UNICEF Myanmar Country Office
Terms of Reference (TOR) for Individual Contract (International)
for Post Flood and Landslide Needs Assessment (Education Component) & Recovery
Requesting Section: Education (BEGE)
1. Background
Over 1.6 million people including over 550,000 children have been directly affected by the severe flooding
throughout Myanmar in July/August, 2015. At least 117 deaths have been attributed to the flooding and
60% of those displaced remain unable to return to their homes.
Flooding began on 16 July, and was exacerbated by the landfall of Cyclone Komen in neighbouring
Bangladesh on 30 July. Swollen rivers inundated low-lying areas throughout the country and caused
landslides in hilly regions, especially in Chin State. The four most affected States and Regions – Chin,
Rakhine, Magway and Sagaing – have been declared natural disaster zones by the Government.
Ayeyarwaddy and Bago Regions are also severely affected. Most rivers are now below dangerous levels,
however, in early September the Chindwin River in Sagaing rose above danger levels. As of 7 September
the Government of Myanmar newly opened 11 camp for 1,053 displaced people. Thousands of other
families from heavily destroyed townships will need to remain in evacuation centres for an indefinite period
of time. In other areas people are beginning to return to their villages, but access to basic services remains
Impact of floods and landslide has been substantial for the education sector across the country. According
to the Ministry of Education, approximately 213 schools have been destroyed and 430 damaged in 12
States/Regions across the country. The number of destroyed schools is particularly high in states such as
Rakhine Ayeyarwady, Bago and Chin. Initial surveys were carried out by different groups: State/Regional
Governments; National Natural Disaster Management Committee and MoE - and these data sources have
been compiled and rationalized through a PDNA process. The construction of new schools, the repair and
rehabilitation of damaged facilities, and the provision of temporary/transitional learning spaces represent
a significant component of the Government Flood Response Plan.
In this context, UNICEF is supporting the coordination of a response plan which will involve extensive
school construction and school rehabilitation and repair, including Temporary Learning Space
construction, as an inter-agency effort with support from national and international partners. As part of the
process, surveys of school facilities needs to be undertaken in a coordinated manner and with quality
assurance. The surveys will guide the Government’s and MoE’s coordinated response plan as well as the
development of an actionable plan for contracting construction companies and NGO partners for
construction and repairs of facilities. UNICEF education programme is seeking consultant to provide
engineering/architectural expertise and management support for this facility survey process. UNICEF has
agreed to support construction of 35-40 schools and to repair some 130 damaged schools over the next
two years – and to provide technical support to MoE and to other partners involved in flooded school
construction, renovation and repair of schools nationally.
2. Purpose of Assignment
The Myanmar Flood Response Strategy involves extensive support to construction of new schools and
repair and renovation of damaged school buildings. UNICEF is responsible for building 35 new schools
and renovating around 130 schools in the next 2 years. The purpose of the assignment is to support a
survey of those facilities for which UNICEF has been given focal responsibility and to estimate the types
of repair required by developing BOQs, working closely with national consultants, with MoE, with NGOs,
and with private construction firms in the process to ensure that principles of build back better and school
safety standards are followed. This will require the coordination and compilation of the work of various
partners to carry out the surveying of damaged schools and preparing BOQs. In addition, coordination and
compilation of survey work for destroyed schools requiring construction is also required. Capacity
development and/or orientation of partners supporting the survey process will need to be planned and
delivered. In addition, an analysis of the various partners who have undertaken the surveys for potential
engagement in Long term Agreements for future survey activities, or for potential renovation and/or
construction of schools will also be expected.
Specific objectives are:
Prepare a Construction Response Plan – laying out key tasks and time frames for UNICEF’s
support to the education sector for construction and repair of schools
Carry out initial surveys by visiting damaged schools and preparing templates for analyzing the
level of required repairs including development of site plan using AutoCAD, cost estimates which
includes BoQ, and Details of Measurement).
Coordinate survey process and prepare briefing for partners to ensure quality standards are
followed in survey process. Carry out spot checks and oversight visits to the field
Initiate compilation of a comprehensive survey of schools targeted for UNICEF support to provide
baseline information from which BOQ’s contracts and plans for renovation and repair work can be
Prepare a mapping of potential partners (Private Sector and NGO) at national levels in selected
States/Regions to carry out surveys, repairs and construction;
It is critical that the process applied is complementary to existing government processes and that the final
products meet national needs. The assignment aims at providing technical and procedural and guidance
to develop a detailed survey report on the infrastructural needs of school facilities. The consultant will work
closely with national consultants (engineers) hired specifically for this purpose.
3. Programme Area and Specific Project Involved
The assessment will directly contribute to UNICEF Education (BEGE) Result area output 6: Education in
4. Work Assignments and work schedule: Deliverables/End Product (s) and Time Frame
UNICEF estimates that the field survey of facilities will be conducted in a short time-frame of 14 weeks (80
work days). This will allow the reconstruction and repair work to start as soon as possible.
Review of data:
Review of existing
MoE data bases
and information of
school surveys.
B. Planning for
Survey and
with UNICEF,
MoE, NGOs and
private sector for
survey process
C. Education Survey
initiated with field
testing of tools in
diverse settings
(Ayeyerwaddy, Magway
and Rakhine)
Preparatory work completed with draft Survey Plan
developed including AutoCAD design site plan.
Consultation with government counterparts, with
potential NGOs and private construction companies,
Draft Construction Response Plan prepared – laying out
key tasks and time frames for UNICEF’s support to the
education sector for construction and repair of schools
over 2 years
List of potential partners to support the survey process
Field visits to Ayeyerwaddy, Magway and in Rakhine
State for observation of selected destroyed/damaged
school sites and meetings with potential partners
 Needs assessment of school sites recorded and
synthesized into Survey List
 Tools revised based on field experience Tools for
school surveys prepared, field tested and revised
 Outline for reports prepared and drafted with data from
initial schools
Timeframe –
10 days
15 Days
D. Coordination of
Survey process carried
out for UNICEF
supported destroyed
(35-40 schools) and
damaged (130-150)
schools, including a
review of the local
construction industry at
national and state/region
E. Survey data
compilation Draft report
submission in
Consultation with MoE
and partners
F. Finalize Survey
Orientations for survey partners at different levels
Spot checks conducted to the field
Profile of the potential implementing partners
(construction companies, NGO’s, local communities,
Other UN Agencies);
Analysis of availability of construction materials,
skilled and unskilled labour, quality partners.
40 Days
Draft Survey Report of necessary construction,
retrofitting, repairs to targeted schools with estimated
List of potential private companies and NGO
partners capable of carrying out construction and
Consultations with MoE, UNICEF and JICA to
discuss survey findings and report
10 days
Trip report detailing tasks completed, persons met,
key recommendations and next steps
Final Survey Report of required repair to targeted
schools completed
5 days
Total days
80 days
1. 5. Official Travel involved
2. The most direct and economical route from home country to Yangon and back home. The consultant
needs to be in-country during the consultancy period, with frequent travel to Nay Pyi Taw and flood
affected States/Regions.
6. Other conditions
8. The consultant is expected to work using his/her laptop from home, in UNICEF or partner office as
required. UNICEF will pay domestic travel in Myanmar (to Nay Pi Taw and travel to the field as necessary).
DSA will not be paid in Yangon, only be payable for time spent in the field (according to UN rates).
Consultant will make his/her own arrangements for his/her local transport within Yangon. DSA will be
included in the contract. Travel arrangement will be made by UNICEF and local travel allowance (TA),
including road transport and local air fare if it is applied, will be covered by UNICEF except DSA. During
the travel to the field, consultant will use UNICEF driver/vehicle or a rented car provided by UNICEF.
9. Life and health insurance
UNICEF does not provide or arrange life or health insurance coverage for consultants and individual
contractors, and consultants and individual contractors are not eligible to participate in the life or health
insurance schemes available to United Nations staff members. Consultants and individual contractors are
fully responsible for arranging, at their own expense, such life, health and other forms of insurance
covering the period of their services as they consider appropriate. The responsibility of UNICEF is limited
solely to the payment of compensation for service-incurred death, injury or illness as per the provisions
detailed below.
Insurance for service-incurred death, injury or illness
Consultants and individual contractors who are authorized to travel at UNICEF expense or who are
required under their contract to perform services in a UNICEF or United Nations office shall be provided
with insurance coverage, through a UNICEF-retained third party insurance provider, covering death, injury
and illness attributable to the performance of official UNICEF duties. Compensation in the event of serviceincurred death, injury or illness shall be equivalent to amounts stipulated in the agreement between
UNICEF and the insurance provider.
Ethical principles
Research methods used should be consistent with UNICEF Ethical and Principle Guidelines for the
reporting on children and young people under 18 years old. http://childethics.com
The documents produced during the period of this consultancy will be treated as strictly confidential, and
the rights of distribution and/ or publication will reside solely with UNICEF.
The contract signed with the consultant will include other general terms defined by UNICEF.
7. Proposed payment schedule based on deliverable
The payments are made in 3 instalments as follows:
1 After signing the contract and delivery of task A and B
2 Completion of Task C and D:
3 Completion of Task E & F
8. Qualifications or Specialized Knowledge /Experience Required
o Higher degree in civil engineering, building, construction engineering, architecture or other
relevant area, graduate qualification in management would be highly regarded.
o At least 10 years experience in building construction project management, especially in large
scale building programs and with both consultant an contracting practices;
o Knowledge of UNICEF procedures and systems, particularly project design and monitoring;
o Proven ability to work effectively, and with tact, in international situations;
o Strong links in the humanitarian community, with experience working in less developed areas.
Personal characteristics:
o Have ability to communicate effectively in English/French;
o Work well in a team with minimal instruction, good initiative and an ability to apply critical analysis
(quantitative and qualitative);
o Ability to work productively in a multi-cultural environment;
o Good health and willingness to travel and live in locations with difficult conditions.
Language Proficiency
 Fluency in English. Another UN language as an asset.
9. Contract Supervisor
Supervision and daily technical guidance and support will be provided by UNICEF Chief of Education.
10. Type of Supervision that will be provided
Supervisor will work with the Ministry of Education, World Bank, JICA and other sectoral/cross-sectoral
partners and provide general directions during implementation. The consultant will maintain regular
contact with the UNICEF Regional Office (EAPRO) Regional Education in Emergencies Specialist and
the UNICEF Myanmar Supply Specialist for guidance and support as required.
11. Consultant’s Work Place
The selected consultant will be based at UNICEF office in Yangon and make frequent visits to the
Ministries mainly Education as well as other relevant ministries (to be confirmed).
 Office Space: Yes. Possible to use the office space in Yangon as and when needed.
 Computer: Consultant will use his/her own computer.
12. Nature of “Penalty Clause” to be Stipulated in Contract
UNICEF Myanmar reserves the right not to pay the Contractor or withhold part of the payable amount if
one or more requirements established for this assignment is not met or deadline set for the
accomplishment of the tasks is missed.