What is Judaism?

Write down what you think each symbol means.
Essential Question
• How do you compare and contrast the
tenets of the five major world
KWL on Judaism
1) One thing
you know
2) One thing
you want
to know
3) One thing
learned (at
the end of
What’s this?
Judaism is…
• “A 4000 year old tradition…”
(Rabbi Harold Kushner, To Life)
• A “covenant relationship” between
God and the Hebrew people
• A celebration and sanctification of
• A faith, a people, a way of life…
As a faith, Jews Believe…
• In one God, creator of the universe
• In prophets of old testament
• In Torah (first five books of the
Bible), the Hebrew Bible does not
include the New Testament
How is Judaism related
to Christianity?
• Judaism predates Christianity – it is the
foundation of Christianity but is not a part
of it
• Jesus was Jewish, as were his followers and
the Apostles
• Jews do not believe that Jesus was
anything more than a good and wise man
who lived and died 2000 years ago – Jews
still await their messiah
• The Jewish messiah would be a
political figure who restores the
Hebrew monarchy and causes peace
to reign on Earth
• Jews are not concerned about
salvation and the “world to come”
As a people, Jews are…
• A nation in Diaspora (dispersed)
• 15 – 16 million in worldwide population
• United by a common heritage (an “ethnic”
religion), yet divided into 4 forms:
– Orthodox:
– Reformed
– Conservative
– Messianic
4 Types of Jews
• Orthodox Jews – Strictly obey all laws,
especially dietary laws and Sabbath Laws
• Conservative Jews – Less strict than Orthodox
yet do keep most laws
• Reform Jews – Believe in following Jewish
principles not Jewish laws
• Messianic Jews – The only Jews that believe
Jesus is the son of God. Retain Jewish forms of
Kosher Dietary Laws
• No Pork or Shell Fish – Leviticus 11:7-10
• No Meat or Dairy Products eaten together –
Exodus 22:19
• Meat and dairy are served in different dishes.
• Meat and dairy dishes are washed separately.
Sabbath Laws
No work of any kind is allowed
No travel can occur
No using the telephone
No writing
No touching money
No posing for pictures
A 4000 year old tradition…
• The Patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob
(“Israel”) – origins of the Hebrew people
(more than 3800 years ago)
• Enslaved in ancient Egypt and freed by
Moses (more than 3300 years ago)
• Hebrew monarchy in the “Promised
Land” (The Land of Israel), ends 6th
century BCE
As a way of life,
Judaism is based on…
• 613 commandments found in Torah (“Written
• Talmud (“Oral Law”) – commentary of ancient
rabbis that elaborates on how to apply God’s Law
in everyday life through:
– Dietary rules (Kashrut/Kosher)
– Dress and other symbols
– Prayer to the one God
– The Temple and Temple rites
– Observance of Holy days
How does Judaism
sanctify life?
Life cycle celebrations:
• Bar/Bat Mitzvah – full adult status
and responsibility within the
How does Judaism
sanctify time?
The Jewish Holidays:
• High Holidays:
– Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year)
– Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)
• Chanukah, the “Festival of Lights”
Web resources
• Judaism 101: http://jewfaq.org/
”an online encyclopedia of Judaism, covering
Jewish beliefs, people, places, things, language,
scripture, holidays, practices and customs”
• ReligiousTolerance.org on Judaism:
• This P0werpoint presentation available at:
Homework 3-2-1
• Write down three things you learned about
• Write down two things you find interesting
about Judaism.
• Write down one question you have about
January 29, 2013
• Put your homework on
your desk
1. Answer #2 on p. TN32.
2. What is the holy book of Buddhism?
3. Who is the founder of Buddhism?
4. Which continent lies between the
Indian and Atlantic Oceans?