cellular respiration

Name:_____________________________________ Period: _____ Date: ___________
Cellular Respiration versus Photosynthesis Rubric - Level
Objective: to make a poster comparing photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
1. Chemical reaction (formula) of photosynthesis.
2. Write the names of the reactants and the products of the overall reaction.
3. Name the organelle where photosynthesis occurs.
4. Name the location/structure of each key reaction.
5. Draw a picture of the organelle.
6. On the drawing, label at least 3 key structures.
1. Chemical reaction (formula) of cellular respiration.
2. Write the names of the reactants and the products of the overall reaction.
3. Name the organelle where cellular respiration occurs.
4. Name the location/structure of each key reaction.
5. Include how much ATP is used and produced in each location.
6. Draw a picture of the organelle.
7. On the drawing, label at least 3 key structures.
1. Make a connection between the products and reactants of photosynthesis
and cellular respiration in your drawings (place in the similarities section).
2. Illustrate the connection on your poster using arrows.
Name:_____________________________________ Period: _____ Date: ___________
Cellular Respiration versus Photosynthesis Rubric - PreAP
Objective: to make a graphical poster illustrating the cyclical relationship between
photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
1. Draw a picture of the organelle.
2. Name the organelle where photosynthesis occurs.
3. Overall chemical reaction (formula) of photosynthesis.
4. Write the names of the reactants and the products of the overall reaction.
5. Label the structures within the organelle where key reactions take place.
6. Include the reactions at each structure within the organelle (light and light
independent). Ensure to include the reactants and products in each location.
7. List three factors which affect the rate of photosynthesis.
1. Draw a picture of the organelle.
2. Name the organelle where cellular respiration occurs.
3. Overall chemical reaction (formula) of cellular respiration.
4. Write the names of the reactants and the products of the overall reaction.
5. Label the structures within the organelle where key reactions take place
(e.g. electron transport change).
6. Include the reactions at each structure within the organelle. Ensure to
include the reactants and products in each location.
7. Include how much ATP is used and produced in each location
8. Write the two types of anaerobic respiration.
a. Include the final product for each of these two types of reactions.
b. Include which chemical is not required for these anaerobic
1. Make a connection between the products and reactants of photosynthesis
and cellular respiration in your drawings.