Выбор профессии с помощью английского языка

Выбор профессии с помощью английского языка.
Choosing a Career.
Автор – составитель Г. В. Зотова
. Школьное образование обеспечивает знание основ современной техники, вооружает
учащихся общетрудовыми навыками и знаниями. Способствует правильному выбору
профессии, учит общению в разных сферах, и английский язык играет в этом большую
роль. Настоящее пособие представляет собой методическую разработку по данной теме. В
работе представлены задания, позволяющие учащимся структурировать знания, более
успешно усваивать учебный материал. Развивать языковое чутье, обогащать лексический
запас. Выполнение предложенных заданий помогает формировать познавательные
навыки, умение самостоятельно конструировать свои знания. Способствует активизации
умственной и творческой деятельности учащихся. Пособие адресовано преподавателям
английского языка. Материалы могут быть использованы на уроках, во внеклассной
работе по предмету.
Я выбираю профессию.
Проблема выбора профессии стоит перед старшеклассниками всегда. В жизни каждого
человека появляется момент, когда он вынужден задуматься о своем будущем после
окончания школы. Кем быть? Как правильно выбрать свой путь? В нашей стране
насчитывается более 7000 профессий. Каждый гол происходит обновление около 500
видов труда. Как не потеряться в этой лавине?
Анкетирование, проведенное мною в выпускных классах прошлых лет, показывает, что
более половины из них точно знают, кем они станут. 15% даже не задумывались об этом,
считают, что после службы в армии выберут профессию. 24% собираются учиться в
техникумах и колледжах. На вопрос « Что влияет на ваш выбор?» 33% ответили –
родители и родственники, 12,9%- материальное положение в семье.
Изучение темы « Выбор профессии» - одна из самых актуальных, включенных в
школьную программу. Она близка каждому ученику, так как ему предстоит решить, кем
быть. Эта тема имеет большое воспитательное значение. Проводя занятия на уроках
английского языка, во внеурочное время я стараюсь влиять на формирование взглядов
своих учеников, на выработку ими жизненную позицию. Вижу свою задачу не только в
том, чтобы ученики усвоили языковый материал темы, но и в том, чтобы убедить их в
правильном выборе профессии. Учащихся привлекает труд, связанный с
информационными и компьютерными технологиями, популярными по-прежнему
остаются профессии экономиста, юриста и бухгалтера. Пользуется популярностью сфера
деятельности, связанная с техникой у мальчиков и, а девушки мечтают стать модельеромконструктором, дизайнером, экономистом. На селе предпочитают профессии социальной
сферы (педагога, психолога, врача). Рабочие профессии мало кого интересуют.
Я стараюсь воспитывать уважение к любому труду. К людям, прославившимся своим
трудом. Учащиеся учатся делать сообщения о своих планах на будущее, о выбранной ими
профессии. О профессиях родителей и родственников, друзей.
Каждый человек имеет право выбрать профессию по душе, по своим способностям,
работать по желанию в интересующей его области.
Выбранная мною организация работы над темой обеспечивает единство урочной и
внеурочной деятельности, развивает их познавательные интересы, формирует умение
самостоятельно добывать знания.
С различными профессиями ученики начинают знакомиться с первого урока во втором
классе. Упражнение 3 первого урока гласит: «Догадайся и назови профессии или
любимые занятия этих людей». Так шаг за шагом мы учимся называть различные
профессии, слова и выражения, словосочетания, связанные с этой темой, учимся делать
сначала маленькие сообщения, затем большие.
В проекте «Choosing a Career» хочу ознакомить вас с некоторыми приемами работы по
этой теме. Почти все годы работы в школе была классным руководителем, и мне
регулярно приходилось вести профориентационную работу среди моих выпускников.
Радуюсь, когда они благодарят меня за оказанную помощь в выборе профессии.
To develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills on the
topic “Choosing a Career”.
To encourage children to express and support their own point of
view, to be respectful and tolerant to different ideas.
To widen the pupils’ outlook.
To collect necessary information about professions for which a
good knowledge of a foreign language is absolutely necessary.
What’s Your Line?
My Future Profession.
Professions. Choose One of These Professions/
Открытый урок по теме Choosing a Career.
Situations for Dialogues. Speak on the Following Topics/
Советы изучающим язык. Английский язык и десять
Teacher of English.
I want to be an Interpreter.
Irina Zotova. Advantages and Disadvantages of Teacher’s
Ten Characteristics of a Good Teacher.
Русско-английское стихотворение.
School Poems.
Role Games.
КВН « Профессии».
Лексико – грамматические упражнения к урокам.
Англо-русский словарь Choice of a trade.
What’s Your Line?
One day you will be at school for the last time. What will you
do after that? Have you already decided on your future career?
Are you sure of your interests and abilities? Every day you meet
people with different professions and jobs. The postman brings
you a newspaper. You bye a book from a shop assistant. You
meet your teachers at school. You consult a doctor when you
feel ill. The house you live in was designed by architects and
build by bricklayers, electricians, carpenters. How did all these
people choose their careers- out of the hundreds that there are?
Before you choose, you must ask yourself quite a lot of
questions. What do you know you are good at? What do you
enjoy doing? Perhaps you enjoy working with your hands. Or
you may prefer using your head- your brains! Are you interested
in machines? Or do you like meeting people? You mast be
realistic about your interests and abilities. Your abilities should
satisfy the requirements of the job. It is difficult to answer these
questions. Many school-leavers are inclined to choose a
‘popular’ professions and, having done so, they are sure this is
just that they want.
But soon they realize they have made a mistake which is
difficult to correct.
Choosing your future career is not a simple matter, but a very
important one, and nobody else can do it for you!
What form are you in?
I am in the ninth form (fifth, seventh) form
Do you think about you future profession?
Yes, I do. (Of course, I do. No, I don’t.)
What type of profession would you like to get?
I don’t know yet.
What do you want to be?
I want to be a teacher ( an actor, a secretary,
a writer...)
When did you begin to think about you future
At the age of 12 (when I was 13)
When have you made your choice?
As for me, I have made my choice long
Who helped you to make a decision about
My father,(mother, friend, teacher)
your future profession?
What is the best way of preparing for your
To do well at school and to learn all you
future job?
can outside of school.
Is it easy to choose a profession?
I think it is. (It is not easy.)
How can you find out some information
I think by talking to my parents.
about any job which interests you?
(my teachers, my friends)
Are there many professions in your country?
There are many useful and interesting
What are they?
They are: a teacher, a doctor, an actor…
What professions are popular in your country
I don’t know exactly.
among the young people?
I think they are: a secretary, a business
person, a designer, a lawyer…
What are your parents?
My mother is … My father is…
Why have you chosen to be a …(a teacher…)
Because I love children( I like to help
people, I want to travel a lot…)
Actor(actress) doctor barber(парикмахер) dressmaker(портниха)
tailor(портной) seamstress (швея) chemist
cosmonaut driver(водитель)
bus(lorry, taxi, tram, trolleybus)driver fireman(пожарник) guide militiaman
receptionist hairdresser (парикмахер-женский) salesgirl(salesman)-продавщица,продавец
inspector musician photographer nurse(няня, сиделка, медсестра) officer pioneer leader
pilot radioman secretary shoemaker shop-assistant seaman(моряк) sailor(моряк)
soldier surgeon(хирург) machine-operator caster(мебельщик) designer teacher engineer
typist(печатник) draftsman(чертежник) forge man(кузнец) fitter(монтажник)
electrician(электромонтер) turner(токарь) worker milkmaid (доярка) cowherd(пастух)
pig-tender (свинарка) tractor-driver builder farmer agronomist miller(мельник)
digger(землекоп) painter plumber(водопроводчик) plasterer(штукатур) mason(каменщик
Choose One of These Professions
architect artist book-keeper car mechanic cashier
computer programmer construction worker designer
doctor driver economist electrician
farmer fireman hairdresser historian housewife
lawyer librarian manager miner
nurse physicist
postman research worker
shop assistant
sales person tailor taxi driver
turner TV reporter
Открытый урок в 10 классе
образовательных технологий.
по теме « Выбор профессии» с использованием новых
Choosing a Career
Цели урока:
 Обучающая - активизировать умения и навыки учащихся в устной речи по теме «
Выбор профессии»;
 Развивающая – способствовать расширению общего кругозора учащихся;
развивать творческое воображение учащихся;
 Воспитательная – воспитывать уважительное отношение к труду;
 Закрепить лексико-грамматический материал по теме;
 Обобщить изученный грамматический и лексический материал через серию
различных языковых и речевых упражнений, а также в реальных ситуациях
 Развивать навыки чтения;
 Развивать внимание, память, языковую догадку.
Оборудование: мультимедиа проектор, экран, аудиозапись рифмовки, презентация
по теме урока, иллюстративная наглядность по теме «Профессии».
Ход урока
I.Организационный момент.
1). Приветствие.
Good morning, dear friends. I am happy to greet you at our English lesson. I am glad to
see you happy and healthy today.
A happy day for me,
A happy day for you.
A happy day for everyone.
That’s what I wish – I do. The theme of our lesson is “Choosing a career”. We’ll speak
about different professions. We’ll repeat and learn some new words, watch video, read
some texts, describe pictures, play different games. Are you ready for the lessons? Let’s
2). Беседа с дежурным.
Who is on duty today? Who is absent? Why? What’s the matter to him? Is he ill? Did you
visit him? What date is it today? What day is it today? What day was it yesterday? What
season is it now? What is the weather like today? Is it cold (warm, sunny, windy, frosty,
foggy) today?
3). Обмен репликами с учителем.
How are you today? How are you, Sveta? Are you ready for the lesson? Is Sergey ready
for the lesson? Is Vera ready for the lesson? Have you done your homework? Why? Was
it difficult for you?
4). Фонетическая зарядка
- Hello, my friends, hello!
It’s nice to see you again!
Hello, my friend, hello!
Tell me how are you today?
I am fine, thank you, I ‘m fine!
I am fine and what about you?
The same, thank you, the same,
The same, I am feeling fine, too.
- Monday for health,
Tuesday for wealth,
Wednesday is the best day of all.
Thursday for money,
Friday for lucky,
Saturday for crosses,
Sunday for rest of all.
5). Активизация лексических единиц по теме « Профессии» с показом картинок по
данной теме What is this man?
II. Основная часть.
1. Вводное слово учителя с демонстрацией слайдов на экране.
Every day many people work for us. Let’s call them our helpers. How do they help us?
A farmer grows all kinds of grain and vegetables for us.
A baker bakes bread for us.
A postman brings us letters, newspapers and magazines.
A barber cuts our hair, he shaves grown-up men.
A shoemaker mends shoes for us.
A dressmaker makes our clothes.
A driver drives cars, busses, and trolley-busses.
An engine driver drives a train for us.
A miner digs coal for us.
A turner turns metal parts.
A joiner makes furniture.
A builder builds houses for us.
A writer writes books for us.
An artist draws pictures for us.
A researcher makes experiments.
A fireman comes when somebody’s house is on fire. He puts out the fire.
A teacher teaches us many interesting things.
Перечисляются различные виды профессий, при этом на демонстрационном экране
идет проекция слайдов с картинками различных профессий. Демонстрируются
стихотворения – надписи к картинкам.
I am an artist, Mr. White,
I draw fantastic pictures!
My pictures are quite,
My pictures are bright,
I like my pictures very much.
I am a teacher, Mr. Black.
I teach fantastic kids!
My kids are wise,
My kids are nice,
I like my kids very much!
I am a baker, Mr. Brown,
I bake fantastic bread!
My bread is white,
My bread is light,
I like my bread so very much!
I am a farmer, Mr. Green,
I raise fantastic cows!
My cows are nice,
My cows are wise,
I like my cows very much!
I am a sailor, Mr. Blue,
I sail fantastic ships!
My ships are white,
My ships are light,
I like my ships very much!
I am a shoemaker, Mr. Red,
I make fantastic shoes!
My shoes are bright,
My shoes are light,
I like my shoes very much!
The window Cleaner
When I grow up and I want to be
A window cleaning man.
And make the windows in our street
As shiny as I can.
I’ll put my ladder by the wall
And up the steps I’ll go.
But when I’m up there with my pail
I hope the wind won’t blow.
The barber
Teddy Wink the barber
Went to shave his father
Soap slip
Cut lip
Teddy Wink the barber.
Doctor Stickles
Doctor Stickles tickled me
And I began to giggle.
Doctor Stickles tickled harder
Then I began to wiggle.
When doctor Stickles tickled my toes
I laughed and so would you.
Then I tickled doctor Stickles
Because he was ticklish, too.
Беседа по прочитанному (перед учениками текст из презентационного
материала). Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы How does a farmer (baker,
postman…) help us?
3. Отработка новых лексических единиц в устной речи.
Работа в режиме учитель-ученик; ученик- ученик;
My Future Profession
1. What form are you in? I am in the 10-th form.
2. Do you think about your future profession? - Yes I do. No, I don’t.
3. What type of profession would you like to get? - I don’t know yet.
4. What do you want to be? - I want to be a teacher, an actor…
5. When did you begin to think about your future profession? – At the age of
12.When I was 13.
6. When have you made your choice? – As for me, I have made my choice long ago.
7. Who helped you to make a decision about your future profession? – My mother,
my father…
8. What is the best way of preparing for your future job? – To do well at school and
to learn all you can outside of school.
9. Is it easy to choose a profession? – I think it is. It is not easy.
10. How can you find out some information about any job which interests you? - I
think by talking to my parents, my teachers, my friends…
11. Are there many professions in our country? – There are many useful and
interesting professions.
12. What are they? – They are a teacher, a doctor, a driver…
13. What professions are popular in our country among the young people? – I don’t
know exactly.
14. What are you parents? – My mother is… My father is…
15. Why have you chosen to be a teacher, a doctor …? – I love children. I like to help
3. Физкультминутка. Песня « When I was a tailor».
1). When I was a tailor, a tailor, a tailor
When I was a tailor, a tailor was I.
It was this way and that way
And that way and this way
When I was a tailor, a tailor was I.
2). When I was a dancer
3). When I was a singer
4) When I was a sailor
5) When I was a farmer
2).Исполнение песни « Johnny works»
Johnny works with one hammer, one hammer, one hammer,
Johnny works with one hammer.
Now he works with two.
Johnny works with two hammers, 2 hammers, 2 hammers
Jonny works with 2 hammers
Now he works with 3.
Johnny works with 3 hammers, 3 hammers, 3 hammers
Jonny works with three hammers
Now he works with 4.
Johnny works with four hammers, 4 hammers, 4 hammers
Johnny works with 4 hammers
Now he works with 5.
Johnny works with five hammers, 5 hammers, 5 hammers
Johnny works with 5 hammers
Now he goes to walk.
4. Тренировка употребления лексики.
Ann wants to be a singer, does she? – Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
Nick wants to be a cleaner.
Sergey wants to be an actor.
Ann wants to be a doctor.
Kate wants to be a teacher.
Alex wants to be a driver.
Valera wants to be a manager,
Who wants to be a dentist?
5. Игра Lucky numbers.
In 10 years what will happen to me?
In 10 years where will I be?
Will I be happy? Will I be alone?
Will I travel round the world?
Will I stay at home?
We’ll find your lucky number and you’ll be told your future.
Read and find your lucky number.
1. When is your birthday? 29/7
2. Add the numbers.
3. Add the numbers again 3+6=9
4. Your lucky number is 9.
Tell your partner your lucky number. Your partner will tell you your future from
the chat My lucky number is 9.
You’ll be a farmer. You’ll have a lot of friends. You’ll be happy. You’ll work in
Chuvashia. You’ll win silver medal.
1. Teacher not rich lots of friends go to China win gold medal
2. Computer operator famous 5 children live in the USA rich
3. Dentist not famous lots of money live in Moscow study English
4. Doctor happy long life work in India
become a professor
5. Pop star rich many fans work in London marry a pop star
6. Nurse clever lots of clothes study in France
travel lots
7. Model famous long life
live in Kazan
own restaurant
8. Artist talented three children live in Cheboksary own museum
9. Farmer happy lots of friends work in Chuvashia win silver medal
6. Разрешение проблемного вопроса.
Teacher: and now can you answer the question: which job is good? Which job
is for you? And why?
Ученик строит высказывание на основании опоры:
A teacher is a good job for me.
A teacher works at school.
It is an interesting and important job.
III. Заключительная часть.
Подведение итогов урока.
Our time is up. I’d like to thank you for the lesson. You’ve worked very well and hard
today. You know English very well. I give excellent marks to… good marks to…now
write your task for the next lesson. Your home task will be to repeat words to the theme
“Professions”. You are to write about your parents’ profession.
I want to know your opinions about our lesson.
Did you like our lesson?
Who was the best pupil today?
Was it interesting to you?
Were the tasks difficult?
Учитель читает стихотворение We are kind.
We are kind and we are clever
We are gay and we are sad.
And we’ll be great friends forever
Be with me and give your hands.
We say good-bye to teachers.
We say good-bye to toy.
We say good-bye to pupils
Because we’ve nothing more to do.
Thank you for coming
Thank you for your help.
Situations for Dialogues
Talk with your school-leavers on choosing a profession.
Consult your teacher or relative on a trade you would like to choose.
Discuss with your friend whether you are suitable for or that career.
Advise your friend not to choose medicine as her future profession, as she is not suited to this
Discuss with your friend what determines one’s choice of a profession.
Talk with your friend about your future jobs.
Advice your friend to change his job, and say why.
Consult your parents about whether you possess the qualities required for the job you would like
to choose.
Your friend made up his mind to choose science as his future profession. Doubt that he will
succeed. Persuade him that he is not suited to this career.
Speak on the Following Topics
How to choose a profession.
How you can obtain information about different trades and professions.
Why I think my profession is the best.
All jobs should be taken seriously.
You should always improve your professional skills and work well.
A high qualification makes a person fit for a certain position.
Skill increases with practice.
I think I shall be able to use a foreign language in my future career.
I believe I possess the qualities required for the profession I have chosen.
Expressions Suggested for Discussion
After finishing the eleventh form I’d like
to enter an institute,
to choose a profession I feel called to,
to go straight to work after school,
to work as a…
to become a geologist,
to study by correspondence.
I’ll take examinations in…
If I pass the examinations, I’ll enter an institute.
If I fail the … exam ,I’ll have another try.
There is a lot of competition to enter …
To manage one’s job well.
To get good wages.
To expect a rise in wages.
The wages depend on the qualification and the length of service.
Начинай знакомиться с языком со слуха. Слушай, как говорят на нем люди, для которых
он родной. Слушай пластинки, магнитофонные записи, диски. Слушай радио. По радио
часто ведутся уроки ряда иностранных языков. По радио часто передают песни на разных
языках. Отныне ты весь должен обратиться в слух.
Произноси вслух звуки английского языка, и особенно тщательно – звуки, которых в
твоем языке нет. Подражай именно тем интонациям, с которыми говорят англичане.
Прежде всего, займись самыми частыми, самыми распространенными в обиходе словами.
Потом берись за предложения. Заучивай их целиком.
Не старайся перебороть правила другого языка, а подчинись им.
Читай газеты и журналы на английском языке. Очень полезно читать детские на языке,
который ты учишь. Читай по-английски, старайся заучивать целые куски текста. Не
только стихотворения, но и прозаические.
Занимаясь английским, заставляй себя думать на этом языке. Слова как цветы.
Английское слово полностью расцветает во всем богатстве своих значений лишь на
стебле английской грамматики.
Снова и снова повторяй слова и выражения и целые фразы, пока они сами собой не станут
приходить тебе на ум. Ты овладеваешь новым мастерством, поэтому ты должен набить
себе руку, повторять одни и те же слова снова и
снова, как отрабатывает пловец одно и то же движение во время
тренировки. Так что не забывай тренироваться, иначе ты утратишь долю своего умения.
Чем больше ты знаешь, тем легче тебе учиться дальше.
В занятиях необходима система.
В школе или дома, самому или с учителем - заниматься надо систематически, ничего не
Успех возможен только в результате регулярных упражнений по полчаса, но ежедневно.
Без труда добиться успеха невозможно.
Сколько языков мы знаем, столько раз мы умны.
Английский язык и десять заповедей.
Без труда добиться успеха невозможно.
Желание овладеть английским должно быть подкреплено реальными стимулами к
достижению жизненного успеха.
Успех возможен только в результате регулярных упражнений - хоть по полчаса, но
Отбросьте все сомнения по поводу ваших способностей. Неспособных к изучению
языка нет.
Научитесь радоваться даже минимальным успехам и не расстраиваться из-за
временных неудач.
Не бойтесь ошибок - не ошибается тот, кто ничего не делает. Акцент и
погрешности делают вас еще более симпатичным в глазах иностранцев.
Как можно чаще и больше слушайте образцовую речь, записанную на магнитофон,
смотрите видеозаписи фильмов на английском языке, наиболее продуктивным
является утреннее время, особенно сразу после сна.
Лучше заучивать не отдельные слова, а фразы, взятые из проработанных вами
В период интенсивного изучения языка старайтесь как можно больше бывать на
свежем воздухе, заниматься спортом.
Приобщайте к занятиям своих друзей, коллег, близких
Teacher of English
It is not easy to decide what profession to choose. Usually, pupils’ plans for the future change
many times during the school years. There are so many people who influence you in choosing
your occupation. Parents and friends play a very important role in your choice. Teachers’
influence on pupils’ minds is also great.
My favourite subject is English. And I think this is my teacher who made it so. I understand the
importance of knowledge of a foreign language. It enables people from different countries to
communicate with each other, to read foreign literature in the original, to broaden their outlooks.
So I decided for myself to become a teacher of English. Of course, I know that it is not easy and
takes much patience and effort. A teacher has to know how to teach, how to make difficult things
understandable, how to get students interested in the subject. And of course a teacher ought to
have perfect knowledge of his subject. I think the ideal teacher is the one who can combine all
these. My present teacher is just like this. She is a great specialist and also a nice personality. I
hope in future I can become as good teacher as she is.
Is it easy to choose a profession?
Does anyone influence a person in choosing a profession?
Why is knowledge of a foreign language important?
What kind of person can be a teacher?
What should a good teacher know?
to decide - решить
future - будущее
to influence - воздействовать
to choose - выбирать
knowledge - знание
patience - терпение
personality - личность
I want to be an Interpreter
I want to be an interpreter. It is an interesting and useful profession.
My parents have a large library and they taught me to like books. I like reading books. My
favourite subjects in school are English, Literature, Geography and History. My favourite
English and American writers are Shakespeare, Dickens, Walter Scott, Jack London, and
Mark Twain.
Once at the class of Literature, our teacher told us that, when translated, literary works lose
much of their beauty. She said that poetry is very hard to translate. From that day I have a
dream. I want to have my favourite books in the original and to know the languages they are
written in. So I will enjoy the real beauty of these books.
I also like reading books about other countries. It is so interesting to learn that other people
think differently.
I want to become an interpreter because of some reasons. It is an interesting profession
because an interpreter meets people from different countries and cultures all the time and has
an opportunity to learn much about them. Besides, this profession is very useful because it
helps people to understand each other.
1. Do you like reading books?
2. What are you favourite subject in school?
3. Who are you favourite writers?
4. Do you think that literary works lose much when translated?
5. Why is the profession of an interpreter interesting?
6. Why is it useful?
interpreter – переводчик
to lose – терять
literary works – литературные произведения
opportunity - возможность
Read and discuss these texts.
Irina Zotova.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Teacher’s Profession.
+There are many interesting and useful professions but I like the profession of a teacher. It is a
very interesting and difficult profession. It is interesting because you work with the pupils, with
the personalities. It is difficult because you have to teach them to write, to read, to do sums, to
count, to sing, to write compositions, stories, poems. To be a good teacher means to be a highly
educated person and to know a lot. If you are an English teacher, you must improve your English
by reading books, translating sentences from Russian into English, reading English newspapers,
looking through magazines.
Many people remember their first teachers. Teachers are respected. Many boys and girls want
to become like their teachers.
-You want the pupils to know your subject well, but there are pupils who don’t want to do their
homework, they miss the lessons, they don’t bring their textbooks or copybooks, sometimes they
lose their books. They get bad marks. Some of them are undisciplined, you are to keep the
discipline during your lesson, and sometimes it is not easy. You are to direct child’s energy in
the right channels.
- The teacher’s work is not highly paid. I think that the teachers should get more money for
their work.
+The teacher is a cultured person, he is very talented.
-One can get bored with the same routine year after year teaching the same material to the
+ Teaching is terribly stimulating.
+ You have a long holiday. Your holiday is always in summer and you may visit other
countries, other towns, other places in summer and enjoy your excursion.
I think the first difficulty is to restore the order. You meet your class for the first time, you do
not know their names and surnames, and you may be mistaken in giving the names of the pupils.
Pupils may take liberties.
You must make yourself comfortable. You must be very attentive. You must know the subject
well, pupils may control your knowledge, asking various questions and you must find the way
out. If you don’t know the answer you should say: Excuse me, I don’t know this question, but I’ll
answer the question at the next lesson. You shouldn’t forget to answer the question.
A teacher should look attractive and wear modern clothes, modern hair-do.
Pupils have different characters. There are boys and girls who are very talkative and used to
chat at the lessons and you must stop him talking. There are boys and girls who never did
homework and you must make them to do their homework.
There is a boy who is naughty and you must make him change his character. Pupils are
different. Nick always used to be late for everything, he used to smoke. You must find the way
I think I’ll find the way out.
You are to organize parties, festivals and your pupils are to take part in it.
An Ideal Upbringing
I think teachers and parents should cooperative in educating a child. The profession of a
teacher demands great patience. An ideal teacher must keep discipline in the classroom. Children
should respect their parents and grandparents, elder children should respect younger ones.
Schoolchildren should be allowed to choose the subjects they want to study. Now they are
taught to use computers, their teachers should teach them how to use computers. Children should
take an active part in defending peace.
Parents shouldn’t blame teachers for their children’s faults, they shouldn’t spoil their children.
Both teachers and parents should try to encourage a child to make better progress at school.
I think they may use promises of future rewards. it may be an honorable diploma, an excursion to
another city( to Cheboksary, for example).
I think all schoolchildren should wear a school uniform, because pupils of different wellbeing
use the same uniform and there is not much difference between them.
I see to the children. Parents can help teachers with out-of-school activities. They are of different
professions. Among them there are musicians, they can help to organize a party or a festival, and
painters can organize painting courses, dancers – dancing courses and so on.
My Idea of a Happy Childhood
I think I had a happy childhood because I have a mother, a father, a sister and a brother. Our
family is happy. Our mother is an English teacher. She likes her job, she loves children, she
teaches them English, and the pupils respect her. They write letters to her; even boys write letters
when they serve in the army. Our father also likes his job. He is an electric. Our parents love and
respect each other. We love our parents.
When I was ten, I was at the pioneer camp and we had a good time there. Our parents took us to
Cheboksary, we visited many museums and parks there. We went to the zoo and to the circus.
We enjoyed ourselves. We were fond of writing articles and fairy-tales and our fairy-tales were
published in Tantash. My sister and I often took part in quizzing games and quizzes which were
published in different newspapers and magazines. We were a great success. Sometimes we got
money as a prize, sometimes an honorable diploma.
I took part at the concerts, sang songs, I also took part at the sport competitions, I was active at
school. We had good teachers; they did their best to teach us.
I had many true friends. We played different games together. I studied excellently at school.
After graduating the school, I got a silver medal and I have entered the university at once. I think
I was happy. I think one should have a good health to be happy.
If there is no war, if you have your mother and your father, if your relatives are healthy, you are
happy I think.
I was born in the family of a teacher. My mother is an English teacher. My aunts are also
teachers; my mother’s sisters are a biology teacher and a primary school teacher, that’s why I
have chosen the profession of a teacher. When I was a little girl, I went to school with my mother
attending her lessons. I watched her and I wanted my mother to be a favourite and the most
respected teacher and the friend for the pupils.
Our Russian teacher Zoya Nickolayevna caught a cold. She asked me to give a Russian lesson
in the 5-th form. I entered the classroom and was terrified at first with all those pupils’ eyes
stared at me. But I tried to get concentrated and said Good morning in a quite friendly voice.
Then it was all right. We read, wrote, sang songs, asked and answered questions. Since then I
gave Russian lessons for several times when the teacher was absent.
If you like people, you will love teaching. To be a good teacher you must be interested in what
you are doing. You must want to know and learn something new and become something new. A
good teacher must know his subject very well. He must have respect for boys and girls. A good
teacher is one who learns all the time, from life, from colleagues, from children. A professional
teacher integrates theory and practice. This sort of work demands great patience. An ideal
teacher must keep discipline in the classroom. He must use traditional and new methods. I think
teachers and parents should cooperate in educating a child. I also think that a good teacher must
be interested in music and teach pupils to sing songs. He should go in for sports, because pupils
respect those teachers who go in for sports. He must be talented.
The real teacher should be full of life and energy. He’ s always ready to help people when they
are in need. He has good manners. He is modest and sincere. He is very attentive.
Irina Zotova
Arrange the following ten characteristics of a good teacher in order of preference and give your
Ten Characteristics of a Good Teacher
1. I want a teacher who has a contagious enthusiasm for his teaching, one who loves his
students and his work.
2. I want a teacher who is creative and employs various techniques to engage the student’s
3. I want a teacher who can add pace and humour to the class. With such a teacher we have
good time learning, and we make a lot of progress because we are not afraid to make
mistakes, we can take chances.
4. I want a teacher who challenges me.
5. I want a teacher who is encouraging and patient and who will not give me up.
6. I want a teacher who knows grammar well and who will explain something on the spot if
7. I want a teacher who will take an interest in me as a person- one who will try to discover
topics that interest me.
8. I want a teacher who will take a minute or two to answer a question after class, or who
will take five minutes to correct something that I have done on my own.
9. I want a teacher who will treat me as a person, on an equal basis with all members of the
10. Finally, I want a teacher who will leave his emotional baggage outside the classroom.
Do you know these words?
Добыл рога оленя - панты,
С ружьём двуствольным ходит ...
(hunter - охотник)
Он пишет много, вы - читайте!
Детишкам книги пишет ...
(writer - писатель)
Книга понравится вам о корриде.
Если ты с книжкой, зовёшься ты ...
(reader - читатель)
Пахнет вкусно: жарят лук,
Царь на кухне - это ...
(cook - повар)
Умеет всё, в работе дока,
На заводе главный - ...
(worker - рабочий)
Поворот крутой направо,
Справлюсь с ним - лихой я ...
(driver - шофёр)
Утром каждым в школе птичьей,
Всех птенцов петь учит ..
(teacher - учитель)
Работает в поле упорно, упрямо.
Смотрит на небо с тревогою ...
(farmer - фермер)
Любит шутки и веселье,
«Волк морской» в тельняшке - ...
(sailor - моряк)
Вот афиша на проспекте,
А на ней - известный ...
(actor - актёр)
Кассеты Высоцкого
Есть в магазине,
Владимир Высоцкий Любимый мой ...
(singer - певец)
Продаёт товар умело,
Вам покупку вручит ...
(seller - продавец)
Уколы стойко перенёс Легка рука у нашей ...
(nurse - медсестра)
Кто бежит так утром рано?
Тренируется наш ...
(runner - бегун)
Балансов, отчетов целая кипа Прибыль, зарплату считает ...
(book-keeper - бухгалтер)
Чтобы блинами нас мама кормила,
Мелет муку нам на мельнице ...
(miller - мельник)
School poems
Do Your Best
Do your best, your very best;
And do it every dayLittle boys and little girls,
This is wisest way.
No matter what you try to do,
At home or at your school,
Always do your very best –
There is no better rule.
So if you read your little book,
Or if you learn to spell,
Or if you play with hoop or ball,
Be sure to do it well.
Twenty Froggies
Twenty froggies went to school
Down beside a little poolTwenty little coats of green,
Twenty vests all white and clean.
“We must be in time,» said they.
“First we study, then we play.
This is how we keep the rule,
When we froggies go to school.”
We learn such lots of things at school,
And new ones every day;
I think the names of some of them
Are very hard to say.
Writing is an easy thing,
But if you are using ink,
Remember not to make a blot;
Dictation is hard I think.
If people say arithmetic
It’s hard, I don’t agree:
For if you know your tables, it’s
As plain as ABC.
Geography’s about the world,
It’s interesting to me,
Because I like to hear about
The lands across the sea.
Geography is very nice,
But history is better,
And Composition teaches us
How to write a letter.
But reading is the best of all,
For Reading’s like a key
That opens many, many doors;
It opens books for me.
And when I reach the upper school,
I’ll learn, when I am big.
Geometry and Algebra,
And something queer called Trig.
I Like Books
Books are full of boys and girls
That I would like to know,
Books are fool of happenings
To folks of long ago.
Books are fool of animals
That I would like to pet,
Books are fool of weather too.
Both sunny days and wet.
Book Look
Since books are friends,
They need much care,
When you are reading them,
Be good to them and fair!
Use book- marks, children,
To hold your place,
And don’t turn a book
Upon its clear face.
Remember, children, then:
Books are meant to read,
Not cut or colour themNot really never indeed.
The School Bell’s Song
In the morningThis is the song.
The song it sings;
These are the words
The bell now rings:
Your play is done
Work has begun;
Now boys and girls
Must leave their fun.
In the eveningThis is the song,
The song it sings;
These are the words
The bell now rings:
Your school is done,
It’s time for fun;
Now, boys and girls,
Play has begun.
Puppies at school
When puppies go to school,
They do not read or write,
They learn the way to wag their tails,
But never, never bite.
When puppies go to school,
They sit still in a row,
Till teacher counts- one, two, three!
Then cry aloud “bow- wow!”
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do it today.
Better late than never.
Lazy – Bones Grundy
Lazy- bones Grundy
Must do sums for Monday.
“And today is Tuesday,”
Says lazy- bones Grundy,
“So I’ ll do it on Wednesday,
If not- then on Thursday,
Or even on Friday,”
Says lazy- bones Grundy.
Now very soon comes Friday
And Saturday comes,
But lazy- bones Grundy
Has not time for sums.
“Never mind,” says Grundy,
“I ‘ll do it on Sunday,”
So this is the time- tible
Of lazy-bones Grundy.
The School
The school has doors that open wide,
And friendly teachers wait inside.
Hurry, hurry, let’s go in,
For soon the lessons will begin.
Books and pencils will I need,
When I start to write and read.
Lots to learn and lots to do
I like to go to school, don’t you?
School days
The happiest days of your whole life!
(So all the grown-ups say),
But I would never go to school
If I could have my way.
My pencil point is broken,
My pen’s run out of ink.
My head’s just filled with sawdust
And with sawdust you can’t think.
My books are in a dreadful state
With ink-blots here and there,
My school hat is so cumbersome
And horrible to wear.
The happiest days of your whole life!
(That’s what the grown-ups say),
But I would never go to school!
If I could have my way.
S. Writworth
“Teachers pass the torch of learning on to others.”
“I TEACH TO LOVE, I love to teach…
My joy is measured by the children I reach.”
Jan Kennedy
“The job of a teacher is to excite in the young a boundless sense of curiosity about life.”
John Garret
“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.”
Albert Einstein
“Teaching is love made visible.”
My first is in history,
In English, math and geography.
My second is in two and one,
It’s in the moon but not the sun.
My third lives in Timbuctoo,
In summer it is double,
My fourth is always in a cage,
I know that it’s in trouble.
Five is in the question Who?
In Why and Where? and How do you do?
Six is in brown and yellow, too,
But never there in green and blue,
For seven you can find an answer
In artist, teacher and ballet dancer.
This riddle’s hard, but I’m happy to say
My eighth is at the end, OK?
(Answer: homework.)
Work while You Work
By A. D. Stoddart
Work while you work,
Play while you play;
This is the way
To be cheerful and gay.
All that you do,
Do with your might;
Things done by halves
Are never done right.
One thing each time,
And that done well,
Is a very good rule,
As many can tell.
Moments are useless,
Trifled away;
So work while you work,
And play while you play.
I have six honest serving-men
(They taught me all I knew);
Their names are What and Why and when
And How and Where and Who.
I send them over land and sea,
I send them East and West;
But after they have worked for me,
I give them all a rest.
I let them rest from nine till five,
For I am busy then,
As well as breakfast, lunch and tea,
For they are hungry men.
But different folk have different views;
I know a person smallShe keeps ten million serving-men,
Who get no rest at all!
She sends’em on her own affairs,
From the second she opens her eyesOne million Hows, two million Wheres,
And seven million Whys!
May there always be sunshine!
Words by L.Oshanin.Music by A.Ostrovsky
Translated by Tom Botting
Bright blue the sky,
Sun up on highThat was the little boy’s picture.
He drew for you,
Wrote for you too,
Just to make clear what he drewMay there always be sunshine,
May there always be blue skies,
May there always be Mummy,
May there always be me!
My little friend,
Listen, my friend,
Peace is the dream of the people,
Hearts old and young
Never have done
Singing the song you have sung.
Soldier lad, stay!
Hear what we sayWar would make all of us losers.
Peace is our prize.
Millions of eyes
Anxiously gaze at the skies.
Down with all war!
We want no more.
People, stand up for your children!
Sing, everyonePeace must be won,
Dark clouds must not hide the sun.
School Poem
You mustn’t be rude,
You mustn’t scream or shout,
You mustn’t scream in class.
Or run and play about.
You must be calm and quiet,
You must work hard all day,
And never say you are tired.
Why must I be good?
Why mustn’t I scream or shout?
It’s good to make a noise –
But only when you are out.
Together, together,
Together ev’ry day;
Together, together
We work and play.
Together, together
We read our books each day;
Together, together
We work and we play.
Together, together
We write some words each day;
Together, together
We work and we play.
Together, together
We write our exercises;
Together, together
We work and we play.
School bells are ringing, loud and clear;
Vacations are over, school is here.
We hunt our pencils and our books,
And say goodbye to fields and brooks.
To carefree days of sunny hours,
To birds and butterflies and flowers.
But we are glad school has began,
For work is always mixed with fun.
When autumn comes and the weather is cool,
Nothing can take the place of school.
I wondered and I wondered
When I could go to school.
They said I wasn’t old enough
According to the rule.
I waited and I waited,
I was patient as could be.
And now I am all excited…
It’s time for school for me!
September is here.
September is here.
School’s began and we’ll have fun.
September is here.
A Good Rule
My sisters and brothers
All go to school.
We help one another.
It’s a good rule.
We help our mother
When she washes or cooks.
Together with father
We like to write books.
Сlass rules
We raise our hands to speak.
We work quietly at our seats.
We use voices soft and sweet.
We keep our places tidy and neat.
We are helpful, friendly, and fair.
We take turns and willingly share.
Red apples
Blue sky
Yellow busses
It’s September.
Falling leaves
Rainbow crayons
Many questions
It’s September.
Opening doors
Opening books
Opening hearts
It’s September.
Time of wander
Time of growing
Timeless treasures
It’s September.
The First Day of School
Oh, it’s the first hour of the first lesson of the first day of school.
Oh, it’s the first hour of the first lesson of the first day of school.
Oh, it’s the first minute of the first hour of the first day of school.
Oh, it’s the first second of the first minute of the first day of school.
Everybody’s Back in School
Everybody’s back in school today.
Everybody’s back to school.
The principal’s back.
The teachers are back.
Everybody’s back in school.
The janitor’s back, sweeping the halls.
The bus driver’s back on the bus.
Everybody’s back in school today.
Everybody‘s waiting for us.
Everybody’s back in school today.
The gym teacher’s back in the gym.
The music teacher’s back in school today.
Everybody’s waiting for him.
Everybody’s back in school today.
The swimming teacher’s back in the pool.
Everybody’s back from their summer vacation.
Everybody’s back in school.
We learn such lots of things at school,
And new ones every day;
I think the names of some of them
Are very hard to say.
Writing is an easy thing,
But if you’re using ink,
Remember not to make a blot;
Dictation’s hard I think.
If people say Arithmetic
It’s hard, I don’t agree;
For if you know your tables, it’s
As plain as ABC.
Geography’s about the world,
It’s interesting to me,
Because I like to hear about
The lands across the sea.
Geography is very nice,
But History is better,
And Composition teaches us
How to write a letter.
But Reading is the best of all,
For reading’s like a key
That opens many, many doors;
It opens books for me.
And when I reach the upper school,
I’ll learn, when I am big.
Geometry and Algebra,
And something queer called Trig.
The More We Study
The more we study, the more we know,
The more we know, the more we forget,
The more we forget, the less we know.
The less we know, the less we forget,
The less we forget, the more we know,
Why study?
Workers of Tomorrow
Oh, will you tell me,
What will you be?
What will you be
When you grow up?
The 1-st pupil:
I’ll be a miner. I’ll drill for coal’
(He works with a drill)
The 2-d pupil;
I’ll be a baker. I’ll bake your bread.
(He mixes bread0
The 3-d pupil:
I’ll be a builder. I’ll build your houses.
(He lays bricks)
The 4-th pupil:
I’ll be a teacher. I’ll teach the children.
(he writes on the blackboard)
The 5-th pupil:
I’ll be a driver. I’ll drive lorries.
(He steers a lorry)
The 6-th pupil:
I’ll be a soldier. I’ll guard our land.
(He stands on guard)
All together: When we grow up we’ll be…
Miners! Bakers! Builders! Teachers! Drivers! Soldiers!
We’ll work together
For our native land!
Кем стать?
Говорила сыну мама:
«Дедушка твой фермер- farmer,
А тебе, сын, стань важнее
Инженером, engineer.»
Возразил ей папа:
Много есть профессий разных.
Может больше будет прока
Если стать рабочим,worker?»
Бабушка, услышав, села:
« Моряком он будет, sailor.
Ну, а моряком не станет,
Значит, будет летчик, pilot».
Дед вмешался: « Вы не правы!
Будет внук водитель, driver.
Ничего, что он недавно
Стать хотел пожарным, fireman.
А захочет, так учтите,
Будет он учитель , teacher».
I will be a fisherman.
I will be a fisherman.
I am crazy about sea.
We will cook a lot of fish.
Will you marry me?
Thank you John for asking me.
I am fond of ocean too.
But I am not keen on cooking fish.
So I won’t marry you.
I am very fond of singing songs.
I’ll be a famous star.
We will have a lovely house,
Five children and a car.
Oh, John! Then I will marry you.
I’ll be a happy wife.
A perfect husband I will be.
We’ll have a happy life!
Цель: умение задавать вопросы, активизация в речи изученной лексики, изучение
Материал: набор картинок по изученным темам.
Ход игры: выучив первые структуры и речевые образцы можно приступить к этой игре.
Один из учеников исполняет роль учителя. Его задача - познакомиться с классом и
проверить, как ребята выучили слова. В зависимости от темы вопросы могут усложняться.
«Учитель» может проверить не только знание лексики, но и грамматики(формы глагола,
степени сравнения..)
Цель: повторение лексики по теме «Professions».
Материал: не требует особой подготовки.
Ход игры: формируются две команды. Команды должны назвать слова по данной теме.
Команда А называет слово. Команда Б за 5-7 секунд должна отбить удар и назвать другое
слово по этой теме. Игра продолжается до тех пор, пока одна из команд не сможет
вспомнить слово по теме «Professions».
Цель: умение составлять слова из заданных букв, активизация памяти.
Материал: набор букв (кубиков с написанными на них буквами).
Ход игры: из учеников формируются 2 команды.
Ребята должны составить слова по теме «Professions», например: teacher, doctor, worker и
т.д. Очко получает та команда, которая первым заканчивает. (за неправильно написанное
слово очко не засчитывается).
Цель: проверка правописания слов по определенной тематике.
Материал: карточки со словами.
Ход игры: на доске пишутся слова или выставляются карточки с заранее написанными
словами, в которых перепутаны буквы. Выигрывает тот, кто быстрее угадает все слова.
Например: KERWOR – worker
CHERTEA- teacher, TORDOC- doctor.
Цель: повторение и закрепление изученной лексики.
Материал: не требует подготовки.
Ход игры: водящий сидит на стуле у доски лицом к классу. Ученики по очереди задают
водящему вопросы. Как только допущена ошибка, водящий заменяется. Примеры
вопросов: What is the English for … учитель, продавец. писатель, работать, продавать,
Цель: развитие ассоциативного мышления, проверка знания лексики.
Материал: заранее заготовленные карточки со словами.
Ход игры: вычеркнуть лишнее в ряду слово ( не подходящее по смыслу). Выигрывает тот.
кто быстрее вычеркнет лишние слова во всех строчках (обычно 5-6 строк).
Цель: проверка правописания слов.
Материал: не требуется.
Слова с пропущенными буквами можно сразу писать на доске (можно заготовить заранее
карточки). W….R(WRITER)/
Ход игры: игрок называет букву, которая по его предположению, должна быть в слове.
Если буква угадана, то он имеет право сделать еще один ход, до первого промаха. Далее
ход переходит к следующему игроку (как в «ПОЛЕ ЧУДЕС»).
Цель: развитие памяти, ассоциативной памяти.
Материал: не требуется.
Ход игры: выбирается ученик- «великан». Учащиеся «нагружают» его словами по
определенной тематике. «Великан» обязан повторить данные ему слова в той
последовательности, в которой они были произнесены. Если допущена ошибка, считается,
что «великан» все уронил. Выигрывает тот, кто смог запомнить наибольшее количество
ДИДАКТИЧЕСКИЕ материалы. Учимся и играем на уроках английского языка.
Teaching Materials. English Learn and Play at the English Lessons. Forms 2-4 Teacher’s Guide
КВН «Профессии»
Цели: Обобщение изученного материала по теме «Профессии»; актуализация
грамматических навыков (использование настоящего продолжительного времени в устной
Оборудование: картинки с транскрипцией слов; картинки с изображением людей
различных профессий; карточки со словосочетаниями для составления диалогов.
Ход мероприятия
1. Организационный момент
-Good morning , children! I am glad to see you! Sit down, please. Today we shall have a
competition. Two teams will take part in our competition. The first team is the first row, and the
second team is the second row. (Учитель жестом показывает, как делятся команды).
2. Проведение конкурсов.
Конкурс 1. Приветствие.
Дети представляют название и девиз своей команды. В приветствии должны принять
участие все члены команды, поэтому учитель проводит предварительную работу по
подготовке приветствия и оказывает необходимую детям помощь.
Конкурс 2. «Впиши попущенный звук». У детей на столах лежат карточки с
транскрипцией слов, некоторые звуки в них пропущены.
Слова на карточках: creative, rind, friendly, cruel, close, rude, independent, beautiful, clever,
Конкурс 3. Разминка
У детей на столах лежат картинки с изображением профессий. Дети из разных команд по
очереди сначала задают вопросы к этим картинкам, а потом отвечают на вопросы
Are you going to be a doctor?
-No, I am not. I am not going to be a doctor.
Is your mother a librarian?
Yes, she is. She is a librarian.
Would you like to be a vet?
Yes, I would like to be a vet.
Конкурс 4. конкурс диалогов
It’s time to remember the Present Continuous Tense and act out the dialogues.
Участники каждой команды получают карточки со словосочетаниями, в течение 2-3
минут готовят мини-диалоги, используя Present Continuous Tense, а затем по очереди
представляют их.
Карточки для первой команды: to read a book, to work in the garden, to go to school, to talk to
the teacher.
Карточки для второй команды: to play on the computer, to write a letter, to drink juice, to
watch a football match.
Примерный диалог:
Where is Bob? -He is in the library. What is he doing? He is reading a book.
Конкурс 5. «Согласись или не согласись»
The next task for you is to agree or to disagree with my statements
Примерные утверждения.
You are a pupil. You are not a doctor. Misha is a teacher. Your mother is not a driver. Your
friend would like to be a vet. Your father is a sailor. Your uncle is a farmer. Your uncle is a
Конкурс 5. Listen! People in our street.
The postman brings our letters. The dustman collects our rubbish. The hairdresser cuts our hair,
The window cleaner cleans our windows. The workman mends our roads. The baker makes our
A. Ask and answer. What does the postman do? What does the dustman do? What does the
hairdresser do?...
B. What’s wrong? The hairdresser makes our bread. The postman cleans our windows. The
dustman brings our letters. The workman cuts our hair. The baker collects our rubbish. The
window cleaner mends our roads.
(The hairdresser doesn’t make our bread….)
3.Подведение итогов.
Thank you for your work. You are active, friendly and attentive. It is interesting to know our
После каждого конкурса учитель дает детям жетоны за правильный и быстрый ответ.
После проведения всех конкурсов команды подсчитывают количество жетонов и
выявляют команду-победительницу.
Good morning, when it is morning,
Good night when it is night,
And when it’s time to go away
Good-bye, good-bye, good-bye.
( Е. В. Взюдина. Театральные уроки и внеклассные мероприятия на английском
The fish man comes today.
The fish man calls this way:
“Fresh fish! Fresh fish!
Oh, fine fresh fish!
Fine fresh fish for sale!” Эта игра предназначена для мальчиков. Торговцы хотят продать
свой товар, поэтому они должны говорить громко.
Игра « Угадай будущее по дню рождения».LUCKY NUMBERS
1. Teacher
not rich
lots of friends
win/a gold medal
2. Swimmer
five children
live/the USA
teach /University
3. Dentist
not famous
lots of money
live / Moscow
study English
4. Doctor
long life
5. Pop star
many fans
work /London
marry/pop star
6. Nurse
lots of clothes
study France
travel/the world
7. Model
long life
8. Artist
three children
live / Cheboksary
9 .Farmer
lots of friends
work /Chuvashia
win/silver medal
READ and find your lucky number:
1. When is your birthday?
2. Add the numbers.
3. Add the number again.
4. Your lucky number is 9.
TELL your partner your lucky number. Your partner will tell you future from the chart.
MY LUCKY number is 9.
You’ll be a farmer. You’ll have lots of friends. You’ll be happy. You’ll work in Chuvashia.
You’ll win silver medal.
Ребята прослушивают предложения, в которых говорится о том, что обычно делает той
или иной профессии. Cреди правильных предложений попадаются одно-два неверных или
недостаточно точных по содержанию. За каждую замеченную или поправку дается одно
-The builder builds houses.
-The scientist makes experiments.
-The driver drives cars.
–The waiter serves meals.
-The fitter fits up new machines.
–The turner turns new metal parts.
-The joiner makes furniture.
–The conductor conducts the orchestra.
-The tailor makes clothes.
–The barber shaves and cuts hair.
-The hairdresser dresses hair.
–The artist draws pictures.
-The shoe mender mends shoes.
–The gardener takes care of the garden.
-The forester takes care of the forest.
–The frontier-guard guards frontiers.
-The woodcutter cuts wood.
–The weaver weaves cloth.
-The milkmaid milks cows.
–The captain controls the work of the crew of the
Уровень: начинающие
Оптимальный размер группы: 10 учеников
Цель: Повторить названия профессий.
Необходимый материал: Нет.
Описание: Один из учеников выходит из класса, а остальные договариваются, какую
профессию выбрать. Когда он возвращается в класс, его товарищи говорят по одному
предложению, описывающему профессию, а ведущий пытается ее отгадать. Например:
1-ый ученик:He works with many people.
2-ой ученик: He talks a lot.
3-He writes a lot.
4-He gets angry a lot.
5-He laughs a lot.
6-He uses a lot of chalk.
Ответ- “teacher”
1-й ученик : He fixes things.
2- He charges a lot. 3-You call him for emergencies. 4- He comes to your house.
5- He works with water.
Ответ -- plumber
6- He uses wrenches. 7- He fixes sinks and toilets.
Лексико – грамматические упражнения к урокам.Учебник Кауфман для 5 класса
Unit 6. Lesson 4
1. Заполните пропуски.
1. Не is a teacher. Не … history.
2. He is a driver. He … a car.
3. He is a baker. He … bread.
4. She is a which. She … pills.
5. He is a tennis player. He … tennis.
6. He is a football player. He … football.
7. She is a pianist. She … the piano.
8. She is a dancer. She … well.
9. He is a singer. She … songs.
10. He is a farmer. He … at the garden.
2. Измените предложения по образцу.I teach English. He teaches English too.
 I like to dance. He …
 We drive a car. He …
 They bake bread. She …
 I teach History. He …
 She works in our school. Nick …
 You work for a company. She …
 I work in a bakery. She …
 We milk cows. Kate …
 You make gold. Belov …
 I give medicine and pills. He … .
3. Впишите недостающие слова.
 Popova is a baker. She … in a blue house. She … in a bakery.
 Krasnov is a driver. He … in a red house. He …for a company.
 Belova is a teacher. She … in a white house. She … in our school.
 Chernov is a doctor. He … in a black house. He … in a big hospital.
 Zelenin is a farmer. He … in a green house. He … on a farm.
4. Укажите неправильные предложения.
 A driver milks cows.
 A baker bakes bread.
 A teacher works in a bank.
 A doctor works in a school.
 A farmer works in a hospital.
 A knight serves the Queen.
 A driver drives a car.
 A baker works for a company.
 A farmer works on a farm.
 A singer dances.
5.Впишите в предложения слова.
 A baker bakes his …
 A farmer ploughs his …
 A doctor in her hospital gives…
 A teacher teaches us …
 A driver drives his …
 A knight serves the …
 A farmer feeds his …
Слова-подсказки: hens, bread, Queen, field, medicine and pills,
History, car.
Кауфман , 5 класс, урок 19.
1. What is your job? Поставьте правильную форму глагола to be.
Pat … a singer. Ann … a cleaner. Sabby … a manager. Carol …a doctor. Kate … a
dentist. Pete … a teacher. Den … a driver. Ted … an actor. Mary … a singer. Bill … a
I … a singer. We … cleaners. You … managers. He … a dentist. She … a doctor. I … a
teacher. We … drivers. She … an actress. They … singers. He … a dancer.
2. Задайте вопрос What is your job? What is your brother’s job? What is his job? What
is Pete’s job?
My sister is a doctor.
My brother is a driver.
My mother is a teacher.
My father is a doctor.
My friend is a dentist.
My grandmother is a cleaner.
My grandfather is an actor.
Pete is a farmer.
Ann is a baker.
Mary is a singer.
3.Construct two-line dialogues like the model. Use the cues.
1. Work?
Where do you work?
In a department store.
I work in a department store.
2. Do?
What do you do?
Sell radios.
I sell radios.
What do you do?
Drive a bus.
I drive a bus.
What do you make?
I make shoes.
The 6-th form
Who was is this man?
He was a spaceman. He first walked on the Moon. It was in 1969.
He was an artist. He painted a lot of beautiful pictures. One of them is “The Graham
He was a writer. He wrote a lot of interesting books for children. One of them is “Alice in
He was born in 1859. He was a writer. He wrote stories about Sherlock Holmes.
He was a spaceman. He was the first man in space. He went to space in 1961.
He was born in London in 1889. Later he lived in the USA. He was a film actor.
Key: 1-N. Armstrong
3-L. Carroll
4-Conan Doyle
5- Y.Gagarin
6- C.
March the names and the professions
1. Tchaikovsky
a. a writer
2. Charlie Chaplin
b. an artist
3. Lewis Carroll
c. a spaceman
4. Michelangelo
d. an actor
5. Gagarin
e. composer
6. Archimedes
f. a sportsman
7. Kasparov
g. a scientist
Key: 1e, 2d, 3a, 4b, 5c, 6g, 7f.
Who were these people?
1. Neil Armstrong was
a. a composer b. an artist c. a spaceman.
2. Cleopatra was
a. an actress b. a queen c. a prime-minister
3. Caesar was
a. Roman genera l b. an artist c. a king
4. William the Conqueror was
a. sportsman b. a king c. a scientist
5. George Washington was
a. a write b. an engineer c. a president
6. Hogarth was
a. a scientist b. a composer
c. an artist
7. Isaac Newton was
a. a scientist
b. a doctor c. an actor
8. Mozart was
a. an engineer
b. a scientist c. a
9. Tchaikovsky and Stravinsky were
a. writers b. composers c. artists
10. The Beatles were
a. composers
b. pop-singers
c. doctors
Key: 1c, 2b, 3a, 4b, 5c, 6c, 7a, 8c, 9b, 10a, b.
Chose the right variant
1. The person who sings songs is a …
1)doctor 2)singer 3)
2. The person who plays in films is an …
1)writer 2)engineer 3)actor
3. The person who paints pictures is an …
1)sportsman 2) composer 3)
4. The person who helps people when they are ill is a … 1) doctor 2) scientist c)
5. The person who takes part in sport competitions is a … 1)pop-singer
2)sportsman ) 3)actress
6. The person who makes experiments is a …
1) actor
2) scientist
7. The person who writes books for children and grown –ups is a … 1)artist 2)
composer 3)writer
8. The person who composes music for songs is a … 1) sportsman 2) actor
9. The person who flies into space is a …
1) engineer
2) spaceman
10. The person who grows crops and raises animals is called a …1) fisherman 2)
farmer 3) miner
11. A member of symphony orchestra is called a … 1) secretary 2) singer 3)
12. The person who takes care of your teeth is called a …1)nurse 2) biologist 3)
Key: 1-2, 2-3, 3-3, 4-1, 5- 2, 6-2, 7-3, 8- 3, 9-2, 10-2, 11-3, 12-3.
March the following words and expressions.
1. A teacher
a. brings letters to your house.
2. A detective
b. works at school.
3. A secretary
c. writes articles for newspapers.
4. A stewardess
d. types letters and answers the phone calls.
5. A reporter
e. works for police.
6. A postman
f. brings food for passengers in a plane.
Guess these professions.
I look after vegetables and fruit. I water them.
When people on a train or a bus want to pay the fare, they give money to me and I give
I sing at theatres or concert halls. People like to listen to my songs.
I teach children at school. I teach them English.
I work at home. I look after the house, clean and wash up.
I like animals and I can treat them.
I like to take part in sport competitions. I like to play football.
Do you know any famous British people?
1. He was English. He was born in 1564. He was a writer and an actor. He died
in 1616.
2. He was born in London in 1889. Later he lived in the USA. He was a film
3. He was born in 1859. He was a writer. He wrote stories about Sherlock
4. She was born in 1859. She wrote 75 detective stories. She died in 1978.
1. Shakespeare 2.Charlie Chaplin 3. Sir Arthur Conan –Doyle.
Тексты для чтения 5 класс
1. Pete is a worker. He works in a shop. Yuri is a mechanic. He works in a shop too. They
work in a shop.
2. Vyacheslav Alexandrovich is an agronomist. He works on a farm. He is a good
3. Galina Sofronova is a vet. She works on a farm. Vyacheslav Alexandrovich and Galina
Sofronova work on a farm.
4. Boris is a clerk. He works at an office. He is a good clerk. He likes his job very much.
5. Mike is a postman. He works at a post office. He is a good postman. He likes his job too.
6. Igor Petrovich is a doctor, and Ann is a nurse. They work in a hospital. They are good
7. Olga Ivanovna is a teacher. She teaches pupils at school. She is a good teacher.
8. I have a father. His name is Vyacheslav Zotov. He is a farmer.
9. I have a mother. Her name is Galina Zotova. She is fifty. She is a teacher.
10. I have a sister. Her name is Irina. She is twenty. She is a student.
11. I have a brother. My brother’s name is Pete. He lives on a farm. He is a driver.
Составьте предложения, употребив глагол-связку в нужной форме, вставьте is или
He is/are a pupil. You is/are a student. Sergey Petrov is/are a mechanic. My sisters is/are
teachers. Mike is/are a driver. Ann is/are a doctor. Oleg’s brother is/are a vet. Nina’s
mother is/are a nurse. They is/are clerks. My father is/are an agronomist.
7 класс. Образуйте существительные от следующих глаголов.
To write, to read, to drive, to translate, to work, to jump, to build, to run, to travel, to
teach, to sing, to compose, to dance, to paint, to print, to bake, to sail, to educate, to
direct, to decorate, to invent, to produce, to design, to construct, to inspect, to tell, to play,
to swim, to act, to report.
Составьте предложения, заполняя пропуски нужными по смыслу словами.
1. Pete works in a shop. He is a ….
2. Ann works in a hospital. She is a ….
3. Vyacheslav Alexandrovich works on a farm. Нe is an ….
4. Anton Pavlovich works on a farm too. He is a ….
5. Dima works at a post office. He is a ….
6. Boris works at an office. He is a ….
7. Kate works in a hospital. She is a ….
Key: worker, doctor, agronomist, postman, clerk, nurse.
Прочитайте тексты и выберите себе профессию.
1. I am a reporter. I often interview interesting and famous people – politicians,
actors and musicians. Sometimes I interview police officers too.
2. I am a photographer. I take photos for magazines and newspapers. I often
travel and take photographs of interesting places. Today I’m working in a
studio with a model.
3. I’m a vet and I help ill animals. People usually bring their cats and dogs to
me. When a horse is ill I drive my car and visit it on the farm.
4. I am a driver. Drivers drive cars, buses, trolley-busses and taxis. I drive a bus.
Suppose what profession I mean.
What is a person? Where does he work?
Model: A person works on a farm.
He is a farmer/she is a farmer.
1. A person works at a hospital.
2. A person works at a shop or a supermarket.
3. A person works at a factory.
4. A person works at a bank.
5. A person works at an office.
6. A person works at school.
7. A person works at an agency.
8. A person works at an orchestra, pop group
9. A person works at a police station.
Policeman/Police Officer
10. A person works at a workshop.
11. A person works at a house.
12. A person works at a kindergarten.
13. A person who makes a newspaper.
14. A person who serves in the Army.
15. A person who decorates houses and create new clothes Designer
16. A person who makes films.
17. A person who earns much money.
18. A person who shows fashionable clothes.
19. A person who drives a car.
20. A person who flies a lot.
21. A person who acts in films and plays.
22. A person who works with a computer.
Name professions of people who:
M. T.: play the piano St.: A man who plays the piano is a pianist.
1. Paint pictures.
1. a painter, an artist.
2. Drive cars.
2. A driver.
3. Teach other people.
3. A teacher.
4. Nurse children.
4. A nurse.
5. Write stories.
5. A writer.
6. Go to the sea.
6. A sailor.
7. Write plays.
7. A playwright.
8. Drive planes.
8. A pilot.
9. Compose music.
9. A composer.
10. Type different papers.
10. A typist.
11. Design machines.
11. An engineer, a designer.
12. Conduct orchestras.
12. A conductor.
13. Sell tickets in buses and trams. 13. A conductor.
14. Treat other people.
14. A doctor.
15. Act in a play or a film.
15. An actor/an actress.
16. Write poems.
16. A poet.
17. Make, repair machines.
17. A mechanic.
18. Have or rent a farm.
18. A farmer.
19. Is busy with newspaper work. 19. A journalist.
20. Grow crops, raise animals.
20. A collective farmer.
21. Work with wood.
21. A carpenter.
Tell us what people of different professions are busy with or what they can make or do:
M. A dress-maker. – A dress-maker is busy with making dresses, blouses, suits and other clothes
for women.
1. A tailor makes suits, jackets and other articles or clothes
for men.
2. A painter (an artist) - Is busy with painting pictures.
Or: it is a workman
who paints walls, buildings
3. A farmer is busy with farming. Or: A farmer is a person who rents
a farm.
4. A playwright is busy with writing plays, dramas, and comedies for
the theatre.
5. A poet is busy with writing verses.
6. A mechanic a skilled workman who makes or uses
7. A journalist a person busy with newspaper work.
8. A book-keeper one who keeps business accounts.
9. A collective farmer who grows crops, raises animals.
10. An engineer a person, who studies, designs, builds
machines, ships, roads, bridges…
11. A shoemaker makes or repairs shoes or boots.
12. A baker bakes bread, makes cakes.
13. A butcher kills animals, cuts them up and sells meat.
14. A teacher teaches pupils at school.
15. A driver drives a car.
What is he/she?
1. Director
A person who cooks meat in restaurants.
2. Doctor
A person who takes pictures professionally.
3. Chef
A person who controls a company.
4. Musician A person who knows foreign languages and helps people to understand
5. Photographer
A person who knows how computer
programmer work.
6. Interpreter
A person who treats people from different
7. Lawyer
A person who composes music.
8. Computer programmer
A person who knows the laws and works in the
.Read the text. Every day many people work for us. How do they help us? Ask questions to the
text: - What does a gardener do? - A gardener plants trees.
1. A gardener plants trees. 2. A photographer takes pictures. 3. A painter paints
pictures for us. 4. A driver drives busses, trams, trolleybuses. 5. A dentist
looks after our teeth. 5. An actor acts in films. 6. A policeman catches
criminals. 7. A builder builds houses for us. 8. A teacher teaches us many
interesting and useful things.9. An artist draws pictures for us. 10. An
accountant controls the finances. 11. An engineer designs machine. 12. A
plumber repairs taps. 13. A dressmaker makes our clothes. 14. A shoemaker
mends our shoes for us. 15. A doctor cures people. 16. A carpenter makes
furniture. 17. A lawyer works in a court. 18. A mechanic repairs cars. 19. A
scientist does experiments. 20. A musician plays in orchestra. 21. Baker bakes
bread in a bakery. 22. Barmen serve drinks in a bar. 23. Butchers prepare and
sell meat in a butcher shop. 24. Nurses look after patients. 25. Secretaries
arrange appointments, type letters and organize meetings. 26. Waiters serve
people food and drink.
2. Read the following text and ask questions to the text.
Model: Teachers are kind people. - Teachers are kind people, aren’t they?
1. Every soldier is eager to become a general.
2. The professions of a lawyer and an architect are very important.
3. The profession of a chemist is very dangerous.
4. A conductor is busy with selling tickets in a bus or a tram.
5. A journalist is busy with writing articles for newspapers.
6. A playwright is busy with writing plays.
7. Teachers are persons who teach different subjects at school.
8. Builders are building houses.
9. Doctors are always polite and attentive.
10. Mendeleyev is a Russian chemist.
Read together.
1. She is a teacher. She teaches at school.
2. He is a factory worker. He works in a factory.
3. He is a farm worker.
He works on a farm.
4. She is a baby sitter. She looks after children.
5. He is a photographer. He photographs people.
6. She is a singer. She sings songs.
7. He is a baker. He bakes bread.
Some occupation-words end with – er:
Manager, writer, buyer, seller, maker, helper, owner, grower, reporter, cleaner,
mover, reader, designer, lawyer, firefighter, farmer, mail carrier, grocer, T. V.
reporter, teacher, police officer…
Some occupation-words end with- -or:
Director, conductor, telephone operator, actor, doctor, inspector, instructor …
Some occupation-words end with man:
Policeman, fireman, salesman, postman, repairman, milkman, cameraman,
chairman, fisherman, handyman…
Some of these occupations-words also end with – woman and –person because
many women do these jobs today: saleswoman, policewoman.
Name the professions according to the occupation.
A shop, a police station, a school, an office, a theatre, a library, a hospital, a hotel,
a newspaper, a bar, an airplane, a dental office, a farm, a factory, a post.
March the job 1.
1. Who teaches children at school?
a) a doctor b) parents c) a teacher d) a sportsman d) a stewardess
2. Who is the head of school?
a) a headmaster b) a teacher c) a president d) an officer
3. Who writes novels?
a) a president b) a writer c) a teacher d) a poet
4. Who operates a ship?
a) a sailor b) a soldier c) a captain d) a pilot
5. Who does hairdo?
a) a porter b) a doctor c) a hairdresser d) a guide
6. Who sells goods?
a) a postman b ) a sailor c) a shop girl d) a clerk
7. Who arranges parties for pupils?
a) a teacher b) a nurse c) an organizer d) a headmaster
8. Who makes films?
a) a teacher b) a postman c) a writer d) a tailor
9. Who sews dresses?
a) a shop girl d) a postman c) a sailor d) a tailor
Key: 1c, 2b, 3a, 4c, 5c, 6c, 7c, 8c, 9a, 10d
March the job 2.
1. Who designs machines?
a) a plumber b) an engineer c) a librarian d)a salesman
2. Who sells goods in a shop?
a) a tailor b) a salesman c) a chemist d) a designer
3. Who fits a repairs pipes?
a) a manage r b) a barber c) a plumber d) a sailor
4. Who designs clothes of books?
a) a barber b) a sailor c) a designer d) a manager
5. Who makes coats and suits?
a) a designer b) a sailor c) a tailor d) a saleswoman
6. Who prepares a sells medical goods?
a) a chemist b) a manager c) a designer d) a salesman
7. Who manages a business?
a) a designer b) a plumber c) a manager d) an engineer
8. Who is a member of a ship’s crew?
a) a tailor b) a chemist c) a sailor d) an engineer
9. Who shaves a cuts men’s hair?
a) a barber b) a tailor c) an engineer d) a librarian
10. Who is in charge of the library?
a) a manager b) a librarian c) a chemist d) a salesgirl
Key: 1b, 2b, 3c, 4c, 5c, 6a, 7c, 8c, 9a, 10b
March the job 3.
1. Who serves customers in a shop?
a) a priest b) a shop-assistant с) a soldier d) a sailor
2. Who is trained to take care of sick, hurt or old people, especially as directed by doctor in
a hospital?
a) a shop-assistant b) a soldier c) a nurse d) a sailor
3. Who is the chief minister and leader of the government in certain countries?
a) a priest b) a president c) a prime-minister d) a director
4. Who is a special trained person performing different religious duties and ceremonies?
a) a priest b) a clerk c) a surgeon d) a sailor
5. Who is a member of a Navy?
a) a clerk b) a soldier c) a sailor d) a nurse
6. Who performs medical operations?
a) a soldier b) a surgeon c) a sailor d) a clerk
7. Who controls and examines money accounts of business and people?
a) a nurse b) a driver c) a librarian d) an accountant
8. Who looks after children?
a) policeman b) a nurse c) a nun d) an agronomist
9. Who treats sick animals?
a) a doctor b) a vet c) a minister d) an animator
10. Who trains sportsmen?
a) a coach b) a driver c) a drummer d) an electrician
11. Who helps people in trouble?
a) a milkmaid b) a mermaid c) a policeman d) a butter
12. Who looks after plants in the fields?
a) an agronomist b) a nurse c) a mermaid d) a driver
13. Who flies an airplane?
a) a driver b) a coach c) a pilot d) a policeman
14. Who has no legs?
a) a doctor b) a driver c) a mermaid d) a horseman
15. Who milks cows?
a) a mermaid b) a stewardess c) a vet d) a milk-maid
Key: 1b, 2c, 3c, 4a, 5c, 6b, 7d, 8b, 9b, 10a, 11c, 12a, 13c, 14c, 15d
Chose the correct answers:
Where does one buy a loaf of bread?
a) at the bookseller’s b) at the grocer’s c)at the baker’s d)at the butcher’s
Where does one buy a pound of bee?
a) at the tobacconist’s b) at the butcher’s c) at the greengrocer’s d) at the diary
Where does one buy a box of cigarettes?
a) at the diary b) at the butcher’s c)at the bookseller’s d) at the tobacconist’s
Where does one buy a bunch of bananas?
a) at the ironmonger’s b) at the diary c) at the greengrocer’s d) at the baker’s
Where does one buy a wedding ring?
a) at the jeweler’s b) at the bookseller’s c)at the ironmonger’s d) at the tobacconist’s
Key: 1c, 2b, 3d, 4c, 5a.
Choose the correct answers:
Where does one buy a hammer?
A ) at the baker’s b) at the jeweler’s c) at the bookseller’s d) at the ironmonger’s
Where does one buy a pound of sugar?
a) at the greengrocer’s b) at the tobacconist’s c) at the grocer’s d) at the butcher’s
Where one buy the book?
a) at the bookseller’s b) at the grocer’s c) at the stationer’s d) at the diary
Where does one buy a bottle of milk?
a) at the hairdresser’s b) at the diary c) at the butcher’s d) at the stationer’s
Where does one buy an exercise-book?
a) at the stationer’s b) at the jeweler’s c) at the tobacconist’s d) at the iron-monger’s
What do we call people who take the following courses to get a profession?
science- a scientist
chemistryphysicsbiologybotanyphilosophyliterature and languagehistorymathematicsgeographymusicWhat do we call them?
1. The man who swims in ice hole
2. The person who often goes to the theatre
3. The person who collects stamps
4. The person who is fond of traveling
5. The man who is fond of books
6. The man who goes in for sports
is called
7. The person who is fond of cars
8. The person who is fond of angling
9. The man who takes part in amateur performances
10. The person who collects coins of different countries
an amateur actor.
a bibliophile.
a fisherman.
a motorist.
a numismatist.
a philatelist.
a sportsman.
a theatre-goer.
a tourist.
a walrus.
How do we call these people?
The person who teaches at school is a _________________.
The person who writes books is a ____________________.
The person who sings in the opera is a ________________.
The person who dances in the ballet is a ______________.
The person who drives a car is a ____________________.
The person who reads books is a ____________________.
The person who smokes much is a ___________________.
The person who works in a plant is a _________________.
Supply the best word or words. Occupations.
1. The person who is in charge of a car is the …
a. guide b. leader c. motorist d. driver. e. conductor
2. The person in charge of a business is in formally known as …
a. chef b. chief c. boss
3. A person who prepares food is a…
a. cook b. cooker
4. A person who works in an office is an …
a. officer b. office worker
5. A person who takes photographs is a…
a. photograph b. photographer c. photography
6. A person who knows how to use a keyword is a…
a .typewriter b. typist c. typing machine writer
7. A woman who looks after other people’s children is a …
a. nanny b. nurse c. teacher
8. The person you work with is your …
a. college b. colleague c. collaborator
9. The person who is in charge of a restaurant is the…
a. patron b. manager c. chef
10. The person who studies the origin of the universe is a …
a. physician b. physicist c. physics
11. Another word for a doctor is a …
a. physician b. physicist c. medicine
12. The teacher who teaches you at school is a
…a. teacher b. professor c. student
13. If you are one of the people waiting to be served in a shop you are
… a. client b. customer c. patient d. guest
14. If you serve people who come into the shop, you are
…a. official b. shop assistant c. clerk
15. The person who would service your car is a…
a. mechanic b. engineer c. technician
Сhoice of a trade.
ability- способность, умение
accountant- бухгалтер
actor – актер
actress- актриса
agronomist –агроном
apply to – обращаться к кому-либо
baby-sitter – няня
baker – пекарь
banker банкир
book-keeper – бухгалтер
builder – строитель
businessman – бизнесмен, предприниматель
вutcher – мясник
сattle-breeder – животновод
сhemist – аптекарь
сhoice of a job/profession trade – выбор профессии
сhoice – выбирать
circus/variety actor – артист цирка, эстрады
clergyman – пастор, священник
cleaner - уборщица
composer – композитор
cook – повар
cosmonaut - космонавт
create your own enterprise создать свое предприятие
designer –дизайнер
director – директор
doctor – врач
driver – водитель, шофер
economist –экономист
electrician – электрик
employee – служащий
engineer – инженер
estimate – оценивать
evaluate – оценивать
farmer – фермер
find vacancy- найти место работы
fireman – пожарный
forest guard- лесник
gardener – садовник
graduate – выпускник
gymnasium- гимназия
hand in an application for a job in firm – подать заявление на место в фирме
have good chances to master, hold of a profession – иметь хорошие шансы получить
head master – директор школы
higher education – высшее образование
interpreter – переводчик ( устный)
job for men – мужская профессия
journalist – журналист
lawyer – юрист
look for vacancies – искать свободные места
lyceum – лицей
manager- менеджер
mechanic – механик
medical man – медбрат
merchant – коммерсант, купец
military man – военнослужащий
milkmaid – доярка
miller – мельник
musician – музыкант
nurse – медсестра
nursery teacher – воспитательница детского сада
officer – офицер
painter – художник, живописец
pensioner – пенсионер
photographer - фотограф
photo model – фотомодель
pilot – летчик
policeman – полицейский
postman - почтальон
principal – директор школы
profession you dream about – профессия мечты
programmer – программист
quality – качество, свойство
sailor – моряк
salesman – продавец
school of commerce – торговая школа, коммерческое училище
secretary – секретарь
singer – певец
student – студент
teacher – учитель
technician – техник
test fitness for job –тест на профессиональную пригодность
translator – переводчик( письменный)
tutor –воспитательница
unemployed – безработный
university – университет
veterinarian – врач-ветеринар(мужчина)
vocational school – профессиональное училище
waiter – официант
way of life – жизненный путь
well suited for a profession – подходить для профессии
worker – рабочий
work at – работать на
writer – писатель
What does your father do? – Кто твой отец по профессии?
He is a teacher. – Он учитель.
What does your mother do? – Кем работает твоя мама?
She is a doctor. – Она врач.
Would you like to be a doctor? – Ты хотел бы стать врачом?
What would you like to be? – Кем бы ты хотела стать?
I would like to be a cook. – Я хотела бы стать поваром.
What are you? - Кто ты по профессии?
I am a pilot. – Я пилот.
What will you do after finishing school? – Что вы будете делать после окончания школы?
Everyone should be aware of one’s abilities. – Каждый должен знать свои способности.
It is not an easy question for graduates. – Нелегкий вопрос для выпускников.
Памятка выпускнику
Для того, чтобы выбрать свою будущую профессию, составить свой личный
профессиональный план, тебе необходимо:
Владеть информацией о мире профессий;
Иметь сформированное представление о собственном «Я»;
Уметь планировать свои действия и уметь принимать решения;
Сформировать личные профессиональные навыки;
Понять, насколько осознан и реалистичен выбор профессии;
Осознать мотивы своего выбора;
Знать, есть ли ограничения по здоровью;
Знать, насколько твоя семья в состоянии материально обеспечить исполнение твоих
профессиональных планов;
Иметь альтернативы выбора профессии и учебного заведения;
Желательно определить психологически противопоказанные сферы деятельности;
Помни! Никакие специальные методы определения твоих способностей не являются
«палочкой – выручалочкой», они служат дополнительным средством для твоего
самостоятельного и осознанного жизненного выбора.
Спутник классного руководителя. 10-11 классы (состав. В. В. Шумилова. Волгоград)
Сельская школа была, есть и будет важной составляющей образовательной системы.
Она призвана всемерно содействовать сохранению и развитию национальных традиций,
нравственных ценностей, росту уникального потенциала отечественной культуры. Школа
обязана играть большую роль в социальной жизни села, в воспитании человекатруженика, умело распоряжающегося главным народным достоянием-землей.
Образовательные проблемы на селе обострились. Сегодняшние выпускники сельских
школ вынуждены на равных конкурировать с городскими школьниками при поступлении
в высшие и средние учебные заведения. Они должны уметь быстро адаптироваться к
динамично изменяющимся социально-экономическим условиям.
Сельские школьники, как и городские, должны реализовать свое право на выбор
профильного класса. Нужно способствовать тому, чтобы сохранить школы в селах и
деревнях, иначе молодежь из сельской местности будет стремиться в школы райцентров,
близлежащих городов, начнется опустошение сел и деревень. Опрос учащихся
показывает, что большинство из них не мечтает о сельской профессии.
Одни ученики убеждены в необходимости совершенствоваться во владении английским
языком, хотя предметом их профессионального выбора может быть совсем другая область
знания (журналистика, обществоведение, история, экономика, информатика,
естественнонаучные дисциплины). Другие проявляют профессиональный интерес и
хотели бы заниматься преподавательской, переводческой или исследовательской
деятельностью в области филологии.
Слово УЧИТЕЛЬ имеет двойное значение: в узком понимании – это преподаватель, тот,
кто учит детей, открывает перед ними широкое окно в мир знаний и побед человеческого
разума. В широком смысле – это высокоавторитетный, мудрый человек, оказывающий
огромное влияние на весь моральный и духовный облик людей, указывающий им верную
дорогу в жизни, труде, борьбе и творческих исканиях.
Я горжусь тем, что много наших выпускников прославляют нашу школу своим трудом.
Может быть, частичка и моего труда помогает им творить, проявлять героизм,
Баканова И. Ю, Береговая, Брюсова Н,Г и другие. Большой справочник для
поступающих в вузы. Дрофа, 2000.
Взгодина Е. В. Театральные уроки и внеклассные мероприятия на
английском языке.
Гудкова, Л. М. новый школьный русско-английский, англо - русский
тематический словарь. Издательство «Астрель», 2005.
Дидактические материалы. Учимся и играем на уроках английского языка.
Москва, 2003.
Иванова Л. М, Старостина Н.М. Учись проявлять инициативу в речи.
Учебное пособие. Часть I./Под ред. Канд.фил.наук, доцента Т. Д.
Шуверовой/ – Чебоксары, ЧГПУ, 1999.
Учебники Happy English.ru для 5-6-х классов под редакцией Кауфман.
Учебник Happy English для 5-6 классов под редакцией Т. Б. Клементьевой ,
Б . Монк
Т. Б. Клементьева Книга для чтения к учебному пособию Счастливый
английский-2. Титул, 2001.
Н. Л. Утевская.
Дополнительные материалы по теме « Люди и
профессии» Журнал
« Иностранные языки в школе» №№2,3 , 1995.
Стихотворения взяты из Интернета