Worksheet on atomic structure and bonding

Worksheet on atomic structure and bonding
1. What name is given to the following in the periodic table:
(a) vertical columns
(b) horizontal rows
2. How many valence electrons do the following have:
(a) the alkali metals
(c) the alkaline earth metals ____
(e) carbon
(b) the halogens
(d) the noble gases
(f) aluminium _____
3. Complete the following table
Name of particle
Where found in atom
Relative mass
4. For each of the following electronic configurations state :
number of the element, the number of valence electrons
(a) 2,8,4
the symbol of the atom, the group
(d) 2,8,2
(g) 2,2
(b) 2,8,8,1 ___,___,___
(e) 2,8,6
(h) 2,8,3 ____,____,___
(c) 2,7
(f) 2,4
(i) 2,8,5 ____,____,___
5. (a) Explain the difference between mass number and atomic number. ___________________
(b) Explain what isotopes are. __________________________________________________
(c) Copper consists of two isotopes, Cu-63 and Cu-65. The relative atomic mass of copper is
63.5. Explain which of these isotopes is present in the greater amount.
________ because _______________________________________________________
6. The following questions can be answered purely by comparison to other elements in the
periodic table based on their position in the periodic table.
(a) If it is known that sodium reacts violently with water, choose the element from the following
list which would also react violently with water. Explain your choice.
copper, nitrogen, potassium, aluminium, sulfur, magnesium
_____________ because ___________________________________________________
7. (a) Explain why sodium chloride does not conduct electricity as a solid but does when molten.
(b) Explain why copper conducts electricity in both the solid and liquid state. _____________
8. The questions below refer to the following properties of particles:
Rate of movement:
A vibrating or moving very slowly
B moving around freely and moderately fast
C moving freely and very rapidly
Spaces between particles: D very close together, almost touching
E close together
F wide spaces between them
Forces between particles:
G held together firmly
H held together to some extent but free to move around
I not held together
(a) Aluminium is a solid. Which three properties above would probably be true of its particles?
(b) Ozone is a gas. Which three properties above would probably be true of its particles?
(c) Mercury is a liquid. Which three properties above would probably be true of its particles?
(d) Steel cannot be compressed. Which description of the spaces between particles would best
explain this? _____________________________________________________________
(e) Diamond is a very hard substance. Which two properties above would best explain this?
(f) How can property E be changed into property F?
9. A main group element X is known to bond covalently with fluorine to form a compound with
molecular formula XF2. In this compound both X and fluorine obtain noble gas electron
arrangements by sharing electrons.
(a) To which main group of the periodic table is element X likely to belong?
(b) Which noble gas does fluorine achieve the electron arrangement of in the compound XF2.
(c) Draw an electron dot diagram (Lewis diagram) to show how the outer electrons are shared
to form the covalent bonds in a molecule of XF2.
(d) What element could X be?
10. The atomic numbers of elements X and Y are 11 and 17 respectively.
(a) Write down the electron configuration of:
(i) X
(ii) Y
(b) What type of chemical bond is formed when X combines with Y ? ___________________
(c) Write down the equation for the reaction that occurs if X combines with Y.
(d) Draw an electron dot diagram (Lewis diagram) to show the bonding in the compound formed
between X and Y.
(d) Considering the compound formed between X and Y, and the compound XF2 in the question
above, state which one has the higher melting point? Explain your answer.
 = conducts electricity
11. In the table below the following key applies:
= does not conduct electricity
Solid state
Liquid state
Solution in water
State at 250C
Identify the substance which could be:
(a) copper
(b) sugar (C12H22O11) ______
(c) sodium bromide
(d) olive oil
12. Given the following compounds and elements:
ammonia, potassium nitrate, iron sulfide, tetrachloromethane, oxygen, zinc oxide
(a) (i) Which substances are molecular i.e. made of molecules?
(ii) What type of bonding do we have within these molecules? ______________________
(iii)What strength of attractive force do we have between the molecules? ______________
(b) (i) Which substances are ionic i.e. made of ions?
(ii) What type of bonding do we have between these ions?
(iii)What strength of attractive force do we have between the ions? ___________________
(c) Predict which group of substances will have the lower melting points. Explain your answer.