French Pre-AP 3 Syllabus

Welcome to French class!
Mme Priscilla Blanton
Timberview High School
French I, II, Pre-AP II, Pre-AP III, and AP IV
Dear Parents/Guardians:
I am very excited to have your student in my French Pre-AP III class this year. Your student’s success is very important
to me, and I look forward to working with you and your student to help them reach their fullest potential. Please read
the attached syllabus and sign the form on the signature page for your student to return it to me. I would like to make
sure you are aware of what I expect from your student and what they can expect from me and my class. Thank you.
French Pre-AP III Syllabus
Course Description: This honors course expands students’ development in speaking, listening, writing, and reading,
especially in everyday situations. Literary selections are included for study of language and culture. The class uses
contemporary French films as tools to study authentic language and as examples of the cultures of the Francophone
world. Students will recycle concepts from Level 2 and continue to build their proficiency in French. Students will learn
appropriate vocabulary and structures to support their growing knowledge of French.
Discovering French Nouveau! Rouge, Level 3
Students are expected to be prepared for class each day with the following supplies:
3-ring binder, any color
5 dividers
Notebook paper
Blue or black ink pen
Students will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
Daily Work (includes Homework and Quizzes) 30%
Speaking and Listening Assessments**
Participation (includes Notebook)
**(note that this will appear as “Other” in Skyward)
At the end of the Semester, students will take a comprehensive Semester Final Exam. This exam will be averaged with
the 3 Six Weeks’ averages to produce the Semester Average as explained below:
Semester Exam—
20 %
First Six Weeks— 26.6%
Second Six Weeks— 26.6%
Third Six Weeks-- 26.6%
Students are expected to participate actively in class. Since learning a new language is learning a difficult new skill,
plenty of practice is needed both at home and in class. Students will be graded weekly on their participation in class.
Assignments Turned in Late:
Late assignments will be accepted for a maximum grade of 80% no later than the class meeting following the due date.
No credit will be awarded for assignments turned in after that date.
Makeup Work:
It is the student’s responsibility to come to me to find assignments missed and gather any papers needed to complete
makeup work.
Tutoring is available any day before school and by appointment after school. Please let Mme Blanton know in advance if
you plan to attend a tutoring session, either before or after school.
If a grade below 70% is earned on a test, the student has an option of a retest at their request. If a student takes a
retest, he or she can receive a maximum score of 70%. Tutoring is highly recommended for those requiring a retest. The
retest must be completed within one week of the originally scheduled test.
French Notebooks (Cahiers):
Students are required to maintain a notebook for French. Notebooks will be graded according to neatness, order, and
completion. The notebooks provide a study aid for students, as well as a systematic way to keep track of their progress
in class. Notebook grades will be given each six-week grading period. This grade will be included as one of their
participation grades. Directions for set-up and maintenance will be given in class. Students must bring the French
notebook to class every day.
Students must be in the classroom in their seats when the tardy bell rings or they will be counted tardy. If a student is
held by another teacher or school staff, they must enter with a signed pass from that person in order to be counted
Class Rules:
1. When the teacher talks, everybody listens. I will respect my students and I expect the same respect in return.
2. Respect your classmates’ space and right to learn in an orderly environment. Be polite, courteous, and
3. Do not bring unnecessary items to class.
Misbehavior Consequences:
Students are strongly encouraged to help create and maintain a positive learning environment in the classroom at all
times. Violation of the rules specified above will result in the following consequences:
- First offense: warning (“strike one”)
- Second offense: warning (“strike two”)
- Third offense: stay after class for a mini-conference with teacher
- Fourth offense: parent/guardian contacted
- Fifth offense (and subsequent): office referral
1. Verbal praise
2. “Chouettes”
3. French enrichment culture / game days for exceptional behavior as a class.
Academic Dishonesty:
Plagiarism, use of electronic translators or native speaker work, and/or copying from other students on assignments or
tests will result in consequences as outlined in the MISD Student Handbook. Credit will be denied for infractions
involving cheating.
French Pre-AP III Course Contents:
Note that Quizzes will be given for every lesson.
There will be 1-2 Tests per six-week grading period.
There will be at least one to two Speaking Assessments assigned per six-week period. Rubrics will be distributed
with each assessment.
Project rubrics (adapted for Pre-AP) will be distributed at the beginning of the six-week period.
Communicative goals will be supported by vocabulary and grammar instruction.
Culture will be woven into all units.
Six-Week Period
1st Six Weeks
August 27 – October 5
Reprise + Unité 1
Communicative Goals
Describing people
Describing one’s daily routine
2nd Six Weeks
October 9 – November 16
Unité 2
Helping around the house
Describing an object
3rd Six Weeks
November 26 – January 17
Unité 4
Asking for a variety of services
Shopping for various items
4th Six Weeks
January 22 – March 1
Unité 5/6
Planning a trip abroad
Going through customs
Reserving a room in a hotel
5th Six Weeks
March 4 – April 19
Unité 8
Explaining where one lives and how to get there
Discussing the advantages and disadvantages of city life
6th Six Weeks
April 22 – June 6
Unité 10 + Révision
Planning for a career
Looking for a job
*Dates are tentative and are subject to change based on student progress.
To be returned signed to Madame Blanton
This is a homework grade (Due date: no later than 8/30/12).
We have received a copy of the French Pre-AP III Syllabus and understand the policies described.
Parent’s Name Printed______________________________________
Mother_______________________ cell#________________ Work#_______________
Father_______________________ cell#________________ Work#_______________
Parent's signature __________________________________________
Parent’s email address __________________________________________
Home Phone___________________________
Student’s signature _________________________________________
Student’s email address __________________________________________
Merci beaucoup!