WIPO Conference on Dispute Resolution in International Science and Technology Collaborations April 25/26, 2005 Lorelei de Larena, Esq. UCLA Intellectual Property Manager ldelarena@resadmin.ucla.edu (310) 794-0558 UCLA Research $750+ million in research awards (top 5 US). Rank 1st in the US for total research expenditures. Local, national and international economy. Aiding developing countries – vaccines/technology. Over 40 companies have been formed around UCLA technology since 1990. UC Patents UC System – “The Regents of the University of California.” Highest US patent filings of any university system (USPTO). Top 20 foreign filings of all entities worldwide (WIPO). Invention Disclosures Are Increasing Inventions and Patent Filings 200 150 100 50 0 2001 2002 2003 Disclosures 2004 First Patent Filings Licensing Dollars are Increasing Gross Income $ Millions 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 Dispute Resolution Goals and Experience Disputes with Researchers: Assigning rights – contracts/policies. Disputes with Licensees: Development/diligence/royalties – ADR clause. Recommend worldwide ADR clause – WIPO. Disputes with Infringers: ADR options – offer business solutions. Example: GDC coil worldwide litigation. Moving Forward with ADR in the US Court-mandated programs. Volunteer arbitration; mediation; other ADR – ex ante/ex post. Cost savings – Example: discovery. Fear of the unknown. Global Solutions for ADR Examining need for change. Recommend using WIPO clause: Consistent, world-wide resolution. Cost savings. Time savings. Informed neutral = Smart solution.