar, one that remains unchanged year after
year. It is really remarkable how long-suffering people are with the present arrangement. They are
exasperated by railway time-table symbols such as asterisks, daggers and dots, showing that some trains do
to run on Sundays, or on holidays, or in the winter. Yet the same people take for granted, or at least without
outspoken resentment, similar contradictions in the calendar.
Let us admit that the venerable ancients deserve credit for knowing as much as they did about the
march of the seasons, but then we must go on to say that there is something absurd in the fact that activities
of the high-speed age are still regulated by a hodge-podge of months invented by the Romans over two
thousand years ago, and only patched up since. It was Julius Caesar who gave us the basis of our present
calendar, but it was for other reasons that Brutus and his friends stabbed him. As a result of Julius’ work we
have to recite a little nursery rhyme about “thirty days hath September” which reminds one of “Mairzy doats.”
(1) *
Pope Gregory’s Calendar
The calendar in common use is the Gregorian calendar, a modification of the Julian calendar. The
convenient 365 ¼-day mathematical division of the Julian year was 11 minutes and 14 seconds longer than
the sun’s period, and each Julian year gradually advanced beyond the course of the sun to that extent. One
unearned day was gained by the calendar every 128 years. Toward the close of the 16th century there was a
difference of 10 days, so that the equinox fell on 11 March of the calendar instead of on 21 March. This was
not nearly so serious an error as that corrected by Julius and his astronomer, but the world was progressing to
the point where it demanded greater accuracy. Pope Gregory XIII stepped in, with his astronomers, Aloysius
and Antonio Lilius, and his publicist, Christopher Clavius. By a Bull issued in 1582, Pope Gregory proclaimed
that the 10 days between 5 and 14 October were to be omitted in the following year. He admonished creditors
to take account of this time and add 10 days at the end of periods when loans would come due.
At the same time, he decreed that century years not divisible by 400 were to be omitted as leap years.
By the time England got around to making the change, in 1752, the lag was 11 days. The difference between
the Old and New Styles was 11 days after 1700, 12 days after 1800, and it has been 13 days since 1900. It
will remain 13 days until 2100. New Year’s Day has had its changes, too. In England as late as the thirteenth
century the year was reckoned from Christmas Day. In the twelfth century the Anglican Church began the year
with the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin (Lady Day) on 25 March, and this practice was
adopted generally in the fourteenth century. Then, in 1752, the legal New Year’s Day was changed to 1 January.
Still Far From Perfect
So there we are, with a calendar that has come through many adventures and is still far from perfect.
As a matter of fact, a really perfect calendar is impossible. It has to be a compromise, for it attempts to
reconcile natural fixed periods, which are not reconcilable. The things to be desired are the greatest accuracy
combined with the greatest feasible convenience. We cannot scrap or change our days or our years without
altering the motion of the sun or earth—those are immovable obstacles. We could, but do not desire to,
change our week; the seven-day week is too deeply imbedded in tradition, religion and convenience. But we
can change our month, which is an irrational division of time conforming to neither moon nor sun.
The irregularities of the Gregorian calendar have become increasingly evident in these days of swift
communication, complicated business calculations, and statistical comparisons. The calendar, in short, is out of
date. It has come down to us from a time when trade and economic life in general were organized upon a
purely local basis. The month and week periods are a hodge-podge in both composition and arrangement. The
months are not only unequal (31, 30, 29 or 28 days) but (excepting February) contain more than a whole
number of weeks and in addition change their weekday composition, and the weeks overlap within the
months. There is a variation 81 of 11 per cent between the length of February in ordinary years and the length
of a 31-day month. There may be a variation of 19 per cent in the number of working days in a month,
between 21 days and 25 days. A variation of this extent in a unit which is used as a base for the great
majority of reports compiled in business is obviously a serious defect.
Where did the “week” come from? The name is from Wikon, German for change or succession. The
fourth of The Ten Commandments requires observance of a seven-day week. The Saxons are said to have
borrowed the week from some eastern nation, while other authorities say Constantine introduced it in 321
A.D. The Chinese get along with a week of five days. There are, in one sense, nearly 200 “weeks” in North
America, due to the efforts of publicists to sell their ideas and wares: “Be Kind to Animals Week, Clean Up
Week, Apple Week, Temperance Week,” and so on. Perhaps something may be done, coincidentally with
calendar reform, to remove this affliction.
Business Suffers
Shifting of the days makes it difficult to fix with precision the dates of periodical events. The
businessperson plotting the next year is at a disadvantage because calendars are not printed so far in
advance. Even reciting the little nursery rhyme does not tell how many Sundays and Saturdays there will be in
next May, or whether 24 May is a mid-week or weekend holiday. Try figuring out, without looking at the
calendar (even if you have one) what day 1 July will be the year after next. Consider the time lost. We count
the 30-day months on the knuckles of our left hand, and the 31-day months on the knuckles of our right hand,
add the balance of the current month’s days and the first of July—and if the calculation is correct we learn
what the day is. Using The World Calendar, the date would always fall on a Sunday.
Consider a corporation composed of several departments. There is one department that deals with
temporary workers whose wages are computed on a day basis. There is another with permanent employees
having pay envelopes based on the week, or on the half-monthly interval. Another, in charge of shipping or
transportation, uses the month for its records. The major financing of the corporation, including dividends,
bond interest, tax payments, and general reports, is computed on a quarterly and semi-annual basis. The
departments of this business, for unavoidable reasons, have to work on the basis of unrelated units of time.
Adjustments have to be made continually, because the day, the week, the month and the quarter never agree.
Coordination is not impossible, but is much more difficult than it need be.
There are many other troubles caused by the Gregorian calendar. An annual meeting, fixed by the bylaws to take place on the second Thursday in January, may fall on any date from the 8th to the 14th.
Christmas sometimes falls on a Friday, with the resulting headache for factories and stores in debating
whether to open on Saturday or not. Some months have 24 working days, while others have 27. When
holidays move through the week, workers find that certain recurring problems of wages, vacations and
seasonal work have to be met according to a different formula every year. If they are paid on a daily basis, the
interruption in their wages because of the holiday has to be taken into account. Under the present calendar
they have to do this in a different way every year. When school terms start on the day after Labor Day, which
is the first Monday in September, this can be any date from 1 September to 7 September. There may be 53
paydays in a year or only 52. A firm that pays its employees on Friday and has its biggest sales on Saturday
would find December 1948 (1993, 1999, 2004, 2010) a slim month, because it has five Fridays and only four
Saturdays and one Saturday is a holiday.
(With eyes closed, saw GMR happy next to living room piano. 11:55 pm 031706)
The variation of days in a month makes difficulty for business people. Since the various days of the
week are not of the same value as regards the volume of trade, there can be no accurate monthly
comparisons between one year and another. Saturday may be the “big day” in one line of business, and other
days in other lines. An extra Saturday in a given month, as compared with the same month in another year,
results in seriously distorted figures if two such months are compared without proper and elaborate
adjustment. For example, May 1946 (2002) had 4 Sundays and 4 Saturdays, while May 1947 (2003) had 5
Saturdays and 4 Sundays, and May 1948 (2004) had 5 82 Sundays and 5 Saturdays. This disparity means that
stores which do a big business on Saturday cannot compare intelligently May 1946 (2002) and May 1948
(2004): similar lack of comparability of corresponding month of consecutive years applies to all lines of
endeavor—railway systems, banking, department stores sales, church attendance and income, etc. (2) **
What Has Been Achieved
Before discussing specific plans to amend the calendar, consider what has been accomplished in other
fields of time measurement. Since 1883 the standard system of standard time by zones has been gradually
accepted. There are six time zones in Canada: Atlantic, Eastern, Central, Mountain, Pacific and Yukon. They
have been accepted so completely that when some communities endeavored to introduce daylight saving time
before the war (WWII) the people revolted, declaring they would keep to “God’s time”—which was really the
artificial standard time. Similar acceptability has been won in Europe for the 24-hour clock, and this is now in
common use everywhere among armed forces. The International Date Line is another triumph of modern
thought over old ideas. It is drawn through the Pacific Ocean near longitude 180 degrees. When the line is
crossed from west to east a second 24-hour period is given the same date and name as the 24-hour period
just passed. On crossing the line in the opposite direction, a calendar day is omitted.
Plans for Improvement
But that is an aside, merely to show that there is nothing immutable about the measurement of time.
We come now to a consideration of the plans for adjusting all the shortcomings we have found in the
Gregorian calendar. There have been at various times as many as 300 schemes. When the question first came
before the League of Nations in 1923 the delegates had 185 different proposals. By 1931 the League had
reduced these to two. Auguste Comte, the French philosopher, advocated a 13-month year more than 100
(circa 1849) years ago and many similar plans were considered and rejected on the occasion of a prize contest
conducted by the French Astronomical Society in 1887. The 13-month plan, sponsored of late years by the
International Fixed Calendar League, would retain the 365¼-day year, but would rearrange the months, days
and weeks. There would be 13 uniform months, each quartered into four whole weeks. Each week would
begin with Sunday and end with Saturday; each day would fall uniformly upon the same monthly date. A new
month, to be called “Sol” because it would contain the summer solstice, would be inserted between June and
July. There would be a year-end day belonging to no month, and in leap years there would be another extra
day inserted between June and Sol. An advantage claimed for this type calendar is that clocks could have an
extra hand to show the day and date. There are already some firms that use the 13-month year for accounting
Objections to the radical changes necessitated by a changeover to 13 months are many. There would be 30
dates lost and 28 added, whereas the 12-month calendar to be described next would entail only 3 dates lost
and 3 added. Under the 13-month calendar all dates now falling on the 29th, 30th or 31st of any month would
be changed, because that calendar has only 28 days in its months. The June bride would lose two days from
her month, and half the remaining days would have a new name. These effects on anniversaries are only
sentimental, but are likely to have great influence; because there are more June brides and people with
month-end anniversaries than there are statisticians. The 13-month calendar would necessitate new rules and
tales for calculating interest and discounts, which would make difficulties for everybody from school children to
bankers. It would make necessary an extra closing of all accounts and reports rendered on a monthly basis,
and would add 8 1/3 per cent to the clerical, postage and similar costs of doing business. In addition, where
quarterly and semi-annual statements were required, three other closing dates would be necessary, since not
one of the first three quarters of the year would end at the end of a month. To recompute the numerous
indexes of prices, production and other phases of economic activity would be a costly procedure. In the case
of many of the statistical series linking the present with the past, it would be impossible to convert the records
of the past into a form comparable with the present.
Then, too, the number 13 is unpopular, not only because it is difficult to divide by and impossible to
divide into, 83 but also because of the superstitions attaching to it. The 13-month calendar would have 13
months with Friday falling on the 13th every month, 13 times a year. The 13-month enthusiasts argue that the
advocates of the 12-month revision do not go far enough because they base their appeal on “moderate
changes.” “Can it be said,” ask the 13-monthers, “that an argument like that reflects a motive to achieve a
genuine reform?” Well, a realist may well answer “yes,” and suggest to the 13-monthers that on their own
argument they should abandon their own relatively mild reforms and sponsor the plan of Mr. B. Richmond,
whose address when he circularized his scheme was Singapore. Mr. Richmond would shatter the entire system
of time telling and build it anew—100 seconds to the minute; 100 minutes to the hour. He would have 60
weeks in a year; his months would consist of 6 weeks of 6 days each, and he would have 5 spare days (6 in
leap years) to be used as holidays. Under Mr. Richmond’s thorough-going revision, everyone could carry a
watch which would show on one face: seconds, minutes, hours dates, months, fifths of a year and
also whether it was day or night.
The World Calendar
More modest in its scope, and seemingly generally approved, is The World Calendar. This consists of
an equal number of days and weeks in each quarter, the same number of weekdays (26) in each month, and
every year alike. It attempts no violence with the Gregorian arrangement of time, but rearranges the days of
the months so that the first month in each quarter has 31 days and each of the other two has 30.
It is claimed that equalization of the quarters with 91 days in each instead of the present 90 to 92 would be of
substantial benefit. For instance, under The World Calendar plan a quarterly note can be made an exact
quarter of the annual rate, and a 30-day not a third of the quarterly rate. This is true even in the 31-day
months, because the extra day is always a Sunday. Quarterly payments, such as insurance, would fall due on
the same weekday and date in every quarter, and could be arranged conveniently near pay days. Shifting
holidays would no longer break awkwardly into the week from year to year, but would have the same day and
date. Any specific day, week, or month of one year would be comparable to the same day, week or month in
any other year. If you were born on Wednesday, 11 April, your birthday would always fall on Wednesday, and
all other anniversaries and holidays would be similarly fixed. Any date that is now set by the day of the week,
such as “the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November” would always fall upon the same date. Easter,
it has been suggested, could be on the second Sunday in April, the 8th of the month, but this is recognized as
an ecclesiastical matter, and its decision is not necessary to acceptance of The World Calendar.
Supporters of this calendar emphasize the importance of preserving continuity as far as may be
between the present calendar and whatever revision is made. The World Calendar would leave six of the
twelve months comparable; there is no sharp unnatural break with habit. To put this calendar into effect with
the least disturbance, the active business year should end with 31 December falling on a Saturday.
Help for Statisticians
One of the outstanding benefits of the calendar reform would be in the field of statistics. “As compared
with the same period last year” is a phrase full of headaches for a statistician. The irregularity of the calendar
means deductions for fewer business days, adjustment for more Saturdays, and something has to be done
about the fact that one half-year consists of 181 days and the second half-year of 184 days. Since the
beginning of the century, and especially during the twenty-year period between 1928 and 1948, there has
been a remarkable growth in the recorded and published quantitative information regarding the operation of
our economic institutions.
There are two ways in which statistical series and analyses would be affected by a reform of the calendar: first
by reducing or increasing the time involved in tabulating statistics and analyzing them; and second, by
increasing or decreasing the usefulness of the analyses to business people, scientists and government officials.
How can monthly comparisons be made when two 30-day months can be so different in their working period,
even ignoring 84 holidays? It is claimed for The World Calendar that it would facilitate these comparisons,
because the same months in succeeding years would have exactly the same makeup of working days, falling
on the same days of the week. It is admitted that because of seasonal differences and differences in the
distribution of holidays, consecutive months would not be comparable even if of absolutely equal length and
composition. It is only the corresponding months that would be comparable—April with April—November with
November, and so on. The value of statistics is measurable in terms of the extent to which they permit
accurate comparisons to be made between the figures for current production, sales, and other activities, and
similar figures for corresponding periods of the past. To achieve this with the 13-month calendar would entail
an enormous amount of work, and in many businesses it would be an impossible task. For example, the period
1 June to 28 June would correspond with our 21 May to 17 June, 1 Sol to 28 Sol with our 18 June to 15 July,
and 1 July to 28 July with our 16 July to 12 August. The World Calendar, on the other hand, would not
necessitate discarding existing statistical information, the adjustment being so simple that the great mass of
the previous data could still be used.
Objections Not Imposing
Aside from the material objections to changing the calendar, there may be others: affection for timehonored antiquities; convictions arising out of religion; a belief that change is against natural law, or just plain
superstitious fear. The fact that the calendar is basically 2,000 years old is not a good reason for opposing
change, though it may have a bearing upon the advisability of making any changes as moderate as possible.
The argument of affection for time-honored antiquities does not hold water because our calendar in its present
form has been in use in English-speaking countries for less than 200 years (less than 260 years by the year
2006), and in other countries for less than 20 years (less than 70 years by the year 2006). The plea that
calendar change is “against nature” brings nothing but smiles from those who have read the history of
calendar making. Calendars, like clocks, are nothing but man-made time-measurement standards, full of
inconsistencies. The whole basis of our measurement of time is fictitious. The zero adopted for the day is the
instant when a fictitious body known as the “mean sun” is on some chosen meridian, which in turn is an
imaginary line running from pole to pole. Even in building up the calendar, we erred: we passed from 1 B.C. to
A.D. 1, disregarding the zero year, so that (in 2005 there are only 2005 years since 1 B.C. rather than 2006.)
The practice of dating our years from the birth of Christ grew out of the suggestion of a Scythian Abbot, who
brought forward the suggestion years earlier, judging by an eclipse that occurred at the time of King Herod’s
death. So we are probably wrong by four or five years, astronomically speaking, and the new calendar
enthusiasts argue that a few more changes would not offend either morals or tradition. The fear of Friday is
quite as old as the fear of the number 13, and it will take some generations to educate people out of it,
though the world has progressed somewhat from the time when natives of Madagascar killed any baby born
on an unlucky day. The World Calendar would have four Fridays falling on the 13th, compared with the 13
Fridays on the 13th in the 13-month calendar.
Why Be Hidebound?
However, people who fuss so much as the democracies over an hour’s change to daylight saving time
are going to approach a whole calendar change gingerly. Resistance to corrections in the calendar has
frequently produced mass riots. In England, the people blamed the crop failure on the calendar reform.
Believing that they had been cheated of 11 days’ wages, they swarmed through the streets crying: “Give us
back our fortnight.” Even as late as 1936, when Romania finally gave in to the need of reform, the peasants
became so violent that police had to shoot down quite a number. After the change from the Julian to the
Gregorian calendar in England, over one-third of all the litigation for the following 70 years was caused by the
change. Certain dividends are still paid by the Bank of England on dates based on Old Style, and the British
Income Tax year begins on 6 April, the New Style equivalent of 25 March Old Style. The 25th of March is Lady
Day and Quarter Day, but Whittaker’s 85. Almanac still prints: April 6: Old Lady Day.” When Caesar added the
90 days in 46 B.C., making the year of 445 days called the Year of Confusion, one governor in Gaul tried to
collect taxes for the period.
Needs Combined Operation
Reform of the calendar would be of little value unless adopted by all countries having business dealing
of any magnitude. No country single-handed could bring about the change. Several large sections of the world
have worked with different calendars in the past, but the world is drawn so close by interests and
communications today that the situation would cause endless trouble. To attempt this universal agreement, a
special committee of the League of Nations, consisting of delegates from 44 nations, including Canada, was
appointed after the First World War The matter was under consideration by various League bodies since 1923,
and 185 different proposals were boiled down to two. In 1937, the League explored international opinion. Of
45 replies, 14 governments indicated their willingness to adopt The World Calendar, and only 6 governments
took a definite stand against reform. The World Almanac of New York says: “The World Calendar is the only
plan now receiving serious international consideration.”
Dr. W.A. Riddle, accompanied by Moses B. Cotsworth as technical adviser, represented Canada at the
1931 conference. The latter, who died in 1943, had been associated with George Eastman, great United States
supporter of the 13-month calendar. At this conference Canada’s vote was unofficial, but the Canadian
Government had sent an official opinion to the Secretary General of the League of Nations in 1924 saying in
the canny way of diplomacy: “They regard with favor the idea of making such arrangements as may turn out
to be practicable relative to the fixation of the date of Easter to some particular week, and to the correlation of
the days of the week and the month.” At the Fourth General Conference of the League, Canada was among
the 26 states that voted in favor of an act concerning the fixing of Easter.
Religious Opposition Slight
There is no religious opposition in sight to day as there was when Pope Gregory XIII instituted his
reforms. The three main religious groups of the world are agreed that “no dogmatic obstacle” stands in the
way of calendar revision. The Archbishop of Canterbury supported calendar reform in an address to the House
of Lords in 1936.
He declared that he found it “impossible to resist the plea for reform” which comes “with practical unanimity
from . . . . trade, industry, and commerce throughout the civilized world.” The opinion of the Catholic Church
was given during the pontificate of Pope Pius X: “The Holy See declared that it made no objection but invited
the civil powers to enter into an accord on the reform of the civil calendar, after which it would willingly grant
its collaboration in so far as the matter affected religious feasts.”
As far back as 1928 the British Trades Union Congress passes a resolution to the effect that the time
was then ripe for calendar reform. The Labor Conference of the American States, held in Chile in 1936,
recommended approval of The World Calendar. The International Labor Organization in the same year
recognized the fact “that the present calendar is very unsatisfactory from economic, social and religious
standpoints,” and called attention to the marked trend in favor of revision. It is essential that economists and
business men should have, during the next few years particularly, all the aid possible from past business
records, and at the same time whatever easing of present and future pressures there may be due to inefficient
time measuring tools. Though the nations may be too busy just now with other affairs to engage in calendar
reform, many people hope that another expectation for the period “After Peace” will be that of a sane
(1) * Page 2: A 1940’s song with lyrics that begin, “I know a ditty, nutty as a fruitcake / Goofy as a goon and
silly as a loon / Some call it pretty, others call it crazy / But they all sing this tune: // Mairzy doats And dozy
doats / And liddle lamzy divey / A kiddley divey too, wouldn't you? …” 86
(2) ** [Page 5: Obviously, computers allow easier access to calendars, if a computer is available, and
computer programs can now readily analyze much that was calculated manually in 1948. Even so, computers
simply do not cause all of the difficulties noted in this article to go away. The point remains that more
technology does not eliminate the root cause of calendar deficiencies. In other words, contrast a) using a
calculator to apply knowledge of mathematics and b) using a calculator without understanding mathematics.
Then take away the calculator. – Ed.]
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Rev. 15 August 2009
The Metric Calendar Year (1973) by Brij Vij
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