



• Korea is a peninsula attached to eastern

Asia in between China and Japan.

• Korea is divided into two sections

– North Korea

– South Korea

• South Korea is smaller in size, but has nearly double the population of North Korea.

North and South Korea

Physical Features

• 70% of Korea is covered by steep, low mountains

• Only 25% of population lives in Mts.

• Most live on coastal plains

• Northeast

• West and Southern

More geography of Korea

• North Korea Capital= Pyongyang (pee awng yahng)

• South Korea Capital= Seoul

• Temperate climate (hot summers cold winters) North

Korea more harsh climate

– North=one crop per year vs 2 harvests in South Korea (lots of rice)

• South has more farm land (60% arable vs 20% in the north)

• North Korea has more minerals in their mountains





• 95% literacy rate

• Almost all attend elementary school

• Homogeneous- Same ethnicity

• Have their own language

• Despite their recent division, they consider themselves the same

Chinese Traditions

• China has had a profound impact on the development of


• They absorbed most of Chinese tradition

• Buddhism, Confucianism and other ideas were transmitted through trade

• Many Koreans went to China to study Confucianism

Korean Dynasties

– Silla (668 ce)– Golden age with trade and prosperity from

Asia and Middle East

– Koryo– 918–1392 (1 st ruler-Wang Kon)

• Introduce civil service exams (unlike China, only open to aristocrats

(upper class)

• Stressed arts

• 81,000 wood-blocks carved for printing

• Buddhism was at its height (temples writing)

• Lots of invasions from mainland and Japanese pirates

• Mongols conquered in 1200s

– Choson 1392– Yi Song-gye

• Confucianism

• Isolation (“The Hermit Kingdom”)

• Treated China like an older brother but maintained identity

Attacks and Seclusion

• 1592 Invasion by

Japan. Lots of battles. (Turtle boats)

• Chinese help fight off


Nevertheless weakened

• Manchus invade in

1600s while making their way to China

• Complete isolation as a result

The same ole song and dance

• Mid-1800s – Imperialists force their way in, begin trading and exerting influence

• Japan takes over in 1905

– Good– improve farming and education, build factories

– Bad– exploit resources (including people—ie slave labor and brutal treatments)

• March 1, 1919 peaceful demonstration to demand independence – Japanese respond by killing 2000 and imprisoning 19000

• Koreans fought for Japan in WWII

• No Korean language and made them take Japanese last names.

Korea Divided

• After WWII Soviets and US thought Korea should be independent

• Soviets occupied North and US South until elections held

(or so everyone thought)

• Permanent division into Soviet backed “Democratic

People’s Republic of Korea” in the north and US supported “Republic of Korea” in the south.

Korean War

• North invade south to reunite.

• South was ill-prepared and was forced to retreat.

• US and allies step in to prevent the “domino” effect from happening

• UN (15 countries) sent troops but US and South Korea fought mostly

• Ended in stalemate in 1953

• Divided along 38 th parallel

• 4 Million died in war and lots of destruction

Modern South Korea

• Large, well equipped army

• Authoritarian Govt. was initially established but gradually relinquished power.

Nevertheless, there are still many restrictions on rights.

• Economic progress is impressive. One of the “4 Asian Tigers” along with Taiwan,

Hong Kong, and Singapore.

• Confucian Tradition remains strong

North Korea

• Communist Dictatorship

• Isolated. Preached selfreliance

• Standard of living well below

South Korea yet still industrialized

• 1995 weather disaster led to

10% of the population’s death.

• Nuclear testing
