St. David Computer Engineering Parts List Pick one or more random input and output devices and imagine a new invention that makes use of them. Perhaps throw a communication link in there. Maybe some storage. Then use your Arduino to glue them all together. For example, if you combined: - Accelerometer - Arduino - Bluetooth Module - A Blackberry app You could make a system that automatically calls for help if you fall down. The accelerometer is an input to the Arduino, which decides if the fall is serious. If so, it sends a message over Bluetooth to the Blackberry. An app on the Blackberry then sends an emergency message over SMS or email with the GPS coordinates of the victim. For example, if you combined: - Voice recognition module - GPS module - Arduino - Motor Controllers You could make a robot car that follows voice commands (“Forward!” “Stop!” “Right”) or drives entirely by itself by following GPS coordinates (“Go to John’s house.”). Or just think of something that annoys you. Then imagine some way to get rid of that annoyance - possibly using Bluetooth. Inputs Sensor Kit v2 With everything included in this kit, you'll be able to sense acceleration, distance, compass heading, vibration, humidity, movement, ambient light, temperature, and more! Infrared Thermometer Module is an intelligent non-contact temperature sensor with a single pin serial interface for connection to most microcontrollers. Ultrasound module - MaxSonar-EZ1 The MaxSonar-EZ1 is one of the smallest, most efficient, sonar (ultrasonic) ranging systems available. The MaxSonar-EZ1 can detect objects from 0-inches to 254-inches (6.45 meters / 21.1 ft.) and provides sonar range information from 6-inches out to 254-inches with 1-inch resolution. The interface output formats included are pulse width output, analog voltage output, and serial output (TTL). GPS Module - PMB-648 GPS SiRF Internal Antenna The PMB-648 GPS features 20 parallel satellite-tracking channels for fast acquisition of NMEA0183 v2.2 data for robotics navigation, telemetry, or experimentation. Light dependent resistor (LDR) Resistance varies with how much light hits it. Potentiometer Detect the angle at which a knob or an attached elbow joint is rotated/opened. Voice Recognition - Say It Module This one actually listens for commands - up to 23 built-in pre-programmed or up to 32 userdefined commands. PIR Motion Sensor The Passive Infra-Red (PIR) sensor is a +5V motion detection sensor that outputs a single status bit when it has been tripped. This is a great sensor for home automation. Blackberry Trackballer Breakout Four spindles on the trackball have a tiny circular magnet the end; each of these are paired with an SMD hall effect sensor, which are used to measure up, down, left and right movements of the trackball. Parallax X-Band Motion Detector The Parallax X-Band Motion Detector uses the well proven technology behind security sensors to detect motion in its field of view. What makes is particularly useful is it can detect motion through walls and windows. Cool! And it can do this over a range of approximately 8 to slightly over 30 ft (~2.4 to 9+ m). Parallax TSL1401 Linescan Imaging Daughterboard provides one-dimensional sight to almost any microcontroller. It is designed for plug-in compatibility with Parallax's BS2pe Motherboard but can be used with all other popular microcontrollers 3 Axis Accelerometer Module - H48C The H48C Tri-Axis Accelerometer is an integrated module that can sense gravitational (g) force of ±3g on three axes (X, Y, and Z). Real Time Clock Module Keypad - 12 Button A basic 12 button keypad for user input. Gas Sensor Breakout Board (one for each gas sensor) All you need is VCC at 5V, GND, and a resistor to an ADC, that is it. We have the methane, propane, carbon monoxide, and alcohol sensors to go with it. Thumb Slide Joystick (we have four of them) This is a resistive analog joystick, very similar to those found on the PSP1000. These compact joysticks are different in that they have a very interesting 'slide' feeling. Joystick Shield Kit The shield sits on top of your Arduino and turns it into a simple controller. Five momentary push buttons (4+ joystick select button) and a two-axis thumb joystick gives your Arduino functionality on the level of old Nintendo controllers. Car Computer Interface - OBD-II UART This board allows you to interface with your car's OBD-II bus. A wealth of information can be obtained by tapping into the OBD bus, including the status of the malfunction indicator light (MIL), diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs), inspection and maintenance (I/M) information, freeze frames, VIN, hundreds of real-time parameters, and more. Tilt Sensor (5 of them) This basic tilt switch can easily be used to detect orientation. Inside the can are a pair of balls that make contact with the pins when the case is upright. Non-Invasive Current Sensor - 30A This current clamp can be used to detect a current of up to 30A. Simply clip it around the current source that you wish to measure and it will produce a (very) small AC voltage proportional to the current. Use this to build your own energy monitor and keep your power usage down, or use it to to build an over-current protection device for an AC load. Key Switch Have you ever wanted to start your widget the same way you start your car? These small switches are the key to making that happen. This simple ON-OFF switch can be used to power up your project with the turn of a key. Controllers Arduino USB Board - Uno (25 of them) The latest Arduino Board. uM-FPU V3.1 Math Coprocessor is a full featured standalone math engine that is capable of crunching even the toughest of mathematical equations Communication Your computer Using the Processing graphics programming language, you can connect your Arduino to your computer to do cool graphics and other interaction (mouse, keyboard, sensors on your Arduino, outputs on your Arduino). Ethernet Shield for Arduino Connect your Arduino to your LAN, WAN, or the whole Internet. Wireless Communication Module - XBee-PRO Module - 60mW Wire Antenna (we have four of them) These 2.4GHz communication modules also take the the 802.15.4 stack and wrap it with a tasty, easy-to-use serial interface command set. -63 mW built-in mini wire whip antenna -63 mW output (but the chip antenna designation kinda gives that away already, huh?) -250kbps communication speed -3.3V @ 50mA power consumption -1.6kM (1 mile) range (line-of sight, which is pretty darn good!) -6 10-bit ADC input pins -8 digital I/O pins -128-bit encryption Cellular Shield with SM5100B The Cellular Shield for Arduino includes all the parts needed to interface your Arduino with an SM5100B cellular module. This allows you to easily add SMS, GSM/GPRS, and TCP/IP functionalities to your Arduino-based project. All you need to add cellular functionality to your Arduino project is a SIM card (pre-paid or straight from your phone) and an antenna and you can start sending Serial.print statements to make calls, send texts and serve web pages! WiFly Shield The WiFly Shield equips your Arduino the ability to connect to 802.11b/g wireless networks. FM Tuner - Breakout Board for Si4703 FM Tuner Beyond being a simple FM radio, the Si4703 is also capable of detecting and processing both Radio Data Service (RDS) and Radio Broadcast Data Service (RBDS) information. The Si4703 even does a very good job of filtering and carrier detection. It also enables data such as the station ID and song name to be displayed to the user. FM Transmitter Enable your next embedded project with FM broadcast ability. This small module packs some power. With a 2mW maximum broadcast power we've been able to transmit up to 60ft with a simple 31" piece of wire (1/4 wave of 95MHz). Bluetooth Serial Module and USB Bluetooth Dongle Existing class project. Create your own Bluetooth device that can communicate with other Bluetooth-enabled devices (PC, laptop, mobile phone, etc.). Create a device that communicates with a mobile app and the world. RF Link - transmitter and receiver modules Operate at 315 MHz. Transmit serial data at 2400 bps with up to 500’ range. Use built-in Wire library, not NewSoftSerial. Otherwise you will need to clean up the noisy and error-filled signal yourself. Sample RFLink code is in the Arduino projects folder. Model Airplane Remote Control System 2 joysticks (X and Y on both) and two switches allow you six channels of control over large distances. Connect directly to servos and motor controllers or feed the signal as an input to an Arduino. Storage USB Host Shield You could use your Arduino to interface with and control any USB slave device - thumbdrives, digital cameras, bluetooth dongles, and much more! Voice Recorder This is a breakout board for the ISD1932, a multiple-message record/playback device. This single chip can record up to 64 seconds worth of voice messages. USB Memory Stick Datalogger The Parallax Memory Stick Datalogger connects your thumbdrive/memory stick to a USB Host Bridge that is able to talk to your microcontroller. It's designed to handle the File System of the thumbdrive so that you can share the files with your PC using simple Serial commands. OpenLog The OpenLog is a serial logger that just works. Power it up and it will starts logging any received serial data to a micro SD card at 9600bps. Outputs Control Any Home Appliance Use your Arduino to control an LED that is taped to the light sensor of an off-the-shelf night light type of switched outlet (designed to turn on lamps plugged into it when it gets dark). When you want a home appliance to turn on, just turn off the LED. It is a safe, easy, and entirely legal way (no need to have it inspected by the Electrical Safety Authority) to control devices operating on household current. The below project is a little more involved, but you should get the overall idea. Motor Controllers and Motors Want to make a remote controlled vehicle, cart, or robot? You can attach motor controllers to the Arduino in the same way as a servo. We have a small motorized robot platform (2’ x 2’) that you can develop with. Just add a powerful battery and an Arduino. Servos Need to move something to a particular position in degrees? Some are very powerful, though the ones we have are not. Good for moving lasers, door latches, and control surfaces (rudders, ailerons, elevators, fins). Stepper Motors Need to move something a certain, exact distance? Computer-controlled stepper motors are one of the most versatile forms of positioning systems. They are typically digitally controlled as part of an open loop system, and are simpler and more rugged than closed loop servo systems. Industrial applications are in high speed pick and place equipment and multi-axis machine CNC machines often directly driving lead screws or ballscrews. In the field of lasers and optics they are frequently used in precision positioning equipment such as linear actuators, linear stages, rotation stages, goniometers, and mirror mounts. Other uses are in packaging machinery, and positioning of valve pilot stages for fluid control systems. Commercially, stepper motors are used in floppy disk drives, flatbed scanners, computer printers, plotters, slot machines, and many more devices. Laser diodes We have them. Connect them just like an LED, but without the current-limiting resistor. Make a laser tag system, beam-break detector for an alarm system, or optical signal transmitter. Or mount the laser on a couple servos to aim it at things. Musical Instrument Shield The Musical Instrument Shield is an easy way to add great sounding MIDI sound to your next Arduino project. This board is built around the VS1053 MP3 and MIDI codec IC, wired in MIDI mode. Simply connect a speaker/stereo/pair of headphones to the 1/8" stereo jack on the shied and pass the proper serial commands to the IC and you'll be playing music in no time! The VS1053 contains two large tonebanks including various piano, woodwinds, brass, synth, SFX and percussion sounds. The shield is also capable of playing several tones simultaneously (maximum polyphony of up to 31 sounds!). MP3 Player Module - MP3 Trigger V2 Here's a HIGH-QUALITY audio playback unit for your embedded application. MP3 compatible up to 192Kbps stereo on microSD memory cards! It's ideal for building your own low-cost, lowpower embedded MP3 Player! Voice Synthesizer Chip - SpeakJet The SpeakJet is a completely self-contained, single-chip voice and complex sound synthesizer. It uses a mathematical sound algorithm to control an internal five channel sound synthesizer to generate on-the-fly, unlimited vocabulary speech synthesis and complex sounds. The SpeakJet is pre-configured with 72 speech elements (allophones), 43 sound effects, and 12 DTMF Touch Tones. Through the selection of these sounds, and in combination with the control of the pitch, rate, bend, and volume parameters, the user has the ability to produce unlimited phrases and sound effects, with thousands of variations, at any time. Use with the TTS256 Text to Speech chip. Text to Speech chip for SpeakJet - TTS256 The TTS256 is an 8-bit microprocessor programmed with letter-to-sound rules. This built-in algorithm allows for the automatic real-time translation of English ASCII characters into allophone addresses compatible with the Magnevation SpeakJet Speech Synthesizer IC. Combine this with the SpeakJet to build a complete text-to-speech solution. Use with the SpeakJet chip. Basic 16x2 Character LCD - White on Black 5V This is a basic 16 character by 2 line display with a snazzy black background with white characters. Utilizes the extremely common HD44780 parallel interface chipset. Parallax 2x16 Non-Backlit LCD Module - TTL Serial interface Serial LCD display module. ASCII characters 32 to 127. Create up to 8 of your own customer characters. Selectable 2400, 9600, 19200 baud interface. 3 line interface (power, gnd, data). Color LCD Shield The board comes as shown with the 128x128 mini color LCD, as well as a backlight driver circuit (boosts to 7V), and three momentary push-buttons (tied through a jumper to pins D3-5). Color LCD - Breakout Board Breakout board for the popular Nokia 6100 Knock-off color LCD has an improved backlight driver circuit (boosts to 7V) , plus we give you a tri-color status LED and 2 pushbuttons. Graphic LCD 84x48 - Nokia 5110 The Nokia 5110 is a basic graphic LCD screen for lots of applications. It was originally intended for as a cell phone screen. Thermal Printer This is a thermal printer like you would find on a cash register or adding machine. It will print simple strings passed to it via TTL serial, bitmap images (poorly) and it even generates several different formats of barcodes! LoL Shield The LoL Shield is a charlieplexed LED matrix for the Arduino. The LEDs are individually addressable, so you can use it to display anything in a 9×14 grid. Scroll text, play games, display images, or anything else you want to do. Miscellaneous Danger Shield Mounts on top of your Arduino or Arduino Pro and equips it with a variety of fun and useful inputs and outputs. Pieze Element (5 of them) Piezo elements come in handy when you need to detect vibration or a knock. You can use these for tap or knock sensors pretty easily by reading the voltage on the output. They can also be used for a very small audio transducer such as a buzzer. Thermoelectric Cooler - 40x40mm Thermoelectric coolers (TEC or Peltier) create a temperature differential on each side. One side gets hot and the other side gets cool. Therefore, they can be used to either warm something up or cool something down, depending on which side you use.