Bill of Rights Constitutional Amendments 1-10


Bill of Rights




Chapters 5 & 6

First Amendment

• Freedom of:

– Religion - Speech - Petition

– Press - Assembly

• Establishment clause govt cannot establish an official religion; separation of church and state; different from other countries like Islamic Iran or China that discourages religion

• Free exercise clause protection of individual right to worship and believe w/out govt interference

• Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier allowed administrators to censor student publications;

Tinker = Students in the public schools do not "shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.“ However, a school need not tolerate student speech that is inconsistent with its "basic educational mission,"

• Brief Quiz:

– Is flag burning illegal?


– Can the gov’t censor the Internet?


Second Amendment

• Guarantees the right to keep and bear arms

• Needed for well-equipped citizen army for its own security

Third Amendment

• Prohibits the lodging of soldiers in peacetime w/out dweller’s consent

• Q: Does this still apply today? Why is this important?

Fourth Amendment

• Prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures of persons or property

• Probable cause reasonable grounds to believe that a suspect has committed a crime before making an arrest

• Search warrant court order that authorizes police to search the scene of a suspected crime

Fifth Amendment

• Guarantees rights to:

– Trial by jury - due process of law

– Fair payment when private property is taken for public use

• Due process of law govt may not act unfairly or unreasonably; fed govt cannot deprive citizen of “life, liberty, property”; 14 th amd places same restrictions on states and local govts

– Procedural law carried out by a method that is fair and orderly

– Substantive laws themselves must be reasonable

• Prohibits:

– Compulsory self-incrimination do not have to be witness against yourself

– Double jeopardy film clip

Sixth Amendment

• Guarantees rights to:

– Speedy and public trial by impartial jury

– Counsel

• Allows:

– The accused to cross examine witnesses against him/her

– Solicit testimony from witnesses in his/her favor

• Gideon v. Wainwright

Gideon accused of robbing a pool hall; did not have $ so requested lawyer; request denied; in prison, studied law; due process clause of 14 th states had to provide criminal defendants the 6 th amd right to counsel said

• Miranda v. Arizona (1966) must be clearly informed of your rights before conviction

• Movie Clip: Erin Brockovich

– Was she given a fair trial?

– What are some biases that might determine a trial?

Seventh Amendment

• Guarantees trial by jury in civil cases involving $20 or more

Eighth Amendment

• Prohibits:

– excessive bail and fines

– Cruel and unusual punishments authors fearful of tarring and feathering and whipping that had occurred during colonial times; Louisiana v. Resweber ok to convict a murder to a second electrocution after the first attempt failed; ok to put two prisoners in a cell built for one

• Plea Bargaining defendant pleads guilty to a sentence less serious than the charge the prosecutor originally brought

Ninth Amendment

• The people have rights in addition to those specified in the Constitution

Tenth Amendment

• Powers neither delegated to the nat’l gov’t nor denied to the states are reserved to the states or to the people
