Secondary Schools Conference Secondary Schools Conference Leading Change High excellence high equity - Raising the bar and narrowing the gap High Excellence High Equity - Raising the Bar and Narrowing the Gap 560 OECD average High excellence Low equity High excellence High equity Mean score on reading scale 540 Korea Finland New Zealand 520 Canada Japan Australia Belgium 500 OECD average Norway Scotland Sweden Switzerland US N Ireland Germany England Poland OECD average Spain 480 Wales Luxembourg Low excellence Low equity 460 70 80 Low excellence High equity Turkey 90 100 200 minus Variance 110 (a) 120 130 Source: PISA 2009, OECD (a) Total variance (between and within schools) is expressed as a percentage of the average variance in student performance across OECD countries. The OECD average is 101. For this chart, the variance is displayed as 200-variance, ie a country with a high relative variance of 120 will appear on this chart as 80 to the left of the chart. 140 Ingredients of successful systems from the PISA studies Systematic and equitable funding Universal standards – mirrored in the views of students, parents and school principals School autonomy Mix of accountability systems – internal and external Continuous monitoring of standards and quick interventions when failure to achieve them is identified Ingredients of successful systems from the PISA studies cont… Creating the appropriate environment to achieve the standards set: get the right people to become teachers develop teachers into effective instructors (PD internal and external) place incentives and differentiated support systems to ensure that every child gets the support that it needs Focus on the curriculum and introduce skills required for the 21st century Networking and innovation Excellence and equity are achievable! How the world’s most improved school systems keep getting better McKinsey 2010 Four stages of improvement were identified as well as ‘stage-dependent’ intervention clusers: ‘poor to fair’ – ensuring basic standards ‘fair to good’ – consolidating system foundations ‘good to great’ – professionalising teaching and leadership ‘great to excellent’ – system led innovation Towards system wide sustainable reform Prescription Building Capacity Professionalism National Prescription Every School a Great School Schools Leading Reform Awful to Adequate Adequate to Good System Leadership Good to Great So in summary System improvement requires integration and coordination across every level Teachers Deliver classroom instruction Collaborate with peers to develop, test and share pedagogical practices that raise student outcomes Engage parents as needed to advance student performance So in summary System improvement requires integration and co-ordination across every level cont… Leaders Define and drive school improvement strategy, consistent with direction from middle/centre Provide instructional and administrative leadership for the school Involve school community to achieve school improvement goals So in summary System improvement requires integration and co-ordination across every level cont… The ‘middle layer’ Provide targeted support to schools and monitor compliance Facilitate communication between schools and the centre Encourage inter-school collaboration Buffer community resistance to change So in summary System improvement requires integration and co-ordination across every level cont… The centre Set system strategy for improvement Create support and accountability mechanisms to achieve system goals Establish decision rights across all system entities and levels Build up skills and leadership capacity at all system levels The OECD Improving School Leadership Activity An International Perspective Australia Austria Belgium (French) Belgium (Flanders) Chile Denmark Finland France Hungary Ireland Israel Korea The Netherlands New Zealand Network of experts Norway Portugal Slovenia International organisations Spain Sweden United Kingdom (England) United Kingdom (N. Ireland) United Kingdom (Scotland) School leadership: a policy priority The role of leadership has changed dramatically School autonomy: “Running a small business” Administration and management Human and financial resources Accountability for outcomes: A new culture of evaluation Assessment, (self) evaluation, quality assurance, public reporting New approaches to teaching and learning More diverse student populations More emphasis on raising performance of all Need to invest in the knowledge and skills of leaders on the job School leadership: why does it matter? School Leadership Classroom School Local level System level • At the school level, leadership can improve teaching and learning by setting objectives and influencing classroom practice • At the local level, school leadership can improve equal opportunities by collaborating with other schools and local communities • At the system level, school leadership is essential for successful education reform Segmentation of the Secondary School System in England 100 90 N = 3313 Actual 5+A*-C % 2003 80 70 Low Achieving Below 30% 5+A-C N = 483 60 Underperforming 50 N = 539 40 Progressing N = 1495 30 High Performing 20 N = 696 10 Leading the System 0 N = 100 Estimated 5+A*-C % from pupil KS3 data 5+A*-C >=30%, lower quartile value added 5+A*-C >=30%, 2575th percentile value added 5+A*-C >=30%, upper quartile value added Networking and Segmentation: Highly Differentiated Improvement Strategies Type of School Key strategies – responsive to context and need System Leadership Role Leading schools - Become curriculum and pedagogical innovators - Formal federation with lowerperforming schools - Leading Edge - Consultant Leaders and National Support Schools Succeeding schools with internal variation - Regular local networking - Subject specialist support to particular depts. - Education Improvement Partnerships - 14-19 partnerships Underperforming schools - Linked school support - Consistency interventions Failing schools - Formal support in a Federation structure - New provider - Raising Achievement Transforming Learning - School Improvement Partners - Consultant Leaders and National Support Schools - School Sponsored Academy • 30% Floor target for 5 A*-C GCSE including English and maths • The 909 floor target schools in 2004/05 = 29% of all secondary schools and the 237 in 2008/09 now = just 8% • A 74% reduction in the number below floor over 5 years 1000 909 781 Secondary Schools 800 631 600 439 400 237 200 0 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 • Half of all floor targets schools are in a third of regions – this is based on the 237 in 2008/09 • In this third of regions floor target schools make up at least 10% of all secondary schools • Some regions have less than 5% schools below floor Secondary Schools 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 48 44 34 33 25 19 16 15 13 These Twelve Secondary Schools … Are in the highest category of deprivation (35% or more FSM), yet, they all: – Achieve over 80% good GCSE passes at 16, with a consistent trajectory of improvement – Have at least two recent inspection reports judged as ‘outstanding’ – Received outstanding grades for teaching and learning, leadership and the school overall – Record a pattern of high contextual value added scores from Key Stage 2 (age 11) to Key Stage 4 (age 16) They defy the association of poverty with outcomes Yet the scale of challenge faced by these schools is considerable: – Higher than average proportion come form poor or disturbed family backgrounds where support for learning and expectation of achievement are low – Many students are subject to emotional and psychological tension and regular attendance is a problem – They are open to a range of ‘urban ills’ that often characterise poorer communities – drugs and alcohol, peer pressure of gangs and fashion and overt racism which tend to attract behaviour which ranges from anti-social to violent. – Getting these students ready and willing to learn is a constant challenge, which the schools strive to meet by providing a better daytime alternative to being at home or on the streets. 21st Century Schools succeed for the following reasons: • • • • • They excel at what they do not just occasionally but for a high proportion of the time They prove constantly that disadvantage need not be a barrier to achievement They put their students first, invest in their staff and nurture their communities They have strong values and high expectations that are applied consistently and are never relaxed They fulfil individual potential through providing outstanding teaching, rich opportunities for learning and encouragement and support for each student • • • • • They are highly inclusive, having complete regard for the educational progress, personal development and well being of every student Their achievements do not happen by chance, but by highly reflective, carefully planned and implemented strategies They operate with a very high degree of internal consistency They are constantly looking for ways to improve further They have outstanding and well distributed leadership At the heart of this is outstanding leadership practice The Heads of these schools are not by and large iconic – they have taken on challenging schools out of a deep commitment to improving the lot of their students and communities. Moral purpose may be at the heart of it but successful Heads need a range of attributes and skills if they are to succeed in dealing with the challenges presented by turbulent and complex communities. • Clear and unshakeable principles and sense of purpose • Vigilance and visibility • Courage and conviction • Predisposition to immediate action, letting nothing slip • Insistence on Consistency of approach, individually and across the organisation • Drive and determination • Belief in people • Ability to communicate • leadership by example • Emotional intelligence • Tireless energy A change for the better … Before the change of head teacher, the school: The new head teacher: • • • • • • • Was comfortable and happy Had a strong pastoral system although this was reliant on personalities rather than systems Had little culture of change and improvement Had a questionable work ethic Set expectations around happy, well-adjusted students with little discussion of whether they should also achieve higher academic levels Had a well liked head who was easygoing, genial and supportive but not challenging, often absent and who allowed poor staff to remain in post. • • • • • • • • • • Faced initial staff resentment with data; there was a belief that the school was happy and did not need to change Gradually changed the culture over a few years Retained what was good Maintained a relentlessly positive attitude showed high energy Was a lateral thinker, prepared to take a gamble Had a very ‘can do’ attitude and said ‘yes’ wherever possible Was prepared to tackle difficult issues such as weeding out poor staff Trusted and motivated staff Was approachable and relaxed Made good use of promotion to bring alienated staff onside Used the wider senior team to involve more staff as leaders It is not surprising … • … that a number of themes emerged which were common to most or all of the schools. These included, for example, attention to the quality of teaching and learning; the assessment and tracking of student’s progress; target-setting, support and intervention; attracting teachers and growing leaders. • It is important to stress that the success of these schools is due not simply to what they do but the fact that it is rigorously distilled and applied good practice, cleverly selected and modified to fit the needs of the school. The schools do not value innovation for its own sake, but only when it adds something extra. The practices described here are not ‘off the peg’ tricks; they mesh together and work synchronously. Leadership as Adaptive Work Technical Solutions Adaptive Work System Leadership Technical problems can be solved through applying existing know how - adaptive challenges create a gap between a desired state and reality that cannot be closed using existing approaches alone The Nature of Adaptive Work An adaptive challenge is a problem situation for which solutions lie outside current ways of operating. • Adaptive challenges demand learning, because ‘people are the problem’ [as well as the solution] and progress requires new ways of thinking & operating. • Mobilising people to meet adaptive challenges, then, is at the heart of leadership practice. • Ultimately, adaptive work requires us to reflect on the moral purpose by which we seek to thrive and demands diagnostic enquiry into the realities we face that threaten the realisation of those purposes. From Ron Heifetz – ‘Adaptive Work’ (in Bentley and Wilsdon 2003) The Ring of Confidence Circles of Competence Motion Leadership and Powerful Learning Motion Leadership Powerful Learning Connect peers with purpose Ring 1 – Moral purpose Literacy, Numeracy and Curiosity Capacity building triumphs judgmentalism Ring 2 – Pre-conditions Leadership, Expectations and Teaching Learning is the work Ring 3 – Classroom practice Instructional core and precise teaching strategies Transparency rules Ring 4 – Organizational capacity Data, Planning and SIGs Love, trust and resistance Leadership for all Ring 4 – Organizational capacity PLCs, Organizational design Workforce reform Outer Ring System leadership, Differential intervention, Networks and innovation, Families and community Powerful Learning - 1 Powerful Learning – 2 Powerful Learning – 3 Powerful Learning – 4 Powerful Learning – 5 Powerful Learning – 6 From Outside In to Inside Out Centre Change learning Policy School Teaching Strategies Planning/Organisatio n Planning/Organis ation Teacher Policy choices Student Learning Centre OutsideIn Inside Out Inside - Out The School Improvement Planning Framework REGION NETWORK SCHOOL CLASSROOM STUDENT Secondary Schools Conference Getting into the Classroom Moral Purpose of Schooling I know what my learning objectives are and feel in control of my learning I get to learn lots of interesting and different subjects I can get a level 4 in English and Maths before I go to secondary school I know what good work looks like and can help myself to learn I know if I need extra help or to be challenged to do better I will get the right support My parents are involved with the school and I feel I belong here I can work well with and learn from many others as well as my teacher I enjoy using ICT and know how it can help my learning I know how I am being assessed and what I need to do to improve my work I can get the job that I want All these …. whatever my background, whatever my abilities, wherever I start from How the demand for skills has changed Mean task input as percentiles of the 1960 task distribution Economy-wide measures of routine and non-routine task input in the USA 65 Routine manual 60 Nonroutine manual 55 Routine cognitive 50 Nonroutine analytic 45 Nonroutine interactive 40 1960 1970 1980 1990 2002 The dilemma of schools: The skills that are easiest to teach and test are also the ones that are easiest to digitise, automate and outsource “What does it mean to be educated?” at any particular phase of education Being educated at any particular age has four central elements: • a breadth of knowledge gained from a curricula entitlement; • a range of skills on a developmental continuum that reflects increasing depth at ages 7, 11, 14,16, and in many cases, 18; • a range of learning experiences; • a set of key products, projects or artifacts. It also means that students are sufficiently articulate to: • sustain employability through basic skills; • apply their knowledge and skills in different contexts; • choose from and learn in a range of post-14 study (assuming an entitlement curriculum up until then); • draw on wider experiences to inform further learning and choice. Most educational systems use examination results as a proxy measure for this range of quality outcomes Effect Size of Teaching Student Performance McKinsey & Company, 2007:11 100th percentile 90th percentile 53 percentile points 50th percentile 37th percentile 0 percentile Age 8 Age 11 Focus on the Instructional Core CURRICULUM POWERFUL LEARNING TASKS TEACHING and LEARNING STRATEGIES STUDENT ENGAGEMENT What is ‘Professional Practice’? • By practice we mean something quite specific. We mean a set of protocols and processes for observing, analyzing, discussing and understanding instruction that can be used to improve student learning at scale. The practice works because it creates a common discipline and focus among practitioners with a common purpose and set of problems. • The real insight here is that you can maintain all the values and commitments that make you a person and still give yourself permission to change your practice. Your practice is an instrument for expressing who you are as a professional; it is not who you are. I wrote (with Bruce Joyce) some time ago that: Learning experiences are composed of content, process and social climate. As teachers we create for and with our children opportunities to explore and build important areas of knowledge, develop powerful tools for learning, and live in humanizing social conditions. Powerful Learning … Is the ability of learners to respond successfully to the tasks they are set, as well as the task they set themselves In particular, to: – Integrate prior and new knowledge – Acquire and use a range of learning skills – Solve problems individually and in groups – Think carefully about their successes and failures – Accept that learning involves uncertainty and difficulty All this has been termed “meta-cognition” – it is the learners’ ability to take control over their own learning processes. A Secondary Approach for Powerful Learning Learning Intentions Tasks Pace Questioning & Questions Reflection Collaborative Group Work Academic Vocabulary Tactical Strategic Teaching Skills Nine Theory of Action Principles • • • • • • • • • When teacher directed instruction becomes more enquiry focused the level of student engagement and achievement increases When teachers set learning intentions use appropriate pace and have a clear and strong narrative about their teaching then student’s are more secure about their learning and their level engagement and understanding is increased By consistently adopting protocols for teaching student behaviour and engagement is enhanced By consistently adopting protocols for learning student understanding, skill level and confidence is enhanced If teachers use cooperative group structures / techniques to mediate between whole class instruction and students carrying out tasks then the academic performance of the whole class will increase When teachers systematically use higher order questioning the level of student understanding is deepened When feedback contains reference to practical actions student behaiour becomes more positive and consistent When peer assessment (AfL) is consistently utilized student engagement, learning and achievement increases When learning tasks are purposeful, clearly defined, differentiated and challenging, (according to the students Zone of Proximal Development), then the more powerful and precise the learning for all students Number of students Reaching for the “Double Sigma Effect” Achievement of students Average Effect Size Using Learning Intentions Average Effect Size Using Higher-level Questions Average Effect Size Using Feedback Grouping the theories of action – 1 Planning for Teaching • When teacher directed instruction becomes more enquiry focused the level of student engagement and achievement increases • When teachers set learning intentions use appropriate pace and have a clear and strong narrative about their teaching then student’s are more secure about their learning and their level engagement and understanding is increased • By consistently adopting protocols for teaching student behaviour and engagement is enhanced Learning Intentions Theory of Action - When teachers set learning intentions use appropriate pace and have a clear and strong narrative about their teaching then student’s are more secure about their learning and their level engagement and understanding is increased Effect Size – 0.56 Group Discussion 1. What is the practice related to learning intentions in your school and how widespread is it? 2. How helpful is the exhibit in helping you become more specific and consistent in the practice of setting learning intentions in your school? 3. What will be the impact of the consistent use of setting learning intentions on the learning of your students? 4. How will you achieve it? Learning Intentions and Direct Instruction - Exhibit 1. Before the lesson is prepared, the teacher should have a clear idea of what the learning intentions are. What, specifically, should the student be able to do, understand, care about as a result of the teaching? 2. The teacher needs to know what success criteria of performance are to be expected and when and what students will be held accountable for from the lesson/activity. The students need to be informed about the standards of performance. 3. There is a need to build commitment and engagement in the learning task. In the terminology of Direct Instruction, this is sometimes called a “hook” to grab the student’s attention. The aim is to put students into a receptive frame of mind; to focus students attention on the lesson; to share the learning intentions. 4. There are guides to how the teacher should present the lesson – including notions such as input, modelling, and checking for understanding. Input refers to providing information needed for students to gain the knowledge or skill through lecture, film, tape, video, pictures, and so on. Modelling is where the teacher shows students examples of what is expected as an end product of their work. Checking for understanding involves monitoring whether students have “got it” before proceeding. 5. There is notion of guided practice. This involves an opportunity for each student to demonstrate his or her grasp of new learning by working through an activity or exercise under the teacher’s direct supervision. 6. There is the closure part of the lesson. Closure involves those actions or statements by a teacher that are designed to bring a lesson presentation to an appropriate conclusion: the part wherein students are helped to bring things together in their own minds, to make sense out of what has been just taught. “Any questions? No. OK, let’s move on” is not closure. 7. There is independent practice. Once students have mastered the content or skill, it is time to provide for reinforcement practice. It is provided on a repeating schedule so that the learning is not forgotten. It may be homework or group or individual work in class. The advocates of Direct Instruction argue that the failure to do this seventh step is responsible for most student failure to be able to apply something learned. In a nutshell: The teacher decides the learning intentions and success criteria, makes them transparent to the students, demonstrates them by modelling, evaluates if they understand what they have been told by checking for understanding, and re-telling them what they have told by tying it all together with closure. Adapted from Hattie Grouping the theories of action – 2 Planning for Learning • By consistently adopting protocols for learning student understanding, skill level and confidence is enhanced • If teachers use cooperative group structures / techniques to mediate between whole class instruction and students carrying out tasks then the academic performance of the whole class will increase • When teachers systematically use higher order questioning the level of student understanding is deepened Higher Order Questions Theory of Action - When teachers systematically use higher order questioning the level of student understanding is deepened Effect Size – 0.73 Group Discussion 1. What is the practice related to higher order questioning in your school and how widespread is it? 2. How helpful is the exhibit in helping you become more specific and consistent in the practice of higher order questioning in your school? 3. What will be the impact of the consistent use of higher order questioning on the learning of your students? 4. How will you achieve it? Higher Order Questions - Exhibit Formulating Questions for Higher-Order Thinking Building on Bloom’s Taxonomy, teachers can easily move students to recall more than simple knowledge-level facts. By asking higher-order questions, teachers can require students to think about what they’ve learned and find ways to apply it to their lives and other disciplines. Below are some examples of questions that go with each level of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Bloom’s Taxonomy Key Words Sample Questions Knowledge List List characteristics of each of the main characters. Label Match names with appropriate picture Identify Identify the important details from the story Tabulate Arrange story events in sequential order Name Recall details about the setting of the story Bloom’s Taxonomy Key Words Sample Questions Comprehension Interpret Interpret pictures or scenes from the story Explain Explain parts of the story in your own words Compare How are two characters in the story alike or different? Summarise Write a paragraph summarising what happened in the story Predict Predict what could happen next before reading the rest of the book Classify Classify selected objects as living or nonliving Change Move a main character to a new setting and explain what will happen Illustrate Make puppets and dramatise parts of the story Relate How are you like the main character in the story? Solve Think of a situation in the story and explain how you would have handled it differently Analyze Distinguish fantasy from reality in the story Select Select parts of the story that were funniest or happiest Compare Compare the two main characters in the story Infer Identify a character who is similar to you in personality Debate Discuss the pros and cons of a character’s decision Application Analysis Bloom’s Taxonomy Key Words Sample Questions Synthesis Design Advertise the story on a poster so will want to read it Modify Rewrite the role of the main character to create a new outcome Create Create an original character and add him/her to the story Invent Write lyrics to a popular tune that explains how the character felt in the story Combine Combine characters and events from two stories to create one new story Judge Write about why a character should or should not have acted the way he did Convince Prepare a book talk that persuades other students to read the book Rank Compare this story to another one and explain which one you like the best Support Decide which character you would like to spend the day with and tell why Conclude Change the main character’s decision and write a new ending for the story Evaluation Grouping the theories of action – 3 Planning for Teaching and Learning • When feedback contains reference to practical actions student learning behaviour becomes more positive and consistent • When peer assessment (AfL) is consistently utilized student engagement, learning and achievement increases • When learning tasks are purposeful, clearly defined, differentiated and challenging, (according to the students Zone of Proximal Development), then the more powerful and precise the learning for all students Student Feedback Theory of Action -When feedback contains reference to practical actions student learning behaviour becomes more positive and consistent Effect Size – 0.73 Group Discussion 1. What is the practice related to student feedback in your school and how widespread is it? 2. How helpful is the exhibit in helping you become more specific and consistent in the practice of student feedback in your school? 3. What will be the impact of the consistent use of student feedback on the learning of your students? 4. How will you achieve it? Feedback - Exhibit Neuroscience E5 Tools Tactics Literate Numerate Curious Models Evaluate Three ways of thinking about Teaching Teaching Skills Teaching Models Reflection Teaching Relationships Teaching Models Our toolbox is the models of teaching, actually models for learning, that simultaneously define the nature of the content, the learning strategies, and the arrangements for social interaction that create the learning contexts of our students. For example, in powerful classrooms students learn models for: • Extracting information and ideas from lectures and presentations • Memorising information • Building hypotheses and theories • Attaining concepts and how to invent them • Using metaphors to think creatively • Working effectively with other to initiate and carry out co-operative tasks Effect Size of Teaching Strategies • Information Processing – a mean effect size over 1.0 for higher order outcomes • Cooperative Learning – a mean effect between 0.3 to 0.7 • Personal Models – a mean effect of 0.3 or more for cognitive, affective and behavioural outcomes • Behavioural Models – a mean effect between 0.5 to 1.0. Best representatives are for short term treatments looking at behavioural or knowledge of content outcomes The whole point of schools is that children come first… …and everything we do must reflect this single goal “Students First” Secondary Schools Conference Leadership, Implementation and Staff Development Powerful Learning – Theory of Action If all the distinct but interrelated parts of the NMR {Powerful learning Strategy – the rings and each component of each ring – are aligned and working together, then all schools will improve ‘Seven Strong Claims about School Leadership’ • School leadership is second only to classroom instruction as an influence on student learning. • Almost all successful (school) leaders draw on the same repertoire of basic leadership practices. • It is the enactment of the same basic leadership practices – not the practices themselves – that is responsive to the context. • School leaders improve pupil learning indirectly through their influence on staff motivation and working conditions. • School leadership has a greater influence on schools and pupils when it is widely distributed. • Some patterns of leadership distribution are much more effective than others. • A small handful of personal “traits” explain a high proportion of the variation (such as being open minded, flexible, persistent and optimistic) in leader effectiveness. Structural Equation Modelling – Connecting Headteacher Effectiveness and Pupil Outcomes Building Vision, Setting Directions Pace / Timing School Leadership - Improvement Group - Time in post - FSM - Internal states - Provision of leadership - Age - Values - Sector - Ethnic Diversity - School size - Urban/rural - Level of deprivation in area Understanding & Developing People -Succession planning -Monitoring and accountability Culture & Climate Academic Altered Practices Personal and Social Pedagogic Focus Behaviour Student & Staff Engagement & Motivation Affective Pace / Timing Organisational Redesign -Distributive leadership practices -Correspondence with teaching & learning purposes Pace / Timing Managing Teaching and Learning - Innovative practices - Use of data Act as a Community Leader Work as a Change Agent Managing Teaching and Learning Developing Organisations Personal Development Lead a Successful Educational Improvement Partnership Moral Purpose Strategic Acumen Developing People Lead and Improve a School in Challenging Circumstances Partner another School Facing Difficulties and Improve it A Secondary School’s Line of Success 1: Urgent Attention – Back to 2: Rebuilding and Making School Basics 1996-9 more Student-Centred 2000-2 Development of new school ethos with focus on teaching and learning Introduced Hay perceptions – Transforming learning; pupils asked to comment on 9 aspects of classroom environment and teaching – their views taken into account Classroom observations for all and coaching Mechanisms for ineffective staff to be worked out Raising pupil self-esteem with target setting Focus on improving behaviour and clamp down on truancy (winning Truancy Award in 2001) Building new pastoral system Appointed new Heads of Maths and English Autocratic Leadership Restructuring process New Staff structure Staff Training on OFSTED 9 redundancies, which enabled restructuring Involving and empowering governors Aiming to push standards up Built new SLT – Focus on building different teams and interlocking teams Getting floating voters on board HT’s Line of Success Academic outcomes go hand in hand with broader outcomes, as they support each other 1996 All Phases: Benchmarking the school against national awards – Strategic mechanism to raise 2000 3: Period of Reflection and Curriculum Development 2002-4 Building a culture of education with shared expectations Student Council consulted with all new appointments More pupil voice and pupil centred environment Training with SLT and middle leaders Delegated leadership and devolved responsibility – making people accountable Developing a strong school ethos and raising expectations Not allowing pupils to fail – introduction of coursework clubs after school to ensure coursework is completed Pathways developed to meet pupil needs Focus more towards learning than teaching Key strategy: Linking SLT members with a Head of Faculty: Made significant contribution to shared school ethos and tackling difficult issues. Also provided confidence and support to middle leaders 2002 4: Distributed Leadership More delegation Faith in the team Staff inductions for NQTs Establishing common base lines – appoint best trainees Partner school with several universities for ITT Focus on pupil needs Each SLT member manages an area of the curriculum – support for middle leaders and insight for them into SLT thinking improved ethos and atmosphere Focus on ECM – more fun and pupils more involved in school life; more pupil centred activities and pupil voice New pastoral ethos – nonteaching assistants Emphasis on pupil personal development Refining curriculum to meet pupil needs with different pathways – to be further developed in the future 2004 Whole school development and classroom practice Specific targets and success criteria related to pupils’ learning, progress and achievement that are clear and unambiguous An action plan for student achievement will need to include the following: • Specific targets and success criteria related to pupils’ learning, progress and achievement that are clear and unambiguous; • Teaching and learning strategies designed to meet the targets; • Evidence to be gathered to judge the success in achieving the targets set; • Modifications to management arrangements to enable targets to be met; • Tasks to be done to achieve the targets set and who is responsible for doing them; • Time it will take; • How much it will cost in terms of the budget, staff time, staff development and other resources; • Responsibility for monitoring the implementation of the plan – progress checks; • Evaluating its impact over time – success check. Success Criteria Success criteria are a form of school-generated performance indicator, which: – give clarity about the target: what exactly are you trying to achieve?; – point to the standard expected by the team; – provide advance warning of the evidence needed to judge successful implementation; – give an indication of the time-scale involved. Progress and Success Checks Regular progress checks involve: • giving somebody in the team responsibility for ensuring that the progress checks take place; • reviewing progress at team meetings, especially when taking the next step forward or making decisions about future directions; • deciding what will count as evidence of progress in relation to the success criteria; • finding quick methods of collecting evidence from different sources; • recording the evidence and conclusions for later use. Success checks take place at the end of the developmental work on a target. The team now decides how successful the implementation of the target or priority as a whole has been. Checking success need not be complex or time-consuming. It will consist largely in collating, and then drawing a conclusion about, the earlier progress checks. The relationship between progress and success checks The Planning Process The ‘Iceberg Model’ of Educational Change Content & Structures Values and Beliefs Behaviours Three Phases of Educational Change Institutionalisation Initiation Implementation “The Implementation Dip” Time Matt Miles on Change Agent Skills TRUST DIAGNOSIS PLAN WORKING IN GROUPS KNOWHOW CONFIDENCE TO CONTINUE The Experience of Educational Change change takes place over time; change initially involves anxiety and uncertainty; technical and psychological support is crucial; the learning of new skills is incremental and developmental; successful change involves pressure and support within a collaborative setting; organisational conditions within and in relation to the school make it more or less likely that the school improvement will occur. Joined up Professional Development for the Whole Workforce … in Schools • Make space and time for ‘deep learning’ and teacher enquiry • Use the research on learning and teaching to impact on student achievement • Studying classroom practice increases the focus on student learning • By working in small groups the whole school staff can become a nurturing unit • Invest in school-based processes for improving teacher’s pedagogical content knowledge Six Approaches to Staff Development • • • • • • Achieving Consistency Specific Observation Schedules Japanese ‘Lesson Study’ Coaching Instructional Rounds Peer Coaching A Three Phase Strategy for School Improvement • Phase One: Establishing the Process • Phase Two: Going Whole School • Phase Three: Sustaining Momentum Phase One: Establishing the Process • Commitment to the School Improvement Approach • Selection of Learning Leaders and School Improvement Team • Enquiring into the Strengths and Weaknesses of the School • Designing the Whole School Programme • Seeding the Whole School Approach Devise your programme around core values • Every school can improve • Improvement is assessed in terms of enhanced pupil outcomes • Every individual in the school has a contribution to make • Start from where the school is, but set high goals • Model good practice with precision • Raise expectations of what is possible. Preparing for School Improvement Pre-conditions Commitment to School Improvement General consensus on values Understanding of key principles School Level Preparations Shared values A mandate from staff Leadership potential Identification of change agents Willingness to make structural changes Capacity for improvement Unifying Focus Improvement Theme An enquiry into Teaching and Learning Means School Improvement Strategy Phase Two: Going Whole School • The Initial Whole School PD Day(s) • Establishing the Curriculum and Teaching Focus • Establishing the Learning Teams: − Curriculum groupings − Peer coaching or ‘buddy’ groups • The Initial Cycle of Enquiry • Sharing Initial Success on the Curriculum Tour Curriculum Tour WHOLE SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT PRIORITY An Enquiry into Teaching and Learning Stage I Stage II Stage III Dept. A (Inductive Teaching) Dept. B (Inductive Teaching) Dept C (Inductive Teaching) ‘Curriculum Tour’ Group Work Memory Synectics WHOLE SCHOOL WORKING TOWARDS REPERTOIRE OF TEACHING AND LEARNING STRATEGIES In addition, School Improvement Team members are involved in: • Out of school training sessions on capacity building and teaching and learning; • The pursuit of their own knowledge in support of their role – about leadership, the management and implementation of change, the design of professional development activities etc.; • Planning meetings in school; • Consultancy to school working groups; • Observation and in-classroom support; • Study visits to other schools within the network. Phase Three: Sustaining Momentum • Establishing Further Cycles of Enquiry • Building Teacher Learning into the Process • Sharpening the Focus on Student Learning • Finding Ways of Sharing Success and Building Networks • Reflecting on the Culture of the School and Department Moving to Scale Cohorts of 6 - 8 Schools 6 - 8 Members of School Improvement Group Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 PLAN Cohort A Cohort B Cohort C | | ………………………. | | | …………......... | …………..... The Logic of System Leadership Learning Potential of all Students Repertoire of Learning Skills Models of Learning - Tools for Teaching Embedded in Curriculum Context and Schemes of Work Whole School Emphasis on High Expectations and Pedagogic Consistency Sharing Schemes of Work and Curriculum Across and Between Schools, Clusters, Regions, States and Nationally System Leadership Roles A range of emerging roles, including heads who: – develop and lead a successful educational improvement partnership across local communities to support welfare and potential – choose to lead and improve a school in extremely challenging circumstances – partner another school facing difficulties and improve it. This category includes Executive Heads and leaders of more informal improvement arrangements – act as curriculum and pedagogic innovators who develop and then transfer best practice across the system – Work as change agents or experts leaders as National Leader of Education, School Improvement Partner, Consultant Leader. Leading change ‘You must be the change you wish to see in the world’ Professor David Hopkins David Hopkins is Professor Emeritus at the Institute of Education, University of London, where until recently, he held the inaugural HSBC iNet Chair in International Leadership. He is a Trustee of Outward Bound and is Executive Director of the new charity ‘Adventure Learning Schools’. David holds visiting professorships at the Catholic University of Santiago, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Universities of Edinburgh, Melbourne and Wales and consults internationally on school reform. Between 2002 and 2005 he served three Secretary of States as the Chief Adviser on School Standards at the Department for Education and Skills. Previously, he was Chair of the Leicester City Partnership Board, Dean of the Faculty of Education at the University of Nottingham where among other things, he was centrally involved in establishing the National College for School Leadership. Before that again he was a Tutor at the University of Cambridge Institute of Education, a Secondary School teacher and Outward Bound Instructor. David is also an International Mountain Guide who still climbs regularly in the Alps and Himalayas. His recent books Every School a Great School and System Leadership in Practice are published by The Open University Press.