Health Notes - Week of 11/30/15

Chapter 20, Lesson 1
Health Risks of Tobacco
Journal – What are some of the harmful effects of tobacco that you have witnessed? Explain using
The chemicals in all tobacco products harm the body.
All forms of tobacco contain chemicals that are dangerous for your health.
*Tobacco is the LEADING cause of preventable death and disability in the United States*
It is easier to avoid tobacco than to quit later.
Addictive drug – a substance that causes physiological or psychological dependence
Nicotine – an addictive drug found in tobacco leaves – it is a stimulant that raises blood pressure and
increases the heart rate
Stimulant – a drug that increases the action of the central nervous system, the heart, and other organs
Tobacco is an addictive and toxic drug as well as a carcinogen.
Carcinogen – a cancer causing substance
Tobacco smoke contains tar.
Tar – a thick, sticky, dark fluid produced when tobacco burns
Tar damages a smoker’s respiratory system by:
 Paralyzing and destroying cilia
 Destroying alveoli
 Damaging lung tissues
Carbon monoxide is also in cigarette smoke. It deprives the body’s tissues and cells of oxygen.
Carbon monoxide – a colorless, odorless, and poisonous gas
No tobacco product is safe to use.
The harmful chemicals in smokeless tobacco are absorbed into the body at levels up to three times the
amount of a single cigarette.
Smokeless tobacco – tobacco that is sniffed through the nose, held in the mouth, or chewed
Using smokeless tobacco also irritates the sensitive tissues of the mouth, leading to leukoplakia
Leukoplakia – thicken, white, leathery-looking spots on the inside of the mouth that can develop into
mouth cancer
Tobacco use causes both short and long term damages to the body.
Short-Term Effects of Tobacco
 Brain chemistry changes
 Respiration and heart rate increases
 Taste buds dull & appetite is reduced
 Bad breath, yellows teeth, & smelly hair, skin, & clothes
Long-Term Effects of Tobacco
 Chronic bronchitis
 Emphysema
 Lung cancer
 Coronary heart disease & stroke
 Weakened immune system
As well as health risks, tobacco use is costly.
Cost of Tobacco Use
 Cost to Society – tobacco related illnesses cost the U.S. about $167 billion per year
 Cost to Individuals – smoking a pack per day can cost over $3500 annually
 Legal Consequences – selling tobacco to minors is illegal; possession of tobacco products on
school grounds can lead to suspension or expulsion
Chapter 21, Lesson 1
The Health Risks of Alcohol
Journal – what effects have you seen in people who have been drinking alcohol? Explain using R.A.C.E.
Alcohol use can harm the body and the brain & cause a person to make poor decisions.
Alcohol is an addictive drug. Using alcohol during teen years can affect brain development.
Ethanol – the type of alcohol in alcoholic beverages – can be produced synthetically or naturally through
fermentation of fruits, vegetables, and grains
Fermentation – chemical action of yeast on sugars
Alcohol impairs the central nervous system by:
 Slowing reaction time
 Impairing vision
 Diminishing judgement
Alcohol is a depressant.
Depressant – a drug that slows the central nervous system
The amount of alcohol that causes intoxication varies from person to person.
Intoxication – stat in which the body is poisoned by alcohol or another substance, & the person’s
physical & mental control is significantly diminished
Effects of Alcohol to the Body Systems:
 Brain – development – pathways & connections necessary for learning may be permanently
damaged – memory – thought processes are disorganized and memory & concentration are
dulled – judgement & control – judgment is altered & coordination is impaired; movement,
speech, and vision may be affected – risk of stroke – alcohol increases the risk of stroke in young
 Cardiovascular – heart – small amounts of alcohol can increase the heart rate & blood pressure;
high levels of alcohol have the opposite effect, decreasing heart rates & blood pressure; heart
rhythm become irregular & body temperature drops
 Digestive – stomach – alcohol increases stomach acid production & can cause nausea and
 Liver – toxic chemical are released as the liver metabolizes alcohol causing inflammation and
scarring the liver tissue
 Kidney – alcohol causes the kidneys to increase urine output, which can leads to dehydration
 Pancreas – consuming large amounts of alcohol quickly can cause pancreatitis, which is
accompanied by acute & severe pain
Factors that Influence Alcohol’s Effects
 Body Size – a smaller person will feel the effects of the same amount of alcohol faster than a
larger person
 Gender – alcohol generally moves into the bloodstream faster in females
 Food – food in the stomach slows down the passage of alcohol into the bloodstream
 Rate of Intake – if a person drinks alcohol faster than the liver can break it down, the person will
become intoxicated
 Amount – as the amount of alcohol consumed increases, the level of alcohol in the bloodstream
 Medicine – alcohol can interfere with the effects of medicines & medicines can heighten the
effects of alcohol
Alcohol can have negative effects on a person’s physical, mental/emotional, and social health.
Excessive alcohol use over a long period of time can damage the brain, the cardiovascular system, the
digestive system, and the pancreas.
Consuming large amounts of alcohol over a short period of time can be fatal!!!
Binge Drinking – drinking five or more alcoholic beverages in one sitting
Alcohol Poisoning – a severe and potentially fatal reaction to an alcohol overdose
Symptoms of Alcohol Poisoning
 Low body temperature
 Mental confusion or stupor
 Coma or an ability to be roused
 Vomiting & seizures
 Slow respiration
 Irregular heartrate
Chapter 22, Lesson 1
The Health Risks of Drug Use
Journal – What do you think are some of the health risks of drug misuse and substance abuse? Explain
using R.A.C.E.
Drug misuse and substance abuse are life threatening behaviors.
Substance abuse includes the use of illegal substances, as well as the misuse of legal substances.
Medicines can be used accidentally used in an improper way or intentionally misused.
Substance abuse includes the overuse, or multiple use of a drug, use of an illegal drug, or use of a drug
with alcohol.
Substance Abuse – any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for nonmedical purposes; it
 Overuse of a drug
 Multiple use of a drug
 Use of an illegal drug
 Use of a drug with alcohol
Illegal Drugs – chemical substances that people pf any age may not lawfully manufacture, possess, buy,
or sell
Illicit drugs include the sale of prescription drugs to those for whom the drugs are not intended.
Illicit Drug Use – the use or sale of any substance that is illegal or otherwise not permitted
Factors that Influence Teens:
 Peer pressure
 Family members
 Role models
 Media messages
 Perceptions of drug behaviors
 Misleading information
Illegal drug use can lead to death. Substance abuse is the leading cause of crime, suicide, and intentional
Abusing drugs put you at risk of an overdose or of contracting infectious diseases, such as hepatitis B &
Overdose – a strong sometimes fatal reaction to taking a large amount of a drug
People who abuse drugs can develop a tolerance; which is a condition where the body becomes
accustomed to a drug & causes the user to experience a need for more & more of the drug for the
desired effect.
Psychological Dependence – believing that a drug is needed to feel good or to function normally
Physiological Dependence – developing a chemical need for a drug & experiencing symptoms of
withdrawal when the effects of the drugs where off
A person with an addiction is someone who requires persistent, compulsive use of a substance known
by the user to be harmful.
Addiction – a physiological or psychological dependence on a drug
Drug use leads to changes in thinking and lowering inhibitions.
Drug use can create problems that affect a user’s social, physical, and mental/emotional health.
Teens Using Illegal Drugs May:
 Stop pursuing interests or goals
 Be depressed
 Engage in dangerous behaviors
 Be at risk for suicide
 Be involved in violence or crime
 Act recklessly
 Be arrested