
New River Middle School
School Advisory Council
November 5th, 2015
Brian Kelly - SAC Chair
Katie O’Fallon - Vice Chair
Jenn Doak - Secretary
Call to order 4:30 PM call meeting to order, Mr. Kelly
II. Review of Minutes/Approval - Minutes presented and sent out electronic, motion to approve
III. Principal’s Report A. Marque, vendor chosen, getting permits.
B. Poetry night was last night, and it was absolutely amazing. Very inspiring
C. Child family service is tonight -Come see the vendors and support
D. Computer and science, and coding, we are eligible for a 10K drawing for technology
grant. We can still participate with out the computers. Broward County is the largest
coding in the world. Tony Hunter is the director of technology SMART BOND.
1. Phases include first wiring
2. Router in each class room before the computer
3. Computer are the last phase
E. Mac will be collected at the end of the year and Lenovos will be the new standard.
F. Mr. Johnson’s replacement has been hired she is doing logistics such as finger printing
IV. Title One update - Ms. Bennett
A. Family engagement month
B. Check math resources out for free
1. Hellers: Held on Oct 15th at Western Highschool
a) parent link app
b) self assessment
c) mission statement and vision statements should be know by the students and the
staff and parents
d) school improvement
e) uniqueness of the school
f) Follow template
g) Task Force that meeting
h) Selling Candy at the end of school, school will get a fine, 10 times before they get
fined. HS, complain because of the boosters.
i) 5 of 13 spots in Mr. Runcy spot, are vacant. South Area brought a 6000.1 motion
for extra credit and supplies. Looking to bring to super attendant about using
non-ackgmdemic as rewards. “terms of extra credit”. Donations are ok, but not
as incentive to give one student and advantage.
Title one can spend funds and, a bus outfitted with computers to fill out surveys
for the teachers
k) Mission Statement in every class room
l) TASK FORCE: Nova is making bracelets that read MKM - My Kid Matters,
Healthy eating event, whole foods sponsor events, suicide prevention each November, Real men read, and active parents workshops, student success night:
apps that your kids should not use and internet safety and bullying. A person is
working on coming in to teach this student success night.
Parent Involvement Plan - Is to Set up a Parent meeting and then a separate one for the
Children. Mr. Kelly will do an Isafty presentation.
Dress down day and dress up day
Remind 101 for schools and boosters, where you can text out message for the school.
Ms. Doolittle, Chang and Bennett will teach how to do it.
Messages in other languages
ESE meeting on 10/21 IEP, personal growth and progression with IEP, problems call up
the food chain.
New Sub specific learning disabilities
Attainment Core????
Student Rep: Dubraska Robles
Food Drive at Winn Dixie, Please bring in your non-parishables.
VI. Department update
Department update: Ms. Bennett, working with Ms. Smart will be passing out indi-
scores, FSA scores. 6th grade score went to the elementary schools. Logistics
are in
place to protect privacy to distribute to the students. Look at the percentile
and know
that 50% is average. We will send out a parent link message to alert
parents to them
coming out
IX. Old Business A.
SAC accreditation
Needed to replace the school sac committee with equal demographics.
School employees vote to replace 3 members on the SAC committee, MOTION PASS
School improvement plan:
a. Everything is based on BEST Blueprint (Beyond Expected Student Target)
Enrich and move students beyond
(see website for more detailed information)
Table the vote for a proper quorum.
X. New Business - No new business
XII. Adjourn 5:53 PM meeting Adjourn
Next Meeting Is December 3rd, 2015 4:30 PM