The Great Gatsby – Soundtrack Project


The Great Gatsby – Soundtrack Project

So far this year, we’ve only slightly looked at the way diction helps us to understand setting and characters, and how these elements contribute to an author’s overall tone (the author’s/speaker’s/character’s attitude towards the subject) and mood (atmosphere-feelings in the reader) of the story. For this project, you will be asked to dig deeper into the first four chapters of the novel by analyzing the author’s diction and the overall effect of his choice of words. The catch? Once you analyze the text and develop a deeper understanding of the mood and tone, you’ll be compiling a soundtrack that reflects your findings.

The Details:

1. Using either PowerPoint or Google Slides, you will create a slideshow explaining your choices for the soundtrack.

2. Use the following guidelines to help you organize your slides: a. Title slide (includes your name, class, and due date. Also, your title slide should include the title “The Great Gatsby Soundtrack”) b. Analysis slide- Focus on specific examples of diction from the chapter and discuss the effects of the word choice. Specifically, what kind of tone or mood does the author create?

**To help you continue working maintaining a focused discussion of diction, and so that you can continue to improve the way you integrate quotes, please see the example on the website. c. Song selection slide- Include the title of the song you have selected, the artist who performs it. Provide an explanation of how the song captures or reflects the tone or mood of the chapter. The lyrics themselves may be similar to the mood or tone you discussed from the chapter, or perhaps the sound of the song itself reflects the feel of the chapter. Whatever the case, you are expected to be clear in your discussion of why you chose the song that you did. d. Repeat steps b and c for each of the four chapters that we have read.

3. Use proper MLA citation for your analysis slides (Purdue Owl is a good site, if you need a refresher).

4. Visual supplements are not necessary for each slides, however including some sort of visual will enhance your slides.

5. Please be sure to use the following naming convention for your document: firstinitalLastname_GatsbySoundtrack ex: VRowlinson_GatsbySoundtrack

6. Share/send your slideshow soundtracks by _______________________________________
