ANNA UNIVERSITY QUESTION PAPER DEC-2014 ANSWER KEY PART-A 1. What are copolymers? It is the joint polymerization in which two or more different monomers combine to give a polymer. High molecular weight compounds obtained by copolymerization are called copolymers. Example: nCH2 == CH –– CH == CH2 + n CH2 == CH Butadiene Styrene Copolymerization –(– CH2 –– CH == CH – CH2–– CH2–– CH –)– n Polybutadiene-co-Styrene (Styrene-butadiene rubber, SBR) 2) What are thermoplastics? Thermoplastics are prepared by addition polymerization. They can be softened on heating and hardened on cooling. They are soft and less brittle. They are generally linear polymers. A weak Vander Waals force is present between the two adjacent layers. They are soluble in organic solvents. Examples: PE, PVC, PP, PS, nylons, Teflon, etc. 3) What is the significance of decrease in free energy? The decreases free energy of process at constant temperature and pressure is equal to the useful work obtainable from the system. 4) State Second law thermodynamics? The second law of thermodynamics has been formulated to explain the spontaneity(feasibility) of physical and chemical process. This law introduces two new thermodynamic functions entropy and free energy to explain the spontaneity (feasibility) of process. CLAUSIUS STATEMENT :It is impossible to construct a machine which transfer heat from a lower temperature to a higher temperature.ds= dq/T. 5) What is photochemistry? Photochemistry is the study of chemical reactions resulting from the exposure of light radiations. The radiations of visible and ultraviolet portion spectrum ranging from 2,000 8,000 Å. Wavelength are mainly of concern in photochemical reaction. 6) What is the purpose of a IR spectrometer? It is an important tool in the structural elucidation of organic compounds. The region of electromagnetic radiation in between the visible and microwave region is called infrared region. IR spectra is produced by the absorption of energy by a molecule in the infrared region and the transitions occur between vibrational levels. 7) What is degree of freedom at eutectic point in Lead- silver system? Eutectic point Solid Pb + Solid Ag Melt According to reduced phase rule equation F' = C – P + 1 ; F' = 2 – 3 + 1 ; F' = 0 The system is non-variant. At eutectic point or eutectic temperature and its corresponding composition, 97.4% Pb +2.6% Ag, is called eutectic composition. Below this point the eutectic compound and the metal solidify. 8) Mention any two significance of alloy making. (i) To lower the melting points of the metal (ii) To increase the hardness of the metal (iii) To modify chemical activity of the metal (iv) To resist the corrosion of the metal (v) To modify the colour of the metal (vi) To get good casting of metal 9) What is meant by nanochemistry Nanochemistry is a branch of nanoscience, deals with the chemical applications of nanomaterials in nanotechnology.Nanochemistry involves the study of the synthesis and characterisation of materials of nanoscale size. Nanochemistry is a relatively new branch of chemistry concerned with the unique properties associated with assemblies of atoms or molecules of nanoscale (~1-100 nm), so the size of nanoparticles lies somewhere between individual atoms or molecules (the ‘building blocks’) and larger assemblies of bulk material which. 10) What are nanorods? Nanostructures shaped like long sticks or dowels with a diameter in the nanoscale but having a length that is very much longer. Standard aspect ratios (length divided by width) are 3-5nm. PART-B 11. (A) i) Discuss the mechanism of condensation polymerization in detail. (8) It is a reaction between simple polar groups containing monomer with the formation of polymer and elimination of small molecules like H2O, HCl, etc., (A carboxylic acid monomer and an amine monomer can join in an amide linkage). 1.Hexamethylene diamine and adipic acid condense to form a polymer, Nylon 6:6 (polymide) 2.Polymerisation of ω – amino caproic acid to form nylon- 6. n H2N (CH2) COOH ω – amino caproic acid [CO ( CH2 )5 NH]n nylon- 6 In some cases condensation polymerisation takes place without the elimation of small molecules like H2O, HCl, etc., but by just the opening of cyclic compounds. ii) Explain any four important properties of polymers. (8) 1. Glass transition temperature Rubber is an elastic substance at room temperature. But when it is closed to -79oC it becomes a glossy brittle solid, which when struck, crumbles to a powder. Glossy brittle solid Rubber. Thus for every polymer there exists a temperature below which it is a glossy brittle solid and above which it is a soft elastic substance. This temperature is known as glass transition temperature. 2. Tacticity The orientation of monomeric units Or functional groups in a polymer molecule can take place in an orderly Or disorderly manner with respect to the main chain is known as Tacticity. a)Isotactic polymer: If the functional groups are arranged on the same side of the main chain, the polymer is Isotactic polymer.EX: b) syndiotactic polymer : If functional groups are arranged in an alternating fashion, the polymer is called syndiotactic polymer. c) Atatic polymer: If the functional groubs are arranged randomly, the polymer is called Atactic polymer. 3)Number- Average molecular mass: Number Average molecular mass is the mass obtained by dividing the mass of the polymer material with the total number of molecules present. Mathematically it is defined as 4) Weight- average molecular mass: Weight- average molecular mass not only depend on the number of particles, but also on the molecular size. So, in averaging process molecular weight of each individual species is multiplied by the mass and not by the number. Mathematically it is defined as OR B) i) Describe the emulsion polymerization technique. Give two examples (8) Emulsion polymerization is used for water insoluble monomer and water soluble initiator like potassium persulphate. The monomer is dispersed in a large amount of water and then emulsified by the addition of soap. Then initiator is added.The whole content taken in a flask and heated at a constant temperature with vigorous agitation in a thermostat with nitrogen atmosphere. After 4 to 6 hours, the pure polymer can be isolated from the emulsion by addition of deemulsifier like 3% solution of Al2 (SO4)3 Monomer + Initiator + Surfactant Polymer Examples: Polyvinyl acetate, PVC are prepared by this method II) Write down the preparation, propertie and uses of Nylon 6:6 (8) Nylon 6:6 is manufactured by solution polymerization by condensing Hexamethylene diamine and adipic acid in toluene solvent at higher temperature in an inert atmosphere. Properties of Nylon 6:6 1. 2. 3. 4. It is a horny translucent material. Its melting point is high (264oC). Nylon 6:6 is a less soft and stiff material when compared to nylon 6:6. It is insoluble in common organic solvents, but soluble in formic acid and cresol. 5. Both fibre and plastic have high tenstile strength and dimensional stability. 6. It shows good impact strength due to the large number of flexible groups. 7. As I/D ratio of the polymer filament is very high and there is high intermolecular attraction between the molecules due to H-bonds between the carbonyl and amide –NH- groups it can act as a very good fibres. 8. Both nylon fibre and plastic are resistant to abrasion. 9. It does not absorb water and can be dried easily. Applications of nylon 6:6 As a fibre 1. The majority of the woven fibres are used in the manufacture of tyre cards. 2. It is for making socks, dress materials and ropes. 3. It is blended with wool to make wool more resistant to abrasion. As a plastic 1. It is used as an engineering plastic. 2. It is used to make various parts due to its high tenstile strength, good impact strength , good dimensional stability and its resistance to abrasion. 3. It is used in ball bearing, mounting, electrical connections, etc., 4. It is also used to make wheels, bearings etc., which can run without use of lubricants. 12 ) A) i) Derive Gibbs- Helmholtz equation (8) 12 A) i) ∆G for areaction at 300 K is -16 k cal, ∆H for the reaction is -10k cal. What is the entropy (∆s) of the reaction? What will be ∆G at 300 K? (8) B) i) Derive clausis- clapeyron equation and mention its applications. (8) Consider a system containing only 1 mole of a substance existing in 2 phases A and B. The free energies of the substance in 2 phases A and B be GA and GB. Let the temperature and pressure of the system be T and P respectively. The system is in equilibrium, there is no change in free energy. i.e., GA = GB .....(1) If the temperature of the system be raised to T+dT, the pressure becomes P + dP and the free energies become GA + dGA and GB + dGB respectively. Then the equation (1) becomes, GA + dGA = GB+ dGB .....(2) We know that, G = H – TS H = E + PV (Gibbs free energy) (Enthalpy) G = E + PV – TS dG = dE + PdV + VdP – TdS – SdT But, dE = dq – dw .....(3) .....(4) d q = dE + dw dq = dE + PdV We know that for reversible equation, [ dw = PdV] .....(5) dq = dS T dq = TdS .....(6) Substituting equation (6) in equation (5) TdS = dE + PdV dE = TdS – PdV .....(7) Substituting equation (7) in (4) dG = TdS – PdV + PdV + VdP – TdS –SdT dG = VdP – SdT .....(8) Here, the work done is due to volume change only, so equation (8) may be applied to phase A as well as B dGA = VA dP – SA dT .....(9) dGB = VB dP – SB dT .....(10) Where, VA and VB are the molar volumes of phases A and B respectively. SA and SB are their molar entropies. Since, GA = GB Hence from the equation (2) dGA = dGB .....(11) Substituting equation (9) and (10) in equation (11), VAdP – SAdT = VBdP – SBdT .....(12) SBdT – SAdT = VBdP – VAdP .....(13) dT(SB – SA) = dP(VB – VA) (SB (VB SA ) VA ) .....(14) = dP dT .....(15) SB – SA is denoted S . SB – SA represents the change in entropy when as 1 mole of the substance passes from the initial phase A to the final phase B. Hence, equation (15) becomes (VB dT S dP VA ) .....(16) We know that entropy change S = S at constant T is q T .....(17) Substituting equation (17) in (16) dP dT ) q T (VB VA .....(18) This is the Clausius-Clapeyron equation. Applications Calculation of molar elevation constant. Calculation of boiling point or freezing point. Determination of latent heat of vapourization. Calculation of vapour pressure at another temperature. B) i) Derive Vant Hoff’s isotherm equation. (8) Standard Gibbs energy of a reaction G o is the difference between standard Gibbs energies of products and reactants in their standard states at the given temperature. Standard state means, the most stable physical form at the said conditions and of high purity. i.e., activity = 1. Van’t Hoff has derived a relationship between the activities of the species concerned in the reaction and G o of the reaction. Consider a reversible reaction. A C Gibbs free energy of reactant A is given by GA = G oA + RT ln [A] where [A] activity of A G oA Standard Gibbs energy of A Similarly, we can write, GB = G oB RT ln [B] GC G o C RT ln [C] = o D GD RT ln [D] = G = Gproducts – Greactants = [GC + GD] – [GA + GB] G of the reaction G = {G C [B]} RT ln [C] = GC G D = GC G D G = G DG RT ln [C] [D] ln [D]} A {G GA RT ln [C] [D] A G B GB G RT ln [C][D] [A] [B] of a reaction at any instant. [ G = Standard Gibb’s free energy of the reaction. .....(1) ln [A] B G RT ln [A] [B] RT ln [A] [B] .....(2) ln [[A], [B], [C] and [D] are activities of A, B, C and D at the given instant] At equilibrium, G 0 0 G = RT ln [C]eq [D]eq [A]eq [B]eq Here the concentration refer to concentrations at equilibrium. Keq = Equilibrium constant, can be simply referred as k. G = RT ln keq G = –RT ln keq .....(3) k [C]eq [D]eq eq [A]eq [B]eq substituting this value in equation (2) [C] [D] = –RT ln k + RT ln G [A] [B] .....(4) This equation (4) is known as Van’t Hoff isotherm. The equation G T ln k gives the relation between standard free energy and equilibrium constant. G is standard free energy change when [A] = [B] = [C] = [D] = 1 VAN’T HOFF EQUATION This equation tells the variation of equilibrium constant with temperature. This is obtained by combining Van’t Hoff isotherm and Gibbs Helmholtz equation. G T ln k G ln k = .....(1) R T CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS 2.41 Differentiately with respect to temperature 1 ln k ( G / T) = T R T 1 H = T2 R ( From Gibbs Helmholtz equation) ln k H = T RT 2 This is known as Van’t Hoff equation. On integration between the limits T1 and T2 and k1 and k2. k2 T2 d ln k H T 2 RT = T1 k1 k ln 2 k1 H 1 1 = R T2 T1 H T2 T1 = R T1T2 .....(3) This is another form of Van’t Hoff equation (for a reaction carried out at constant pressure). 13 A) i) State and explain lambert-Beer law (8) It states that when a beam of monochromatic radiation passes through a homogeneous absorbing medium, the rate of decrease of intensity of radiation dI with the thickness of the absorbing medium dx is proportional to the intensity of incident radiation I. Mathematically it is expressed as dI dx kI .....(1) Where k = absorption coefficient or proportionality constant On integrating the equation (1) between limits I = I0 at x = x, we get I dI x kdx I Io x ln I Io I/IO = e-kx I= IO. e-kx .....(2) This equation is known as Lambert’s law kx at x = 0 and I = I Beer’s law (or) Beer Lambert’s law This law states that when a beam of monochromatic radiation passes through a solution of an absorbing substance, the rate of decrease of intensity of radiation dI with the thickness of the absorbing solution dx is proportional to the intensity of the incident radiation I as well as the concentration of the solution C Mathematically, it is expressed as dI dx kI c .....(3) Where k = Molar absorption coefficient. On integrating the equation (3) between limits I = I0 at x = 0 and I = I at x = x, we get I Io ln ln dI I x kCdx = 0 I Io I Io = kCx = – kCx = kCx By taking natural logarithm 2.303 log I Io log Where, = k / 2.303 I Io = A = k Cx 2.303 Cx .....(4) = molar absorptivity (or) molar extinction coefficient. log I 0/I = A= Absorbance (or) Optical density. The equation (4) is called BeerLambert’s law. This equation is known as Beer’s law or Beer-Lambert’s law. Thus, the absorbance A is directly proportional to the molar concentration C and path length (x). Application of Beer-Lambert’s law Determination of unknown concentration First absorbance ‘As’ of a standard solution of known concentration ‘Cs’ is measured, then according to Beer-Lambert’s law. AS Cs x = AS CS x ....(5) Now, we measure the absorbance Au, of a solution of unknown concentration Cu, Since and x are constants. We have Au Au Cu = Cu x Au Cu Cs x x From equations (5) and (6) As = Au Cu .....(6) Cu = Au Cs As .....(7) Since the values of Au and As are experimentally determined values and Cs is known, the value of unknown concentration Cu can be calculated from the equation (7). Limitations of Beer-Lambert’s law If the solution contains impurities, deviation may occur. If the solution undergoes polymerization, deviation also occurs It is applicable for dilute solutions It is not obeyed if the radiation used is not monochromatic. It is not applied to suspensions. ii) Explain photo sensitation. Mention its applications in photography. The foreign substance (called sensitizer) which absorbs the radiation and transfers the absorbed energy to the reactants, is called a photosensitizer. This process is called photosensitized reaction(or) photosensitization. Examples: (i) Molecular photosensitizers: Benzophenone, sulphurdioxide (ii) Atomic photosensitizers: Cadmium, Mercury, Zinc, etc. Mechanism of photosensitization Consider a general Donor (D) – Acceptor (A) system in which D (the sensitizer) absorbs the incident photon. The triplet state of D is higher in energy than that of A (the reactant). 1 (i) On absorption of the photon, the singlet excited state of donor (i.e., D) 1 3 is produced. D in-turn gives the triplet excited state D via inter-system crossing (ISC). 3 (ii) The triplet excited state D then collides with A (i.e., acceptor or 3 reactant), thereby producing the triplet excited state of acceptor, A and the ground state of donor (So). 3 (iii) If A gives the desired reaction products, the mechanism is known as photosensitization. However, if the desired reaction products results from 3 D state, then A is known as quencher and the process is called quenching. Thus, the reactions depicting photosensitization and quenching may be described as below: D 1D 3D 1D ISC 3D D 3A A 3A products (photosensitization) 3D products (Quenching) 11 D (or S 1) A ISC 2A 2D (or T1) (or T1) S0 S0 Donor, D (Sensitizer) Acceptor, A (Reactant) The triplet excited state of the 1 sensitizer or donor ( D) must be higher in energy level than the triplet excited state of the reactant or acceptor 3 ( A) so that enough energy is available to raise the reactant molecule to its triplet excited state. Examples for photosensitized reactions: 1. Dissociation of H2 molecule. 2. Photosynthesis in plants. B) i) Explain 1.quantum efficiency and QUANTUM EFFICIENCY( ) The number of moles of the substance undergoing photochemical change per Einstein of radiation absorbed is known as quantum efficiency. Alternatively, it is the number of molecules of the substance undergoing photochemical change per quantum of radiation absorbed. Thus, No. of molecules reacting in a given time No. of quanta of light absorbed in the same time If we measure the rate of formation of product, then quantum yield can be written as, d[Pr oduct] / dt Number of quanta absorbed d[Pr oduct] / dt I abs Where, Iabs = Number of quanta absorbed. Low or high quantum yield 6 The quantum efficiency varies from zero to 10 . If a reaction obeys the Einstein law, one molecule is decomposed per photon, the quantum yield 1. (i) Low quantum yield When the number of molecules decomposed is less than one per photon, the quantum yield and the reaction has a low quantum yield. 1 (ii) High quantum yield When two or more molecules are decomposed per photon, the quantum yield and the reaction has a high quantum yield. 1 Conditions for high and low quantum yield All the reactant molecules should be initially in the same energy state and hence equally reactive. Molecules in the activated state should be largely unstable and decompose to form the products. The reactivity of the molecules should be temperature independent. Causes (or) Reasons for low quantum yield Excited molecules may get deactivated before they form products. Excited molecules may lose their energy by collisions with non-excited molecules. Molecules may receive insufficient energy thereby reaction does not occur. Reversion of the primary photochemical reaction. Recombination of fragments (obtain by dissociation) will give low quantum yield. Example: (i) Dimerization of anthracene to dianthracene 2C14 H 10 h C 28H 20 Quantum yield = 2, Actually it is found to be 0.5. Because, the above reaction is reversible 2C14 H 10 h C H therm 28 20 al Causes (or) Reason for high quantum yield Absorption of radiation produces atoms or free radicals, which initiate a series of chain reactions. Formation of an intermediate product, which acts as a catalyst. If the reaction is exothermic the heat evolved may activate other molecules, without absorption of additional quanta of radiation. The active molecules produced by primary absorption may collide with other molecules and activate them which inturn activate other reacting molecules. Example: Decomposition of HI In the primary reaction, HI molecule absorbs a photon and dissociated to produce are H and I. HI h H + HI I+I 2HI + h reaction H I H2 + I .....(1) Primary process .....(2) Secondary process I2 H2 + I2 .....(3) Overall In the secondary reaction, step(1) H react with HI to produce H2 and I. This I react with step(1) I to produce I2. T he o ve r all r eact io n sho ws t hat t he t wo HI a r e de co mpo sed fo r one photon ( h ). so the quantum yield ( ) =2. DETERMINATION OF QUANTUM EFFICIENCY (OR) QUANTUM YIELD Quantum yield, of a photochemical reaction is expressed as Number of molecules reacted (or) formed (or) Number of photons (or) Quanta of radiation absorbed Number of moles reacted (or) formed Number of Einsteins of radiation absorbed We can calculate the quantum yield from the determination of the following: (i) Determination of the number of molecules reacted in a given time. (ii) Determination of the amount of photons absorbed in the same time. 2. chemiluminescence CHEMILUMINESCENCE If light is emitted at ordinary temperature, as a result of chemical reaction the process is called as chemiluminescence. It is the reverse of a photochemical reaction. Explanation: In a chemiluminiscence reaction, the energy released during the chemical reaction makes the product molecule electronically excited. The excited molecule then emits radiation, as it returns to the ground state. Examples: (i) When pyragallol is oxidised by hydrogen, peroxide, chemiluminescence is produced. (ii) Oxidation of decaying wood and containing certain bacteria. (iii) Grignard reagent produces greenish blue light on oxidation by air. Mechanism of chemiluminescence It can be explained by considering anion-cation reactions. Example: – + Interaction between the aromatic anions (Ar ) and cations (Ar ). (Fig.3.5) AMBO + + BMO Ar – Ar + Ar * Ar Ar 1Ar* Ar 1 Ar* Ar h Ar – The aromatic anion (Ar ) contains one unpaired electron in the antibonding molecular orbital (AMBO) and two paired electrons in the bonding molecular + orbital (BMO). The AMBO of the aromatic cation Ar is empty. When the electron – + is transferred from the AMBO of the anion (Ar ) to the AMBO of the cation (Ar ). 1 * So, the singlet excited state Ar is formed. The excited state can be deactivated by the emission of photon h . ii) Discuss the principle and instrumentation of UV- Visible spectrometer. Instrumentation I. Components The most important components of UV-Visible spectrometer are (i) Radiation source (ii) Monochromators (iii) Cells (iv) Detectors (v) Recorder (i) Radiation source Hydrogen or deuterium lamps are commonly used as radiation source. Requirements of a radiation source : It must be stable and supply continuous radiation, sufficient intensity. Beam splitte r Recorder Detector Monochromat or Sourc e sampl e referenc e Fig. 3.13 Block diagram of uv-visible spectrophotometer (ii) Monochromator: Selects appropriate wavelength of light. The important elements of a monochromator are an entrance slit a dispersing element an exit slit The dispersing element may be a prism or a grating or a filter. (iii) Cells It is made out of quartz or fused silica. The cells must contains the following characteristics They must be uniform in construction. The material of cell should be inert to solvents. They must transmit the light of the wavelength used. (iv) Detectors The most commonly used detectors are (a) Barrier layer cell (b) Photomultiplier tube (c) Photocell These detectors converts light radiations into electrical signals. (v) Recorder The signal from the detector is finally received by the recorder. II. Working of UV-Visible spectrometer The radiation from the source is allowed to pass through the monochromator unit. The monochromator allows a narrow range of wavelength to pass through an exit slit. The beam of radiation coming out of the monochromator is split into two equal beams. One half of the beam is directed to pass through a transparent cell containing a solution of the compound to be analyzed. The another half is directed to pass through an identical cell which contains only the solvent. The instrument is designed in such way that it can compare the intensities of these two beams. If the sample absorbs light at a particular wavelength, then intensity of the sample beam (I) will be less than that of the reference beam (I0). The instruments give output graph, which is a plot of wavelength Vs. absorbance of the light. The graph obtained is known as absorption spectrum. 14) A) i) Draw neat one component water system and explain The water system Water exists in three possible phase namely solid, liquid, and vapour. Hence, there can be three forms of equilibria. Solid Liquid Liquid Vapour Solid Vapour Each of the above equilibrium involves two phase diagram for the water system is shown in Fig.4.1. This phase diagram contains curves, areas and triple point. (i) Curve OA The curve OA is called vapourisation curve, it represents the equilibrium between water and vapour, at any represents the equilibrium between water and vapour. At any point on the curve the following equilibrium will exist. Water Water vapour The degree of freedom of the system is one. i.e., univariant. This is predicted by the phase rule. F = C-P+2 ; F = 1-2+2 ; F =1 This equilibrium (i.e. line OA) will extend upto the critical temperature o (374 C). Beyond the critical temperature the equilibrium will disappear only water vapour will exist. C Critical pressure 218 atm Solid ice A Melting curve Liquid water Pressure Vapour pressure curve 4.58 mm Metasta ble equilibr ium B’ Sublima tion Curve O Water vapour Tri ple poi nt Criti cal Temperat ure M. P. B 273oC 374o 0.0075o Temperat ure Fig. 4.1 Phase diagram of water system (ii) Curve OB The curve OB is called sublimation curve of ice, it represents the equilibrium between ice and vapour. At any point on the curve the following equilibrium will exist. Ice vapour The degree of freedom of the system is one, i.e. univariant. This is predicted by the phase rule. F = C – P+2 ; F = 1 – 2 + 2 ; F = 1 o This equilibrium (line OB) will extend upto the absolute zero (–273 C), where no vapour can be present and only ice will exit. (iii) Curve OC The curve OC is called melting point curve of ice, it represents the equilibrium between ice and water. At any point on the curve the following equilibrium will exist. Ice Vapour The curve OC is slightly inclined towards pressure axis. This, shows that melting point of ice decreases with increase of pressure. The degree of freedom of the system is one i.e., univariant. (iv) Point ‘O’ (Triple point) The three curves OA, OB and OC meet at a point ‘O’, where three phases namely solid, liquid and vapour are simultaneously at equilibrium. This point is called triple point, at this point the following equilibrium will exist. Ice(s) Water(l) Vapour(g) The degree of freedom of the system is zero. Ie., nonvariant. This is predicted by the phase rule. F = C–P+2 ; F=1–3+2 ; F = 0. o Temperature and pressure at the point ‘O’ are 0.0075 C and 4.58 mm respectively. (v) Curve OB' (Metastable equilibrium) The curve OB' is called vapour pressure curve of the super-cool water or metastable equilibrium where the following equilibrium will exist. Super – cool water vapour o Sometimes water can be cooled below 0 C without the formation of ice, this water is called super-cooled water. Super cooled water is unstable and it can be converted into solid by “seeding” or by slight disturbance. (vi) Areas Area AOC, BOC, AOB represents water, ice and vapour respectively. In order to define the system at any point in the areas, it is essential to specify both temperature and pressure. The degree of freedom of the system is two i.e. Bivariant. This is predicted by the phase rule. F = C–P+2 ; F=1–1+2 ; F = 2 ii) Draw neat Zinc- Magnesium alloy system and explain. Zinc-Magnesium Alloy system Zn-Mg binary alloy system is an example for the formation of compound with congruent melting point. A compound is said to possess congruent melting point, if it melts exactly at a constant temperature into a liquid having the same composition as that of solid. The phase diagram of Zn-Mg binary alloy system consist of two sides (Fig.4.3). (i) Left side consists of Zn and MgZn2 system. (ii) Right side consists of MgZn2 and Mg system. Left side (a) Curve AE1 The curve AE1 is freezing point curve of Zn. Point A indicates the melting point of pure Zn. The curve AE1 shows the melting point depression of Zn by the successive addition of Mg. Along this curve AE1, solid Zn and the melt are in equilibrium. Solid Zn melt (b) Point E1 (Eutectic point) Point E1 is the eutectic point, where three phases are in equilibrium. o The temperature at this point is 380 C. Solid Zn + Solid MgZn2 melt Right side (c) Curve CE2 It is the freezing point curve of Mg. Point C is the melting point of pure Mg. The curve CE2 shows the melting point depression of Mg by the successive addition of Zn. Along this curve CE2, solid Mg and the melt are in equilibrium. Solid Mg melt (d) Point E2 (Eutectic point) Point E2 is the eutectic point, where three phases are in equilibrium. The o temperature at this point is 347 C. solid Mg + solid MgZn2 Melt (e) Curve E1BE2 It is the freezing point curve of MgZn2. Along the curve, solid MgZn2 and the melt are in equilibrium. solid MgZn2 melt (f) Point B It is the melting point of the compound MgZn2. Here the solid has the same composition as the liquid MgZn2 is said to possesses congruent melting point. (g) Areas Below the line AE1 Below the line CE2 Below the line E1BE2 Below the point E1 and E2 Above the line AE1BE2C It consists of solid Zn and the solution. It consists of solid Mg and the solution. It consists of solid MgZn2 and the solution. It consists of solid Zn + solid MgZn2 and solid MgZn2 + solid Mg respectively. It consists of only liquid phase. B) i) Write a note on : 1. Annealing and Annealing: Annealing means softening. This is done by heating the metal to a certain high temperature, followed by very slow cooling in a planned manner in a furnace. Purpose : It increases the machinability. It also removes the imprisoned gases and internal stresses. Types of annealing Annealing can be done in two ways. Low temperature annealing (or) Process annealing High temperature annealing (or) Full annealing (a) Low temperature annealing (or) Process annealing It involves in heating steel to a temperature below the lower critical temperature followed by slow cooling. Purpose : It reduces hardness It improves machinability by relieving the internal stresses or internal strains. It increases ductility and shock resistance. (b) High temperature annealing (or) Full annealing o It involves in heating steel to a temperature about 30 to 50 C above the higher critical temperature and holding it, at that temperature for sufficient time to allow the internal charges to take place and then, cooling gradually to room temperature. The approximate annealing temperatures of various grades of carbon steel are o Mild steel = 840 – 870 C o Medium – Carbon steel = 780 – 840 C o High carbon steel = 760 – 780 C Purpose It makes the steel softer, together with an appreciable increase in its toughness. It increases the ductility and machinability. 2. Nitriding Nitriding It is a process of getting super-hard surface. In this operation, the metal alloy o is heated in presence of ammonia at a temperature of about 550 C. The nitrogen combines with the surface constituents of the alloy to form extremely hard nitrides. This process is quite time-consuming. Purpose : To get super-hard surface ii) Discuss the composition, properties and uses of brass and bronze. Brass (Copper alloy) Brass is the most important copper alloy. It containing mainly copper and zinc. They possess Lower melting points than Cu and Zn. Water resistance property Greater strength than pure Cu. Good corrosion resistance property. Greater durability than pure Cu. Greater machinability than pure Cu. Important brasses their properties and uses Some important brasses and their composition, properties and uses are summarized in the following Table-4.2. Type of Brasses Composition Brass Cu = 6090% Zn = 40–10% Main Brasse s (i) Commercia l Brass (or) Guilding metal (or) French gold (ii)Dutch - metal or Low brass Cu = 90% Zn = 10% Cu = 80% Zn = 20% Table 4.2 Properties Uses (i) They possess greater strength, durability and machinability than pure copper. (ii) They possess lower melting point than Cu and Zn (iii) They are good corrosion resistant against water (i) It is golden in colour (ii) It is stronger and harder than pure Cu. (i) It is golden in colour (ii) It i s suitable for all drawing and forming operations Forgings, hardwares, rivets, screws, costumes, jewellery, etc. Cheap jewellery, musical instruments, tubes, battery caps, name plates, flexible hoses, etc. PHASE RULE & ALLOYS (iii) Cartridg e brass (or) Spinnin g brass Special brasses (i) German Silver (ii)Admiral y brass or Tobin bronze Cu = 70% Zn = 30% It contains metals other than Cu and Zn Cu = 25– 50% Zn = 10 –35% Sn = 5– 35% Cu=59–62% Sn = 0.5– 1.5% Zn = rest 4.31 (i) It is soft, ductile, harder and stronger than Cu. (ii) It can be cold deformed like extraction Condenser tubes, sheet fabrication, household articles, etc. Utensils, (i) It possesses good strength and tablewares, bolts, corrosion– resistance screws, cutlery, to salt water (ii) It is ornaments, ductile, malleable and corrosion- resistant looks implements, like silver. decorative articles, It possesses high It is used in etc. corrosion and abrasion - propellers resistances and marine works. 4.19.2 Bronze (Copper alloy) Bronze is also a copper alloy. It containing copper and tin. They possess Non-oxidizing property. Lower melting point than steel. Corrosion resistance property water resistance property Be t t er hea t and elect r ical co nduc t ing pr o per t y t han mo st o f the steels. Important Bronze their properties and uses Some important bronzes and their compositions, properties and uses are summarized in the following Table 4.3. Table 4.3 Type of Bronzes Composition Bronze Cu = 80– 95% Sn = 20–5% They are tough, strong and corrosion resistant. Cu = 89–92% Sn = 11 – 8% It is soft, ductile and durable. Pumps, valves, wires, flanges, utensils, coins, statues, etc. (ii)Gun Metal Cu = 85% Zn = 4% Sn = 8% Pb = 3% It is hard, tough. strong to resist the force of explosion Foundary works, heavy-load bearings, water fittings, marline pumps, parts of highpressure steam plants, etc. (iii) Aluminum bronze Cu = 90–93% Al = 10-7% (i) It is quite strong and readily fusible. (ii) It gives good castings (iii) It is resistant to corrosion, even at high temperatures (iv) It possess good Bushes, casting operations, bearings, jewellery, utensils, photoframes, coins, etc. Main Bronzes (i) Coinage Bronze (or) Properties Uses abrasion-resistance (v) It is golden yellow in colour. (iv) High Sn = 10–13% phosphorous P = 0.4 to 1% bronze Cu = rest (i) It is hard, brittle and abrasion, resistant (ii) It possess low co-efficient of friction. Bearings, gears, taps, springs, bushes, turbine blades, fuses, etc. (v) Nickel bronzes (i) It is better corrosion resistant than copper. (ii) It is hard and higher tensile strength than copper. For rolling purposes, valves, unhardened shafts and general purpose semi-hard Cu = 90% Ni = 9% Fe = 1% bearings. 15 A i) Explain the chemical vapour deposition with a neat diagram. Chemical vapour deposition Chemical Vapor Synthesis (CVS) is a modified Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) method where the process parameters are adjusted to form nanoparticles instead of film. The entire range of reaction regimes and co rrespo nding microstructures (epitaxial, polycrystalline, columnar, granular films and aerogel coatings as well as nanopowders) are shown in the below. Both in CVD and CVS, precursors are metalorganics, carbonyls, hydrides, chlorides and other volatile compounds in gaseous, liquid or solid state. The major limitation of the CVS process is the availability of appropriate precursor materials. The energy for the conversion of the reactants into nanoparticles is supplied in hot wall (external furnace), flame (reaction enthalpy), plasma (microwave or radio frequency) and laser (photolysis or pyrolysis) reactors. The most important process parameters determining the quality and usability of the nanopowders are the total pressure (typical range from 100 to 100000 Pa), the precursor material (decomposition kinetics and ligands determining the impurity level), the partial pressure of the precursor (determining the production rate and particle size), the temperature or power of the energy source, the carrier gas (mass flow determining the residence time) and the reactor geometry. The nanoparticles are extracted from the aerosol by means of filters, thermophoretic collectors, electrostatic precipitators or scrubbing in a liquid. Modifications of the precursor delivery system and the reaction zone allow the synthesis of pure oxides, doped oxides, coated nanoparticles, functionalized nanoparticles and granular films. ii) Describe the preparation of any two methods of carbon nanotubes. Synthesis of carbon nanotubes Carbon nanotubes can be synthesized by any one of the following methods. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Pyrolysis of hydrocarbons Laser evaporation Carbon arc method Chemical vapour deposition (i) Laser evaporation It involves vapourization of graphite target, containing, small amount of cobalt and nickel, by exposing it to an intense pulsed laser beam at higher temperature o (1200 C) in a quartz tube reactor. An inert gas such as argon is simultaneously allowed to pass into the reactor to sweep the evaporated carbon atoms from the furnace to the colder copper collector, on which they condense as carbon nanotube. (ii) Chemical vapour deposition It involves decomposition of vapour of hydrocarbons such as methane, o acetylene, ethylenes, etc. at high temperatures (1100 C) in presence of metal nanoparticle catalyst like nickel, cobalt, iron supported on MgO or Al2 O3 . Carbon atoms produced by the decomposition condense on a cooler surface of the catalyst. Chemical vapour deposition Chemical Vapor Synthesis (CVS) is a modified Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) method where the process parameters are adjusted to form nanoparticles instead of film. The entire range of reaction regimes and co rrespo nding microstructures (epitaxial, polycrystalline, columnar, granular films and aerogel coatings as well as nanopowders) are shown in the below. Both in CVD and CVS, precursors are metalorganics, carbonyls, hydrides, chlorides and other volatile compounds in gaseous, liquid or solid state. The major limitation of the CVS process is the availability of appropriate precursor materials. The energy for the conversion of the reactants into nanoparticles is supplied in hot wall (external furnace), flame (reaction enthalpy), plasma (microwave or radio frequency) and laser (photolysis or pyrolysis) reactors. The most important process parameters determining the quality and usability of the nanopowders are the total pressure (typical range from 100 to 100000 Pa), the precursor material (decomposition kinetics and ligands determining the impurity level), the partial pressure of the precursor (determining the production rate and particle size), the temperature or power of the energy source, the carrier gas (mass flow determining the residence time) and the reactor geometry. Fig. 5.9 The nanoparticles are extracted from the aerosol by means of filters, thermophoretic collectors, electrostatic precipitators or scrubbing in a liquid. Modifications of the precursor delivery system and the reaction zone allow the synthesis of pure oxides, doped oxides, coated nanoparticles, functionalized nanoparticles and granular films. 5.9.7 Laser Ablation LASiS is the acronym for Laser Ablation Synthesis in Solution and it is a commonly used method for obtaining colloidal solution of nanoparticles in a variety of solvents. In the LASiS method, nanoparticles are produced during the condensation of a plasma plume formed by the laser ablation of a bulk metal plate dipped in a liquid solution. LASiS is usually considered a top–down physical approach. In the past years, laser ablation synthesis in solution (LASiS) emerged as a reliable alternative to traditional chemical reduction methods for obtaining noble metal nanoparticles (NMNp). LASiS is a ‘‘green’’ technique for the synthesis of stable NMNp in water or in organic solvents, which does not need stabilizing molecules or other chemicals. So obtained NMNp are highly available for further functionalization or can be used wherever unprotected metal nanoparticles are desired. B) i)Explain laser ablation (8) Laser Ablation LASiS is the acronym for Laser Ablation Synthesis in Solution and it is a commonly used method for obtaining colloidal solution of nanoparticles in a variety of solvents. In the LASiS method, nanoparticles are produced during the condensation of a plasma plume formed by the laser ablation of a bulk metal plate dipped in a liquid solution. LASiS is usually considered a top–down physical approach. In the past years, laser ablation synthesis in solution (LASiS) emerged as a reliable alternative to traditional chemical reduction methods for obtaining noble metal nanoparticles (NMNp). LASiS is a ‘‘green’’ technique for the synthesis of stable NMNp in water or in organic solvents, which does not need stabilizing molecules or other chemicals. So obtained NMNp are highly available for further functionalization or can be used wherever unprotected metal nanoparticles are desired. ii) Discuss any four applications in the nanotechnology (i) Nanoparticles applications in medicine (8) Nanoparticles are used for early diagnosis of infectious disease. The nanoparticles attach to molecules in the blood stream indicating the start of an infection. When the sample is scanned for Raman scattering the nanoparticles enhance the Raman signal, allowing detection of the molecules indicating an infectious disease at a very early stage. Researchers are developing a nanoparticle intended to make very early detection of cancer tumors easier. When the nanoparticles attach to a cancer tumors the nanoparticles release “biomarkers”, molecules called peptides. The idea is that since each nanoparticle carries several peptides a high concentration of these biomarkers will occur even at very early stages of cancer, allowing early detection of the disease. Quantum Dots (crystalline nanoparticles) that identify the location of cancer cells in the body. Nanoparticles that deliver chemotherapy drugs directly to cancer cells. old nanoparticles that allow heat from infrared lasers to be targeted on cancer tumors. Porous silica nanoparticles used to deliver chemotherapy drugs to cancer cells. A nanoparticle cream that releases nitric oxide gas to fight staph infections. Nanoparticles called micelles used to carry and deliver a chemotherapy drug called paclitaxel to bladder cancer cells. (ii) Nanoparticles applications in manufacturing and Materials Silicate nanoparticles can be used to provide a barrier to gasses (for example oxygen), or moisture in a plastic film used for packaging. This could slow down the process of spoiling or drying out in food. Zinc oxide nanoparticles can be dispersed in industrial coatings to protect wood, plastic, and textiles from exposure to UV rays. Silicon dioxide crystalline nanoparticles can be used to fill gaps between carbon fibers, thereby strengthening tennis racquets. Silver nanoparticles in fabric are used to kill bacteria, making clothing odour-resistant. (iii) Nanoparticles applications in Energy and Electronics Silicon nanoparticles coating anodes of lithium-ion batteries can increase battery power and reduce recharge time. Semiconductor nanoparticles are being applied in a low temperature printing process that enables the manufacture of low cost solar cells. A layer of closely spaced palladium nanoparticles is being used in a hydrogen sensor. When hydrogen is absorbed, the palladium nanoparticles swell, causing shorts between nanoparticles. These shorts lower the resistance of the palladium layer. (iv) Nanoparticles applications in Environment Researchers are using go ld nano par ticles embedded in a poro us manganese oxide as a room temperature catalyst to breakdown volatile organic pollutants in air. Iron nanoparticles are being used to clean up carbon tetrachloride pollution in ground water. Iron oxide nanoparticles are being used to clean arsenic from water wells.