The Assisted Cognition Project Henry Kautz, Dieter Fox, Gaetano Boriello Lin Liao, Brian Ferris, Evan Welborne (UW CSE) Don Patterson (UW / UC Irvine) Kurt Johnson, Pat Brown, Mark Harniss (UW Rehabilitation Medicine) Matthai Philipose (Intel Research Seattle) Trend 1: Sensing Infrastructure Robust direct-sensing technology o o o GPS-enabled phones RFID tagged products Wearable multi-modal sensors Rapid commercial deployment Trend 2: Healthcare Crisis Demand for community integration of the cognitively disabled o o o 100,000 @ year disabled by traumatic brain injury 7.5 million in US with mental retardation 4 million in US with Alzheimer’s Family burnout Nationwide shortage of professionals Assisted Cognition Technology to support independent living by people with cognitive disabilities o at home o at work o throughout the community by o Understanding human behavior from sensor data o Actively prompting and advising o Alerting human caregivers when necessary Building Partnerships UW Assisted Cognition seminar o CSE, medicine, nursing, Intel ACCESS o o o o UW CSE & Rehabilitation Medicine Grant from NIDDR (Dept. of Education) Help cognitively disabled use public transportation Prototype: Opportunity Knocks Intel Proactive Health effort o Computing for wellness & caregiving o Promote partnerships with government, universities, healthcare organizations o Intel Seattle: sensors for activity tracking Example Way-finding Assistant o Help user travel throughout community On foot Using public transportation o Detect user errors Proactively help user recover “You missed your stop, so get off at the next stop and then wait for the #16 bus...” o Potential users TBI, MR, mild memory impairment Example ADL Assistant o Activities of daily living Eating, bathing, dressing, ... Cooking, cleaning, emailing, ... o Monitoring Changes in ADLs signal changes in health o Reminding / prompting “Time to take your blue meds” o Step-by-step guidance “Turn on the tap ... now pick up the brush ...” o Potential users Disabled, ordinary aging General Model geospatial DB user model intervention decision making commonsense KB user interface wearables sensors environmental sensors caregiver alerts General Model cognitive state geospatial DB goals intervention decision making activity commonsense KB physical motion & position user interface wearables sensors environmental sensors caregiver alerts Deciding to Intervene A = system intervenes G = user actually needs help ACCESS Way-finding Assistant supported by National Institute on Disability & Rehabilitation Research DARPA IPTO The Need: Community Access for the Cognitively Disabled Problems in Using Public Transportation •Learning bus routes and numbers Problems in Using Public Transportation •Learning bus routes and numbers •Transfers, complex plans Problems in Using Public Transportation •Learning bus routes and numbers •Transfers, complex plans •Recovering from mistakes Result •Need for extensive life-coaching •Need for point-to-bus service Result •Need for extensive life-coaching •Need point-to-bus service •Isolation Current GPS Navigation Devices Designed for drivers, not bus riders! o o o Should I get on this bus? Is my stop next? What do I do if I miss my stop? Requires extensive user input o Keying in street addresses no fun! Device decides which route is “best” o Familiar route better than shorter one “Catastrophic failure” when signal is lost New Approach User carries GPS cell phone System infers transportation mode o Position, velocity, geographic information Over time, system learns about user o o Important places Common transportation plans Breaks from routine = possible user errors o Ask user if help is needed User Model ck-1 ck gk-1 gk Cognitive mode { routine, novel, error } Goal tk-1 tk Trip segment mk-1 mk Transportation mode xk-1 xk Edge, velocity, position qk-1 qk Data (edge) association zk-1 zk Time k-1 Time k GPS reading Error Detection: Missed Bus Stop Prototype: Opportunity Knocks GPS camera-phone “Knocks” when there is an opportunity to help o Can I guide you to a likely destination? o I think you made a mistake! o This place seems important – would you photograph it? Status User needs study Algorithms for learning and predicting transportation behavior o Best paper award at AAAI-2004 Proof of concept prototype Now: user interface studies o Modality: Audio, Graphics, Tactile, ... o Guidance strategies: Landmarks, User frame of reference, Maps, ... ADL Monitoring from RFID Tag Data UW CSE Intel Research Seattle demo at Intel this afternoon Object-Based Activity Recognition Activities of daily living involve the manipulation of many physical objects o Kitchen: stove, pans, dishes, … o Bathroom: toothbrush, shampoo, towel, … o Bedroom: linen, dresser, clock, clothing, … We can recognize activities from a timesequence of object touches Sensing Object Manipulation RFID: Radio-frequency identification tags o Small o Long-lived – no batteries o Durable Easy to deploy Bracelet touch sensor Wall-mount movement sensor Example Data Stream Example Activity Model Creating Models of ADLs Hand-built Learn from sensor data Mine from natural-language texts All of the above... Experiment: Morning Activities 10 days of data from the morning routine in an experimenter’s home o 61 tagged objects 11 activities o Often interleaved and interrupted o Many shared objects Use bathroom Make coffee Set table Make oatmeal Make tea Eat breakfast Make eggs Use telephone Clear table Prepare OJ Take out trash DBN with Aggregate Features 88% accuracy 6.5 errors per episode Improving Robustness Tracking fails if novel objects are used Solution: smooth parameters over abstraction hierarchy of object types Status Accurate tracking of wide variety ADLs Active collaboration with Intel Current work o Detecting user errors in ADL performance o Learning more complex ADLs Preconditions/effects Multi-tasking Temporal constraints o Reminding & prompting Concluding Remarks Research on Assisted Cognition going great guns at UW and (a few) other universities o CMU / Pitt / U Michigan (Nursebot, Autominder – M. Pollack) o Georgia Tech (Aware Home, G. Abowd) o MIT (House N, Stephen Intille) Some Thoughts on Funding Getting funding for work in this area is currently challenging o We were fortunate once with NIDRR, but less than 1% of their budget is for research o NIH & NIA spend relatively little on caregiving research New NIH “Roadmap” for interdisciplinary exploratory research completely leaves out caregiving! o NIN has good people, but no real money Some Thoughts on Funding Getting funding for work in this area is currently challenging o NSF supports some of the underlying, multiuse technology, but not medically-oriented applications Exception: helping disabled use computers o Industry support is vital, but more for collaboration than actual dollars Good industry grant = 1 grad student o There’s a gap waiting to be filled...