à votre cours de français III Classe: Français III Mme Namani Année

à votre cours de français III
Classe: Français III
Mme Namani
Année: 2014-2015
Bonjour Classe. My name is Madame Namani and I am your
French teacher for the school year 2014-2015.
Course Overview
We will be following the FBISD District curriculum and will
use our textbook and other resources to learn how to
successfully communicate in French. Our textbook,
Discovering French Nouveau, Rouge 3 is divided into units
of language study with interludes about French history,
art, and literature. We will be reading the book Le Petit
Prince as well as excerpts from other literary works.
Starting out the year by making vocabulary flashcards for
each lesson as we go along will be a valuable way to study.
Please bring the following materials to class every day:
• Textbook (must be covered at all times) Discovering French
• French class binder
• Homework
• Pen or pencil
• Colored pen for making corrections/Highlighter
Testing and Grading policy:
Testing Policies:
 During a test/quiz, if an electronic /a phone is found
in your possession, no matter if it is on or off, you
will receive a zero on the assessment and the device
or phone will be taken up. Your parent must see the
Assistant Principal to get it back. Before the
assessment, you will be given the opportunity to put
it in a plastic bag in the front of the room.
 If you are absent on the day of an announced test, you
will be required to make up that test during class
upon your return. If you miss instruction immediately
prior to a test, you will have one day to make up that
work before the taking the test, and you must make
special arrangements to make up the test. If you were
absent the day before an announced test, and there was
no new material covered on the day you were absent,
then you are still responsible to take the test on the
date scheduled on the calendar.
 If you look at another student’s paper during a test
you will receive a zero – this is cheating. If you
look at unauthorized materials during a test you will
receive a zero – this is cheating.
Determining Your Grade:
You will keep track of your grades by writing them down in
your French notebook.
You earn your grade. If you keep up with all assignments,
seek help when you do not understand something, and study
and review, then you will have no regrets because you will
have done your best. Nine weeks grades are determined by:
50% Daily Grades – including quizzes,
homework, collected assignments such as
binder checks
50% Major Grades – including tests
At the end of each grading period a comprehensive
assessment will be offered which can replace the lowest
earned major grade. The district policy will be followed
for determining the final course grade.
* 50 % DAILY – a minimum of 11 daily grades per nine
* 50% MAJOR – a minimum of 3 major grades per nine weeks.
Major Tests/grades – They will usually be announced with at
least one week notice in order for you to prepare and
arrange your study schedule. After you have been notified
of the date for a major grade, you will be held responsible
for it.
Oral grades – You will be graded on your ability to speak
French. Some examples of this assessment are oral
proficiency interviews, poetry recitation, oral
presentations or skits, and oral descriptions of pictures
or objects.
Projects – Student-prepared videos, power point
presentation, posters and class presentations are examples
of project grades.
Student/Family Access (Online Gradebook for Students and
Fort Bend ISD allows parents to access up-to-date student
information including grades using Family Access:
Expectations for All Students:
Vouch to always try your best. Then you have no
regrets. Ask, Ask and Ask.
Integrity should be shown by respecting yourself,
classmates, teachers, and your education.
Keep your work organized.
Enter class on time and be prepared.
Show responsibility for your absences. Each student is
responsible for checking the calendar and website, asking
for any necessary papers and assignments. Also you are
responsible for checking the calendar
and the website,
asking for any necessary
papers and assignment,
including making
up any missed work. If you are going to
absent for a school activity, you are expected to get
assignments ahead of time and be ready to continue with the
when you return. Additionally, pair up with a
classmate to get his/her phone # to find
missed if you are absent.
out what you
Wednesday and Thursday 6:50AM-7:20AM
Contacting Me:
If you are having any problems or have any concerns you
would like to discuss, please contact me. If you do not
wish to discuss it when others are around, you may write me
a note so I know to call you. You can also call or email
(you can
also access this through the school website)
281-634-5600 (front office)
My conference period is 5th period (11:05-12:40)
Allez La Classe de Français I!!! Courage!